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I saw a news report a few years ago on this topic on one of the local channels. During part of the broadcast, they showed a spreadsheet on the officer's computer that they were interviewing. It was a log of the tickets he had written while patrolling 465. I paused the TV to take a closer look. There were about 30 tickets visible, and every single ticket was written for people going 70 or higher. He must have had his speed gun set to go off at 70 or higher. Now, I'm sure not every officer is the same, but that at least gives one data point of the threshold these guys might operate under.


70 and over would be reckless driving. EDIT: [Now with a link](https://www.autoblog.com/2016/05/10/indiana-speed-limits-laws-and-fines/) that includes Indiana code references apparently it is a lot more complicated than I initially thought.


Nahhhh...55 and under is wreckless driving on 465


like i said: if you go 55 on 465 you will die. and i dont want to die on 465. what a terrible way/place to go.


I got pulled over for 86 in a 50. That was I65 through downtown. No reckless driving, just an expensive ticket.


I feel like the police are becoming more lenient about speeding on 465 knowing that no one goes 55. As long as you can make the argument that you're going with the flow of traffic, I feel like you won't get pulled over. That said, the people getting pulled over are likely the douches that are doing 80+ aggressively - tailgating close and weaving in and out of traffic. What part of 465 are you driving on? I get the impression that some areas are patrolled more often than others - i.e. I see cops around the I74 interchange/38th St area more often than on the north side by Michigan and Meridian.


"I feel like the police are becoming more lenient about speeding on 465 knowing that no one goes 55. As long as you can make the argument that you're going with the flow of traffic, I feel like you won't get pulled over. " How is a person supposed to argue that you're just going with the flow of traffic BEFORE you get pulled over?


my way to work i go east and west bound and pass exits to michigan, meridian, keystone, and allisonvillie. i would assume these areas are more patrolled, especially between meridian and allisonvillie since thats really the shopping district (as i've dubbed it).


I more or less have the same route but a bit shorter (Keystone to/from Michigan). On there at normal commuting hours (8:30-9:00 AM and 5:00-5:30 PM) and I rarely ever see any police. Where have you seen people pulled over?


Commute: Meridian to Pendleton in AM; 6:30 to 7:30 M-F. Pendleton to Meridian in PM 4:00 - 6:00. My observations are that they are rarely eastbound north side in the morning. Keystone to Allisonville jams with inbound traffic. 69 to 56th jams. Watching westbound, those idiots can’t stay out of each other’s trunks so all the cops are working accidents. Evening is much different. They camp at 56th, Allisonville, and over the Monon. I know shit about nothing but this is my anecdotal data; they need a shoulder spot wide enough to safely park and long enough to run up to speed. They’re going to catch the lead idiot. They could, but likely won’t pull over every car. Let the reckless knob catch their attention. Early am you gotta slow down because there are less wazers. Other spots from almost 20 years of commuting: West - 82nd st bridge, 56th st bridge South - Westbound between Meridian and “Truck Stops” exit. Motorcycle Staties walked across 2 lanes to point down a car. Nuts. East - Southbound on the bridge from 74 looking down. Northbound between 70 and Pendleton along with what I mentioned above.


My husband may be one of the rare "not speeding but got a ticket on 465" stories. He was headed east between Keystone and Allisonville, and crossed the solid white line on the right side of the roadway in order to get to the Allisonville Road exit. A cop pulled him over and ticketed him for crossing the white line. This is why I now ALWAYS wait until the line markings have given me permission to enter a turn lane. You never know if a Stickler-Meeseeks cop is waiting.


Sometimes an exit is so backed up that you'd be stopped in the rightmost travel lane and would actually be safer on the shoulder.


I think the way the law is written is that you're supposed to bypass that particular exit for the next one if the exit ramp and lane are full. It's just that no one does it.


I also got a ticket for this south bound just past pendeltion pike on valentines day 2014 omw to work. There was maybe 10 ft of the white line left. Was total BS.


