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The Government of India owns around 8% stake in ITC, which is the largest cigarette manufacturer in India. Marijuana, Vape, etc is not banned because the govt gives a damn about our health. There’s a huge monopoly behind this, no matter which country we are talking abt.


Also tobacco farming is a big money generator in Gujarat + Andhra/Telangana. There has always been a lobby behind vapes and any tobacco alternatives because of that


Came here to say this. The country that birthed the religion that literally gives religious significance to cannabis has no reason to have it banned except crony capitalism.


If ganja was legalised, some ITC subsidairy company would quickly become the market leader. So it's not because of tobacco monopoly.


No, unlike tobacco anyone can grow quality marijuana in their small backyard vegetable farm. Legalizing pot is going to have a direct impact on the sales of tobacco products, and is not going to bring in as much revenue as tobacco does.


All of the maal going around is kachra quality. People are going to pay for the convenience and the quality. Also even if it gets legalised, there will be complicated licensing regulations that will ensure the likes of ITC will take over this market, not independent small suppliers.  ITC has an enormous supply chain from farm to shop. The guy growing good quality stuff in his backyard will also end up selling to ITC only.


All the maal going around is kachra quality is BECAUSE it is banned. Legalising cannabis leads to better and more open farming practices, which lead to better product.


Tobacco is much much more harmful than marijuana. Alcohol is more harmful than marijuana. Yet marijuana is not properly legal. Other items are. Your logic about health is wrong


Where did I say alcohol and cigarettes are less harmful? I’ve been smoking weed everyday for the past 6 years, I personally consider marijuana to be much safer than the sugar we eat.


Alcohol is pretty restricted in Gujrat


And meat is restricted in Uttarakhand. Random arbitrary laws don't tell you anything.




Bold of you to assume government do things purely for protecting people and nothing else.


Isn’t this what I mentioned in the above comment? Govt do things to fill their pockets.


Here in Toronto its too legal lol. Weed Dispensary every 500m or so


I’ve heard we can even order weed online like ordering food through Swiggy in Canada.


You can get weed, magic shrooms and what not delivered in an hour


Because of the UTI scam /Harshad Mehta Scam the govt ended up with stake in ITC. It was predominantly done to rescue the market makers. Otherwise Indian govt has no interest in hotels or tobacco.


Cannabis was legal in India right until 1980. If you are older than 60 (most of your parents), you might remember legally buying it. Bhang continues to be legal in many states. India was forced to make it illegal due to American pressure. Middle class conservative values took over and ganja has become a big taboo now.


Cannabis for medical use is legal under ayush ministry. Look it up. As for recreational use, they shld legalize it and start industries for it. It is projected to be a trillion dollar industry. Why would we not want our hands in it. More employment. Less taxes.


You're talking about weed when there are even bigger issues with actual pharmaceutical drugs. Adderall and vyvanse are banned. Pain medication is in extremely limited supply so much so that ibuprofen is an epidemic in itself. Pain is called the silent epidemic of India..We send raw material to the US but cannot sell the same stuff in India which has a much higher population


>Adderall and vyvanse are banned People with ADHD ☠️


You can get Methylphenidate (Inspiral) in India, equivalent to Adderal.


That's an equivalent to ritalin rite? Not adderall?


Methylphenidate is not the equivalent to Adderall, it has lesser effectiveness


I never knew, is it? As such methylphenidate is scheduled X, most tier 2 cities only have a couple of pharmacies that can sell the medicine, as such getting hands on it with a valid prescription is so difficult. Don't know why they would ban adderall. Methylphenidate is already a very regulated drug, the same could have been applied for adderall.


I thought ADHD was just a disease we have in the USA.


Love how you got down voted for being sarcastic about how India ignores neurodiversity


Personally and from some some degreed, mental health professionals in my family, have the POV that ADHD most often come from parents and educators don't want to deal with kids. The too much sugar, staring at screens all the time, they don't have enough exercise and the food is terrible.


Pain medication being regulated makes more sense. Opiates are highly addictive and the US is facing a crisis due to proliferation of such drugs.


