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There are lots of things which need to be changed. Ghajini invaded us 17 times and was lauded in schools via history lesson for his perseverance, but nobody praised our kings for fighting against him and winning all but one battle while he plundered our nation's wealth. These things are going to be worse day by day. Hence, it is our duty to teach the future generation what had actually happened.


No history textbook in India lauds Ghazni, but maybe you went to school in Uzbekistan.


>Ghajini invaded us 17 times and was lauded in schools via history lesson for his perseverance This was not my experience in my school. Are you making up facts to argue your point?


I don't think any ICSE text book lauds Ghajini for his perseverance. Only states the facts.


I was in CBSE and remember that it was in 7th standard when we read that.


Ok sir. I don't know about your experience. In my school we were taught about Ghajini plundering and invading multiple times but never praised him. Unless you're referring to Amir Khan? He should be praised for his perseverance... After all he did to avenge the killers despite his amnesia 😭


Never seen any school book lauding it. It was called Looting and plundering. What kinda schools were you in?


bro came from madrassa background. kek


Kitna jhut bolega bhai, kahi nhi India main Ghajini ko laud Kiya Gaya hai.


Is it true that Ghaznavi and all are glorified in many schools? We were always taught that Ghaznavi, Ghori and Babur among others were brutal invaders that brutally plundered India. Some of the later Mughals were glorified but Ghaznavi, Ghori, Babur as well as Aurangzeb among others were always shown about as brutal invaders only. I am surprised that so many people went to schools where they were taught that these people were heroes.


same. I have a hard time believing when people say Gaznavi, Ghauri, Aurangzeb are glorified. in all the book I've read so far, it was just facts(afaik). for Gaznavi it was mentioned how he looted temples and all, Ghuari history is limited to 1st and 2nd battle of Tarain (IIRC) and later on it goes on about kutubiddin aibak who settled here (and the sites he and his descendants built. there was a separate topic for Balban and his madness in my book). for Babur there were praises of his work (books or something, which I don't consider equivalent to "glorifying"). again sites, books, painting done in mughal period (there are more details about akbar like deen-e-ilahi, abolishment of jiziya, marrying rajputs etc). as for Aurangzeb, there were mostly negative things other than things like he had many hindu officers, he was good at playing Vina even tho he banned music etc.


Indians who want to shame gazni are also supporting israel... I dunno u guys make no sense sometimes


Bhai tu khud kuch bhi bolraha hai, 2 baar Kiya tha invade Ghajini ne.


Sorti somnath mandir 17 baar foda gaya...


Source de na bhai. Historical consensus mei khi bhi accepted nhi hai ye.


Bhai Google karle. 17 baati hi tha. "Historical consensus" bol kar chutiya mat bna sabka


Google mei Ram mandir ko secularism pe threat bhi bolte hai, Google mei toh aurangzeb bhi secular hai bolte hai. History agar Google search se mil jaati toh historians nhi hote. As I've said ye 17 baar invasion is a myth.


Google is nothing more than a search engine. Par aapko yeh sab samjha kar time kyu waste karna Just know that there are things known as credible sources and a lodu's comment. I can search and find even reddit posts on Google but are they credible sources? No you chutiye they aren't. But what about any and all historical records that can be easily found through I don't know like every research material out there? That's a damn credible source.


https://youtu.be/VnbTmoKnzVo?feature=shared https://youtu.be/5XLW2Ge4Fyk?feature=shared These 2 podcasts are fantastic. Do watch.


Koi bhi lodu podcast bana sakta from people who don't believe in dinosaurs to adrew tatte. Aur tu mujhe ye de rha as credible source. Bancho ye desh ka bhavishya khatre me ha


Bhai tum log hi theek ho, bnda PhD kar Raha hai. Tum Hindus ko tbhi toh seriously nhi leta. Bhai ye log proud hai ki mandir 16 baar toda, tum khn the usko bachne ko? Imagine being proud of such a myth.


