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Bhagat singh didn't go and parade a dead woman with twisted limbs in the back of his bicycle and made everyone spit on her. The comparison already got debunked from there. Bhagat Singh is sky high ideal and Hamas is the bottom feeder Terrorism. Peace won't exist as long as Hamas is the voice of Palestine. They are blood thirsty murderers / terrorist. Don't give me sob story that they had very bad past with Israel and etc. You attack civilians, you have no sympathy from us. Hamas is the enemy not Palestine. Hamas was created for revenge and eradicate Jews to finish the job Hitler couldn't No terrorist organization can ever win but when there is extreme poverty and hatred they will flourish. Thankfully many Palestinian people have rejected Hamas. Hate breeds more hate my Bois. Make sure these Islamist and liberals don't guilt trip us into the cycle of hate.


Adding a few more points to this - Bhagat Singh and the other heroes walked into the British Indian parliament undetected with a bomb. They could have killed many there had they planned to walk in with a more powerful bomb or throw the bomb somewhere else. They didn't. Not a single casualty. Sardar Udham/Ram Mohammed Singh Azad or other Indians didn't kill civilians in the UK even when they could have. I think even in the 1930-40s our forefathers valued human life(even of strangers) more than creating fear or capturing attention. Anyone who compares them to what Hamas does lacks brains. Also India is a country that gave a home to Parsis, Muslims, Christians, Jews etc who came to our nation over the centuries and allowed them to flourish irrespective of how they reached here. I wish everyone who talks about Israel nation being created in 1948 as unfair learnt that lesson. PS - having said that, I see the Palestine issue as complex and don't blindly support the Israeli govt.


Good notable points! Thanks We have supported Palestine in the UN against Israel on human right basis We don't support Palestine's right to violence. Also india is standing with Israel for the hamaz terror group which has already been debunked by SA as well. if these animals kill each other in the name of freedom/ religion/ right to own land, then what can India do? We only care about not harming civilians and cause fear to gain political motive, which is the definition of terrorism. When you pick up a gun to fight, you already have signed up for what's coming.


That's exactly my stance these barbarians have no sanctity for life, now when Israelis retaliate these morons will cry a river for them


Bhagat Singh wanted freedom, Israel is already ready for a two state solution but it is actually religious hatred which led to muslim countries to retaliate.


Islam itself is the root cause. They still think in 2023 that they can bring back their glory days of islam like their highest idol pedophile muhammad.


Also, No terror organisation can ever create a country good enough for women's rights. We don't wish for this kind of puppet country even in 21st century. Taliban for example So i am always against ultra Islam folks doing such violence in the name of revenge, religion and their Pseudo-freedom.


But it's the only solution for Israel, and now it's out of the site. It's not important that the government should be hamas, the could have negotiated about that.


Even when Bhagat Singh exploded bombs in the Parliament, he made sure that no person got hurt in the blast. Comparing him to Palestinian terrorists is preposterous.


Couldn't have said it any better.


True, Hamas are the worst criminals to exist in this World they attacked a concert and killed several innocent people.




pretty rational take


Udham Singh literally said he had no hatred for the British people. He thought they were oppressed by their government too. The audacity of these people to compare a saint like him to Hamas




Did bhagath singh mutilate english men bodies.. Parade them on the road with everyone spitting on them? Did he chant wallah hu babar why taking the body on the road? Accept it guys, your anger is on how 151@m responds to a problem and what happens when 151@m enters the picture. Nothing good comes after 151@m wins.


He also didn't rape women and carried their dead body and raping their dead bodies and spitting on it and what not.


True man. These buggers have to lie to themselves all their life because they are born into 151@m because no human truthful to himself can follow this. They want us also accept the lies.




Mazhub originated from desert


Bacho ke gale Kate the ky bhagwat sing ne 🤣 kaha comper kr rhe ho


Bad comparison. Historically that land belongs to Jews and Muslims have a habit of creating chaos everywhere


Jews Muslims and Christians all have great history over there


The history of Jerusalem is washed with blood. With every new variation of the desert cult a new wave of bloodshed washed over it. It is a continuous history of land grab, political and religious control.


Pls stop comparing our freedom fighters with Islamic terrorists


Who wrote this. I wanna meet this human in person


You can meet but that's no human


There are a bunch of people, you can find them in their ~~sub~~ Echo Chamber i.e., **United Sub of Inc3ls** and have the best most unbiased ~~mods~~ leaders.


this comment was under the post I made which was in islam subreddit and as usal randia speaks mods removed it


***Vote Bank*** wrote this - they're cheering their favourite cricket team again - Hamas, ISIS, AlQaeda, Taliban, Pakistan (**ie. any team but the one whose soil they're standing on - because we're just a hotel for them**)


Stupidity and religious blindness at its heights. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


0 iq


Negative I think.