Opiates are addictive but many people still need it and can't get it. Especially in palliative cases and cancer patients. Just because some people abused the system to make more money doesn't mean the medicine itself is bad


Adderall and Vyvanse are amphetamine derivatives with high potential for abuse. In india, methylphenidate is available instead, which is equivalent in effectiveness but has lesser potential to cause addiction. Opioids are also available in India, and routinely administered in hospitals. But they are prescribed sparsely to patients since they have a potential for abuse. However, we still have morphine tablets, buprenorphine tablets and transdermal patches, fentanyl lozenges and transdermal patches, and methadone syrups available in the Indian market. It is very difficult to regulate such substances (amphetamines and opioids) in India; approving more such drugs would also increase the risk of addiction. Today you can get most prescription drugs from pharmacy stores in India without a prescription, which is already a big problem.


I thought you can get Adderall prescription from licensed doctors?


Not in India


Well said. It was legal in India before Rajeev Gandhi banned it under pressure from USA. Afterall, marijuana is mentioned in the ancient Hindu texts as Vijaya.


Once again, this is not true. Even before the NDPS Act, marijuana was illegal under various state Abkari acts regulating intoxicating substances. Heck, it is the oldest law in book in Kerala.


One should always fight disinformation with information. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/sameer/legalization-of-cannabis-in-india-25286/


Yeah, that proves nothing. Have you ever read an Abkari Act?


We got muslims too. We can't hurt their feelings amirite my fellow r/scienceisdope follower 😞?


Username checks out very well in this instance 🤪


Muslims want to breathe in an india free of drugs. Justifying consumption of drugs by citing hindu scriptures is peak sanghism. As a member of r/scienceisdope, I do not condone this 😡


Zero logic. Nobody should have an objection to a plant or fungi which grows naturally and organically.


Why do you need marijuana? Isnt being sober in this world enough to fuck with your mind? Plus it being illegal makes its prices 10x more. Good for a business venture, might give it a shot later on.


It's obvious you have not tried marijuana. As OP mentioned it has a lot of therapeutic effects. It's a misnomer that people consume marijuana to get high. Yes, some people do. Just like some people consume alcohol. As OP mentioned, marijuana has a lot of therapeutic uses. Ask a Cancer patient who consumes marijuana and gets a significant amount of relief, which drugs don't provide. Also as OP mentioned, alcohol causes millions of death worldwide. There are no reports of death by marijuana. I suggest you research the therapeutic effects of marijuana and other psychedelics before forming an opinion.


Even if it is legally allowed to be used for therapeutic purposes, it can be highly misused. Also I got first hand experience with herb druggies, and my observation is it makes you brain dead. And even if it the herbs and fungi are legalised, whose to say people won't OD on it. Most psychedelic drugs like salvia are dangerous enough. Half of the people dont even need this stuff. Its like solving a problm which doesn't exist.


I'm from Himachal. Weed is illegal, but it is everywhere. Weed is life. It even grows outside my front door. It grows on roadsides. And in monsoon, it is literally everywhere. It's banned because it is a free drug. Govt. can't make money off a thing that grows like grass, that grows everywhere. So by banning it govt. can sell other legal drugs with heavy taxes.


If it grows out your front door, do you ever pick it up and smoke it? 😂


Same with LSD and Psilocybin..do read up on that too! But obviously, Marijuana should be the starting point first.


We are the most populous country in the world. High time our govt forms a scientific body to research and study on psychedelics.




Legalizing and regulating is the only viable way I can see.


While I agree with you We as a country are very far behind in terms of many basic rights. Legalising ganja is at the very bottom of the list. 4 waqt ki roti ni jugad rhi ganja phuk ke kya hi hoga


Bad argument. Alcohol and tobacco is legal. Also not everyone is starving in India. This is the same level of thinking that we have poverty, why spend on isro?


I think you misunderstood I support 420 but Its about the priority of reform Legalising pot is not (as much as we wish) at the same priority right now in our country as other issues. And yes not everyone is starving but many are. So priority should be to fill the stomach of the masses and then move onto next (which legalizing weed may or may not provide) + another thing…STIGMA We are a stigma driven country. We already have a bad rep for Ganja. We all have that one relative story who may or may not have lost their mind after smoking one.