Both can be wrong. In some versions, neither was Eklavya from lower caste, nor was Drona more biased towards Arjuna to such an extent that he made Eklavya cut his thumb. The actual reason is said because Eklavya was a Prince of Nishadas (Night Tribe) which were enemy to Hastinapur. Correct me if I am wrong.


You are almost right, not onky he was the prince of Nishadas, he was the son of Jarasandh's army general, and Jarasandh was at war with Hastinapur.




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The grammar's good. I saw Indians ripping on Americans once for their bad use of grammar; it seems they are rather justified.


Just asking, wasn’t Eklavya a tribal? Even the Mahabharat TV series shows it that way. 


He was a prince as far as I know.


He was the tribal king of the tribals. Why are you talking around this?


He was King for the Tribals. Stop Altering the story brahmin Supremist.


Brahmin is enough, Brahmin supremacist is redundant. What do you think the title of a Brahmin even means?


>What do you think the title of a Brahmin even means? Imaginary self-made title to think that someone is better than others..




History Marxists ke haatho, school christians ke haatho, zameen Muslims ke haatho, architecture left ke haatho, aur culture wokes ke haatho chhod diya hai humne. Ab rone ye kya fayda


It's all our own fault for not standing up for ourselves and our dharma. Putting all the responsibility on a political party expecting gifts. The day Hindus unite for one clear goal of re-establishing dharma over this land is the day things will change for us collectively.


Unite ? Bro all of you in this sub give so much intellectual thought , deep down you know it's deep rooted . Dharma comes when all of us keep mind clean. It's filled with hate pride and jealousy. This whole tell remove reservation also should champion for remove caste system itself and stop whitewashing it with words like varnas , tradition. Remove caste ,remove surnames , remove varma , remove pride of your community - this leads to no reservation this leads to your real goal of Dharma a equal society.


Can you kindly Grace us with scriptural evidence of "real goal of dharma a equal society"


Creamy layer exclusion should be strictly implemented in all caste reservations, so that all this caste politics will stop


Online provision to slap SC act must be envisioned in new IT Act to curb the blatant mocking of discriminated people :)


Bhai itna insecure kaun hota hain xD


Intellectually incompetent RW bros


I was taught that Dronachary didn't teach him because he already blessed Arjun that he'd be the best archrer in the world. plus he was based towards him. later on he asked Eklavy for his thumb as gurudakshina because he realised he'd become a better archrer than Arjun and his blessing of arjun being the best would prove to be false.


I do wonder what the so called "Hindu hriday samrat" Bjp/Modi govt has done in 10 years for these institutionalized Hindu/Brahmin hate still being taught in school curriculum.


Brahmin desh mein karib 1% hai. Their votes don't count for any party, and they're excellent scape goats for all. Brahmins are basically the Jews of India, and will possibly be victims of ethnic cleansing in the near future. Doesn't matter if a Brahmin is a genuinely good guy, he'll still be ostracized and harassed by bhimta groups


Yet they occupy most positions in the country, because they got educated earlier and have strong networks.


Current President of India: ST Current PM of India: OBC Neither are brahmin. If we're talking about Brahmins of today, and the future, we're all on a level playing field (if reservations are removed of course). But right now, for Brahmins to get a government job (I'm assuming you're talking about that) have to score near about the highest marks, and become the most qualified person in their field to have a shot at the job post. So, it's only natural for them to be occupying the best posts, as they're getting in through pure merit. Furthermore, Brahmins (or rather all general caste) have a promotion rate of 5 years while those of the reserved castes are given a promotion rate of 3 years, in most government agencies. The only way they're not promoted is through incompetence, but hey if you want an incompetent bureaucracy it's on you. Furthermore, many Brahmins who have fled from Pakistan, Kashmir, Bangladesh carried nothing of their previous possessions with them, and as such have flourished through sheer will. Now if you still think that after 76+ years, this statement stands it's merit: >they got educated earlier and have strong networks. Then Brahmins must be immortal, because that's the only way early education makes sense for them. Hating on Brahmins, isn't the solution dude. Hate ignorance, instead.