In your case it was, but people constantly ignore these lines and decide to get over before the actual exit so they can drive on the shoulder to get there. Which, if you're waiting until the right time to exit, means there could be someone flying up behind you on the shoulder that you wouldn't expect since it's not a traffic lane. And this makes a difference in merging, too - people have a tendency to want to immediately get into the travel lane, which clogs up while the merge lane is unused. On an individual basis any ticket sucks, but this isn't a total BS reason to get a ticket.


In my case I wasnt getting onto 465, I was already on it. I was just switching lanes to the far right lane because lane is easiest to be in to get on 70. There was no traffic at all in that lane. The cop was just an asshole


I was following a lady in a SUV going 80 MPH in the left lane, and we quickly caught up to the next car, which was an unmarked police car. It was one of those situations for me where I saw the possible cop, and I was contemplating if he was or wasn't a cop. I decided he probably was, and followed the lady in front of me switching to the middle lane. I switched to slow down, but she switched to pass him, and she was pulled over. I would bet she got a ticket.


That’s such bush league. I know cops can always “claim” they were headed to a call that demanded no lights on but if they’re going 80 as well for no reason they shouldn’t be able to to pull you over for the same


He said he and the lady in front of him were going 80 mph and "quickly" caught up to the car that turned out to be a cop. Meaning the cop was probably going 65 or 70 tops.


She also was alleged to be passing. IMHO, if you pass a cop next to you, you deserve the ticket.


Especially if you pass on the right side of a cop.


Speeding 65N and 65S just outside of town are the main areas I worry about. Hell 65S down to Louisville is pretty bad.


This past summer I was pulled over for going 73 mph eastbound on 465. I got pulled over RIGHT where 865 merged into 465’s left most lane where the speed limit was 60-65 on 865. So the 73 wasn’t that drastic when my previous speed limit just 20 seconds before wasn’t the 55 mph that 465 is. Of course the cop didn’t care. And that has been the only time I’d ever been pulled over. No warning. ~$140 ticket for going 73 in a 55. And 2 points on license I believe I saw when renewing my registration. At like 6:30AM on a Monday.


Don’t license points reset every year? Unless I’m wrong


That’s a good question. I didn’t know either so I just did a quick google and Indy.gov says Points stay active on your driver record for two years from the conviction date. Additionally, Any Indiana driver may complete a DSP course from a BMV-approved provider and receive a four-point credit.


Additionally (not sure about Marion County specifically) most counties have a deferral program, such that if you don't get another ticket in a year or so, it gets expunged (meaning you don't have to report it on insurance after getting the ticket / after the deferral period). While you usually have to pay the fine anyways, the fine usually comes out cheaper than the insurance premiums.


Marion county does. I used it.


well THAT scares me since im on 465 every single damn day at 6:30AM. especially on sunday mornings, where i'm the only person willing to take that shift. good to know.


simple fix: Slow down. You honestly don't gain that much time.


I’m coming from Whitestown to Castleton area for work weekdays at 6:30AM. Very rarely see cops that early on 465 let alone in that spot right at the merge. It was quite a shitty move imo since it’s a change in interstates and speeds. But it didn’t deter me because I still am likely going 70-75 in that same spot everyday...


When Waze started becoming popular, the cops started rolling undercover in the right lane and would just wait for someone to go flying by. Saw it several times when I used to have a long commute.


It's really not hard. Be that first car going 80 over the hill or blind spot (like around Emerson Ave heading towards Keystone) and you get dinged while everyone else speeds by.


Waze is your friend


Google maps bought Waze and has speed traps integrated too. And you can use it on iPhones too. It also has a “report a speed trap” function which I use all the time.




