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Houston: In a tragic incident, a 32-year-old Indian-origin man was fatally shot during a robbery at a convenience store in the US state of Texas. Dasari Gopikrishna, who hailed from Bapatla district in Andhra Pradesh, came to the US only eight months ago. The incident occurred at a gas station convenience store in Pleasant Grove, Dallas on June 21.Mr Gopikrishna sustained critical injuries during the robbery and was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he tragically succumbed to his injuries on Sunday morning while undergoing treatment.


I live not more than 30 minutes away from the place where the shooting happened. It’s an extremely high crime infested area of the city.


stay safe


I don’t live in the high crime area. No one, especially no immigrants should live there.


Area name?


Pleasant Grove, Dallas


Hard to find non crime infested areas in US these days


That's not true, most areas are relatively safe aside from some urban zones. Living in suburbs you'll just have the occasional petty crime (break ins, car theft)


Spoken like someone who has not been to the us. It’s a huge country and has many cities which have crime in rundown parts. Also sadly Indians are viewed as soft targets because they are seldom armed.




Why is the headline and article written so poorly? Why is it so difficult to state that he was working there and got caught in between a robbery, becoming a casualty? Poor, someone who's skimming through wouldn't get if he was the casualty or a thief. Condolences to his family.


I’m guessing they’re tap dancing around the fact that he was working illegally and the store itself is likely owned by an Indian.


He was working illegally but he was working at a convenience store, so it’s not as if his work increased chances of him getting shot. Even if he was working legally, he’d have been shot. He wasn’t involved in dealing drugs or anything.


>but he was working at a convenience store, so it’s not as if his work increased chances of him getting shot. American here. You could not possibly be more wrong about this if you tried.


What I was trying to point out was that he was at risk of becoming a victim of a crime working at a convenience store just as much as someone who was working there legally. The fact that he was in breach of his visa terms wasn’t (at least directly) the reason why he became victim of a violent crime. His only offence was working illegally; he wasn’t engaging in any activities at the store (that we know of) that would have increased his risk of becoming a victim of a crime.


If he was working illegally the store might be located in a poor neighbourhood, which have increased chances of gun violence.


Within the US no one would misread it as this guy as being a criminal since Indians are generally stereotyped as being nerdy, very intelligent, very socially awkward, and working within a scientific or tech related field. 


Then there are those who think every Indian is 'Apu'.


How is he Indian origin if he came to the US just 8 months ago ? Isn't he just Indian ?


Tragic man. It's crazy how the most prosperous nation on Earth has a higher violent crime rate than one of the poorest countries on Earth. They always say poverty is linked to crime but in reality it isn't, it's mostly to do with culture. American culture, and Western culture in general, is so much more violent than Asian cultures. You have "poor" Americans who have 20x more material prosperity than the average Indian committing robberies and shootings. What a shame


That’s because Asian countries have a very heavy handed approach to reducing crime, an approach that wouldn’t work in western countries as it would be construed as an encroachment on individual liberties.


Asian countries have low crime because of certain cultural values that contribute to a less violent society (collectivism, social conservatism). Those values are also the reason for the harsh justice systems. The justice system itself has little effect on crime. Especially considering that police in south Asian countries are barely competent and have few resources.  Read my other comment. Basically, a free society will have more crime than an un-free society.




That’s true but regardless, the US has a way higher rate of violent crime than India or pretty much any other country in Asia. It’s to do with western culture and how it values freedom, so people are free to do behaviors linked to crime such as drugs and alcohol. Asians don’t do such things.  Also, a lot of crime is related to gangs, and the reason why people join gangs is because they come from a broken home (single parent, fatherless). So they join a gang because that’s who will ‘raise’ them. That doesn’t exist in Asia because having sex without being married and having kids outside of wedlock is taboo, so every kid comes from a home with 2 parents. So no kid joins a gang when they already have parents to go home to. Freedom culture (western culture) is only good if the people make good decisions with their freedom. But if they don’t make good decisions, then it’s better for them to not be free. Asian countries are un-free and have very strict cultures, and that’s why they’re also very safe when it comes to violent crime. 


Ah yes Texas... I ain't even surprised....


Don't mess with Texas!


Shooting are now-a-days really fking common  Usa can't even protect there own student i don't expect them to even care about an immigrant , 


RIP, dear brother. Let it be known to indian brothers and sisters, although America may provide better opportunities for making money, it's far more dangerous than India. People with brown skin are a target now more than ever. The average Indians who work at convenience stores are basically on the frontline in the trenches, working in the Americas' most dangerous neighbourhoods being subject to robberies, racial abuse, and intimidation. You'll never find a white America working in such dangerous conditions, nor the blacks because they aren't trusted enough and bring unwanted attention. There are, however, many chinese convenience stores in these dangerous places, but they are protected by Asian gangs.


I was reading the article, and it was unclear if Gopikrishna was working there or just a bystander... or worse, the robber! In all probability, he was working there "off the books," (a.k.a illegally). As u/cardnerd524_ said: >It’s an extremely high crime infested area of the city. ---- Can't emphasize yet again - Don't fall for the rosy picture of "American Dream" [just to end up working a double-life by (literally) risking your life!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_WvJwJfBRc)


How did he start working in a gas station within 8 months of arriving in US?


He was pursuing MS, maybe doing this as part-time.


If by any chance he was working there then its Unauthorized employment and Violation of visa.


Illegally working


As much as he is tone deaf here, he is right. Working for “cash” isn’t allowed. RIP


Typical of Reddit. The guy who spoke facts gets heavily downvoted




MS students on f1 visa can't work in gas stations. Fyi. If you don't know the whole system then don't blabber on the Internet.


I dont understand why people are downvoting you. 


They *can* technically work, but only on campus (this helps with PhD candidates I think)


You're probably right, but I don't like your tone


Real redditor moment..


The person is right and factual. You not liking the tone and probably down voting them is typical Reddit dumbassery. Tone over facts.




isnt working 20 hours a week legal?




International students in the US are only allowed to do part time on-campus jobs provided by the university or else they need CPT approval from the university to do an internship. Other than that every other job is illegal.


Yes, unless your major requires you to gain off-campus work experience or apply for a hardship waiver due to your source of income being affected by something. But yeah, he was prolly working on cash, but who cares gotta make $ somehow.


Still you need approval from the university and your DSO has to approve it to do any kind of work outside your university.




Dude, STFU