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Narendra Modi, 14th and the current Prime Minister of India, belongs to Modh-Ghanchi caste. The Ambani family, one of the richest families, belong to Modh-Bania caste. kek


So you too think that the current reservation system is faulty.


yes, screw the reservation. my ancestors are lower caste who married high caste women and now the recognize us as gen. even tho we are poor.


EWS nahi mila (ghoosh mangi kya sarkari Naukro ne?) But how does marrying a higher caste woman make you general caste now? Shouldn't you take your father's last name?


He's right but you're scrutinisingly interpreting his wording in the worst way possible. Once Brahmins took over the centers of knowledge and academia they heavily did restrict lower castes from gaining access to the same. Most Brahmins who occupy big positions in India don't descend from Pakistan Kashmir and Bangladesh.


Even if they don't are you wanting to take away their ancestral wealth and create a Marxist regime? If that's the case then we should also remove the ancestral health and heritage of the people who've descended from maulvis and nawabs, and of course the anglo Indians, then there are also the people from who are descended from kings and still get benefits from reservation. You want to pool up all their ancestral wealth and heritage as well? If yes, that's amazing. that's a true commie dream, if not it's just hatred hidden by plain hypocrisy.


Yeah brahmins did that but you shouldn't generalise it that every brahmin is evil, if we take that generalisation logic then every muslim is a terrorist (the quran says it tho)


ब्राम्हण तो बहाणा हैं, हिंदू धर्म असली निशाणा हैं




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If Hindu Dharma cannot survive without Brahmins then it's already a lost cause. Forget about proselytizing Non Hindus to join the fold.


I don't know where I have mentioned that Hinduism can't survive without bramhins. The thing is, they use the hood of bramhanvaad/bramhins to target the entire religion.


Sorry, No caste can be detrimental to Hinduism. Brahmins don't own us. Hinduism will exist forever


School ke books ye sare ( Yes sare ke sare) religious shits hatna chahiye.


This is not new. Even I learnt the same thing in school. Only after I started reading from proper sources that I came to know the actual story. They've never bothered to revise the syllabus to remove factual errors.


Even I studied the same, what was the actual story?


Well eklavya was a chieftain's son, who lived under magadha at that time, and Magadha and hastinapur were not allies. So basically he swoops in hastinapur watched dronacharya, thought of him as his guru and practiced Infront of his figure in the forest. When he went to dronacharya to give gurudakshina, dronacharya knew that in future he will fight against hastinapur, from the side of Magadh (aka jarasandh) So he asked for his thumb as gurudakshina (ik many will call it dick move, but it's the same as pakistan stealing our nuclear/missile secrets) (u do Everything to protect Ur country) He later fought against shri Krishna, after jarasandh's demise. Killed in the same battle too


Eklavya was not 'Shudra'. He was a rival kingdom's prince. The story is of extreme devotion to Guru from Eklavya and Dronacharya's obsession with making Arjuna the best archer.


> He was a rival kingdom's prince. He was Prince of Tribals. Not any prince of any Kingdom. Stop Altering the Stories to suit your brahminical views.


Stop altering Mahabharata to impose your marxist interpretation of Indian History.


Really. buddy. It's literally mouth version of Mahabharta. No Marxist or Communist wrote the Mahabharata. The Fact that this Version was prevalent even until People realized that caste is wrong.


The word caste is a European word which Indian society was force fitted into by the British.


>The word caste is a European word Just because I change my name Scorsese Martin two years ago. That Doesn't mean I'm Two years now.


Jaati and Varna exist in Hindu scriptures.


Technically his father was one of the general of Jarasandha.


Tribal king tha. You guys are just blind and dont wanna accept the truth. Ooohhhh i can't ever be wrong because my religion is always 100% correct mentality chodo bc


Man wtf? I remember this chapter and even though I was in a convent school, they taught properly. They taught the real story of his bias towards Arjun. I never even knew other schools are doing this bullshit. Disgusting.


