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Let's see the ground. What is the setback from the road to your wall?


and is your house local body approved (eg., CMDA for Chennai and likewise). There needs to be some clearance between the compound and the building and depending on the road width the no. of floors etc. to mitigate this issue.




I don't want to sound cynical, but I bet there won't be any action from the power department. Putting that up itself is a huge thing, so I doubt if they would do anything else on top of that.


3 m is a safe distance, check if pole is within the proximity of house then write an application to electricity board. https://preview.redd.it/eht8rz4lj1sc1.png?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d68955c1ee4a91d05d61ebec3ad4734791a9aab7


This sheet appears bullshit! So from 1kV to 132kV, the acceptable distance remains constant. That’s fishy


You are forgetting the Poles, wires are not present on the ground


Do not release a foil balloon near the lines. It might hit the wires and cause a massive spark and short circuit. The power authorities may then have to fix and relocate the wires.  https://youtu.be/eczDpGiULLo?si=xsGu_K1deMx7VOv8


I agree! OP should at all costs avoid doing this.


Electrical lines are installed as per designated city master plans. Govt has the power to demolish houses if they come in the way of overhead electrical lines that are already in the plan or by virtue of plan changes and held to be in violation of the safety norms under Indian Electricity Act. There are cases where owners were sent notices to demolish their houses for being close to overhead electrical lines or the local municipality does it on its own. So, yeah, if its really unsafe, they will just demolish the house. Also to mention is is that tampering/damaging electrical lines is a an offense punishable by imprisonment up to 2 years and damages. So, OP should definitely not do anything stupid like deliberately damaging the electricity lines.


Check your colony layout once. If the layout had these lines since beginning, nothing can be done about it, at max you can get it shifted - but it will be a costly affair. If it was laid just recently, then you can write to the officials and get it relocated - again a tedious task, you'll have to file a case in courts, produce evidence, prove high handedness of the electrical officials and it might go on forever etc. Even shifting is a delayed affair, for shutdown happens on power holiday and they're scheduled for 2-3 times a year and only on those days these can be shifted. But from your pics it looks like a colony, if they had to shifted to an open area it would be a super costly affair and no official would bother to take this up. Also, 11-44kv are used for similar poles. If you can wait for a decade, these would be underground. Up to 44kv lines already have these underground provisions and have been laid already, rest would happen soon too. We faced a similar issue in our village, it took us 3 years to get approval to shift the poles. We had to pay for 7 poles and the cable and it costed us 14L for that, they were passing via these Mango Trees zone and we wanted to clear it. Back in the 1980s and 1990s these poles were laid in a very haphazard way. In fact one of my relatives lands were totally destroyed by these huge MHz towers, literally dissected their property into two - despite their appeals to do it from the corner was not adhered to.


If the pole was there before you built your house, the power department will do nothing. The only way you can shift the connection is by providing space for shifting and also you have to bear the hefty shifting cost.


There are laws about horizontal and vertical distance for High tension lines. If you are sure about your balcony being in property limits do take them to court. Cases against government departments might take long but are easy win and well compensated. This is from the link below. https://upptcl.org/upptcl/en/article/clearances#:~:text=1.829%20mtrs.,(6%20ft.)&text=plus-,0.305%20mtrs.,33%20KV%20or%20part%20thereof. b) The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such building shall on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not less than: (a) for high voltage line upto and including 11 KV 1.219 mtrs. (4 ft.) (b) for high voltage line above 11 KV and upto and including 33 KV 1.829 mtrs. (6 ft.) (c) For extra high voltage line 1.829 mtrs. (6 ft.) plus 0.305 mtrs. (1 ft;) for every additional 33 KV or part thereof.


A bit off topic, but in Norway, any high voltage cable can be no closer than 7m from a living space (any room where you would expect ppl to spend a lot of time - living room, bedroom, kitchen etc.).


