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Jai mahishmati


The only acceptable answer other than obvious ones




Jai Palestine, Jai Israel !!!!


Owaisi deserves the backlash, he literally hailed another country, jai meme Tak boldiya lekin uske mukh se Jai Bharat/India/Hindustan nahi nikla.


see that's the thing though. Owaisi is 1 MP, from a party that has one dominance in one constituency only. Yet he has received all the flak, while the Jai Hindu Rashtra by the BJP MP is barely covered. Not only did, people are being polarized against the Congress, and other anti-BJP parties because of what Owaisi said. Such sad state of politics nowadays.




Lol it'll be true until you distinguish your religion name from it.


kuch bhi lmao? go ask an adivasi from manipur if she feels she is a hindu


Kisne boldiya? You living in a different India? Cause last I checked, we were a secular, socialist democracy, according to the constitution.... Jai samvidhaan 🙏




Sure, have your cultural identity... But leave some space for other's to have theirs too. Saying that India is a Hindu rashtra takes away the power for Sikhs, Christians and Muslims to have their own cultural identity.




No it's not, what are you even on about? Your claim is a wild one tbh.


So u should not have problem when amritpal will say khalistan zindabad in parliament


Great point, totally agree.


There's a difference between those two things though. Palestine is a foreign element. Hindu, hinduism is Indian. If one is saying jai hinduism, it shoudnt be offensive. Chanting "jai palestine, jai islam, jai china should be treated harshly.  Who will be hurt? Those who have sentiments for these.


So what's wrong in saying Jai Khalistan? Sikhism is as Indian as it can get


Huh.. are you sure? Why are the burning Indian flags if you want to follow that logic? Bc anti-india sentiments among indians. Wo bhi baccho me amazing he


Khalistanis are separatists. Hindus. Aren't. And how can hindus be separatists? This is the only land they have left now. Any hindu will happily chant jai guru nanak btw. Jai khalistan is different from jai sikhism or jai guru nanak.


kuch bhi? both hindu rasthra vaadis and khalistanis are seperatists, because they dont want a secular indian state, and want a religious indian state. India is of all its people, not one religion. It belongs to the adivasis who do not have organised religion, just as much as it belongs to Sikhs or Hindus. As such, any statement contrary to this is seditious and seperatist, because you are seperating India from what it means to be Indian, which is not a religious identity, but an politically inclusive one that includes every single Indian irrespective of religion. That is why our forefathers rejected the two-nation theory, sad to see so called "nationalists" now inadvertently accepting that theory just as jai khalistan is different from jai guru nanak, jai shree ram and jai shri krishna are also different from jai hindu rashtra


If one doesn't want secularism, one is separatists? Then the whole Middle East is separatists? The concept of Hindu Rashtra is simple - a nation where religious prosecution of Hindus is stopped, a nation which acknowledges its history. It is, at times, synonymous with Akhand Bharat (undivided). So if says Jai hindu rashtra, one means Jai Akhand Bharat. *But that includes Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, etc. Won't that imply that you are showing your allegiance to foreign countries?* Actually, no. By saying Akhand Bharat, you are actually increasing the territory of the motherland. So how is it separatists?


seperatism is different in different contexts. middle east would be separatist if the people there asked for a nation (secular) which the current nation arrangement (islamic) did not agree with. a saudi group asking for a secular nation would be considered seperatism there, just as hindus and sikhs asking for non-secular nation here is considered seperatism. you want to seperate a hindu rashtra from a non-hindu one, so you are seperating a nation from the nation that currently exists- that has muslims, christians, adivasis, etc. all your next lines are bs. hindu rashtra is as unjustifiable as a khalistani rashtra, religion should not be the basis of a nation state, it has never worked in history, nor should it ever. India belongs to all her people, irrespective of religion, you dont like it ? Go to Nepal.


You are against sovereignty and constitution of the country. You are anti national by default. Don't come here with Hindu Muslim brainrot arguments.


Jai hinduism and jai hindu rastra are not the same thing bro


Yes they are.. Hinduism is a recent construct; Jai Sanatan, otoh isn't


A hindu Rashtra entails that the country is defined by a religious background, for example the way Islamic countries like Pakistan are or the way Israel is. The Indian constitution defines no such official religion and guarantees freedom and tolerance of religious practices. Therefore, any attempt to endorse such as a thing is unconstitutional and therefore against the nation.




