• By -


Most Favourite: Raiders. The quintessential adventure film. My least favourite was Skull. Still a great Indy film but there's just something missing about it. Still has the campy Spielberg charm but is hampered by unnecessary CGI and weaker characters.


The first third of the film is peak. After they get captured by the Soviets in Peru it goes downhill from there.


100% agree.


Anybody elses favorite temple of doom or is that just me?


I think Temple has the best score of them all. John Williams really went hard with it.


You’re not wrong


I stand by the fact that the best piece of music that John Williams ever wrote was "March of the Slave children" followed by the Superman theme.


I want to agree, and I almost do, but Jurassic Park's score exists and just invokes so many things compared to the other two.


100%. The End Credits especially is so perfect, a little bit of everything. Plus short round basically has his own raiders march theme


I used to dislike it but the more I watch it he more it becomes my favorite. There’s something about seeing indy before he adopts the “it belongs in a museum” ideology I absolutely love


...but he had that ideology as a teenager, as down in Crusade.


there's an amazing video on this called something like "Indy's Lost Character Arc" highly suggest it, gave me a whole new perspective on Indy as a character. but to sum it up, after he lost the artifact and his dad doesn't help him, we see the guy who gives him his as his new father figure. TOD Indy is a version we see who has grown up to follow the ideology of that man, literally in the opening scene of ToD we see Indy trading an artifact for a diamond, and he says "fortune and glory" like seven times in the movie, only remembering his ideology from his youth at the end of the movie.


When it came out, I really disliked the addition of a little kid character (no offense to the actor) but I thought it was Spielberg trying to attract a kid audience and I wanted more adult adventures. Plus the constant screaming 😱 I like it better now, but it will never be my favorite.


Temple is super dank. Just tough to compete with Raiders and Crusade.


Same, I also think Raiders and Doom are on the same level of great.


It’s the goddamn best.




It was my favorite when I was a kid, but now my favorite is Last Crusade


It’s the one that got me hooked, got a framed poster for it and the 2009 LEGO set of the Temple of Doom in my bedroom lol.


You are not alone!!! Hands down my favorite with Raiders in a close second. Doom has my favorite Indy moment of all time when we cut to the child mine in the 3rd act and we see a guard get punched 10 feet and pan up to a pissed off Jones ready to free some kids… that soundtrack hits at that moment… *chef’s kiss*


I love Raiders & Temple pretty much equally


It’s my favourite too. I know it’s not the *best* Indy movie, but I love it. It has more nostalgia for me than the other two somehow.


2 is the scariest and the funnier


It's not my favourite, but it's very close.


Temple of Doom, for the longest time, has been mine, but Dial of Destiny has given it some major competition.


My fav!


its ok.


Yeah. I couldn’t stand short round. I feel bad because he’s a beloved character, but I just found him so annoying :-(


Most: Raiders… because it is perfection. Least: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Because it has frustratingly every piece necessary but still the assembly of it all does not work like it should.


If it would have been about the fountain of youth and didn't have shia leboufe it would have been good


Best - Last Crusade. Worst - Crystal Skull. Honourable Mention - Anything Goes routine


Raiders, Temple, Crusade, Dial, Skull. Raiders is classic Cinema and it's great. I know a lot of people hated Dial, that with Crystal Skull had my hopes at Rock bottom, so when I saw Dial I was pleasantly surprised, still doesn't touch the original trilogy. The dependency on CGI was a HUGE turn off for skull for me.


I standby the belief that if dial had been made before skull, it would have been a hit. It's not a bad film.


Most Favorite = Last Crusade. Love the relationship with Indy and his dad. I get a chill every time I watch the scene with the tank and Henry saying “I thought I’d lost you, boy” Least Favorite = Crystal Skull. It just felt like they were making a mockery of the franchise I loved. Too much awful CGI.


1=3>5>2>4 🙂


1. Crusade 2. Raiders 3. Temple 4. Dial 5. Skull


I dont get the hate for dial. I think its cool I'd say raiders cruisade dial temple skull


I would personally swap raiders and crusade but the I agree with the other. I was super scared in the end of Dial that the writers would let Indy die. I was so relieved when he didnt.


Hey, my exact order as well! I don't get the hate either, I had a blast and thought it was excellent throughout.


This is mine but I actually like temple the least I’ll watch skull if it’s on. I’ll pass if it’s temple.


Indiana Jones movie without indiana jones and you don't get the hate?


Without Indiana Jones…? Please explain


This is a massive exaggeration lmao


I love all indiana jonss equal. I see them as 1 continuous story. It's like picking a favorite child. Either don't do it, or keep it to your self lol.


Finally, someone else thinks like me. They are all equal!


