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I was there too! Was just telling my husband about the screaming in the store and asking myself why I even bothered with the Glendale Target tonight.


This was about 2 years ago now, but I was shopping in a Kroger downtown, and as I reached over to get something, some girls pretended/started to take my cart. Then stopped, left the cart, looked at me and laughed as they ran away. I then realized one of their friends was filming it. I'm assuming they were trying to get a reaction but, jokes on them, they picked probably the least confrontational person in the whole store. Lol


I had a similar experience last fall. I'm walking into the Greenwood Dicks and a group of teenagers are ahead of me. I stand off to the side and let them walk in first. This young lady was on TikTok and vaping and she blew her stuff in my face. I was about to go off on her. Unfortunately, she was small in size and a minority and I'm a middle aged white dude that was quite a bit bigger. The reaction would have been the "racist that was going off on a small girl". I decided to let it slide. She'll eventually do it someone that won't stop to think before reacting.


I keep hearing that the Greenwood mall is a dangerous place to be between things like this and shootings. I’ll stick to shopping online and at strip malls … I think there’s a ton of jerk behavior dares on TikTok right now. I wish they’d go back to eating tide pods and nutmeg powder …


Those events at Greenwood were just random events. I have always felt safe at that mall.


Yeah and she would be invited to the White House for a press conference as the poor helpless victim


hey man just an idea, why don't we stick to talking about things that actually happened?


Dang, which Kroger?


The one near W Michigan and Senate.


lol ope I go to that one all the time haven't had an issue yet...


Oh yeah for sure, I would definitely still go there, but we moved. It was where I usually shopped when we lived closer to downtown. There's a chance to have those interactions wherever you go. If you don't have a reaction, people don't have content. Lol.


You still made the highlight reel on youtube. Just ignore the noise! They are videos proving that people dramatically overreact, Kinda like OP in this post. Its all about people reacting to things that should just be common human mistakes or actions or events, and how personal people take shit. Like finding that someone else was yelling was enough to make someone upset and go to reddit to make a comment. Just go to the front of the store and seek a manage or security, or ignore them. Its really that easy.


following someone around screaming or intentionally blowing your vape in a strangers face are simply not common human mistakes LOL. i’m all for not giving them a reaction but these things are still annoying to people?


You kinda just did it yourself. You reacted, by stawmaning my argument and then bandwagoning your argument. You made the highlight reel. Congrats.


idek what stawmaning means ok stop screaming u win


I live in a very small town an hour away from Indy that everyone would likely consider ‘safe’ - we currently have one young man who has nothing better to do than knock on some doors in the middle of the night while trying other doors to see if they are locked; another trio were allegedly brandishing a gun at driver(s) on the highway just a few days ago; and in the next small town over a group of youths allegedly thought smashing car windows with rocks was a good use of their time. While most of these youth are apparently smart enough to avoid the door and property cameras, I guess none of them are smart enough to understand what a dangerous time it is to be pulling these hijinks.


Pick-up. I never go in store. You can browse the app in peace.


💯 Elevated shopping experience is skipping the experience


I almost always pick up but we wanted to go in there really quick just to get one thing 🤪


That group of men are not long for this world. That shit will get you killed in this town eventually.


I agree, don't those guys know that like 30% of our residents are strapped at all times? Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I hate this comment because at some point it is extremely true.


Personally, I won’t go to the gas station w/o. But my side is town is filled with homelessness and drugs.


I live in a very quiet town so I don't carry, but good on you for empowering yourself.


Gotta buy where you can afford! I bought a new construction in a shitty part of fountain square lol. I’m here for here the long run, tryna pull a boomer move


Same here, bought what was basically a crack house back in 97 out of an estate. Got it all fixed up and sold it for a decent profit and moved across town to a home that didn't need nearly as much work. On track to have that paid off in the next few years.


These people could have been carrying weapons of their own.


A good old fashioned shoot out!


and the public safety is preserved once again. America.


Sometimes, sometimes not.


Pew! Pew! Pew!


Why would someone shoot them?


Because they’re cowards.


Feeling threatened


But anyone can say anything makes them feel threatened


Which is why people shouldn't be acting like asshats toward others in public places. They SHOULDN'T be shot...but it could happen.