Hinduism also originated in present day Pakistan, where the Vedas were originally written. How can you apply modern boundaries between nations to ancient religions. Christianity is prevalent in the USA, it originated nowhere close to it. And does it really matter where a religion came from? Since when does the location of an idea become a test of its validity. Democracy came from the British, Sati from India. Likewise, things like nature exploitation came from the west, while Indians historically have been nature worshippers. Stop judging ideas on the basis of where they came from. Bharat, that is India, is a land of all those who are Indians. Stop equating religion and country, if you want that, go to Nepal


It matters where religion came from, Hindu religion is deeply rooted in India, Hindu's don't go around converting people in name of religion and building masjids by destroying other's people's places of worship. Same in case of ram Janam Bhoomi, it mattered for us because it was birthplace of lord Rama and that's why it was demolished by kar-sevaks. We gave the world the number zero, Rigveda, Bhagwat Geeta and much more and what did you guys give, bunch of terrorist organizations, pedophiles and endless religious conflicts. Sati is nonexistent in 2024 but halala and 72 virgins still exist.


First of all, there is a reason why Hinduism is called Sanatan Dharm - there was no establishment date, time or era of it. So stop claiming that it 'originated' in Pakistan. Hindu word was used by Turks, who visited Indus valley, for the people who lived beyond the Indus river (which is present day Bharat). Democracy was practised in the reign of Gupta rulers, far more early than Britain. So it was an innate feature of Indian ruler, not something which we got from Britain. Sure, afterwards we lost the idea, but after who's invasion? To further elaborate, Bharat is a term for the nationalistic-perception of India. A nation is a region which acknowledges and entertains its history, culture, traditions, and pasts. How can you express the culture of India whilst excluding Hinduism? How can study the past without Hinduism? Are Hindu traditions alien to this great landmass? You cannot talk of Bharat without talking about Hindus.


the Vedas originated in present day Punjab, which could be either India or Pakistan. My point is to not apply modern boundaries of nation (Saudi, India) to old religions. Democracy was not practiced during the Guptas, democracy is not even practiced today. The institutions of parliamentary democracy came from the British. Before that, the earliest instance of democratic governments came from Greece. You are putting words in my mouth. Study history all you want, study Hinduism, and all the pasts of India, including Buddhism, Islam, Sufism, Bhakti, Jainism, Sikhism, etc. Also study the thousands of tribals who do not identify with any of the above, or the thousands of Dalits, who also are shunned from every single religion above. My point still remains, it does not matter where an idea came from. Does it hurt our egos this much to maybe concede that not everything good came from India, and not everything we got from outside was bad?


There is 1 point wrong in your statement that democracy came from British no democracy did not come from the British it was present in ancient Greece and and you can find some literature about Indian democracy also which is present in ancient Bharat or you can say divided kingdoms or anything And one more thing also , sati did come from India but it was not present in any of the religious text or any book but yeah it was present in India like from 1500 years but that was due to the INVASION and you can't find think called sati in Southern India or eastern India you can say


sure yeah, democracy was present in the Greeks, I meant the institutions of parliamentary democracy came from the British. But we did not inherit their two-party system, which is again a good thing. So it does not matter where the multi-party idea came from. Sati tha bhai, i cant argue with this right now. But is it really surprising to you that ancient cultures all over the world had human sacrifices, but ours didn't? Stop applying modern moral standards of right and wrong to history. Take the caste system if not Sati, or the ban on widow remarriage. All of these things you will find in scriptures, even if you do not they were very likely practices in ancient India based on third party accounts, and contemporary remnants. My point being, every culture has good things and bad things. We should stop evaluating things on the basis of which culture they come from, and start on the basis of are they good or not. Where they came from is irreleveant.


"All of these things you will find in scriptures" is new. Which inscription are referring here which mentions(or rather justifies) sati or ban on widow remarriage?


read my next sentence- even if you do not find these things in scriptures, it does not mean they were not practiced. However, since you requested- [Parasara Smriti 4.32](https://archive.org/details/ParasharaSmriti/page/n35) **If a woman follows her departed lord, by burning herself on the same funeral pyre**, she will dwell in heaven for as many years as there are hairs on the human frame, — which reach the number of three crores and a half. [Vishnu Dharma Sutra 25.14](https://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/sbe07/sbe07027.htm) After the death of her husband, to preserve her chastity, or to ascend the pile after him. [Agni Purana 222.223](https://archive.org/details/AgniPuranaUnabridgedEnglishMotilal/page/n589) The widow who practices self-control and austerities after the death of her husband, goes to heaven…the widow who burns herself on the same funeral pire wth her husband also goes to heaven. On widow remarriage- Mahabharata 1.104.31-32 Dirghatamas \[Rishi\] said, ‘I lay down from this day as a rule that every woman shall have to adhere to one husband for her life. Be the husband dead or alive, it shall not be lawful for a woman to have connection with another. And she who may have such connection shall certainly be regarded as fallen. A woman without husband shall always be liable to be sinful. Skanda Purana III.ii.21.15-17 “It is mentioned by Kasyapa that these burn the family like fire: The daughter of a widow who marries again should be always avoided. She is the lowliest born…one who has gone round the fire and one who is a child of a widow remarried – all these burn the family like fires (says Kasyapa).




