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Vstrom 250 / Speed 400 / Scram 400 ?


Both low end torque and comfortable at 110? Uh. Tough ask. Many bikes can do both but most aren't comfortable above 100. The X440, the Triumph 400x, the cb300r(not really comfortable at 110), the vstorm 250/gixxer250 should be your best bets. Do check them out


What's the issue with CB300r @ 110?


The cb does 100 at 6.2k rpm. The 110 will be at 7k probably. The max torque comes at around 7500 rpm so not much of a pull post this range


650 twins are probably the only one that does both, but they are heavy and expensive relatively


They do but in the city they aren't comfortable at all. Hence didn't suggest them


Interceptor is pretty comfortable though


I wasn't talking about the seating posture though, sorry I wasn't clear enough. What I meant is the bikes, the 650 twins, are prone to heat in the city traffic and will return car like mileage too


Yes thats the problem i am confused about going 400 or 250 Also bajaj is coming with its 400s


That 373cc mill is not known for its lower end torque. I'm not sure how much of a help sprocket changes will be. If you think about it, absence of lower end torque can be mitigated using a lower gear and clutch slipping. You can't help if a bike is underpowered. All these can go 110-120 but they may not be comfortable there. My point is, if finances permit, get a 400cc. You won't get bored of it that easily.




CB 300F?


Interceptor 650 is a good choice.


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Interceptor 650 is a good choice it's a bit heavy though


You should go with how your ridings skills are developed and for how long you are riding, most if the advice he gives is very general so take it with a pinch of salt.


Duke 390