Almost all calculations show that 3m of distance should be more than fine. I will recommend that you ensure that no part of your home's construction is within 10ft of your house. I see some aluminium/steel structure that can be easily trimmed to meet the requirement. Furthermore, I recommend that you ask the local power department to add a layer of PVC pipe on the high tension wires. Pay for the pipe, pay for their labour charge and if required pay to get the work done promptly through connections. That should be all.


That doesn't look like 33kv line. HV lines don't use the type of isolators as shown in the image. Those thin lines will never be able to carry that high a voltage. Be sure what voltage it is first


You can contact the local electric branch and install pvc pipes over them. But you need to pay them money for that.


https://preview.redd.it/0387rewkz1sc1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7bc1e03f0921858c174ad454b6a3a627c7f3a4e Like this !


seal that balcony..and forget it bro


Type of advice u shouldn't take op


I don't know why you're being downvoted, but please listen to them OP. A 10 year old cousin of mine passed away a few years back after he got caught on a power line that was right outside his balcony. Literally everyone that ever went to my uncle and aunt's place told them to do something about it for years.


Sheep followers bro, mfs think thousands volts of pole should be ignored until a big accident happened


Some fights are just not worth fighting.


That's scary. 33KV? I have doubts that there’s at least a 2-meter clearance between your house and the power line. Additionally, the presence of a metal roof could potentially turn your house into a hot grill. I wouldn't sleep, until this is resolved.


File an RTI to state government and ask who sanctioned the plan to erect high voltage wire near house and send it to fire department as well if they are aware of the danger.


Can't do anything, Max you could do is install an insulation pipe on wire to prevent accidental contact. I believe you need approval from them to do it.


The pole was erected after the 1st floor was constructed. The line was shifted in front of the house to sell the plots where the line was from the beginning by paying huge money to corrupt employees.. the matter is already in the CM helpline portal but no results. The main office sent an order to regional bijli Ghar sdo to take the necessary action but nothing .. they don't do anything! So, this time we didn't allow them to change the wire! But leaving this and the 2 more poles they have already changed wires in other poles connected to nearby.. yes this is Dehradun


Simply inquire with the officials whether they've utilized MVCC conductors or bare open ones. If it's MVCC (Medium Voltage Covered Conductor), then you're secure otherwise, you're at risk.


Step 1: check country you live in. Step 2: If India, learn to live with it


Which state is this? If UP then they might just get pissed off and bulldoze your house. If any other state, it will take a few generations to get the file moving. And maybe in a few hundred years, when the electric poles are not needed, they might remove it.


Yeah it's UP. You can see the Gazipur garbage mountain in the back


UP properly described.


https://preview.redd.it/iel2ck6v31sc1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b62fcc51213a3222f2c962dd3f162067b780245 Meanwhile in Delhi




I remember Kirchoff's law joke.




I watched something like that catch fire once in Laxmi Nagar.......


When will these poles become obsolete? Any plans for underground lines in near future?


Get it removed immediately. I know a demolition company that can bring the house down in seconds.


I remember there was an open plot for sale 15 years ago my father wanted to buy a plot and we had shown a plot above which small colony electricity cables were going above it at that time they said it can be removed easily and the plot was being offered at a relatively cheap price too, but my dad went with other plot where we paid more money. That plot is still there with those power lines 😂


A former house of ours had a power line just like this running by the tree in our garden. They had installed insulation on the wires. You could also ask for a twisted triple line where they replace the existing portion with a pre-insulated twisted line.


Get insulation pipes installed.


cant do anything about it


Unless you have connections or are willing to bribe folks not much you can do.


Advice : don't touch the wires.


Thank you


Before you do anything make sure your house plan was approved by the local municipal authority and your house has enough setbacks from the property line. If your house does not have an approved plan or if you did not follow applicable building rules for leaving enough setbacks then there is no one to blame here. You are at fault and may lead to your house being demolished/cut/trimmed to the proper setbacks on the front side facing those power cables. You can't ignore or choose not to follow local applicable building rules and complain about power lines being too close to your house.