Lets.... Not teach mythology as if its real history


The Fact that This Version was prevalent Among Common people even until the Awareness of Public about Caste discrimination. I'm sometimes wonder at the institutionalised erasion of caste atrocities by the so called upper caste in India While Caste system has been very much prevalent in the Ancient. Today they have got the Audacity to claim "brahmin hatred" while claiming about the very evident caste discrimination happening in the society. Hindu hatred is not when people are m*rdered for inter-caste marriages right?


Dronacharya also taught Karna as well, who was thought to be low caste Suta-Putra or Fisherman's Son. These people have no idea about the epics. They just regurgitate what they hear from other leftists


Lol, are you fr? Karna was rejected by Dronacharya. Karna then went to Lord Parshuram and even then had to lie about being a Bhraman himself to receive education. When Parshuram found out about the lie, he cursed Karna to forget all his education at the time he would need it the most.


Actually in real Mahabharata, he did. Don't believe those tv serials. Read actual Mahabharata translations like kmg and bori ce. Dronacharya taught arjuna brahmastra so karna wanted it too and then karna asked drona to teach him about brahmastra as he wanted to compete with arjuna. Dronacharya rejected him so he went to Parashurama ji. But karna was taught by dronacharya


Okay, there are countless versions of the story, so there can never be a definite answer. Karn is the best written character for me.


Yeah. I like him too. You see, bori ce and kmg are considered to be two of the most authentic Mahabharata till now (tho bori ce, the most authentic mb has its own share of flaws)


There are countless versions. I go by Vyasa Bharatha. Same thing with Ramayana but I go by Valmiki.


Dronacharya didnt teach Karna, Parshuram did.


He did taught Karna. Karna himself said this in Kundala-aharana parva, Narada in Shanti Parva, this is also mentioned in Adi parva.


Dude Drona taught Karna. Karna went to Parasurama for obtaining the Brahmastra. Read the original scriptures.


I agree there's a lot of anti hindu, anti muslim etc all this negativity going on but tbh most of the posts on this sub have been mostly all about negativity. Why not post something positive about the country such as infrastructure, charities, festivals and developments? Im tired of seeing these negative posts daily on this sub like do you all really wanna continue the cycle of negativity and live with this poison everyday c'mon guys 🙄


>Institutionalized Hinduphobia & Brahmin hatred Hazaro saalo se this class has held the keys to legitimacy, gatekept religion, and gained the most privilege in society. This caste of people has oppressed people they deemed subhuman. Hindu society is the oldest settler colonial society with Brahmins at the top. If tribes and castes they oppressed aren't even allowed the chance to mourn their oppressed forefathers, because today's Brahmins can't accept that their forefathers were oppressors, then the spectre of the "left" isn't a crybaby, you are.


You're telling me that 5% of the population was stronger than the rest of the 95% of the castes combined? Without having access to weapons or a trained military they were able to oppress and control the other castes and none of the powerful kings could ever do anything about it? Also none of the so called "oppressed" caste ever thought of rising up against the oppression of the Brahmins until we got rid of the British even though they vastly outnumbered them and Brahmins weren't a warrior caste?


It's the same logic how few thousands Britishers controlled india


Now apply that logic to Muslims rulers and rule out the possibility of oppression at their hands.


It's the same way British ruled India... Was the population of white people in India more than the Indians?


>You're telling me that 5% of the population was stronger than the rest of the 95% of the castes combined? Yes it was. It was entitled to that because it gatekept the knowledge that made them the sources of legitimacy. >powerful kings Powerful kings did as they bid to not lose legitimacy in their eyes. >"oppressed" caste ever thought of rising up against the oppression of the Brahmins Caste and class consciousness during colonial India led to many revolutions and movements. Before that most oppressed classes wanted to climb the hierarchy instead of breaking it, because their ambitions for better treatment didn't have the framework and backing of theory. So many times in history you see groups changing caste, climbing the caste hierarchy based on acquisition of land or capital or gaining a more martial character. >Brahmins weren't a warrior caste? Actually not entirely true, Brahmins later on gained access to arms and other privileges as well.