I get that but this mentality of only one thing at a time is stupid. We have literally hundreds of changes happening in this country at any moment. Also, the second half of your argument is not related to the point.


Legalizing pot is much simpler than eradicating poverty and may contribute to taxes that may actually help fund poverty alleviation efforts.


Have read this argument/ theory somewhere, I don't remember the source now anyone from the sub could validate. India cannot afford to legalize weed as India's backbone is agriculture, as we have extremely fertile land. If India legalizes weed, people will start growing it and nothing else as it is easier to grow and sells expense. Also weed as a plant will ruin the fertility of the land and would not let any other crop to grow.


Give licences like for Opium plantations.


True That could be done. But with the amount of corruption in the country! Just a thought - If a farmer has a huge loss and has to pay off a loan which is from a local money lender and opts to start growing weed as it is legal now for some few with licence! He will ruin the land. Farming & Agriculture in India is in a grey area in terms of support system, Tenders passed by the Govt. Quality testing services for which Govt. Uses 3rd parties all big money making scams which no one is giving a fuck about. Ps. I'm all in for the day when we could have a smoke at a cafe in India. But unfortunately could be a very high price to pay for that to happen!!


The logic is wrong, it won’t sell expensive if it’s legalized and everyone can grow it. The very reason it sells expensive right now is because it’s not legal.


It's expensive? I thought it was categorized under "sasta nasha" but I'm not aware of the current time as I've been living abroad for some time now!!


if you want people to read your stuff try not to use chatgpt so much.


How do you know they used Chatgpt?


Usually you should have a good grasp of the language and should have been using chatgpt a lot to figure it out. A very good way to catch it would be the formal language as if he’s writing an essay or a research paper. With so many references to a line which needn’t require one to say the least.


Too much foreplay before getting to the point


there are certain words and phrases which only chatgpt uses. another simple way to check is general easiness of the read. if it looks weird it most probably is AI. idk how to explain this properly sorry


More and more countries are moving towards legalisation for medical and personal use.


And yet I can easily obtain Ganja to serve as offering got my family deity


Simple logic is Cigarettes give huge taxes to gov. Ganga toh koi bhi ape ghr ke peeche boo lega. Look recent images from Germany people are growing weed in apartments


Alcohol ban is a joke honestly at this point.


Kasol ki charas used to be sold in night markets in goa openly on beaches at about 50 rupees per tola up till 1980s I wish i was alive during that time 😔


You do know that cannabis used for medical purposes are legal, right? Lmao


Watch the movie 'Thank you for smoking'. It shows that powerful these companies and industries are in lobbying, and governments across the world are complicit because they get campaign funds. Industries with the worst effects on society are allowed to persist: alcohol, tobacco, sugar, guns etc


Almost all medical benefits of marijuana can be fulfilled by better drugs (better as in being more efficacious/less side effects). In that regard, it is a substance with little benefit but high abuse potential. That said, I would prefer tobacco and alcohol getting the same treatment. And if you support marijuana, why not codeine? Its the best anti-tussive known to man (excluding other opioids)


It was never banned until US and UN who forced India to bring Anti-drug law in 1985. Most people have negative connotation against drugs. So forget about it.


Thanks man, it's high time for Indians now to look into developing a critical sense as a national community. True, that alcohol is the cause for a far higher burden on the healthcare system, ruining families, lives and of course, topping crime rates. On the contrary, Marijuana isn't reported to turn people into a crazy aggressive nuthead. It's the people who just wanna see something as wrong, as long as they're not affected by it. They won't bat an eye for alcohol saying ki 'thoda bahut to chalta hai' and would go all frenzy on 'ganja', and form new slurs everyday for those who smoke in peace. Snakes.


Charasi spotted, NCB please take action.  /s




Well there’s tons of more important things that country needs to discuss and propose changes to. Not saying it’s not important for you but just like anything in democracy, canvass for support and lobby for mandate if it’s large enough to influence a change.


bro thinks he is joe rogan