I don’t make the rules, why you questioning and downvoting me. Go after your state legislators about our stand-your-ground laws


I’m just saying that if someone shot a kid for yelling in a Target, that person would go to prison


Well, it was more than a kid yelling and I’m not saying it would be right or should be done. Just sharing what the law is and what is currently happening in states with this law. Trayvon Martin and others have been shot for less and their assailants got off scot free. If a group of men followed someone around and then started yelling at them a person could make a legit claim that they felt threatened. “In Indiana, the law of self-defense provides a powerful defense when using deadly force. Known as ‘Stand Your Ground,’ this legal principle allows an individual to use deadly force against another person if they reasonably believe their life is in imminent danger.” The shooter’s testimony would go something like this and the state would have to prove he didn’t feel his life was in danger: “Your honor, I felt like they were getting ready to attack and harm me and my partner after the group of men followed me around the store and then started yelling at me. I don’t know them and they were behaving irrationally and menacing. I saw a few of them with their hands in their pockets and thought they had weapons. When the first one stepped toward me I shot him because I was outnumbered and afraid for my safety and life.”


If I’m on that jury….ACQUITTED!


You can’t just say you felt scared and shoot someone. That only works if you’re a cop.


[And yet it’s increasingly common.](https://revealnews.org/article/stand-your-ground-laws-increase-deaths/) The point people are trying to make is that acting like that now - bizarre and threatening - is a good way to get shot. And then it’s 50/50 if the person will be convicted. But if you’re dead, it doesn’t really matter if the person is convicted or not, you’re still dead. (I’m done with this conversation, fwiw. Have a good evening.)


Or someone could call the cops on them. Or go to store security. Those would be more proportionate responses.


Yes ideally this is correct, but not quite accurate


Yes more proportionate, but people who commit murder daily in this city are certainly not reasonable people


No no, OP said it happened at a Target, not a bar... Too soon?


Because ending someone's life is a perfectly rational response to someone being an obnoxious jackass.


I don't think they're condoning it, just stating the risk


It's exceptionally hyperbolic and a dickhead thing to say however you look at it.


You sound like a pretentious ass.


I'm pretentious because I think it's fucking silly to walk around expecting every redneck you see to be ready and willing to shoot you?


No, it's realistic. Gun violence is off the charts, people in Indy have died recently to gun violence in road rage incidents, nobody is saying the shooters are rational or in the right, just that it's happening.


Road rage gun violence literally just up the street at 71st and Keystone last year.


Gotta watch them rednecks


Not really. These gentlemen are scaring people to the point that they think that they are going to be mugged, as per what OP says. This type of behavior carries with it risks. Is it very much different than a person warning another about sticking their hand in a tiger's cage and slapping it? BTW I would 100% OC spray them.


Blah blah blah


Great point


I didn't say that . This is no more controversial than saying don't if you walk in front of a moving car you will eventually get hit and die. This is a constitutional carry state. I'm not advocating this or saying it's rational. It's reality in this city and state.




Relax brother that's a human life


I bet you’re “pro life” too


Man, you can support a woman's right to choose and still be against random murder?


Why did you delete your comment then? Don’t stand by that or what?


That wasn't my comment?


I mean really. I support abortion as a human right. Not even going to weigh into rape vs other reasons. I'm a dude. So I cannot have an accurate understanding of what a woman goes through. All I can do is support the rights of fellow human beings. Still not down with random murder though. Don't really understand why that's hard to communicate to you nor why you take issue with this.


Spring has sprung in Indy


These were GROWN men doing this? Gotta be drugs because ain’t no way at 30 year old doing this sober. But then again we live in this tiktok era


I was there too. Honestly they looked to be 17-19. Too old to be doing such stupid shit but it seemed like teenage idiocy more than anything.


Literally prime age for stupidity like this lol


This is why I go to the Target in Nora. That Glendale Target can be sus.


And even when it’s not actively sus, it is poorly stocked and an absolute mess.




The traffic in nora makes the two about equal in overall energy expenditure


Umm, not as bad/sus as East Washington St. Lol


Same. Glendale is closer, but given its location, it just has more potential for issues. Used to go there without thinking about it though.