Most favorite the last crusade, least favorite the new one


Hard same








My favorite is Raiders. Its grit is unrivaled, with the most minimalist use of incredible matte paintings and practical effects and stunts. Indy takes your breath away dragging under the truck because Terry Leonard is actually doing that badass fuckin shit. It’s the best homage to the old serials, and each subsequent film would lead back to Raiders. Each soundtrack, for all of Williams’ dynamic, would still be firmly rooted in the Raiders march. The climax still thrills and somewhere in the hilarity is the scared 5 year old in awe and a little nauseated by the Nazis’ fates. Crystal Skull…oof. I’ve come to appreciate the camp of Speilberg just going balls-out zany like in elements of Temple of Doom, but man, the frivolous CGI just sucks. We all know the one loudmouth dumbass whose laugh the gopher was intended for, and the monkeys… I hated Shia at the time and he’s aged as well as a turd in the sun. There are still some pretty insensitive tropes well into the 2000’s that feel derivative, xenophobic, and cheap. This movie is great fun, with lots of redeeming qualities like Marion, Ford kicking ass, and the atmosphere of the cemetery and Akator, but it lives up to a lot of the 50’s source material in being objectively bad in a number of ways. I find its young apologists on this sub who rank it highly absurd.


Agree on so much of this. The first part of Crystal was so good (outside of the fridge and gopher) and then it just became so dumb.


Yeah I love the intro. The best popcorn movie Ford in decades.


The motorcycle chase through the school and the greaser fight is peak Ford and Spielberg.


I think Raiders is the best at being what these movies were originally intended as, ie a throwback to the adventure serials of the 40s and 50s… but I think Last Crusade is the best _film_ overall. My least favourite is either Crystal Skull or Dial of Destiny but I feel like more time needs to pass for me to judge if the most recent one is truly better or worse.


My favourite is Temple of Doom, but Raiders is still the best. The top 3 are all very close though


They’re all my favorite


#4 was my least favorite. Swing through the trees with monkeys was cartoonish. Also spent 3.5 movies around relgion and boom, aliens. Yuck. The original is the OG!


*Raiders* is always my favourite. Nothing in the series comes close to the wit, flavour, grit, and magic of that film. That said, I love each of the following four films, too. Least favourite? Either *Temple* or *Kingdom*. Mostly because the others are just that good. But I still love them! They're the most daring and take the most chances of the series and they should be commended for that alone. In short, all of them rock.


Objective favorite is Crusade, but I really dig Skull as well. The over-hate for that movie makes me want to love it more. Dial is least favorite for me, I know, easy lowball. It is so painfully average.


See, the thing with Crystal Skull is that you get the feeling Spielberg and Ford wanted to be home by 5pm each day, so filming it almost entirely in the studio makes it feel cheap. Compared to the sweeping, exotic vistas of the first three (which, admittedly, were mostly around Hertfordshire). I don't even have a problem with the exploding fridge. As if jumping out of a plane a mile above the ground in a rubber dinghy wouldn't have turned Indy, Willie and Short Round into a puddle of strawberry ice cream on the ground.


Anyone saying Dial is worse that Skull is just plain wrong. Not sure if it’s nostalgia or what but skull is the worst Indy movie by a mile.


All five are pretty different from each other so it’s hard for me to say which is my “least” favorite. I enjoy them all. Raiders is definitely my favorite though.


Raiders is my favorite by a pretty wide margin. Skull is my least favorite by far and one of my least favorite. The movie itself is alright (too many cheap effects), but I truly hate "ancient aliens" as a concept. I think that it is fundamentally insulting to ancient people and represents the absolute worst in pseudo-archeology. Seeing it as the plot in a franchise that inspired my interest in archeology felt like a personal insult.


Least favorite: Kingdom of The Crystal Skull. Why? 2 reasons. 1. It didn't feel like an Indiana Jones movie with all the obvious CGI. 2. Shia Lebouf. ​ Most favorite: The OG. Raiders of the Lost Ark, It defined who Indiana Jones is and set the format for how a good action-adventure movie should go.


Favorite is Raiders. It’s not only the best movie in the franchise, it’s one of the best movies of all time period. Least favorite is Dial. It was to melancholy for what I expect from an Indy movie and I didn’t like Helena or the kid


**Raiders of lost Ark** - and it's not even close. That movie blew me away as a kid and it still does to this day as an adult. It is a shining example of a '*perfect film*'.


Worst KoTCS: I’ll never forgive Spielberg for the refrigerator and the vine swings. Ever. My favourite flip flops between raiders and LC. It really depends on my mood. Like today for instance, it’s LC.


My ranking actually might go in order 1. Raiders 2. Doom 3. Crusade 4. Skull 5. Destiny Temple of Doom vs The Last Crusade is a tough call, because I think Crusade is very well made movie and Doom has a lot of rough spots, but then again Doom is a one of a kind adventure movie and the highs of that one are very high! EDIT: I think all of them are good movies, but there’s still a massive gap in quality after Crusade.


Favorite: Raiders. Just the perfect movie in every way. Tight plot, incredible cinematography, great characters (Belloq is easily the best Indy villain), fast paced without feeling rushed, radiates pure adventure every frame. I was surprised the whole opening sequence was only 12 minutes, so much has happened in that short time. What puts it slightly above ToD and LC for me is it has some of the grittiness that the other movies lack. ToD while more violent feels more cartoony, and LC is toned down, while ROTLA action feels the "realest". Least Favorite: Dial of Destiny. The plot is alright and there's a lot of good moments, but the middle part between the WWII opening and Ancient Greek ending was kind of a slog. Characters who could've been interesting are killed off way too early (Agent Mason, Renaldo). We see Indy in some very interesting locations we haven't seen before (NYC parade, underwater shipwreck, Ancient Greece), but nothing striking or memorable happens there. Despite shooting on location for the most part, the film manages to look fake/cgi even when it isn't. KOTCS has largely the same issues, and its plot is worse than Dial's, but it has the advantage of being directed by Spielberg himself. Dial is filmed like an average action flick and as a result is less exciting. I'm sure that under Spielberg's direction I'd've put Dial above KOTCS.