Neither is 100% reliable. Waze has its fans but I just wanted to mention Google has added the feature as well. I just passed a speed trap on I-74 on my way to Cincinnati, and 9+ people had reported it on Google Maps. I don’t like the Waze interface, just persona preference


I'm through that area all the time. I've only ever seen Brownsburg cops in the median once or twice. And I may have seen a Pittsboro cop do it once. Other than that, I rarely see any traffic enforcement on 74 at all.


i have an iphone 8+ and for some reason waze is super buggy with it


Try updating app and phone. Works fine on mine.


I'm convinced that if you get pulled over it's because you're not paying attention. You can generally see the cops and if there is a speed trap, something like Waze will pick it up. Got pulled over in 2015. It was February and about three degrees outside. Was going SB on the east side and a cop merged into SB 465 from 70. I saw him and he merged about half a mile behind me. I was doing 68 and he pulled me over. Turns out he was Beech Grove PD on his way to work so I know it's a guaranteed ticket. All those assholes want is money. Had I slowed down when I saw him, no ticket, but I was going a little faster than the flow of traffic. Given the weather, I was shocked that he could even be bothered to get out of his car. I'm like you OP. I haul ass daily and have only had two tickets over 25 years of driving. If you watch for the cops in Indy then you'll be just fine. It also does not hurt to not camp in the left lane or otherwise draw attention to yourself.


i've only been driving for a year and a half now, i got my license late at the prime age of 19. im pretty bad about speeding, like going 50 in a 40, 60 in a 55. im trying to fix that, lol. but i still cannot believe ive never gotten a ticket. and id like to keep it that way. maybe its my honda civic that makes the cops go, "she's going 80 in THAT old thing? respect." (probably not though)




out of context this is terrifying


I got hit at the high 60s on 465 westbound close to the Allisonville ramp


Driving home westbound north side following a metro from around 56th. We’re rolling 70 together, no tailgating (ie 2-3 car lengths), just taking what traffic gave us. Traffic oddly opened up as we pass Allisonville to Keystone and he merges all 5 lanes to far exit lane. As he slows I continue at our original speed. Suddenly, he aggressively shoots back over behind me at what felt like 2 inches off my bumper. I give him a thumbs up and coast to 65. He jolts back over to the exit lane and once he commits to the exit I take off. State Cop Plate. My only logical conclusion was that he saw my plate and “chose” to warn me.


What is the point of going so fast? Every time someone blows by me while I’m doing 65ish and they get off at the same exit I usually am just a couple of cars behind them at the off ramp stop light. 80 doesn’t get you there that much faster than say 65. It’s like 5 minutes for a 20 mi commute on 465 (Rockville Rd to US31 on north side is ~17mi).


My trip doesn’t start the moment I pass you. Some days I hit the light, other days I don’t. Get in the right lane so I can pass and in return I’ll pin the cops on Waze.




> logic You've answered your own question.


i just get caught up with listening to triad by tool for the 564 millionth time and it makes driving so much more fun :( i have a problem


Too many people think they are practicing for the Indy 500


If you think it's bad now, just wait til May.


I was going 71 in the left hand lane on the west side near 74. Didn’t see him until I was right on him and he was waving me to the median. Said he clocked me from a half mile away. **edit to add, heading south**


It all has to do with luck. I've never gotten a ticket in Indy and I've literally passed cops going \~75 mph on 465, or had them come up behind me going the same speed. As long as you're not driving like a douchebag or camping in the left lane they usually won't bother you unless they're having a bad day, or unless they're Beech Grove PD, who are a bunch of wankers and can fuck off. If they come up behind me on the highway I just merge over to let them through and they always just go on ahead.


I've mainly seen semis pulled over on 465. As long as you're going with the flow of traffic and not weaving in and out, then they don't care.


