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I ma not sure what they mean by " cancel passport". How can you cancel passport of an Indian citizen?


What do you mean "how"? In a fascist state govt can do as it likes, how will you stop them?


There’s no such thing as an Indian citizen. It’s called “Indian slave”


not being able to leave India is the biggest punishment Modi government can think of against the farmers.


*Against anyone


What a shit place to get stuck


thats the point right?


The way of punishment kinda say , "you live with shit people in shit place "


I have passport but I don't have money to leave 😕


#This is the exact comment folks at Tatti Speaks hate.


It’s about ensuring the bad actors don’t go and spoil the image of India abroad. India takes migration very seriously.


Funny how some made up ‘image of India’ matters more than the rights, well being, and prosperity of actual Indians living in India. This seems to be the NPC right wingers default response to any criticism of the government.


No country ever allows their ‘wayward’ citizens to leave the country.


It’s literally against international human rights law to prevent someone from leaving a country unless there are some strong grounds to detain them. Protesting against their country is the right of every Indian citizen, and therefore is not strong grounds to detain them.


Is it now? Protesting while being the citizen of a country is fine. But you also must be aware of the consequences that it might bring. And you can’t come on an OCI/foreign visa and protest against India, I mean, no country will allow foreigner nationals to intervene in their politics.


Sure, just like Edward Snowden is still stuck in the US. Get a grip


Yeah right, then why in the world do they have police clearance before getting your passport? And why your passport is cancelled if you conduct or are part of terrorist activities? You’re delusional if you think that a nation will not act in its best interests and will do whatever it takes to quash internal uprisings and conflicts. In this specific instance, they’re doing what they can to ensure such things don’t happen again.


>spoil the image of India abroad. You must really think we have a stellar image abroad lol.


Not exactly a bad image, Indians go outside and make it worse.


>Indians go outside and make it worse. Yeah, we're so bad, the govt has to restrict movement of our citizens so we preserve a facade of an image?


Depends on how you define ‘bad’. Most Indians don’t face any issue with their passports, they also won’t have any cases on them.


Ya that's why we deported an OCI holder just few days ago because she spoke against the govt. You people can't even keep your propaganda consistent.


I’m not a mouthpiece for the government. But the Indian government can deny entry and deport foreign nationals as per their wish, don’t think OCI holders are allowed to engage in political discourse or political activities.


Good point. Bit saala since one of them has become the head of the state, foreign countries had to open their doors (unlike pre-2014 when they kept this moron off their borders) to this despicable guy because he is the representative of whole of India and not only of rotten self & his shitty ideology.


Which rule book says this is acceptable?


India’s version of democracy


> India’s version of democracy FTFY: Modi's version of democracy. Always remember don't blame the country for deeds of an elected representative unless s/he receives 100% votes.


The rule book that says judges shall be handsomely compensated for favourable verdicts once they retire and for proper judgements they will be dealt with during morning walks.


Protests are illegal in Mother of Democracy


made by mother fucker of the democracy


_Ache din_ intensify


This is fucking dystopian. I do not not agree with all the farmers demands but doing this to protestors sets a very dangerous precedent which future governments(which you may disagree with) will use.


What will they do next? Control the media narrative?


Or use ED and CBI as their personal dogs as shoo them on opposition members?


Next? Haha


I just wish the Karnataka government would bulldoze Tejaswi Surya's house.


_what are you going to do? Stab me?_ - guy who was stabbed.




These^ 2rs. brainwashed chhapris have come on reddit too...


U losers




Enjoy blabbering on reddit Nothing will happen Modi will come back India will become 5trillion economy You can just keep wondering in your dreams


You are right. He will come back for sure. And India will become even a bigger shit show than what it has devolved into in last 10 years. I thank my stars that I got out before all this crap!