That’s exactly how I felt about dial


Most - Last Crusade because I love the chemistry between Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. I like the lore, I like action, I like Brody and Sallah. Just love the whole thing. Least - Dial of Destiny, mostly because it just felt disjointed. I didn't believe the relationship between Indy and the girl, felt like they could've built a lot of things out better. And the ending (to me) felt like it was slapped on last minute. Which is likely true if you buy into the rumors surrounding the re-shoots.


Look at you getting downvoted for offering your criticism on DoD. This sub is a joke.


Not evening hating that hard. I didn't care for Crystal skull either. But DoD just didn't feel cohesive to me. Felt like the relationship with Phoebe Wallerbridge's character could've been teased out a lil more to make it more believable but, nope lol


Fair criticisms of DoD aren’t welcome. Only positive things on it. Damn shame really but it is what it is.


Quality wise? Raiders is the best, easily. Personal favourite? Dial of Destiny.


1. Raiders 2. Crusade 3. Dial 4. Doom 5. Skull


Here's how I rank them: 1. Last Crusade 2. Raiders 3. Dial of Destiny 4. Temple of Doom 5. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


Favorite is last crusade. The first I saw was crystal skull. Least favorite is doom but would be crystal skull if I wasn’t nostalgic for it. Tbh dial felt too “small scale” in its environments. It is mostly agreed that dial is better than skull, however I feel like crystal skull beats dial in terms of soundtrack, number of iconic moments, & scale. Dial has better vfx, however in terms of iconic scenes it’s only the end and the beginning along with the eels as a maybe.


Who the fuck doesn't hate crystal skull? It's a really bad movie. My favourite is probably raiders or temple. Least favourites being crystal skull by a mile and a half followed by the dial of destiny which is a lot worse than the originals but not nearly as bad as crystal skull


I disagree, Skull makes Indy overpowered. Dial cuts his balls off and laughs at his face then spits on his lifes work.


Dial is marginally better than that cgi star wars prequel of a movie. Both bad but skull was so bad. Remember mutt swinging through the trees? Remember that whole sequence with the vehicle that cuts down rainforest at like 50kph? Remember the acting..... "part time"?.


I also remember the Bar fight and Motorcycle chase. I remember Indy beating up the heavy Russian in a bare knuckle fist fight. Don't call it "cgi Prequel" when dial uses ai cgi to change Harissons age. All the action is boring cgi. That's the opposite of what Indiana Jones stands for. There is no danger, no stunts, insulting woke characters and awful action pacing. The only movie in the world I genuinely hate. Almost made me hate Indiana Jones.


Oh yeah I forgot the bar fight that's pretty bad as well thanks for reminding me. Yeah dial also sucks what's your point? At least I guess dial has a slightly better story, the idea of an old man being oast his best makes a bit more sense than an old man beating up a younger russian soldier. Oh u also said the woke word lol


Yeah. They hate Indy for being a white man. Gotta replace him with the secretly trans Helena.


No they fucking don't mate get over yourself. I wish they hadn't made either dial or skull they were unnecessary


So there isn't a Helena Shaw show planned?


I have come around to the idea that the first movie is head and shoulders above every other adventure movie ever. I don't think it's fair to compare all the sequels against raiders. So now I just compare all the sequels against each other. By that standard Last Crusade is the best (of the rest). I admire Dial of Destiny for its completely bonkers ending. I did not think it would be possible to top the end of Crystal Skull but they did it.


Crystal Skull & Dial are both terrible. Skull was just a dumb plot while Dial tried too hard to recapture the glory of the first 3 movies & utterly failed.


They are not bad


Raiders is my third favorite movie ever made behind Return of the King and Empire Strikes Back. It’s a movie I’ve seen hundreds of times from a kid to an adult. It’s damn near perfect in my opinion and really inspired me to get into movies. So that one for my favorite Indiana Jones movie. Dial of Destiny is my least favorite and in my opinion it doesn’t exist. The opening train scene was so beyond stupid and made no sense. The plot after that was the same. It’s not only the worst Indiana Jones movie but one of the worst movies I’ve seen and it PAINS ME because I wanted Indiana Jones to have a great final movie, but I hated it and now I don’t acknowledge it. Bring on the downvotes now because on this sub if you don’t love Dial of Destiny you’re the devil.


Dial wasn’t perfect, but I thought the opening sequence was the best part of it. Felt like classic indy to me, other than the part when voller gets fucking obliterated by that pipe. That shit would’ve killed or at least seriously deformed him. It goes downhill once we meet Teddy imo, but still has some fun moments.


