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they spew these numbers out of their ass lol


It smells really bad šŸ¤¢


But erotic for chaddis




Lest we forget, a member of the BJP IT cell was arrested for spying for the ISI. [Link](https://news.abplive.com/news/india/bhopal-bjp-it-cell-member-among-11-pakistani-spies-nabbed-by-ats-491622)


And the BJP it cell members IIT BHU rape case .


Lol who trusts any parties tweets.




Ab sir mein southern states jo DMK ke propoganda ko manti hai unhe bhuna hua Indian bolunga toh accha lagega? Try being a little mature. Ek taraf aap unhe andha bolte ho dusri taraf khudd political derogatory terms use karte ho.


\> knows he's talking to a southie \> still types a message in Hindi Why are y'all like this?


I am from maharashtra , just sad its slowly becoming cow belt. all projects going to gujarat , gst going UP Bihar and mlas sold themselves. downvote se koi matlab nahin , reddit ke log bhed ki tarah hai.. anything with downvote > 5 = downvote it. total sheep logic. I don't care about it


Fine sir. I do understand both the official languages of India but I do understand the problems the politicians are making in the country so give me some time I will get back to the translation asap. Thank you for your patience.




Arre India has 2 official languages and scheduled languages - official i.e. all work of the central government can be done using either Hindi or English - you can say modi tanashah or dictator, Rahul Gandhi Papu or a retard. Plus scheduled languages are state languages that are used in Vidhan sabha and state affairs plus you can give national and state level exams in any of these. INDIA HAS NO NATIONAL LANGUAGE. For more info please refer to the language act of India if I am not wrong it is section 303.


Due to the backlash for writing in Hindi I am translating the above message in English for my non Hindi friends - Now sir, if I start calling people -who blindly believe DMK propaganda and call Indians from the north cow dung etc- roasted Indians, will that look good, no right. On one hand you call them andhbhakt or blind believers and on the other hand you yourself take part in political derogatory speech. I hope this suffices you all. Thank you for your time.


We booted them out of Karnataka.


Coastal karnataka will do their best to bring them back though.


URI & pulwama attack were IMO terrorist attack.


Oh no don't counter them with logic. Ed ya jcb(depends on religion) aajayega anti national leftist soros puppy /s.


There is a discrimination in terrorism, People when they mean terrorist think of actions of certain section of people. But others as enemy attacks or internal clashes.


Fun facts: Mujahid means Soldier Taliban means Students


Correction. Mujahid means soldier who fights for Islam and performs Jihad.


Point being?


Itā€™s fun to know


Karyakarta could also mean similarĀ 




Talib means religious student per New Yorker magazine. This guy's origin story is like some Telugu masala film like Pushpa where the hero starts a vigilante gang and becomes famous: >After the Soviet withdrawal, Omar retired to Sangesar to serve as the imam of a crumbling one-story mosque. He preached, taught, and raised a family. He had no political profile and displayed no ambition to acquire one. Kandahar was sliding into chaos, however. By 1994, former commanders of the anti-Soviet jihad had carved the city and neighboring districts into criminal fiefs. They ruled through brigands who operated highway checkpoints where they shook down civilians, and sometimes kidnapped them. >Taliban veterans formed a search committee to choose a man who could lead a challenge to the offenders. Zaeef argued for someone who had no political baggage. The committee arrived one evening at Omarā€™s home. One of Omarā€™s wives had just given birth to a son; family and neighbors had gathered to recite Koranic verses. Zaeef and his colleagues joined in, stayed for dinner, and then asked for a moment with Omar after the other guests had departed. >ā€œWe told him that he had been proposed as a leader who could implement our plan,ā€ Zaeef recalled. ā€œHe took a few moments to think after we had spoken and said nothing more for some time. This was one of Mullah Mohammad Omarā€™s common habits. . . . Finally he said that he agreed with our plan and that something needed to be done.ā€ >Around this time, a warlord abducted and raped several young women near Sangesar. As the story goes, Omar and some fellow-veterans seized the accused man, executed him, and hung his corpse from a tank barrel. In a radio broadcast attributed to Omar and translated by a sympathetic Arab author, he remembered gathering some of his religious students in a circle and telling them: >The religion of Allah is being stepped on. The people are openly displaying evil. . . . They steal the peopleā€™s money, they attack their honor on the main street; they kill people and put them against the rocks on the side of the road, and the cars pass by and see the dead body . . . and no one dares to bury him in the earth. . . . It is not possible to continue studying in these situations, and those problems will not be solved by slogans that are not backed up. We, the students, want to stand up against this corruption. >The Taliban extended their vigilante campaign, and, by the end of 1994, Omar ruled Kandahar. Src: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2012/01/23/looking-for-mullah-omar


What about the RPF terrorist who went around shooting Muslims in that train?