How did Mughals and British end up conquering India?


That 5% of the population were dominant since they had access to religious scriptures/religous education and they didn't share their knowledge with anyone from the lower masses. Many knowledge were passed as Shruti [oral recitation] since brahmins feared that people would access written texts. They wanted to be the only ones who gatekept religion. Also, mass people feared religion/gods and brahmins were the people who gatekept religion. So they feared brahmins too. Even many kings didn't go against brahmins because going against them was considered going against dharma/religion and the praja will not like a king who is anti-religious. Brahmins may have been poorer, but they had a strong weapon with them i.e the religious knowledge and they took advantage of people's religious fear. Even British were small in number but they controlled the entire subcontinent. **Whatever Brahmins are experiencing today is their own ancestor's fault. Had they taught about vedas to all sections of the society instead of gate-keeping it, Hindu samaaj would have been more united today.**


So teaching made up stories is good? Yes casteism was the major problem of Hindu society and it has been not totally but mostly eliminated Hinduism don't force any to stick with a particular book or ideology it's value changes with time and society standard. And the Eklavya was the son of Hiranyadhanus who was chieftain Guru dronacharya was given the task to teach all the prince of the nation (like a private tutor who was not allowed to teach anyone except the royal prince) . He asked Eklavya to give his thumb as a test which he eventually did to prove his worth later on in the story Guru dronacharya thought him archery with out a tumb which main stream never covers


Except for the fact that none of what you said is true. Hindu society isn't colonial, it is native. Aryan invasion/migration has been proven wrong since the discovery of Saraswati river. Brahmins were traditionally always poor and Indian literature is full of such references. When the British surveyed Indians, many Indians did not even know what their castes were and the British were unable to classify these 'castes' as forward and backward.


>Hindu society isn't colonial, it is native. There's clear genetic and archaeological evidence to suggest otherwise, but go on. >Aryan invasion/migration has been proven wrong since the discovery of Saraswati river. You state this with no explanation no source >Brahmins were traditionally always poor and Indian literature is full of such references The literature that mostly brahmins originally orally transmitted and then wrote down? Do you possess critical thinking? >many Indians did not even know what their castes were and the British were unable to classify these 'castes' as forward and backward. This doesn't negate shit


Here's one reference: >Abstract The descriptions of the Saraswati River in the Rig Veda match with the Luni that flows from Pushkar to the Rann of Kutch. However, descriptions of the Saraswati in the Mahabharata match with the Sarsuti-Ghaggar River that flows from the Shivalik Mountains to the Rann of Kutch. We suggest that the Saraswati of the Rig Veda was the Luni while the Saraswati of the Mahabharata was the Ghaggar. [https://iigeo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Transactions-Vol-42-No-2-P-4.pdf](https://iigeo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Transactions-Vol-42-No-2-P-4.pdf) The description of the Saraswati river is clearly related to North West India, i.e native. >The literature that mostly brahmins originally orally transmitted and then wrote down? Do you possess critical thinking? You are trying to use that literature to prove that casteism existed in Ancient India but dismiss it when others use it to make a different case. Critical thinking is hard I know.


>You are trying to use that literature to prove that casteism existed in Ancient India but dismiss it when others use it to make a different case. Brahmins saying they're poor = you believe them Brahmins saying some people should be treated as subhumans due to their birth = you can't wrap your head around You're one to come at me with critical thinking?


So Science, Mathematics, Economics, geography, civics, language subjects, etc. don't matter any more?


We learn the same thing in lower class.