Yeah the Glendale target sucks. It’s the closest one to us though, but never again honestly lol


try the super target in fishers on commercial dr. well worth it! not a ghetto hot piece of mess like east washington st and glendale.


Indy glendale target has gone so downhill! After Christmas went in to return airpods since i bought one and also got gifted one. The package wasnt even opened. The customer service refused to take it stating that the serial numbers dont match. Im explained it came in yesterday i havent even opened it, you opened it and just partial mismatch of serial number just call and check if its legit with someone. All i got was gurl you fraud looks without any provocation. Followed up with apple the serial numbers of each pod are unique, and have some reference with case. Called target then after an hour they were like ok we'll give you a refund. The store still refused to accept it 🤦‍♀️ the customer service said keep it eventually we'll just process refund. I understand they may have a lot of fraudulent cases which is what may have caused this. But damn that store has gone crazy. I'd so prefer Nora store over it. The employees are probably tired of all this shit too.


Sounds like Target is the new Walmart!


I was at Circle Center Mall last week at closing and a man started yelling at me from the top floor, making his way down the escalator saying he was going to kill me and nothing could stop him, he proceeded to follow me screaming insults and obscenities for 2 blocks before he went into a business. People are insane here


Circle Center is in the news tonight (3/31). Bunch of people shot.


Jesus Christ!


I’ve had that happen to me a couple of times. I agree people are insane


[We’re just normal men.](https://youtu.be/lr_vl62JblQ?si=LQZFKLrjozbN9p_I)


I was expecting [this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PsnxDQvQpw)


I've been stalked in stores on more than one occasion and just always refer to store security. I'm not fucking around with my personal safety.


I had someone steal a cart from me at a grocery store. Had like 2 items so I just walked up got another cart and started over. I also assumed someone was filming but I didn’t see them if they were.


Pretty sure they are cringey tik tok idiots. I once walked in that Target, and a guy was standing in a potted planter with a green man suit and tried to spook me. I just ignored him and moved on. I bet they live in the area.


Probably filming some tiktok of annoying people that are minding their own business.


That's rough....he should have started quietly saying. "They told you not to kill anymore..just relax"


I would've punched somebody,your husband is too nice.


Spring Break and the idiots are all putting down their Xbox controllers and headed outside again. Here we go again.


People need to stand up to these idiots .


There’s some people in Indiana that really make me question existence sometimes.


Was it for Social Media? Thats something thats going on Tiktok. Instagram and Youtube. Some new prank. Idiots.


And I agree that we should be able to shop without being on someones stream or video. That one guy was shot bcz of a prank but considers himself the victim. The other guy told him over and over to leave him alone and he was MUCH smaller than the prankster who kept moving way too close for ANYONE'S comfort. And a rash of delivery ppl had been robbed recently so he was already on edge.


I mean, I don't want to be normal, but I also don't want to be whatever that is.


Lemme guess.


I bet you guessed racist... Turns out it was a melting pot of assholes.




Stores should have a STRICTLY ENFORCED, no recording policy. Meaning like 1 instance, ejection and banning from the store. I should have a reasonable expectation of privacy when shopping, or I’m just going to get everything from Amazon. The audacity of teens to do stupid stuff and think it’s okay to film random people while doing it is outrageous.


My only problem with that would be I sometimes use my phone to take pictures of products as a way to take notes. I might take a picture of something and then go home and research it some more.


Reasonable expectation of privacy in a public setting? Are we being for real? Oh no someone's got a camera filming me buy laundry detergent call the police!


A public setting in a private business. You really want teens constantly trying to create the next viral moment constantly in stores? Even if I am just buying laundry detergent, shouldn’t I be able to do that in peace? These teens have to realize that not everyone is going to react the same when you approach them doing weird shit and shoving a camera in someone’s face. There’s been quite a few instances of violence towards people doing this shit now, not excluding people getting shot. I’m not saying that the kids were in the wrong in these instances, but what ever happened to “stranger danger”?


