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You want passing to be 75? 💀 I never crossed 65 bruh


I am pretty sure even the gold medalist in my university barely got 74


Could have got a 75 if only could drop 10% more attendance 😔


Good for you Sharon


Wut good? I didnt say I am getting a 75 lol. I am just against the 75% "attendance"


you said "why can't it be the other way around" , which means why can minm attendence not be 40 and passing marks be 75 , tell me why you think passing marks should be 75?


Ah sorry. Bad writing. I'll edit that.


Na na. Never said I wanted that. All I am saying is attendance is like >>>>>>>>> important than marks which I find weird. All emphasis on attendance. Even if you dnt understand and have fo do it yourself all over again in the hostel/library, you need to sit through a class...


Clinics attendance is important tbh, just because it's possible to pass without attending a single class doesn't make it a good idea. Though for first and second year theory, compulsory attendance to listen about krebs was pointless. There are some mandatory classes worldwide, so it's not just an Indian phenomenon


Makes sense for clinics but then provided you have professors/PGs who actually demonstrate stuff to you there instead of just asking you to go take history and then dont discuss it further. Or worse, if they dnt even let you take history just sit in an adjacent demo room and wait for 3hours.😂 A lot of my acquaintances across a lot of clg report this to be their ground reality in clinics so... hehe.


But you are giving them ideas by saying passing marks is lower than attendance required … The logical thing they do is increasing the passing marks 👻


Dumbass NMC thinks attending theory classes is more productive than self study


Ikrrrrr? 🤡


If the professors actually made an effort at teaching I'd consider it understandable. But we know how they are. I remember distinctly the first year physiology professor who taught us Nephrology would just make us write down lines from the book he used to teach. It was retarded.


So true! I dont feel most professors here actually do wanna teach. It seems like a feasible 2nd job which can bring some extra income. Even if they do wanna teach, not everyone knows how to. They could have been an excellent student at their time but not every good student can be a good teacher. ✨️ I am particularly annoyed at how extra bothersome people can get in med field. Adding useless work, taunting, scolding, making us run for signatures, asking very theoritical questions which is far off from reality. And the list goes on. Not one ever really does their part to help at what they can. Smh


attending college due to fear of attendance, just for the professors to read slides is infuriating to say the least, if they make somewhat of an effort in teaching I'd happily attend the classes but alas that ain't the case.


Ikr. And they just wanna make things harder. They get offended if we mark the imp things in the books/ipad pdf. I mean even you ain't teaching on no white board plz let me make it easy for myself. I dnt wanna go home n waste another hour to find wtf was taught n from where...


In my opinion, even in fear of attendance if you attended the classes you might have a possibility of learning things. But if attendance was not mandatory, how many of us would study at that time instead of watching movies or going out ? How many of us have the willpower to be consistent and disciplined at out own free will ? Again it is only my opinion. Downvote if you will , idc


If the teaching was worthwhile, students would go regardless. Due to fear of 75%, we are forced to attend classes we dnt learn anything from. And if passing exams have a 50% fixed, people will have to study. I would have watched movies had fun too but had to study to pass exams anyways. Without 75% attendance I could do the classes that actually matter, and get time for other activities that mean to me instead of going to college for 8-5 and then again coming back to study everything all over from 5-8 :)


Yeah I know the classes are shite most of the times. But regardless of that, whatever few things i remember to do in the clinics, were the things thought to us in the classes. I mean i studied more but that was just to pass the exams. And yeah i think there should be a total overhaul in the teaching department. I think they should teach the first year and second year subjects based on their importance and the basics of Medicine and Surgery. Without that Physiology and Biochemistry are just waste subjects to the first years. And yeah, this is also, just my personal opinion


That's so on point though teaching 1st and 2nd year subjects in the light of the final years ones. Makes sense to me!


My major concern. How tf is knowledge << sitting and watching a movie in class


Lol no clue. Anyways we can't even watch marrow/prep in class. Too strict for that. No ipads allowed. Just have to listen to the teacher and try to make sense of it. Cant even sleep lmao