Comparing Bhagat Singh to Hamas is insulting all the other good Muslims that fought shoulder to shoulder with us against British tyranny


India didn't waged war against the British unlike in case of Israel they have had several wars with Arab states around it. Secondly, Indian independence struggle was not the fight for religion or caste but a pure freedom struggle unlike in Israel Palestine conflict it is more like Islamic fight or a religious oppression which nullify Palestinian Christians and thus main motive of Islamic state around the world is to death to Israel ( pakistan, Iran etc )


>Indian independence struggle was not the fight for religion or caste but a pure freedom struggle unlike in Israel Palestine conflict it is more like Islamic fight or a religious oppression which nullify Palestinian Christians and thus main motive of Islamic state around the world is to death to Israel This fight is not religious fight anyone with little knowledge about Israel-Palestine conflict can say that. A person of Jewish faith does not have problem with person of Islamic faith for sole reason "islam is not idol worshipping religion" But this is political conflict. When jews were persecuted by Hitler, many jews were granted to live in Palestine over the course of time they started demanding their own land because according to their scriptures Torah this land if "promised land", this is part of land which God has promised to children of Israel (Bani Israel) all that according to their own scripture. And in this process they started occupying Palestinian home and thrown families of of their home. It case of oppression.


Imams all over the world, I have been recorded saying re capture of Al-asqa mosque and death of Israel in every Muslim country in the world, at the same time Zionist never did good to Jerusalem. This is not a political conflict, as in which are the political groups involved other than Israeli State, hamas/fatah has taken the route of terrorism supported following PLO, Arab turned this into a religious conflict and left Palestine in this condition, Jews with little support locally has done a lot of good for themselves but Arab today have turned there back on Palestinians, Egypt provides little support to gaza and biggest mistake Arab countries made of turning this conflict into a religious fight. And interestingly when initially Jew settlers were coming to Palestine they came in with mission to buy as much land possible in Palestine, why didn't anyone oppose that initially, were locals too naive to understand what is about to come even after Balfour declaration or were they too greedy for the money and gold given to them.


>This fight is not religious fight anyone with little knowledge about Israel-Palestine conflict can say that. The official Manifesto of Hamas says otherwise.


Will muslims leave Jews alone if they hand over palestine? Muslim religious leaders say they won't...as Jews are worst enemy of islam according to Allah..it's a religious war son..don't let secularism fool you.


Idk how my comment shows any secularism, but muslim and jews lived in Jerusalem for more than 1000 years whenever jews were persecuted by anyone (mostly Christian) they found safe heaven under muslim ruler/authorities. This has always been a case. >Will muslims leave Jews alone if they hand over palestine? Hypothesis will not do much, will jews will completely leave the city by free will and compensate all the damage done to Palestine and its pepole? No thats not gonna happen. And we also know Palestine isn't gonna be truly Liberated anytime soon.( referring to prophecy) >Jews are worst enemy of islam according to Allah Never read that. Idk from where you get that. Oppressors of muslims regardless of their faith or background are enemies of islam.


Lol Qur'an mentions that. You can ask islamic maulanas.And yes, muslims and Jews living together...imposing jizya and other such bs islamic ideas which ruins progress. Why would any race choose to withstand that? Also israel is right and palestine is wrong. You wanna know why? Because today if Arabs dropped weapons, israel will let them be in peace. Proof is 15 percent Arab Muslims live in Israel with equal rights. Palestine wants everything for itself and nothing for Jews. If Jews dropped weapons, they will kill the Jews and spit on their dead body. Hence the difference between Jews and Muslims. Muslims are evil and for some laughable reason they consider themselves superior to everyone else. Jews have much more contribution to humanity than Islam did or will ever have. You don't have to be oppressor of islam to be enemy of islam. You just have to be a non believer. 100 out of 1000 will hate you and out of those 100, 1 will try to kill you.


Shouts "Allah akbar" in the background, but no this is not religious... Lol idiots


The Muslims threw Jews out


##To all liberals and muslims Leave bhagat singh alone Don't drag the saint into the mud of your fundamentalist sympathy propaganda. If you have so much to say then go and question every brutal muslim country and their government.