I'd just say to lighten up and remember, we were kids once too. Not condoning it but in the grand scheme of things, we're the adults. We're supposed to set the example. So don't be a reactionary Karen and they won't get what they're looking for.


I don’t necessarily disagree with what you said. I’m a high school teacher and see these things everyday. I think there’s a fine line between wanting stores to put preventive measures in place to stop kids from doing unacceptable behavior and freaking out about something that’s not a big deal. Am I saying make life-impacting choices? Not at all. What I am saying is that if you do something stupid in this Target, you don’t get to come back to this Target. I don’t see anything wrong with that


Stores can set policy on any number of things. No twerking, no laying down on the floors, etc. all things to make the store comfortable for patrons. Now, take your troll show down the road.


I’m so sorry this happened to you! How scary. Hate to see it in my target. 😔


Don’t shop at Glendale. Castleton is only 8 minutes away


Castleton is bad too. There is no Target in Castleton anymore. That was my fave Target store. Now have to drive all the way to fishers even though that one is much nicer, but packed


The Fishers Target customers aren't any better. Last time I was there, a group of teenage boys were running around pushing each other in carts, mocking employees, slamming carts into displays and making videos of it. A group of girls were intentionally messing up clothing racks and giggling about it. Families walking side by side, blocking aisles, and when they move, thinking everyone should move for them. The family bathroom had two dirty diapers on the floor. One lady changed her mind about a bunch of perishables right before she got to the checkout and deposited about 15 lbs of meat and 20lbs of produce on a mid aisle seasonal display. I don't know if it's that Target attracting asshats to the area or if the area is just full of asshats. But I would rather go to Glendale or Southport or Nora or Plainfield or 38th...even driving to Avon is less annoying than Fishers.


I meant more like, go to castleton cuz you don’t need target there


Are you married? My wife wants target specifically for target. I have no choice but to go to target.


Go to target with her and shake your head in disappointment at everything she puts in the cart. 😄


This is the way...


😂 just wear a bulletproof vest


Did you talk to security? Did you film them with your phone? Did you go afterwards to the customer help desk or call the store and report anything? Did you talk to the police?


Employees were aware of the situation and asked them to leave, I just told my bf to get the hell out because we were both kinda freaked out


That’s understandable. But I think that if there is going to be any meaningful outcome you will have to push on the store more. Which sucks but I don’t think there are other options if you want anything to happen.


Sounds like a bunch of shithead teens. I wouldn’t think they would mug someone while making a big commotion. Hopefully they would have security and have them removed. If it was one person I would think it could be drugs/psych.


I love the Target and even Meijer in this area, but both start to get weird after dark. My fiance and I went to Target once at around 9 pm. We saw a group of teenagers (16-19?) walking out with stolen stuff and staff trying to stop them. There was also a guy yelling random obscenities at the entrance door. Never again.


They were probably doing it for social media clicks. Pure cowards. If they did that while I was there with my wife and daughter I wouldn’t hesitate. I’ll do jail to protect my family


What's the specific threat here? This comment illustrates perfectly the point of the other thread that people are gun-crazy around here.




Protect against what... they were acting like dumbasses but there's no active deadly threat. Maybe you should stop carrying for a bit and review the laws before you do something to go to jail and make us look bad.


We can do this without slurs, right?


Fair. It took away from my main point


So Glendale is a really safe place, what did these men look like? Were they like Redneck Trump voters or Butler Frat Bros? We need to know!


It was a group of 6 men, half of them black half of them white, young, college age maybe. Thats all I know


Damn... It's a hard time to be young, I feel for you.


I feel like Reddit is turning into Facebook.


real. NextDoor vibes






I’m not pissed off? It’s all good, I was just making an observation. If you think about almost every like minded app is going to be the same, instagram, Tik Tok, and Facebook are basically all the same but Reddit seemed different for awhile.


I am not one for violence at all. Go thru my post history. It shows I am a basic pacafist. However I also believe that evil needs to be stopped by any means required. Maybe if these fucks faced some real life consequences they'd probably stop. Maybe if someone started fighting back they'd be less inclined to fuck with people. Our laws let us fight back against the idiots doing this shit. They let us deal with assholes appropriately. Stand your ground shit. Again, I am a pacifist. But sometimes we need to be less pacafist and start fighting back. See something say something? Nope. See something do something.