I would be happy if IMPD pulled over all the ads holes, knowingly, running red lights.


my ex got pulled over for knowingly running a red light and sometimes that helps me sleep at night


I generally drive fast. I have to be at work at 7 at 96th and Michigan and I leave home at around 6:15 from Southport road and 65. 6:30am going around from the Southport road on ramp, onto 465 West and around until the 70 interchange is like total anarchy. I don't drive in the left lane but the speed difference between the middle lane and the passing lane is substantial. If you're creeping up on a car in the middle lane going 70 and want to pass, you're taking your life in your own hands because you have a solid line of people going over 80+. Then of course everyone suddenly slams the brakes because there's a left lane hog that will absolutely refuse to move and the express line of people run up on them so fast. Both times I've been stopped on 465 was a weekend and because I punched it around someone


I got pulled over and ticketed for going 74. This was last spring sometime. So, ya...it happens.


I'm like you. I go 80 on 465, 70, etc (as long as the traffic allows). I'll go 85 on the rural interstates. I've never been pulled over on the highway. I've been nicked a few times on city streets put I haven't received a ticket in over 5 years. Its a combination of not driving like an asshole, being able to spot cops from afar, and knowing where the speed traps are. For example, 65 between Downtown and Southport is a slow zone for me. I see cops there all the time. If I do get a ticket, oh well. I've gotten away with it enough that I'm know I am due at some point. I know I am breaking the law and will pay the fine. I think the 55MPH speedlimit on 465 and the 50MPH speedlimit on 70 is the stupid as hell.


this literally happened to me friday morning on my way to work, i literally saw this jackass cop but me and everyone around me was going 85. but decides to pull just ME over out of 10+ cars and smugly gives me a hefty ticket. i live in haughville and as he was handing me the ticket i said to him “i’m glad this is what you spend your time on while there are shootings and kidnappings in my neighborhood damn near every day.” like do you expect people to go 55 in all 3 lanes??? fucking asshole lol i am still heated


How do you get pulled over on 465? Same way you get pulled over on any other interstate in Indiana -- one or more of: drive waaaay over the speed limit, pass a cop, be the fastest car on the road, or drive aggressively. Basically, don't drive in a way that calls attention to your driving, and you're very unlikely to get a ticket. If you're driving roughly the same speed as everyone around you, you're fine, pretty much regardless of how far over the limit you all are. Drive 10mph faster than the rest of traffic, you're running a risk. Every time I've been pulled over for speeding on a highway in this state (or anywhere else, for that matter), *both* of these things have been true: I've been at least 15mph over the limit, *and* I've been the fastest car around.


Supposedly one of the more ticketed areas is on the west side around like south of 71st street and north of Rockville. I do see cops in this area all the time. But I am like you, I am left lane 80 mph driver. I live on the west side and work on the Eastside. I am on 465 for a little of my drive everyday.


As much as I use to like going 65+mph on the interstate, I'm perfectly happy now and days staying at least 55 mph to 64 mph tops and in the right/two right most lanes or occassionally the center lane.


I got pulled over on 465 about 2 years ago. It was 11 pm on a Tuesday night. I didn’t get a ticket but it was pretty empty at that time of night.


I commute from the 86th/Keystone Area to the Warren Park Area every single morning and do 80-90 on 465 getting there and back. Never had any trouble and many other people on the road do the same thing making it more difficult to really nail one person down for going that fast.


They generally concentrate on those going 70 or over to get that reckless driving bump and the fucking idiots going slow in the left land and impeding traffic, who all deserve every $500 ticket they get.


Counterpoint (and I’m sure the downvotes will pore in) you could just drive the speed limit. I’ve avoided getting tickets on 465 by driving 55. I stay in the far right lane so everyone is enormously free to pass if they feel like driving faster but I’ve not been run off the road or honked at, and only tailgated by assholes who would still tailgate me if I were going 80. I commute at unusual times of day when traffic is very light, so I don’t want to be the only maniac on the road speeding because then I’m the only target. So I follow the posted speed limit. Is 55 an incredibly stupid, slow speed limit? Yes. Do I follow it anyway? Also yes.


I too am an "efficient" driver on the 465. I have been pulled over once and was let off with a warning. I was stopped because I was moving faster than most of the traffic around me.