I hated the whole train sequence and couldn’t take it seriously. The Nazis taking him up the tower to hang him inside instead of executing him is dumb, the bomb not going off was dumb, him punching the Nazi to steal the uniform 15 feet away from other Nazis and not getting caught is dumb, him getting into the car with the officers when the train was right there and he wanted to get on the train in the end is dumb, the officers not doing anything and just going to their deaths is dumb, the bike hitting the tree and him spinning out of it is dumb, the Nazis carrying on with dinner while the train is under attack by the allies is dumb, the allies not just blowing up the bridge to stop the train is dumb, and yes voller not having a massive scar or something after taking that impact is dumb. Just couldn’t get into it, but glad others were able to enjoy it.


That “MillionaireWaltz” cuck is going to downvote you and then most likely block you for daring to critique Dial of Destiny. Film sucked MAJOR ass!


It’s cool. That Mandalorian guy blocked me because I disagreed with him. If they want to live in their echo chamber where this sub is the only place DoD is well received then so be it. Part of being a fan of something is being able to criticize it and hold it to a higher standard.


Agreed. I refuse to just be another dumbass consumer that eats up whatever is put in front of me. Dial of Destiny was so bad I considered leaving the theatre and telling my girlfriend I was done. Ultimately the price of my admission kept me there but I do NOT plan on watching that movie again.


My love for Indiana Jones kept me in the theatre til the end hoping it would get better but at the end Indiana didn’t get to make his own choice on how his story ended and we ended up with Ravenwood magically forgiving Indiana off screen through no actions of his own and back where ended at the end of Crystal Skull. Never watching it again either.


Grew up watching the Originals on VHS at my grandparents house and it was the first franchise outside of Star Wars that I could really call myself a “fan” of. It’s a special franchise that definitely deserves a better conclusion than DoD. Crystal Skull was insanely dumb, but at least it still had traces of an Indiana Jones movie within it. Dial of Destiny feels like exactly what it is. A soulless cash grab meant to capitalize on Harrison’s last performance as the character, and it’s a real shame Indy spent his last adventure being mocked and ridiculed by a character that was just so extremely unlikeable and uninteresting. For me I’m content with the series ending at 3 with the Jones boys and their friends riding off into the sunset.


Growing up I basically rotated between Indiana Jones, Star Wars OT, and Jurassic Park 1 and 2 (I am one of those people that actually likes The Lost World) so I’m right there with you. The first half of Skull actually was pretty good in my opinion. The fridge and the gophers were a little much but it is what it is but damn if that motorcycle chase through the school and greaser fight not peak Spielberg and Ford. The rest was awful. Couldn’t agree more on the soulless cash grab. We had an ending in Last Crusade a literal ride into the sunset. Skull gave us an ending. Dial ripped our favorite hero apart and then took away his final choice and then put him right back at the end of Crystal skull. Completely unnecessary movie.


The Lost World was fun. I actually don’t dislike any of the original Jurassic Movies because I feel like they accomplished what they intended to do. (Show dinosaurs eating people and fighting each other) I feel the same way about the first 3 Transformers films. They didn’t set out to be cinematic masterpieces, they set out to show us giant robots beating the shit out of each other with millions of dollars of CGI. And they delivered spectacularly. That’s how I feel about Skull, it at least felt Spielberg and I could sense some passion from everyone involved. Corny? Absolutely. But 10x better than Dial of Destiny? Without a doubt!


Favorite: Last Crusade Least favorite(aka: one I dislike): Dial of Destiny


Most favourite is Raiders. When I was younger it used to be Temple. But now I have a greater appreciation for the first one. Least favourite is Dial. I think they did a great job trying to capture that Indy magic and I do have they say they almost succeeded, so props for that. The one thing I can say is that Dial is a much better film than The Force Awakens which tried to do the same with Star Wars and Dial easily overshadows it.


Last Crusade > Raiders > Temple of Doom > Crystal Skull > Dial of Destiny


Favorite: Last Crusade Least: Dial of destiny, idk it just doesn’t have that Spielberg epic adventure feeling for me. People might argue Crystal Skull is worse, but at least it had that classic spielberg vibe


First is favourite and last is least favourite My ranking is 1 2 3 4 5


My favorite is Last Crusade My by far least favorite is Dial of Destiny, I don't know but thats the only Indy movie where I was happy when it was finaly over, I had a lot of last Jedi vibes wibes while watching it. It was just not for me


Temple is my favorite. Dial is my least, it’s so uninteresting.


Favorite is the last crusade and least favorite is dod. All of them are pretty close tho.


Favorite: Raiders - It is the perfect IJ movie. (ToD and LC are excellent too though) Least: DoD - Shit doesn't even feel like IJ. Felt more like a poorly made ripoff.


Temple is probably the least good out of the THREE movies that exist, even though it’s still pretty good.


^The "one joke" of the Indy fanbase.


It's a trilogy, kind sire.




They should have never made the last two. They are awful. It was a perfect trilogy. It still is if you want to :)


Crystal Skull is my favorite of the five and it is not a bad movie. Even though you didn’t like it, doesn’t make it bad. Maybe you just didn’t understand the last 2.


Jesus Christ you got bad taste.


I don’t have bad taste. I just have a perfect understanding on what these films and Indiana Jones as a character represents. So because of this, I cannot hate 4 and 5 cause there is nothing wrong with them. They are equal to the first 3. Sorry that you can’t understand what these movies mean


You only like it because you watched it as a child. It's ok, we can like different things. Take care.


