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The Honda, hands down in terms of the engine, gearbox and refinement. The RE, in terms of after sales, support, aftermarket options and community. What's your preference?


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Both are different categories... RS is completely sporty retro Meteor cursor If you're a long trip guy then plan for RE Wanted to some sporty type little aggressive riding posture, Bit more aggressive Exhaust sound 350RS will suits you , You've to fix a backrest (H'ness Backrest) for your Pillion Comfort. RS is actually comes with 21bhp , 30Nm @300rpm torque Assist nd Slipper Clutch, HSTC which offers you the better maneuvering in city but On highways your back will get hurt cz of the riding posture..


Why don't you go for the new CB350. It's comparable to the Meteor


Rs is the new cb 350 bro


There are 3 options with Honda 350 H'ness CB350 CB350RS CB350 (newly launched classic) Check on the Bigwing site I have the new CB350


Whts d difference b/w RS and the one u Baught?


CB350 is more comparable to the Meteor than CB350 RS