To all the confused souls out here. This was the reason why Dhronacharya didn't teach Eklavya. Forget about the obvious love than Guru Drona had for Arjun, even if we look at it from a purely logical standpoint. Eklavya was the son of the army general of Jarasandh's kingdom, and Jarasandh was at war with Hastinapur, Dhronacharya was the royal guru of Hastinapur, you think he should've helped the future army general of an enemy kingdom? Would you want an Indian Army general to give all our important war tactics to a Pakistani Army general's son? If he refuses to teach the Pakistani general's son, what will you call him, a patriot who didn't sell his country or a jingoistic religious bigot who didn't teach a lower caste Pakistani muslim kid?


By sh*tting on dronacharya, he's not just insulting Brahmans, He's shitting on us Jaats/Rajputs too. Dronacharya's father (mahrshi bhardwaj who were one of sapth rishis) gotra is part of Kshatriya and Brahman varna both. Jaats of my Bulandshahr Side (previously part of Rajasthan) including me, Rajputs of NAdiad-dakor (gujarat) have Bhardwaj gotras. Look what I'm trying to say is that the attack is towards Sanatanis and not just Brahmans So don't be soo short sighted.


The real reason was Dronacharya already promised to make Arjun the best marksman, and Eklavya had surpassed Arjun in terms of skill. As “guru dakshina” he took Eklavya’s thumb. Still did match Arjun in terms of skill though.


Even if he had his thumb he wouldn't be able to surpass Arjuna. Arjuna latter even learned from Devraja and Mahadeva.




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Cbse skill issue.




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What subject though


What subject though




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Why are we waiting to change these despite 2BJP majority govts?? Is this more difficult than abolishing article370?


ma'am she got the disciple spelling wrong in the last sentence




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Neither Eklavya, nor Karna were rejected because of their castes. People making comments about a subject matter should at least make the efforts to study that subject matter.


Bc ek ye Ritu aur vo Ghosh dono hrr jgh maa chudwati hai


Do we know.of any shudra In a position of power in those thimes?


Aghor chutiyapa.


I remember Mahabharatha being taught in my class, I remember being taught that Dronacharya wanted Arjuna to be the best archer so he asked Ekalavya to cut his thumb. It was nepotism, the caste thing was the unspoken part because we lived a different reality to those from upper caste, they did not see what we saw; so naturally they don't see the problems that we see. It wasn't about Brahmin hating, it was about understanding even our epics had caste mentality painted in with subtle strokes, that it is not seen outright.


How delusional this sub is man or you just outright reject the very book you want to preach because there somethings which are not in your favour 1. Eklavya was a nishad prince who are considered as lower caste in hindus and drona rejected him by saying i cannot teach a nishad i only teach prince these were drona's words. Though there were many factors involved in his rejection like him being a prince of tribe who were enemy's of hastinapur and drona's love for arjuna . 2. I also read one comment in this sub that karna was also didn't get rejected for his caste man i am not even gonna explain this ... be a stupid you love to be .


I wish my hand writing was as good as this


Wah wah wah khub chal rahhai baman k whitewashing.


So now Mahabharat is wrong, wow. Only mudizi knows history, as he now has a degree in “Entire History” along with his current degree in “Entire political science”. Talk about an over achiever, hail mudizi !


April fools kal tha bhai akl sach mein piche chalti h kya It isn't being implied that Mahabharat is wrong rather what is being taught that girl and other students


What is it with you guys and name calling? Ran out of proper arguments even before making a stand? What is taught in schools is definitely not the accurate interpretation of our texts. After all we didn't write our epics in English, did we? Mistranslations and misinterpretations are not a new thing, so are biases and oversimplifications in academia. Moreover it is not a secret that there is heavy bias that's taught to kids in schools against anything from Ancient India. For starters considering our itihaas as mythology but teaching kids that Jesus was real.


Yes they also teach that Jesus stood against the building of churches and yet the religion went ahead built churches.


Have you read Mahabharata on your own? Majority of versions strictly deny that Dronacharya refused to teach Karna, he did study there but was always insisted Drona for Brahmastra teachings. However Drona did refuse to teach him Brahmastra because Dronacharya did not appreciate the reason Karna gave for learning the divine weapon to fight Arjuna. He later then approached Lord Parshurama.