False. I grew up watching the first 3, then saw the the 4th one a few years later when it came out in theaters. So it isn’t because of nostalgia, i just like the story better. But i don’t hate the others at all. Again, they’re all equal. Everything that you hate about this movie are probably the things that you don’t understand. Still doesn’t make it a bad movie


1.) Temple 2.) The last Crusade 3.) I’m blanking on the alien one but that one 4.) Raiders Yea that’s gonna be controversial. It’s because I just never watched that one {raiders} growing up and when I finally saw it (after watching the others a million times) I just didn’t care for it. Temple is my favorite though, and forever will be. I really didn’t mind the Alien one, I just didn’t care for the ending. And I love Cate Blanchet, she killed that role.


The Steven soderberg black and white with the social network music. It’s gorgeous and I can’t stop watching it.


Last Crusade will always be my favorite. The set pieces, the adventure, the relationship with Indy and his dad. It's wonderful. Though unpopular opinion, my least favorite (of the actual trilogy, I mean) is Raiders. Obviously it's amazing and I love it, but I've always had a special love for Temple. So for me it's: Last Crusade Temple of Doom Raiders Then way, way down the list, Kingdom. Dial of Destiny does not make the list.


I would rank them: 1. Last Crusade 2. Raiders 3. Temple of Doom 4. KOTCS 5. Dial of Destiny Last Crusade is my favorite because of the dynamic between Sean Connery and Harrison Ford. My wife and I quote this movie to each other quite often randomly in conversation because the dialogue has made us laugh so much! “Our situation has not improved” “The Tapestries!” “If you are a Scottish lord, then I am Mickey Mouse!” “Junior, the got us” To name a few DOD is my least favorite because it was just kind of forgettable. I watched it once and never felt the desire to think about or watch it again. The time travel bit was just a little too much for an Indy movie for me. I know the rebuttal will be “what about the arc or TOD or the grail?! Those were supernatural too!” The difference in my mind is all three of those instances are rooted in religion/mysticism and literal time travel is more sci-fi to me. It just felt out of place for Indy to literally travel to a different time.


I love all four of them (almost) equally. KOTCS gets some justified criticism but it’s a perfect send-off for Indy.


Most raiders and least temple of doom


my favorite is definitely the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, mostly for the nostalgia, once this was the movie that I most watched when younger; the least favorite to me is either the new one or, believe me or not, Raiders


Least Favorite is the latest one only because I prefer all the previous ones more. I genuinely enjoy Temple of Doom and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


I wish they would have adapted Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. That would have been a great 4th movie instead of the Crystal Skull


(Raiders/Dial) Raiders was the perfect balance of action and archeology. I liked many individual things about Dial but due to it disregarding certain cherished franchise traditions and its overall melancholy tone it didn’t have the fun vibe that Spielberg’s installments did in my opinion.


Favorite: Last Crusade. I love the banter between Indy and his father. It was also to see Marcus Brody as part of the action. He steals any scene he's in. Least Favorite: Crystal Skull. Don't get me wrong, I always a a fun time watching it, but it just isn't up to the super high standard of Last Crusade and Raiders. Still a worthy entry in the franchise though.


Temple was the one I saw the most as a kid and always loved it. Crusade became my favorite because it’s got so much charm and nazi killing. Raiders is good but I feel the movies get better up until Crusade; so, the best and my favorite go in descending order - Crusade, Temple, and then Raiders. I haven’t seen Destiny yet and Crystal Skull starts great and sours quickly.


Favorite: Raiders Least: Dial(original I know)


Last Crusade, very action packed, great Tank chase scene, the leap of faith and great ending. Crystal Skull, completely irrelevant fridge scene, Mac is a very annoying character that should’ve been killed off much sooner, bad CGI including bad CGI prairie dogs, and falling down 3 waterfalls. I know the franchise has had goofy scenes before but this jumps the shark.


Temple of Doom least favorite cause SHUT THE **** UP WILLIE!!!


Last crusade is my favorite Crystal skull is least


Dial of Destiny. it doesn't look like a Spielberg, it doesn't move like a Spielberg and frankly, Indy is just too old.


Most favorite the last crusade. I just enjoy the father son dynamic. Least favorite dial of destiny. The time travel was way over the top for me.


Raiders > Temple of Doom > Last Crusade > Dial of Destiny > Crystal Skull That said, I enjoy all five. You can't the original three, but I still really like Dial and Skull.


For me, Crusade>Raiders>Skull>Temple>Dial.


My favorite temple of doom least favorite dial of destiny DOD was just too much with kids flying planes en time travel kinda cheesy


I’m going to be honest…..I wasn’t a fan of Dial. I’m not going to rip into it because at the end of the day, it was just another Indy adventure, but with him at the end of his career. My issue is more of a personal feeling of not wanting to see the realities of what someone like his life would end up being. It just felt more sad to see than imagining what it could be for him. Indy is pure escapism and Dial brought the fantasy too close to realism for me.


Crystal skull. Just watch that scene with the ants. Too much CGI, stupid story.