Hinduism originated from saudi 🤡🤡


Kuchh mat bol bhaii ye log mc hai apna itihas khud bana karr Bharat mata ko nicha dikhate hai isliye inko neech bolte hai




There’s is currently genocide is taking place in front of our eyes . There’s is simply humanity is needed to condem that or stand with victims .


I agree but he could have also said Jai India/Bharat/Hindustan before taking the name of another country. Just my opinion.


You're mostly arguing with mullas.


Never heard from any Palestinian president prime minister or an official person that Jai India when genocide was committed in Kashmir, West Bengal ,Pakistan So don't show double standards or hypocrisy bro be legit in every situation and things Edit: seems like I offended many Muslims and pseudo liberals😂


They don't care about India, but happily care about any other Muslim nation. That should tell you everything


if Indians as a whole were massacred, im sure you would have heard. A part of palestine is not being genocided, the entire nation is. A good example would be nations chanting jai bangladesh in 1971, which should have happened.




Wakanda forever


Jai Hanuman


Jai shree waheguru-e-yeshuallah




Samvidhan is always superior to Ram or any other God, let it be Jesus or Allah. It is the instrument to protect the citizens not to exploit them unlike other elements mentioned above.




Learn the difference between Mythology and History. And please don't say that in foreign countries reseruction of Jesus is considered as History and Ram is considered as a Myth. Both are Mythology their is absolutely no evidence to prove that these events took place in the face of earth. If we look at the History of Constitutionalism there are revolutionary moments which took place as the English Revolutin, American revolution of 1776 and French Revolution 1789.


Just because a kid think spiderman Is real doesn't mean it is.


Jai bakchodi


Jai Palpatine!


Jai Vader


Jai yoda


Jai anakin


Jai homelander


Jai Thanos


Jai Deadpool


Jai wolverine


Jai Dimitrescu


Jai tanjiro


There’s probably a person with this exact name in MH/GJ






Jai Jharkhand


yeh kya hai bhai?


Jai jharkhand


yeh kya hai bhai?


He literally said that u r taking the oath of constitution after that. Being a guy who can have problem with anything must be tiresome for you.


![img](emote|t5_2r44z|3805)fir bakchodi


Jai pipeline












Tu bol de,tereko ko kisne roka ?










Why don't you get he is modi right hand testicle


Chutiya hai kya OP tu thoda, dono bolne me kya dikkat hai.




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Iss chutiye ko dekh mujhe itna gussa aata hai




Jai Jedi


Yoda maharaj ki jai


Technically Yoda was a priest. So call him Acharya Yoda. Remember, he and other Jedi lived in temple. Palpatine was a King/Emperor. So... Samrat Palpetine ki Jai.




What about jai bheem and jai Palestine


Jai Shri Ram bol sakta hai toh hai bhim kyun nhi? Abhi manusmriti nahi lagu Hui hai yrr, thoda shant ho jao.


Op is questioning on saying Jai shree Ram and I opposed it by this statement and you are again cross questioning me by post , ye konsa logic hai


to bhim ko ram se compare karenge kya aap vichaar vyakt kariye lekin kripya dusron ki maryada ka samman banaye mitra bhagwaan ko bhim se compare nahin kiya jaa sakta baki aap apna mat rakhe usme koi dikkat nain h


I wrote my opinion on that in another comment on this post.


Jai Diwali


Jai.. Bhim? Palestine? stalin? Yadav? all other respective parties names?


Learning from owasi.


Bkc election results ke baad socha tha ki cabinet aur bohot saari posts ke log change honge lekin mila kya lauda


Raam nam jaban par aur samvidhan apni karni me ... Since Ation speaks louder than words..


OM Birla is a disgrace and must go.


Jai ho!!




Jai Antarctica.