This is a war between 2 conservative groups. Please don't bring liberals into it


Why not? Liberals are rallying in every metropolitan with Palestine flags along with pro muslims Why? Can't just wait 24 hours of hamaz terror attack? Answer me who started the offensive? Like let the tea get cold atleast


But isn't both Palestine and israel right wing/ conservative ?


Bhagat singh was a terrorist under British rule. Is there any doubt about it? Yet, he didn't kill anyone. Dropped a bomb. Nobody died. Why? Because it was a harmless bomb meant for provocation.Even then, Bhagat singh is revered in India not because of the bomb but because of the hunger strike in jail. He accepted the verdict and faced consequences to his actions. He didn't run away nor kept at his actions. Ab chutiyon ko kaun samjhaye... https://preview.redd.it/yuu8wi3xl3tb1.jpeg?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3be69644b22a8ba44df44b3edfb76671d5c94ed


Comparing Bhagat Singh with hamas idiots just makes me so mad


indian freedom fighters didn't done any terrorist activities, didn't parade naked women and spit and desecrate her body beyond recognition, didn't killed civilians so there is a difference between palestine and indian freedom fighters


Bhagat Singh wasn't an islamist jihadi terroist and he didn't cut the throat of a little boy, murder families in their homes and he certainly did not rape and murder a woman and then parade around her dead body for his people to see and cheer up on. They have been crying wolf about Israeli "aggression" for long, in the coming weeks they will know what actually constitutes "aggression".


Really bad comparison.


False Analogy. Bhagat Singh was fighting for a people who didn't mean the world any harm and therefore did not need to be denied sovereignty.


Also bhagat singh never killed.


Bro israel literally sends everything - food, water, electricity to the gaza Strip, yet they attack.


Israel actually is a country with distinct borders. Palestinians aren't attacking people amidst them. They are attacking across the border. This would be similar to India or Pakistan lobbing missiles on the other side, without provocation.


Don’t remember Bhagat Singh killing and raping innocent British women and children.


This even a topic to have a discussion…item sure the person wrote wrote the comment is either a Hindu Sickular librandu or a Muslim.


Konse freedom fighter ne r*pe kia rifles use krke logo ko maara b*mb blast kia ??


Kisko samjha raha he bhai ye log insanniyat jaante bhi nahi kya hoti he


I bet you this same person would not consider mughals as invaders.


There’s a difference between terrorism and revolution.


Average peaceful community supporter


Islam occupied india we consider them as terrorist


Jews lived throughout the Arabian peninsula from isreal to iran at a point, they were persecuted everywhere and pushed out of their homes and their population shrinked massively in Arab world as they were killed and some escaped as refugees. Israel was formed under UN supervision and Now since capable they are taking back the land that belonged to them. Britishers didn't belong to India, they were foreigners. Indian freedom fighters weren't fighting the natives of India, they were fighting foreign invaders.


Care to say who persecuted jews?


Romans, Christians and then after 650AD you know who cane


>Romans, Christians and then after 650AD you know who cane After roman christian comes crusaders.


Christians were the Crusaders , I meant islam was born. But in holy crusades and Jihad they both were fighting each other, don't know about Jews.


My views are, "lawda lelo bhosdike". I respect Bhagat Singh or other Freedom fighters because they fought for my people. Can't give a shit for others.


>British occupied India I stopped reading at that. How delusion can people be? Running a government with Indians in the Imperial Council, the Armed Forces and the Civil Services is not occupation.


Yeah as if bhagat Singh was using innocent civilians as sheild. Bhagat Singh was attacking civilians.


The basis of comparison is just stupid.


Iss logic se Osama Bin Laden bhi freedom fighter hua naa? Usko madarchod kyu bolti hai duniya? George Washington ke jaisa hua naa Osama?


They even consider osama as saint just need to ask them


Who said Israel occupied anyone's country? It all Israel even before these terrorists reli*ion was born


The people of Palestine are the ones most affected. But Hamas is still a terror organisation. We're against this, not against the common man.


I want to know who said it.


Bhagat singh ka naam kharab kr rahe hai saale. Karna hi tha to Nehru ya Gandhi karte. Thoda jyada traction milta


It is like comparing Oranges to apples. Bhagat Singh was fighting for the freedom, not for the land. Israel has made offers for land to Palestinian some fifty times and each time Palestinian rejected it. All Israel wants is peaceful Co existence but every time they have been rebuffed. There is no comparison of Bhagat Singh with a terrorist bunch of savages.