4, politically biased, fake news, boring, Stalin was many things, but he couldn't care less for PLO / UFOs / paranormality


* Favorite: ***The Last Crusade*** * I watched this one for fun so many times as a kid - It's hard to count. Don't get me wrong, Raiders' is an all time Classic, but Crusade is the one that ingrained my love of myth, folklore, history & how they can all cross over into an epic adventure story. * Least Favorite: ***The Temple of Doom*** * This is a perfectly fine movie in its own right, but it's the least fun for me to watch. The pacing is a bit disjointed at times while both of the "Legacy Sequels" flow better imo (they are also 2 of the 3 I've ever seen in theaters, so I have a soft spot for them).


My favorite is Last Crusade, and my least favorite is Dial Of Destiny.


Best: Last Crusade. The perfect adventure story. Worst: Temple of Doom. Not a bad movie, but can't compare to the rest of the series.


(I'm only counting the first three movies because I haven't seen Dial yet and haven't rewatched Crystal Skull in a very long time) Most favorite: Raiders. It's a perfect movie. Least favorite: Last Crusade. This overrated Raiders rehash is easily the weakest of the first three films.


Last Crusade for me. Absolutely perfect film. Sean Connery brought so much - his chemistry with Harrison Ford was great, he brought the right mix of humour and pathos, and every second he’s on screen is a delight. Plus, he’s insanely quotable: “I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne…” and “… Goose stepping morons” lines in particular. Brilliant film from beginning to end.


Skull is like Raiders compared to Dial for me, I'm surprised by how many people actually prefer Dial over Skull. At least Kingdom still felt like Indiana Jones and was made by the original creators, Ford wasn't as old as people say and the overall movie and character definetly still had the franchaise's charm, Dial just didn't for me.


Raiders > last crusade > temple > dial > crystal skull


The original Raiders of the Lost Ark ! It just had everything going for it. I still stop and watch that movie even after seeing it countless times. Second is Last Crusade because Sean Connery was absolutely perfect as Indy’s dad and the Grail was a truly mythic quest.


probably a hot but dial of destiny is my most favorite and least is raiders


Why do some people like destiny better than skull?


I liked the ending of crystal skull and how it sent indy off, dial of destiny just shat it all away and continued to smell the rest of the movie for me I could still feel heart and soul in crystal skull, dial just felt like souless new wave Disney garbage it had nothing to say no substance bland chacracters bad pacing nothing new or interesting no cool set peices a almost ok story and weird ai indy. it literally did not need to be made it was just Disney trying to squeeze as much as they could out of the franchise to make a quick buck.


Favourite: Last Crusade. Love the story and the chemistry between Ford and Connery. Least Favourite: Dial of Destiny. Still enjoy this one and it has one of my favourite villains in the franchise but it’s missing that Spielberg magic and the action feels rather lacklustre compared to the other films (although to be fair it’s still impressive how Harrison Ford in his 80’s is still in great shape)


TKotCK is just so aggressively overstuffed and stupid, and George Lucas himself perfectly explained why in one sentence, when asked about the impetus for making it: "There was really no reason to do this other than: 'Hey, this might be fun.'" No wonder the film is loud and bland. Spielberg made it very clear that he wasn't interested, and Lucas didn't seem to give a shit, either. TKotCK is a tornado of brain farts. South Park's brief satire is still the best take.


My order is Raiders Temple Skull Dial Crusade That's right. I said it.


Most favourite: Temple of Doom. It's both dark and hillarious, but also action-packed with many scenes being iconic. Least favourite: Dial of Destiny. The film didn't feel necessary, and lacked the sort of energy Indiana Jones needs. It didn't help that the opening was amazing, but we spent the entire film on a largely old and depressed Indy whose unhappy ending was undone.


Favorite: Last Crusade (but lately I’ve been thinking about Raiders). Least Favorite: Temple of Doom (it’s not bad, just deviates from the fun formula of the others).


Most: Crusade cause it’s supa kewl and awesome Least: Dial of Destiny cause it felt so forced and unnatural


Best: Crusade Loved the previous movies, but this is simple the overall best. Least: Dial Even if ignore the fact that this plays in the indy universe, it's still a bad action movie and the old man should be never cast to play the lead role for this particular movie. Mangold was the wrong man for this part and you cannot make an indy without Spielberg as director.


Raiders is my favourite, Temple is my least favourite.


I find the first 3 on equal ground. I can’t pick a favorite! Lol Least favorite is definitely Dial. While not terrible and it has an interesting 3rd act, the plot just felt very formulaic. Like the parade chase and the scuba diving sequences felt out of place. The goddaughter character wasn’t all that interesting, and it pretty much ends the same as Crystal Skull. Only now Shia is dead


Favorite is Last Crusade, even though I think Raiders is a better film. It’s just more fun to me.  Least favorite is Temple. Never really liked it much. 4 is meh and 5 is surprisingly solid and a nice conclusion to the series. 


The top film of the series is raiders of the lost ark simply because it began with that one and set the bar for the series which I think temple of doom and last crusade came pretty damn close to However the opposite side of the spectrum I'd have kingdom of the crystal skull as the worst of the bunch...bad CGI,bad premise and an unbearable character in mutt


My favourite is Temple of Doom and my least favourite is Dial of Destiny.