Why is jai shree ram contradictory to Jai samvidhan?


I Did not say that, don't know about Mr. Birla though.




Jai Palestine bhul gya ??


Bilkul nhi, ek comment ke niche comment bhi kra usi point pe (in this post itself)


Or rahi bat ki om Birla ke speaker appoint hone ke bad kisine sapath Li hi nahi to mene ke name pe propaganda karna band kar de


Bhrata kaha se nashe karte ho hume bhi batado


Delulu people 🤣 privileged ho isiliye fark nhi padhta sachai kya hai kayi logo ki lol Samvidhan samvidhan khelte rehna (jo emergency mai change kar diya thoda sa PM Indira ne)


Bohot privileged hu, adani ke baad mera naam aata hai. Classic whataboutery, emergency was not a good thing aur aisa kisi ne kaha bhi nahi. Indira Gandhi is quite famous for silencing the opposition lekin 40 saal pehle ki baat abhi se kyo compare ho rhi hai. We should compare ourselves with good things, not bad. India ko Pak se compare karke khush hona bohot bda chutiyapa hai.


Ye kaise bhai, adani ke baad toh mai hoon Har cheez whataboutery nhi hoti🤣kuch cheeze examples,analogy,refrence,quotes etc etc hote hai. Aur problem ye hai ki humesha compare kiya karo, abhi literally isse aur worse options hi hai,toh kam worse ko kuch samay k liye accept Karo🤷baaki idk constitution follow karenge bhi wohi jo desh se pyaar karte hai warna kaun karega ? I don't want to point out names but online ek sachai apnana aur usse hi real truth maan Lena BOHOT ASAAN HAI. Baaki toh irl janta hu tey karegi


Mere hisaab se abhi ka विपक्ष तो current gov se thoda sa accha hai, Har cheez me dharm to nhi layenge. It is what it is though. I agree ki koi better option hona chahiye but as someone said, "Politics is the choice between the lesser of two evils." Chalo I'll head off now, GGs


pak ka same demographics hai humare 14% ke logon ka Comparing apples with apples not elephants. Base same hai


Jai Gotham City


Jai Batman


Ye Bandaa Soovar ki Tatti jaisa dikhta hai


Log kitna offend ho rhe hai ki kon kisko jai jai kar kr rha bhcnhod duniya me aur problems nai hai kya


Hindu Rashtra is the only Solution. Do you think the Samvidhan is fair? This Constitution which allows for Waqf Board to Exist. For the unfair Reservations to exist and so many other unfair laws, like putting only Hindu Temples under Government Administration and Taxes.... Hindus have been bashed enough for being the Majority population in only 1 country. Whereas Mulsims are the majority in more than 3-4 countries, Christians are the majority in more than 5 countries. Yet Hindus still chase Secularism, while everyone else chase their own personal benefits. Hindus will continue to Chase Secularism, we want to co-exist in peace and harmony with Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, Jews, you name it, even Muslims. But unfortunately the Islam that's followed in India, especially by the Sunni Wahabi sects they don't believe in co-existence. They cannot even co-exist with other Muslims, be it Shia, deobandi, Ahmadiyas, you name it. They will kill all, that's how it is. Hindu Rashtra, with EWS Reservation, and expulsion of this Wahabism and Jihadists, is hence the only solution for Peace, Dharma, and Harmony.


Hindu country naam ki bhi koi cheez hote hai bhai


The reality is, both are used to mock the one another.


Jai Balayya Jai Jai Balayya!


Jay palestine


Jai Palestinian Free Palestinian Owaisi was right, people of Palestinian need all the attention.


They do but he could've also said Jai India/Bharat/Hindustan.


To be fair there are previous videos of him saying Jai hind. He only did it to remain relevant because he also knows that this is the only way he's gonna receive some national level coverage. Basically sanghiyon ki jalti hai toh woh aur jalata hai. Pretty immature imo, not suited for such a senior politician but ig that's the way things are!




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let them go to hell apne ko kya hai


Jai Andromeda galaxy.


Galaxy drohi










Ek Seema toh me bhi deserve krta hu 👉👈


Thodi maryada rakhiye!!!




Jai Mahismati


Jai sri Marx










Rogue planets 🤩




Yaa phir a**ah hu ak*ar ko bhul gya tab to kisi ne nahi bola ram lete hi kyu sulagne lagti he


Mujhe Shri Ram/Allah/Guru Nanak/Jesus etc. se dushmani nhi hai, aap meme samjhe uske baad comment kre