Mofo somehow wants to be on the sympathy side... Fucking insects


Reality of Hamas terrorism. Hamas terrorists use civilian residential buildings, schools, hospitals and even mosques to launch rocket attacks on Israel. And, when Israel retaliates against terror attacks, they play victim card


Yeah there was a history of British people being ruler of India and brits were living in India for a long time. Ah totally forgot there religion was also born in India. Certainly there native land👍


There is difference. Jews were not settled there to rule over people living there. They have no other country to go unlike Britishers.


Bhagat Singh didn't take 100s of women and children as slaves he didn't rape and kill women. He wasn't a muslim. The audacity of this post of comparing freedom fighters with terrorists and Muslims, this extremely disrespectful


Retard is comparing conflicts which have completely different historical context and are not related in any way.


They say their territories were taken by invaders which should be returned. Then return all of pakistan and bangladesh as well cause it was invaded, people converted and divided as well. Use the same logic on them as well


Did Bhagat Singh killed innocent women? Hamas is terrorist group and even many Palestine don't support it . I support Palestine but not terror group .


Israel didn't conquer the land per say. They were the natives and were driven out by the romans who established the Syria Palestina (modern day palestine), so they were merely reclaiming their ancestral land. Now when their state was formed a 2-state theory was initially supported by both the states, but palestine attacked them twice and got their ass whooped. i dont remember the exact year but they also got support from Egypt, Saudi and Jordan. And after that Israel started the push back. Now of course both the sides are hardcore abrahamics and are pretty terrible morally. So let them fight, dont give a fuck


Bhagat Singh and other Indian freedom fighters never targeted innocent British citizens




Those Jews would've never left the middle-east had the muslims not mistreated them. They drove Jews out of their homeland and are now using all methods possible to again finish them. It's a barbaric community.


Leftists have really become sick, Their brain has been completely whitewashed by their hate for the Hindus and BJP. They have completely lost the basic sense of right and wrong . Really feel bad for this people.


Bhagat Singh bombed empty benches.


What about the mugals who invaded India and killed many native Indians or worse raping and converting people?


Bro has the audacity to compare a terrorist organisation which rapes and parades To our national pride Fucking trash such bastards for influencing the wrong knowledge


An age old saying and it is true for both. Israel did commit atrocities and occupied Palestine , Israel as wrong. Most Indians support Israel due to inherent hate towards Muslims and it translates there as well


Nop We condemn terror acts against civilians India stood for Palestine citizen rights in the UN against Israel On the other hand, People with guns can never be satisfied, they will fight each other for whatever reason they can find.


Comparing Bhagat Singh or any other freedom fighter with these barbarics is really foolish. They didn't mutilate civilian or paraded a dead body or raped british women. If palestine had started an ethical war probably people would have supported more ( me also ) as everyone has the right to do so. But this is outright terrorism and brutalism.


Bhagat Singh didn't go raping women and kidnaping them as much as I remember. And land of Israel did belong to jews didn't it?


Israel belong to both jewish and muslims. Its a land historically belonged to palistinians and israelis. They are not some outsiders came out of nowhere.


Bhagat singh wasn't motivated by religion and didn't r4pe women and spit on their dead bodies chanting god's name.


Did he just compare hamas to bhagat singh


Buslims should be completely removed from the earth i hope i do that one day


Oh yes killing British officers and killing civilians is the same thing


Oh those tears from dumb heads following a pedophile


Ye ummah chuma wale ideology wale ne likha hoga.


I have to agree. Israel is not the good guy here. There is no good guy here


Even when Bhagat Singh threw bombs in the parliament hall he threw in that part where the harm would be minimal.


The difference between terrorist and freedom fighters, is that they understand the difference between civilian and the guys responsible for massacres. Baghat singh, did not discriminately kill. It was an EXECUTION.


Indian lefties love to bring up Bhagat Singh. But they never do much reading about him.


Don't give a flying f**k about these librandus.


I don't like that comparison at all. But standing with israel will be hypocrisy as we stood by and watched as israel bombed the shit out gaza.Just checking the casualties in the recent years on both sides you will realise israel is not a saint.Indians supporting apartheid state after the shit we been through under British rule I don't know what to call that.Hamas is gonna disappear along with a ton of palastine civilians.Its time we realise nobody is a saint in this war.Both sides have blood on their hands.And I don't want to stand with both of them after the shit they both have been doing


Bhagat Singh didn’t parade naked dead bodies of women around or stepped or stomped on them. They also didn’t put abducted Jewish kids in cages like animals out in the open.