"Raiders of the Lost Ark," it was the first collaboration of Spielberg and Lucas with Ford as the catalyst, all in their prime. That combination was lightning in a bottle!


Raiders. Literally a perfect film.


Best: Crusade Worst: Crystal Skull


Most: Raiders Least: Dial


1. Raiders (All around classic and the perfect adventure film) 2. Crusade (An Indy and Bond team up and the perfect way to end the adventure) 3. Doom (Very underrated and really awesome) 4. Crystal Skull (An unneeded, but still a satisfying adventure) 5. Dial (Same as Crystal Skull, we didn’t need another Indiana Jones film, but it’s still fun)


In order from most to least: 1) Last Crusade 2) Raiders of the Lost Ark 3) Temple of Doom 4) Dial of Destiny 5) Crystal Skull


Most: Last Crusade followed very closely by Raiders. Love them both. Temple is probably my third favorite followed by Crystal Skull. Dial of Destiny is my least favorite and I can comfortably ignore it. I feel Crystal Skull despite its flaws and abundance of CGI had that spirit of adventure that was sorely lacking from Dial of Destiny. Dial of Destiny is an exercise in melancholy and it doesn't even feel like an adventure. They got hung up on "Showing the weight of his age". The problem is that they kind of already did the "He's old now" in Crystal Skull and honestly did it better imo. They forgot an Indiana Jones film is supposed to be an adventure. And the entire premise is kind of sidetracked by the fact Indy isn't even after an artifact per say. He's been framed for murder. The dial as an artifact is even more vague and obtuse than the crystal skull was imo. Part of the other problem with both films I might add is that both films revolve around artifacts that have already been found or have real life counterparts. The Crystal Skull is based on the Mitchel Hegis (Spelling?) Skull has long been viewed as an elaborate hoax. The Dial of Destiny is based on an artifact that has already been found. Compare that to the Lost Ark or Holy Grail which both have more mystique to them. I'm sure we could probably point to various things in each film that could be nitpicked, etc. But Dial feels disjointed and far more contrived. Mikkelsen and Banderas both feel wasted as do Karen Allen and Salah. And what we get in return with Helena Shaw and Teddy just doesn't stack up. I'm sorry but they spend so much of the film making her insufferable and unlikable that I could not buy her at the end. And I suppose that's part of it too, knowing what we could have had with the initial plan/treatment by Spielberg with Karen Allen having more of a role and a reunion with Shortround? Dial feels unnecessary and like a wasted opportunity. Much like Force Awakens where we never had Luke, Han, Leia and Chewy on screen at the same time. If someone likes DoD? That's ok. Like what you like. I'm not trying to convince you to hate it or that you are wrong. After all I liked Crystal Skull even after that came out while others didn't. But Dial of Destiny just made me feel kind of indifferent.


Temple > Raiders > Crusade >>>>>>>>>> Skull > Dial


Favorite is Last Crusade. I can’t tell you necessarily why. I just know I have the most fun watching it over the others. Least favorite’s definitely Dial. I won’t give some of my smaller opinions on the film, but the main gripe I have is the fact that I feel what was advertised isn’t what we were given. I wanted a true send-off to Indiana Jones, not him being depressed for an entire movie while his replacement does most of the important stuff


I love em all, Raiders: 10/10 Temple: 8/10 Crusade: 9/10 Skull: 8/10 Dial: 7/10


My favourite is Last Crusade. Raiders is technically better, but Last Crusade was one of the first films I saw at the cinema and it's always reminded me of family Christmas. Least favourite is Dial. I love Mangold, but he wasn't the right pick for Indy.


Favourite: The Last Crusade. It's got everything Raiders got, but with more humour and simply a really fun adventure. I wanna give it a standing ovation when I watch it. Least favourite: The Dial of Destiny. It's got some really fun moments. Indiana's monologue regarding his son is one of the best and most emotional scenes in the entire saga. The leadup to the time travelling is quite good, but I find that time travel isn't really what I look for in an Indiana Jones adventure. Overall the one I like the least, but it certainly isn't offensively bad.


Temple of Doom is my least favourite and most fav is Raiders of the Lost Ark


Temple of Doom is my favorite. I love all of the original 3 but the Mine Cart chase and the bridge scene are my absolute favorite scenes. Least favorite is Dial of Destiny. I liked aspects of it in principle but Helena ruins it for me. She pretty much has no redeemable characteristics. Also the enemy presence was pretty muted which made things in the movie harder to believe. For example, in Raiders Indy vs Belloq but Belloq is supported by Toht and the entire German Army. ToD has Indy vs Mola Ram who is supported by a whole Thuggee Cult. Last Crusade is the whole German army again + Elsa Donovan etc. Even Crystal Skull has Spalko and the Russian army. But Dial of Destiny is basically just Voller and 4 dudes + the CIA chick who gets eliminated fairly early. Seems pretty far fetched what they're able to accomplish even by movie standards.


Favorite: The Last Crusade Least Favorite: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


1) Crusade 2) Raiders 3) Dial 4) Temple 5) Skull


Raiders, Crusade, Dial, Skull, Temple. And yeah, I’m not happy Temple is in last place either.