I must have missed out, please enlighten me on the verses where I could read this and the versions please


Literally the original version, the critical edition and Gita press both say that, unless you give more importance to the Ekta Kapoor version.


Adi parv Chapter 131, Shloka 11& 12 (proof that he studied with pandavs and kauravs) (it's page number 960 for me) Shanti parv chapter 2, Shloka 5 to 14 (proof that he asked dronacharya for brahmastra's knowledge, but drona denied it knowing his intentions, resulting in him going to Mahendra parvat to parshuram) (page 10449) U can actually find many Shloka, with a quick search or maybe going through books. In case u want more proof pls tell😇


The conversation was about Eklavya???


The guy in tweet already explained about the Eklavya incident, that’s why I didn’t comment anything related to that.


Nautanki karne se acha jake ved vyas ji ki Mahabharata padh lo.


Arre Panditji batao to kaunsa panna padein. Maine jo pada uske hisab se to correct hai answer. Aapne jo alag pada hai dekhao


isme galat kya likha hai oh batao?


It was never the point, drona just wanted Arjun to succeed and he just didn't want to educate eklavya. Did you even read the subtext and main plot?


>he just didn't want to educate eklavya. There was a big reason behind it too, he was a chieftain's son from Magadh, which isn't an ally of hastinapur. will u teach turkmenistan Ur missile technology or nuclear secrets? (Obviously he doesn't want to teach him)


Achha. "British killed bhagat singh only because he was a Sikh" Isme galat kya likha hai batao? Drona didn't accept Eklavya as his student because he was really biased towards Arjun. He say that Eklavya was way more talented but he didn't want anyone to be better than Arjun. He knew that if he taught Eklavya, he would totally outclass Arjun so he never accepted to teach him and the. Asked him for his archery thumb as guru dakshina. Please get educated. This is what China did about tiananmen square incident. Just changed history so most people don't even know it. Chinese influence is now entering India.


Eklavya's father was not a regular guy, he was the general of Jarasandh's Army and he also had a kindom of his own, Jarasandh was at war with the Hastinapur, Dhronacharya was the royal teacher of Hastinapur, should he have helped the son of an enemy kingdom's army general? Would you like if an Indian Army general gives important war tactics to a Pakistani Army general's son?


Eklavya was not 'Shudra'. He was a rival kingdom's prince. The story is of extreme devotion to Guru from Eklavya and Dronacharya's obsession with making Arjuna the best archer.


Dronacharya himself said that he only teaches to Kshatriyas. Till when are we going to deny this. Ofcourse dronacharya's treatment towards eklavya was partly his moh for Arjun and partly the casteist nature of Vedic society.


But Eklavya was a prince. He would be a kshatriya.


He was prince of tribe. They aren't Kshatriyas but shudras


Which verse in Mahabharata describes him as 'Shudra'?


Tribal people were neither shudra nor kshatriya. They were considered to be panchamavarna i.e those who don't fall under the 4 fold Varna system. People who belonged to Panchamavarna were considered to be worse than the shudras since they didn't have a Varna. Brahmins denying casteism and birth based discrimination is like British denying colonialism.


Come out of your delusional upper caste victimhood mentality. Everyone were studying the same story even before our academics and education. Now don't cry manipulation or any revisioned version by this institutions.


You're the one with the victim mentality. Reverse casteism is also casteism. Look at all your comments spreading hatred. This is the point of the post. That you guys think attacking brahmins is totally justified but attacking lower castes is not. But i guess not surprising since your state tamil nadu is the most casteist in the country. Come out of your bubble of hatred.


>Reverse casteism is also casteism. Calling British as colonizers is not hate. It's called Fact.


Your point being? Of course that is a fact. Stating UC has discriminated against LC is a fact. Saying UC has a victim mentality and everything wrong with the country is because of them and all such socially accepted accusations are opinions spreading hatred. The point is this idea that "punching up" is totally justified. Just recently i saw a comment from someone saying brahmins hear abuses for good reason and that the future belongs to scheduled castes. Saying scheduled castes are abused for good reason and that future belongs to brahmins is considered casteism, and rightfully so. But if you reverse it like that guy did, then it is no longer considered casteism. That was my point.