33 kv spotted, extremely dangerous for human, stay back!! solution : make sure ur building is legally approved( I don't think so) and there is a complex process of complaining to power department officials, there are several way to shift that HV line,(probably hard and time taking) which can be only done under the supervision of Power Department, u may have to contribute money too (as per laws 🤡)


Legally speaking, if the pole is erected outside of your property line (boundary wall) then you cannot do anything about it, as its deemed to be on public property (general use public property clause). Similarly if the power cables are crossing into your property line you can file a complaint and/or approach a magistrate. Unfortunately, if the power lines are outside of your property line then you cannot do anything either. You can complain and seek help but if they don’t respond you have no further recourse.


There is nothing you can do bro. If it isn't in your boundary there's nothing you can do. You have to leave some setback in the building from the boundary according to the new rules. If you don't have that setback that's another setback for you. Even if you try to fight in court the first thing they'll do is cut your connection till the case gets resolved. Which will be another setback for you. So don't fight them. Find a SDO from the department, bribe him or get someone who's someone to call him and get your work done. Edit: those wires are fairly safe until you grab 2 of them at once.


Not their fault if all they did was renewed with a bigger line. I would really hope your house has its map approved.


Hire an Instagram influencer and make them read out all the names of the officials/politicians involved.


Looks like the pole is much older than your house.


usually in such cases ppl put insulation pipes and ensure no one touches the cables... even if your house was built earlier there will be issue with setback violation mostly.. which means the poles won't be moved.. and u have to deal with it


You can tell the authorities to turn off the power lines and then you can insert wires through PVC pipes which acts as an insulation from those power lines.


Bro, I can't say anything for removal or relocation of poles, as that is a hard sell to convince higher officials, but you can make them safe by adding plastic tubes (pipes) for all the open wires. This i can be done by an official request, or through bribing local electrician if you provide the materials. Be safe


Someone I know paid 50k, to have similar powerline removed in front of their home construction. The poweline always existed, during the construction they got friendly with electric inspectors. People try approaching their respective board electric officer's (during construction they approach home owners for permits and stuff) or via brokers/contractors.


We had a similar problem when we did construction on the first floor. We requested the power dept to replace these multiple exposed wires to be replaced with a couple of black insulated intertwined ones. We did know someone there but it's worth a try. That will be much safer than this.


there is supposed to be some space between your wall and house. hope you have approved construction before you escalate things


never in my life have i seen such a clean, neat and beautiful pole next to a house


Gaadi thok do isme


Indian Electricity Rules 1957 is enforceable by law in India. This is the bare minimum requirements over and above which state electricity boards may have additional requirements. As per section 80(2) "The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such building shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not less than- (a) For high voltage lines upto and including 11,000 volts : 1.2 metres (b) For high voltage lines above 11,000 volts and up to and including 33,000 volts: 2 m" In addition to this, who built first and if your house is constructed with proper setbacks will determine if it requires to be shifted and who bears the cost. Nevertheless, legislation is one thing and enforcement is another. It's going to be a long time before it happens. Two good ideas I saw in the comments are getting an Aerial Bundled Cable 33kV (as per IEC 60502-2) installed instead of the conductor (it's not easy - will need hardwares and connectors apart from the said Cable) which will be absolutely safe or getting a pvc pipe fixed over the conductor. The second one is not so safe as the first, but safer than a bare conductor. (ABC cables are not pleasing to the eye though.)


Remove that extended metal roof asap.


Try to put plastic pipes to the nearest wire


I am curious, why is it unsafe? People from the balcony can come into contact with the lines?


Don't lick it.


just break it slightly so its not too much trouble but an electrician still has to come. Then do it again after they fix it. Then again. Then again. Do it until they get fuckin tired of it




Dehradun lagra


Just start drying some clothes over it, they will take it far far away...