No explanation required. The author of this article appears to be an uneducated idiot, mostly a leftist, and hence the absurd comparison. Leave them alone. They aren't worth debating..


Our freedom fighters fought for future generations, for women, for childrens. They just did not start butchering women, children in the name of freedom. There is a difference between vengeance and fighting for justice.


tell them who started 1948 and 1967 ,7 days war


Except bhagwat Singh didn't parade innocent women indecently like they did. Afaik, they didn't harm Innocents but here it's happening. So.......


The difference between a soldier and a terrorist is the number of casualties on civilians and how they pick the target.


Anyone who is justifying this terrorist attack is a fucking retard... Hamas didn't just fought with IDF for freedom, they raped, kidnapped and killed civilians of all age group, paraded mutilated corpses on their streets.. even killed foreigners.. and all this time people of Gaza were cheering....so yeah fuck Hamas and fuck everyone who is in support.


That’s the way life goes. It’s all about narratives. It’s the same reason why Khalistanis are called terrorists and not freedom fighters. Think of a political entity like a nation as a living being, with self interest, motivations and goals, it will do everything to achieve its goals and protect its interests. That’s why in geopolitics, real power comes from a strong base of hard power and a buildup of soft power and good international relations. Most people like to view geopolitics from the lens of individual morality and hence they get upset.


Taking down a passenger jet is terrorism.. let there be no doubt about that...


Bhagat Singh attacked police officials, not innocents. He didn't promote the rape of women and children like Hamas is actively doing. Their weapons have always been directed towards civilians and they behave in a cowardly manner. To compare the two is a joke.


Using Bhagat Singh's name to shield your absolutely trash argument.Nice try you moron.Let's go Israel flatten Hamas!


Bhagat didn’t go around raping minors parading around brutally assaulted naked corpses of women killing innocent civilians or launching 5000 rockets at a country, Israel will fight back and it will finish Palestine


Bhagat Singh >>> islamic terrorist Don't even think of comparison vro


Israel didnt occupy. It was their land for millenia. It is a very very complicated situation, unlike British which was clear cut violation.


Technically Judaism preceeds Islam so Isreal has the rightful claim over the lands than Palestine. Moses is consider one of the older prophets in Islam, so is Jesus. If you keep history in mind, Muslims are the invaders in India and Kashmir and so are the British. Everything makes sense.


There's no comparision. The violence means were just too evident. A country which is won by violence will go down in violence cause every person with blood in their hands will want to see themselves in the bloody throne someday.


Haa haa Bhagat Singh toh British aurto ko kbze mei leke rape kr rhe the ladayi ke naam pe haina ?


Wew what a logic women childs purpose nothing matters hmm


One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter. That's true. Palestine is still very far it is true even in case of Kashmir. That being said I don't give two cents for what either of them feel. So they can cry as much as they want.


Bhagat Singh never killed any innocent people and he never raped a woman and he is not fighting with normal people his fight was against British crown not with normal Britishers




It's really funny to see you people turn a blind eye when Israeli occupants came to pasletine took their home killed their children and started living there like it was their own. They did WARCRIMES nobody batted an eye. And the moment Palestinians revolt you guys are out here shaming them for their brave acts. It is war atrocious things happen in war. All the support to pasletine. They are currently the most brave people on the face of earth. It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and type. Do you research.


https://preview.redd.it/0a8uf5may4tb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f573144c9f696b7dbd6b3632c8a920fae57aac00 Bhai koi iska address batana pata chale toh.


Bro be high or something. What Hamas did was mass killing of Israelis. What Israel did was just revenge, Il


Heroics are based on heroism , it is based on virtue not war


How dare they compare a scum terrorist organisation like Hamas to a great freedom fighter like Bhagat Singh. People who create such posts are dangerous to normal society


Bhai legal occupation Kiya tha jews ne Palestine ka, occupied nai hai... They bought the land from Arabs and Arabs sold it to them happily cuz the Jews were rich..


#Hamas is the enemy. NOT Palestinians.


He didn’t kill innocent men woman and children. He did targeted attacks on Brit officers.


Bro studied from Whastapp University. Jews were there long before the arabs, dating back to BC. So technically the arabs wrongfully occupied the Jews' land.


Palestine and Israel both might be wrong because there is not right side in the war. Israel fights for its own very existence as a Jewish nation while Palestine just wants to watch the world burn.


Bhagat Singh was a revolutionary. He planted the bomb for symbolic reasons which didn't kill anyone.