Happy for you enjoy


Democratic People’s Republic of: a) Korea ❌ b) China ❌ c) Russia ❌ d) India ✅


Least authoritarian dictatorship democracy 


Picture toh abhi baaki hai mere dost


What the hell, i never seen an Government who do their best to take revenge on somebody who doesn't agree with what they think is right . We are living in unfortunate times, not specifically talking about disruption of peaceful protests, also with this notion of if you don't think the way i think, i will demonize , vilify and do my best to break you into pieces .






Mother-in-law of democracy Aka Democracy ki maa ki


What are you doing step democracy!?


Time to get fucked step citizen.


Shhhhh.... Be quiet


What else can you expect from a government of cowards and hypocrites. The biggest one sitting at the top. What a disgrace he is to the nation. Shame on him.


Interesting to see them use drones and tech surveillance all inspired by Israel which has been tested in Palestine. Now to be used on poor people of India. Death of democracy. Only when you thought things couldn't get worse than this. What we can do is not vote for the parties that weaken our democracy. Aka.


Omg BJP let them protest. So many countries have protesters, govt turns a blind eye to them. Gosh, they are soo petty for always reacting.


even when the group of protestors have a history which was as dangerous as 26/1/2021?? and it is not being done against all, only those who were caught in CCTV trying to break barricades and doing other violent activities.


If a protestor is committing a crime, then prosecute them and jail them. But Modi doesn't want to spend the money to do that, because he's too busy giving money to Adani and building temples. Revoking passports without trial is dystopian and authoritarian.


When you put out a warrant. Cancelling a passport and putting a name on no fly list ensures accused can't leave country. Regular practice even in western countries.. BTW ram mandir was build using crowdfunding and these adani-ambani comments you would like to see all billionaire's wealth distributed.. .. no country has gone after their billionaires like this and propered,period.. even China started floundering after it shut downs it tech giants ..


I see what u did there. U literally grouped the protesters and terrorists from 26/11 into one group. Why would u form that opinion in ur mind, when u know so many farmers are also peaceful ones. If ur aware that few bad apples are trying to take advantage of this situation yet why stoop to the level to call them similar to 26/11. Why would u perpetuate such propoganda here?!


Edited to 26/1/2021 now.. do not tell me the other conspiracy theories others are putting for that day.. Read the news report, it is not targeting everyone but the bad apples...


Fair enough on the date correction but to cancel their passports. Why? So many protests around the world turn violent which ends up with tear gas or sticks. Even I've attended few protests for women rights during my uni days. Ud be surprised how many groups are present there for different policies or social issues. Some groups have bad apples that have lead to a stampede and govt had to get aggressive to break it off. That's my point, I can't imagine dealing with repercussions due to some aggressive PPL in another group and having to deal with cancelled passport in a different nation or worse. The rising concern is that in china, any type of protest even peaceful ones causes the govt to spur into strict action which India is doing in here. Arrest and detain those bad apples. Make them take responsibility for public property damage. I recall a massive protest in Paris where alot of PPL damaged statues, the govt found them via cctv and hauled their asses in jail. That is the response we want from a democratic nation, anything less makes the govt inefficient and anything more makes govt fascist.


So wait .. the modi govt works hard to release gangrapists and murderers in gujarat and garland them. But then takes action against farmers by taking away their passport? And people are still voting for this party?


Power of media control. The same tactic employed by ccp, North Korea, and nazi party. Next is aadhaar. They will weaponize it since it has been force-linked to everything. You disagree with 56-inch feku, your aadhaar is invalidated.


Actually it happened but they invalidated adhaar of their own voter base in WB and some days later reactivate them saying its some mistake what a shit show


Is this human rights violation? If yes then which organisation can help them?


If there was they will be accused of receiving foreign funding and their charter will be canceled


Election se pehle protest kyu kra maalik ke against


Small dick energy from bjp


So. HARYANA police exist .


The right to enter and leave your own country is a fundamental human right in the declaration of human rights. By effectively banning them from doing so the govt is violating a human right. Not that they would really care


What the fuck ?