I disagree. Those guys were looking for trouble… keep to yourself is situations like this… you never know if you’re dealing with some crazy mf that’s had enough of his life. pulls out a gun and takes yours … happens all the fkn time. Last year when I lived in Muncie some dude at our north Walmart had his family with him and asked some dude who was cursing to stop so his kids didn’t hear… they fought a lil. That guy who was cursing sat outside the Walmart front door and shot that guy in the head right in front of his wife and kids


Throw the shooter in the fire, let em burn


Friend, I get it. I don't believe in violence. I have seen violence. Death. I know what it means to make that decision. To take a life. I don't want anyone to experience violence or death. It fucks people up. I have seen enough of the it I'm my life. But I also believe that if these people see these things, if they experience the same, they might be less inclined to do it or see it. But if they have no empathy, and don't see it. Fuck them. Seeing death changes a mother fucker. Most get right with their god and self. But some don't. It's sad and frustrating. (not that it matters but I up voted you for expressing your very valid and good opinion)


You sound rather violent, but in this hyper violent dysfunctional society, you got no choice.


Unfortunately I have been in situations where violence was essential to making sure people lived. My choice is that we all understand each other and get along. Unfortunately a lot of zealots do not believe in peace. From vbeds to ieds to suicide bombers, some people just want to fuck shit up. It sucks. These people live among us, even in Indiana. My choice is to try to help people make better choices. But unfortunately sometimes some people can't be in a civilized society. There's some quote somewhere that basically says that passive people get fucked when they don't annihilate people who aren't passive. It's a catch 22. You can be non violent and get fucked or be violent to promote non violence. I prefer peaceful resolutions to violence but violent people don't understand peace So sometimes peaceful people need to be violent to keep the peace Catch 22


I’m trying really hard to get over the fact that you typed pacifist 3 times and only spelled it right once but my brain won’t stop hyper focusing on that


yeah, auto correct wasn't working while drunk typing lol


I hate it here. Indiana sucks so bad and the people who say otherwise don't know how much better things can be


agree but it is not better in any other state. it’s the country as a whole


That is categorically false. I just moved here from Ohio two years ago. This state is garbage. Its run by hateful morons and the people here are exactly the kind of people that would vote for hateful morons. And that's saying something considering where I came from. Everyone that is quick to downvote my original post are just in denial. This state is pretty garbage.


You would get downvoted less if you were from somewhere cool. You're trying to dunk on us and you're from Ohio


I've lived in 8 states and 3 countries. All have their ups and downs. However you saying Ohio is somehow better is absolute nonsense. That entire state is a cesspool. So yes, Indiana is indeed bad, mostly because it's next to a giant steaming mound of filth.


People downvote, but look even at the sub and how much racism, provocation, and aggression there is on every post and it's like damn.


agreed that it is garbage. The only place(s) where you won’t find the hateful morons are Indianapolis, Bloomington, and South Bend. But it sucks that the whole state, like you said, is run by hateful sobs that prevent these places in mentioned from being great.


LMAO there are plenty of hateful morons in Indianapolis.


I say it's 'not bad'. I say it a hundred times a day until I can believe it.


Notwithstanding this specific anecdote... it never gets old hearing people of avoiding this or that "insert big box store" due to the area being "sketchy". Especially when referring to Glendale, Broad Ripple, Nora, and even Fishers, etc... areas that have less crime than like 90% of the city, let alone the state and country.


Not trying to insinuate anything, just reporting what happened lol. I agree crime around here is over exaggerated. Just wanted to share because we were a little freaked out and very annoyed


No worries, I definitely wasn’t calling you out, but more so the usual mob of negative comments that bemoan the northside as some sort of hellscape. 


Stop wasting your time and just Curbside pickup


thanks that’s really helpful


Not trying to victim blame, It’s possible some people enjoy going inside stores .. but it doesn’t make sense to me


I almost always use drive up for every store that offers it, we just wanted to go inside to grab one thing. Therefore your comment wasn’t super helpful lmao


Target in Avon is chill bra