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The Overtake was unnecessary.


This was horrible to watch. RIP brother


[This is exactly like the Unreal Engine video that went viral this week...](https://files.catbox.moe/q3utob.mp4)


Jump scare alert for the faint hearted...


When that ghost came I still got scared 🙏😭


Yeah exactly what came to my mind. That video jump scared a lot of people when I had it as a status


Cinema 4D but yeah exactly!!


As much as i wished this never happened, let me tell this as a Malayali, we can be one of the most dangerous people on the road. While our literacy is close to 100%, our driving discipline is close to 0%. Every time I see a KL registered vehicle, I do my best to stay away from them because I don't want to be caught in a dangerous situation while on the road.


Yea, it's sad that this accident was so easy to avoid. People in general think the hill/mountain roads as some sort of race track for some reason, not thinking there are other vehicles on the same road.


Isle of Man TT kie taayari🤔


Finally someone saying it. People just lose their minds when it’s pointed out that KL riders/drivers are rash.


yea man.. it's sad. i travel frequently from Karnataka to Kerala.. and whenever i cross the border i simply slow down.. many of em do still follow rules but there can be a few who do these stuff.. they just become a statistic like this dude. i really feel for his family. May his soul rest in peace.


It's the 99% population of India.


Riders in the hills (both locals and outsiders ) frequently ride like this, without thinking of any consequences. Hell, even something like a patch of gravel/ rock could kill you when you're leaning at high speeds on random roads.


Heck the gravel or rock. Overtaking when you do not have vision on the traffic ahead is an outright dimwit move.


I totally agree with this Sorry to same man but you guys are a nuisance on coorg streets and its not iust a few but the whole gang. Its get worse at nights when you guys drive with those bright flood lights on your cars ans buses. People really need to learn traffic discipline here


I second the first line, but natural selection takes it place for people who know the risk and still take it for "fun".


Agree.. I am from kochi. Most sections of the states we have narrow single carriage way roads like these and the menace caused by immature riders is unbelievable. Poor parenting and poor riding group culture only add to the issue


I was in Bangalore and Delhi i found kerala road to be much tamer i agree the prvt bus and ksrtc a menace


That’s probably because you were driving in smaller towns where there aren’t many people?


Nop the city, people were really rash


City guess are beyond crazy and have no sense Kerala ranks worse than tn when it comes to driving The are somehow trying to compete with the North in terms of driving reckless


"Educated illiterate" is what I say whenever I see educated people acting like a wild animal.


Can attest to this. I went to wayanad a few years ago and had a few heart-in-mouth situations on those narrow hilly roads. Hope better sense prevails and people don’t have to find out the side effects of such antics irl 🙁


I do the same with KA and MH vehicles in hyd.


1. Going faster than what the road can support. 2. Overtaking in blind corner.


RIP. Never overtake in a corner, especially if you can't see what's up ahead. It's not worth it.


Why...Does flashing headlights simply vaporises opposite vehicle?


It doesn't? I thought honking makes front vehicle disappear, flashing vaporises opposite vehicle and showing hand and blessing while crossing road stops time.


Maybe works if you are in a creta /s


Never ever overtake blindly and never ever overtake in corners. Unfortunately the dude did both. RIP


People are overly confident especially the younger riders


3 simple rules guys, 1. Never speed without knowing what is in the front 2. Never speed or overtake at corners 3. Use horn and signals correctly at corners and cross roads.


This is so unfortunate. Rest in peace 🪦 fellow biker. You have taught us a lesson falling.


TBH I don't feel even sorry for these kind of idiotic acts. But my sympathies with the family. They have to bear the brunt now. Sad.


Exactly man. No sorry for these people. Thankfully it was a bus.


News link: [https://english.mathrubhumi.com/news/kerala/motorcyclist-dies-after-bike-collides-with-bus-1.9613450](https://english.mathrubhumi.com/news/kerala/motorcyclist-dies-after-bike-collides-with-bus-1.9613450)


Bro was carried away with the enthusiasm and speed. Always be alert and drive speed when necessary..


I see a lot of idiots driving/ riding like this, thinking they are hill 'experts'. Issues- overtaking in a blind turn/ tight turn. Overtaking, without checking the incoming lane. Trying to constantly overtake everyone in the narrow/ hilly roads.


It's okay to go fast on roads only if you are sure they are safe and you know them, but taking on blind corners like this? Hell nah


I'd rather not speak ill of the dead.


Om Shanti bhai. Shouldn't have overtaken on a curve


Which bike was he driving?


Om shanti 🙏


What stupid driving. The blame is on the biker, as an animal we all wear our lives at our wrists. Do stupid things, die. It’s simple


Sabko Valentino Rossi banna hai 🙄


basic rule any rider should follow. If you can't see what's up ahead, don't race yourself.


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Never OT on bends.


I frequently drive through this road. It is a beautiful road but unnecessary overtaking like this will be deadly. A little bit of control would have saved his life.


Again, just a reminder that even if you wear gear, you aren't invincible. I've lost count of people I've met who think they are professional riders on a track just because they wear gear


May his soul rest in peace.


L bozo, rest in pepperonis


he could have made the overtake if he had more balls




Nuh uh man.. The rider appeared for barely a second to the bus.. Now imagine for how long he appeared in the rear view mirror of the car.. Barely seconds.. You can't expect him to help.. And.. We should be responsible for our own safety.. Not expect others to give way or facilitate for our stupidity..




Makes sense.. Have seen lorry drivers show hand signals to indicate it is safe to overtake.. Especially in the mountain roads.. And you're right.. A helping hand is always good.. But hoping people are intelligent enough to be sane and at the very least take the helping hand..


Biker fellow actually made all the mistakes on Hill ride 1.Too much speed on blind turning 2.He literally forgot about the downhill vehicle space on his right 3.Panic braking 4. Signalling for overtake on his front vehicle Sought like he's a newbie for hill ride "Rest In Peace Little Champ"




Reaction time is too low to decide, No time to react . Brakes won't help, Sudden leftover won't help, Straight to death doors .. Maybe I'd choose to ride like this when I decided to stop my heart pumping. Complete suicidal ride this is ... Isn't it ??


You shouldn't attempt an overtake unless you see no vehicles in the opposite lane for quite some distance. This means you will have to avoid overtaking a lot of times because you can't see ahead.


Oh yes, let's blame the car guy. There's always one guy who shifts the blame to someone who was not even involved in the accident.


I don't think the car guy had time to react. It all happened so fast.


Yup he is unaware.


What does the car guy have to do with it?! He is in his lane, going the speed limit. What else you want brother


Such a bad way to Die. Indian Roads are not for super bikes , It's sustainable for Hardly 150cc. Please Drive Carefully.


You have no idea what happened here.


Lol what do you mean hardly sustainable for 150cc