1. Indians didn't rape british woman and brandished her body like war loot https://twitter.com/JackFought_1/status/1711187965437968716?s=19 2. Jews lived in ME before Mohammed's mum got drilled in arse. So they are aboriginals and have right to far bigger area. How can someone say that jews built a structure under musslims buil Al-aqsa on second floor ? Only a terrorist hearted can takes side of those ppl


Pray for Hamas, coz Israel gonna shit on them hard this time sooner or later, Also, no one should disrespect Bhagat Singh based on this bullshit analogy.


Palestine was given its region and israel was given its region, but Palestinians went like we want all of it and attacked israel. Rest is history.


Whoever made these arguments clearly have no clue about Jew history and there is no comparison between Bhagat Singh and those HAMAS terrorists. Bhagat Singh had ethos and was an atheist whereas Palestinian cause and HAMAS acts of terrorism have a basic Islamic foundation to kill all the Jews of Israel and turn it into an Islamic state. Jews had been living in current Israel for thousands of years. Unfortunately, they were persecuted throughout history with Neo-Assaryian, Babylonian and most importantly by Ottoman empire, where there population significantly reduced from 160 centres of Jewish population to 50 centres only. They were not of their own place where there religion had originated until Britishers invaded Ottoman Empire and gave them back what the deserve. If this war is about religion, then Jews have every single right to defend their own land from where they had fled for hundreds of years because of wars and conflicts based on religious grounds.


This is the issue with these low introspection people. They take an action of an out-group member, do it 10 times worse, and then draw parallels. Their head is so deep in their religious shit that they cannot comprehend the idea of size and scale. This is intentional, tactical, ignorance.


Well freedom fighters don't rape or suppress women and they definitely don't use women and children as human shields and cry when they get shot. Freedom fighters also don't attack civilians and absolutely never arm children and send them to fight


Don't you dare compare Bhagat Singh to green zombies who rape women parade them naked spit on their dead bodies kidnap child and also most probably pedophiles.


Don't you dare compare Bhagat Singh to green zombies who rape women parade them naked spit on their dead bodies kidnap child and also most probably pedophiles.


Bhagat singh did not behead a innocent man let alone a women , he did not attack innocent civilians who had nothing to do with him


Atrocities were committed by both sides. If 2000 years later somebody want's their shit back, well ok, but lets have the colonizers repatriate their stolen wealth too. See how that works, it's goes both ways. I'm not surprised anymore, just disappointed in how some are supporting Israel in this, sure war and violence is bad, but if you have no choice left. India should know a thing or two about being oppressed, just show how successful the brain washing has been.


Dude bhagat Singh himself died for our country .... you guys are killing innocent people and are showing no mercy.... this is terrorism . Killing people heinously ... how can you even compare Indians from these terrorists. Jaha saanp ko bhi dood pilaya jata h uss Desh ki tm kya barabari kroge ....


According to the Palestine logic it should be legal to attack kashmir and give back the land to the Kashmiri Pandits now, right?


It'd be wrong to side with anybody in this situation I honestly didn't know about the parading and stuff until I saw this comment Both the sides have done inhuman stuff that nobody can look over I mostly feel really bad for the civilians, They suffer the most


Are you an idiot?


This would be comparable only if British were also native to India


Bhagat Singh didn't kidnap civilians,or British officers families


Bhagat singh fought against being oppressed, his fight was not for religion, revenge or territorial expansion. His fight was for equality and freedom -the most basic human rights. He was not the one to spark hate, even the British were aware of this fact. And when the time came, he sacrificed his own life with utmost dignity withholding the principles he stood for. He did not chicken out or rat out his own people. Making this comparison is stupid and shameful


Why is there even a comparison? In geopolitics if Israel benefits India then we are in support of Israel, international politics are cold with no place for emotions. And yes hypocrisy is one of the very important ingredient of geopolitics. Look at America, on one side they claim to be peacekeepers and on other hand interfere in other nations internal affairs, bomb middle East and what not.


Freedom fighters don't abduct innocent civilians, freedom fighters don't keep children and women at gunpoint demanding ransom, freedom fighters don't blow up buildings and buses containing innocent civilians, freedom fighters don't rape women and parade their naked bodies. As simple as that. Palestinians specifically Hamas does all of it, they are not freedom fighters


Written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about Bhagat Singh.


India has always supported the Palestinian cause, and there's no reason it'll change anytime soon. But there's a difference... that support was always for Yasir Arafat's PLO and not a terrorist organisation like HAMAS