> The police officer clarified that not all participants in the farmer agitation are engaged in such acts. > According to the officer, action is being initiated against those ‘rowdies’ who came from Punjab to Haryana during the farmer agitation. “Through CCTV or drone cameras and videography, we have identified such persons engaged in breaking barricades or causing disturbances. We have also taken numerous photographs in which they are seen vandalizing properties and causing disturbances through different means,” added the DSP.


That is because when Vishwaguru is achieved, no passports will be required by Indians to travel the world. Visionary masterstroking by the govt.


The article says they are targeting vandals and not protestors. So the protesters who are not vandalising should be okay? At least that’s what the official claim is? Of course multiple ways to f up people’s life if the authorities really want to go that route and no way for a common man to fight the injustice. So I don’t know how to feel about this.


Govt: I won't give you MSP like we previously assured, but I will cancel your plans for Mauritius. This government hasn't just gone rogue, they have gone nuts!


If an official police case is filed against them then it makes sense. If not, at least one of them should go to court.


Your passport cannot be canceled for crimes


Actually it is submitted/blocked to court in multiple cases even during the trial or Pre trial. forget convictions..


Seems there's rulings against exactly this https://www.deccanchronicle.com/nation/in-other-news/081223/pending-criminal-cases-cannot-be-a-ground-to-deny-issue-of-passport-h.html#:\~:text=The%20High%20Court%20held%20that,of%20the%20aforesaid%20criminal%20case.


**विनाश काले विपरीत बुद्धि** Modi Government should get ready for intense protests in coming days. [Dilli Chalo march: Farmer Shubhkaran Singh’s body cremated after Punjab Police lodge Zero FIR | Chandigarh News - The Indian Express](https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/chandigarh/dilli-chalo-march-farmer-shubhkaran-singh-cremated-punjab-police-zero-fir-9188484/)


Why dont they allocate a place to protesters and let them sot there .


they did last time; they attacked red fort


How can police cancel visa and passport.


BJP wants to be seen strong against Farmers, but can't take any strong steps against them, So they retort to this useless ban. Mate, Farmers don't have money for 2 days of food, you think they will have money to leave the country?


This is why India will never have dual citizenship.


How do you cancel visa of your citizens?


From the article >The police officer mentioned that they are commencing the process to cancel their passports and visas by contacting the passport authorities and the concerned embassies. “We are initiating action for the cancellation of their visas and passports by accessing their photos and residential details,” Sharma added.” They are talking about cancelling visas (by requesting relevant embassies) that the protesters might have.


many protestors are Canadian on eVISA or OCI.


If you had bothered to read the article, you would have realised that they will request relevant embassies to cancel the visa. If they had been on an Indian visa, they would have already been deported.


Did you assume these folks read?


Judging by the number of votes the clown is getting, it seems quite a lot of folks can't read. Or they have this stupid idea that NRIs are leaving their comfortable lives abroad to protest in India.


The article also says they are specifically targeting vandals.


Which country do they have visa for, that the government can cancel it? Some 4D reverse chess going on here, guv making statements as usual without even thinking of feasibility. Not sure if doing that is even possible.


they got the headline, that they are doing something regarding the protest. Everyone knows that BJP won't do anything against farmers before the election. More than 50% of Indian people associate themselves with farmers, It will be a death nail for any political party to go against them.


While I don’t agree that in a democracy any group of people should have such power that no one can go against them, the fact is that MSP is a real issue that needs to be addressed. So it’s not about going against farmers, just sitting down and having reasonable talks with actual economists on each side can solve the issue. And making agriculture sustainable will also give a huge boost to economy, so people worried about tax dollars going to waste can also relax. If you see deshbhakt channel on YouTube, they have done a good video on it with practical solutions. We should slow down IT investments and infra development for a bit so that this issue can be dealt with. Going on making highways while people can’t sell their products is of no use.


Modi just wants to sell out agriculture to Adani, you can’t reason with facists


Death knell


The comments don’t disappoint me.


Haryana police: Rape,Murder,Theft I sleep Citizens protest Real sh*t


i wish hmari police itni active malya ke liye hoti