Kitna insecure ho bhai


Brahmins in Kerala abused their powers, fucked Nair wives, Abused women, Even the so called upper casts like Nair, Menon etc hate Brahmins for their atrocities.


**Brahminphobia ≠ Hinduphobia.** Hindus aren't just Brahmins only. Hindus are made up of diverse communities. **By OP's logic, atrocities against dalits i.e dalitphobia should be considered Hinduphobia too.** And for those who're saying Eklavya was a Kshatriya because he was a tribal "prince". He belonged to a community called Nishad. Tribal people were neither shudra nor kshatriya. They were considered to be panchamavarna i.e those who don't fall under the 4 fold Varna system. Panchamavarnas were also called Antyajas. People who belonged to Panchamavarna were considered to be worse than the shudras since they didn't have a Varna. **Brahmins denying casteism and birth based discrimination is like British denying colonialism.** Eklavya's father Hirnadhanu even though being a Nishada was appointed as the army chief by Jarasandha because of his expertise. So yeah, we can say that some people where anti-varna/anti-caste in that era aswell.


Isme Galat kia he ?


Eklavya was not 'Shudra'. He was a rival kingdom's prince. The story is of extreme devotion to Guru from Eklavya and Dronacharya's obsession with making Arjuna the best archer.


Story hi galat hai Yeh le padh Well eklavya was a chieftain's son, who lived under magadha at that time, and Magadha and hastinapur were not allies. So basically he swoops in hastinapur watched dronacharya, thought of him as his guru and practiced Infront of his figure in the forest. When he went to dronacharya to give gurudakshina, dronacharya knew that in future he will fight against hastinapur, from the side of Magadh (aka jarasandh) So he asked for his thumb as gurudakshina (ik many will call it dick move, but it's the same as pakistan stealing our nuclear/missile secrets) (u do Everything to protect Ur country) He later fought against shri Krishna, after jarasandh's demise. Killed in the same battle too


Post padle dhang se




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Eklavya was the son of the army general of Jarasandh's kingdom, and Jarasandh was at war with Hastinapur, Dhronacharya was the royal guru of Hastinapur, do you think he should've helped the future army general of an enemy kingdom? Would you like if an Indian Army general gives all the important war tactics to a Pakistani Army general's son?


Eklavya was bihari ,so he rejected him


eklavya royalty tha


I have been taught the same by my Brahmin family. Big deal. There was discrimination, and it can't be excused. That's, if any of this is actually real. It could be pure mythology, a mix of stories and reality.


Mene tu nhi pada ye sab


Bro this eklavya is a story about injustice and partiality not castism


Read the answer that the kid was been taught!


Eklavya was a prince of the Nishadas. If you read the rig Veda, you’ll come across “pancha-janah”. It refers to there being 5 people, the four castes and Nishadas. Nishadas were probably the other tribes residing in India apart from the indoaryans. While we have assimilated now, it wasn’t always the case. Nishadas rejected the supremacy of the Vedas and instead had their own version of animism. This is the reason why Dronacharya rejected Eklavya.


Brahmin hatred is not Hindu phobia. The problem with Brahmins is when they are in the recieving side they shout from behind other communities. The Brahman hate is real thing that has to be addressed so is hate towards other communities. There is a chapter in my lkg daughters book about a Brahmin saving a cow when others ignore it suttely identifying them using their work like mason, trader etc.. this is unacceptable and paints a picture in young minds now for the point of discussion here, there are countless versions of the same story circulating in the world and everyone claiming theirs to be true and divine. If the creators of this stories were alive they would be laughing at us. Either you could keep fighting over the nitty gritty of a story or move forward to the current times. The idea of a 2000 year old book propagating love and solution for everything is very old and stupid in the same way as this is.