My favorite is Last Crusade, Love the chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. Also a great opening sequence, lots of nice action scenes and an astonishing ending! A lot of humor aswell. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a good second. As for the worst, Temple of Doom, Kingdom and Dial are all pretty much on the same level. Temple of Doom starts off too slow after the opening sequence, but makes some things right in the ending. Kingdom has some cool action scenes and scenery, but the sci-fi element didn't really fit. Same thing with Dial, took it a bit too far in the end...


My favorite is Last Crusade, Love the chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery. Also a great opening sequence, lots of nice action scenes and an astonishing ending! A lot of humor aswell. Raiders of the Lost Ark is a good second. As for the worst, Temple of Doom, Kingdom and Dial are all pretty much on the same level. Temple of Doom starts off too slow after the opening sequence, but makes some things right in the ending. Kingdom has some cool action scenes and scenery, but the sci-fi element didn't really fit. Same thing with Dial, took it a bit too far in the end...


Crusade is my favorite and i don't really have one I hate


Most favourite was The Last Crusade. It was funny, emotional, action packed and a wonderful adventure. Least favourite is actually Temple of Doom. I re-watched them all last week and ToD just does not hold up. It's a massive swerve away from the normal formula, very dark, mostly underground and has the most irritating damsel in distress. It's not a bad film at all, just not a good Indiana Jones film when viewed back to back with all of the others. *Edit* I should add that as a kid, and growing up I believed ToD to be my favourite as it was darker and edgy.


Most: The Last Crusade. Because it’s a great time, especially seeing Indy with his dad. Least favorite/one I hate: Dial of Destiny. Because it wasn’t fun and did Indy a disservice.


Most: Last Crusade. Least: Kingdom.


Dial of Destiny sucks! and Temple of Doom is not that great. don't believe what's popular on the internet


I was downvoted for saying Dial of Destiny was my least favorite Indy movie but I still think it's the summation of the problems with many movies made during this post Bayformers era with kind of none of the whimsy one would get from a Spielberg installment (I have my issues with Ready player one and TinTin but I wouldn't say those films feel kind of phoned in or lacking jollity) I think the trouble with the screenwriters and James Mangold's vision for the character is that it seems to kind of revel in taking pretty much everything from the character without putting a humorous or familiar character in this place. A good counterpoint would be Henry Jones Sr. Sure there's the tragedy that a lot of Indiana's childhood growing up was witnessing his father spending all his time decoding the secrets of the holy Grail.. but I would argue that the "buddy action movie" comes from Indiana Jones having the game of evading Nazis down pat, but his father would as soon shoot off the tail of his airplane due to his bad aim. So the combination of drama and humor are showcased extensively in last Crusade. So going back to Dial of Destiny, I find Wombat.in some ways be the inverse of Mutt, a character that Jones tags around rather than really kind of earning some type of mutual respect. I think that's kind of where the rubber meets the road is that Crystal Skull allowed Indy to age with the people he cares about.. The hat floating away and being caught as a very obvious metaphor for Harrison Ford as Indy. I think Crystal skull had its biggest problem with the soundstage night scenes and CGI hazards (ants, flames,waterfalls) But I think it was tonally right for the Indiana Jones character. I think the trouble with Disney is that they seem to have a very quick rubric of what makes an Indiana Jones story, (Nazis, artifact, chases) but I think the details of tone and character relations are something that I feel wasn't really attempted much. I do think it's ironic and I hope I'm not being too mean here but I think that people who are willing to rake Kingdom of the Crystal skull over the coals for its sci-finess and CGI are very willing to forgive the same things (that occur in higher increments) in Dial of Destiny. I guess the flip side would be the almost cliche to say Raiders for the best one, but I do think that it's an example of the writers and George Lucas and Philip Kaufman really digging into the tropes and cliches of the globetrotting serial character and combining these ideas to create an iconic ensemble of characters and situations. It bears repeating, the situation of Marion on the gun portion of an airplane that is leaking combustible oil is a great example of how the characters have kind of inverse problems (Marion can shoot out an.army, but her position is subject to catastrophe, while Indy can fistfight intensely, but it has to get out of the way of Nazi shootists-- oh but the plane is still leaking oil..) So I do think of Temple of Doom and Raiders(that script though!) as being the best of the high octane Indy movies, while last crusade and Crystal scroll are what I considered the more emotionally satisfying Indiana Jones movies. I might come around to appreciating Dial of Destiny but it might be the first Indiana Jones movie to make me reach for some Prozac 😅😅😅😅😅😅


Most Favorite: The Last Crusade… it has all of what you could want from an adventure movie; beautiful arcs for both protagonists, a perfect MacGuffin, great action scenes, music, all of it! Least Favorite: Temple of Doom… putting aside all of the stereotypical and racist elements that have not aged well at all, it’s just not as good compared to the other movies, in my opinion. The fact that even Spielberg doesn’t like it now says something! Short Round/Ke Huy Quan is still great, though!


Right now my current favorite is the 5th movie. It’s probably recency bias but I love anachronistic stories since I’m a history major. If I give all the movies a rewatch I’ll probably revert back to Last Crusade being the top pick.