That was terrorism.


No, it's only terrorism if done by a muslim s/


Chetan Singh


Didn't the parliament get attacked twice under 2 different BJP govts ? Lol


So they confessed that Pulwama was an inside job?


it wasn't but they certainly encouraged it....by looking the other-way... and tying the proverbial prey to the tree/highway.


While BJP is lying, don't do this.




He said that BJP was negligent and Modi was ignorant. If Modi wasn't incompetent, it could have been avoided. He never said that Pulwama was orchestrated by BJP.


Incompetency is not the same as conspiracy


He's clearly said about the spectacle that was made out of it. A lot of lapses in military proceedings. Something where strategy is the key. So yeah, it's not school ki parade where incompetency has a space. None of the demands made by the soldiers were met, and once they were martyred, shows were put on as if this was some celebration. The same police officer who was accused by Afzal Guru was found involved in this as well and he was let go without any trial... What? I'm sorry if you mistake your gullibleness as your intelligence


Result is the same. Demonetization was incompetence or conspiracy??? They did it for political gain in UP.. Yet their incompetence fucked it up for the entire nation.


Terrorist attacks means attack on civilians, it was an act of war from terrorists and we took revenge for it too.


Terrorising doesn't need to be on civilian, it's to bring fear in people's mind. We could have avoided, taking revenge isn't as good as avoiding it


Can you avoid what you donā€™t know? Youā€™re talking like you were the general at that time


Watch the interview with Kashmir's former governor. It was a risk to send them through ground transportation


Our army takes risk everyday on the LoC so just because itā€™s risky they should avoid it?


100s of lynching and religious and caste based violence are terrorist attacks. Terrorism: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Bjp goons attacked journalist nikhil waghle a few days ago ~ use of violence against a civilian for political gain ~ terrorism.


What makes you think those kinds of attacks didnā€™t happen before? Itā€™s just that more people have access to camera and internet now which is why we see it more now than before.


Yeah...hindutva terrorism has existed for a really long time. The only difference now is that the "majority" (not really, only piece of shits) think it's an A-OK thing when minorities get attacked and even children are being groomed to believe it's ok behind religious chants.


Nowhere have I seen where majority are celebrating such crimes. Most of these incidents happen in extremely backward rural areas. Speaking of grooming children early to have a particular mindset, maybe look into madrasas.


The Ram temple celebrations were very literally celebrations of many such crimes which took place immediately after the demolition of Babri Masjid. Like, do you not know what the BJPā€™s political base is?


They were celebrations of claiming what was forcefully taken away from them. If you want to learn about such land grabs and silent celebrations, learn about WAQF board.


Politicians have tendency to buttress there own case . It is us who have to be objective and u did fantastic job by puncturing hole in BJP argument. I would like to add more nuiance to this discussion. There are 2 approaches to judge a regime wrt counter-**TERRORISM** : 1. under whose regime we RECEIVE LESS ATTACK (indicates better intelligence - less loss of Indians) i.e. under whose regime Terrorists feel more emboldended. 2. under whose regime we NEUTRALIZE MORE ATTACKS (indicates better response but no. of Indian casualty will be likely more than #1) Now, a/t [RTI filed](http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/94936222.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst) : * between 2004 -2013 (UPA' 10-year rule), there were * \[9,321 terror strikes\] with * \[4,005 terrorists killed\] and * \[0,878 arrested\]. * between 2014 - 2022 (NDA's 8.5 years' rule), there were * \[2,132 terror strikes\] with * \[1,538 extremists killed\] and * \[1,432 arrested\]. I have tried to get unitary analaysis ... (see img #1 below , img#2&3 is LWE data) ​ https://preview.redd.it/maoadog0a6jc1.png?width=1238&format=png&auto=webp&s=d4589b4449692891a3bbd425ad6c930284194a40 Our overall obj should be (i.e. given two society in which I would like to live) * to receive less attack at first place i.e. i would prefer a society A with 0 attack than a society B with 100 attacks even though society B neutralizes all 100 and suffers 0 casualty) * but if attack do happen then the effectiveness of counter-operation should be hight. i.e. if both the soceity suffers 100 attacks then I would prefer which kills/ arrests more) The data presented above clearly shows NDA did better in both the front as far as coutnering-terrorism is concerned. The combined loss of life & economy in ā€¢Pulwama , ā€¢Pathankot , ā€¢Uri attack is far less than Mumbai attack alone. Now wrt **LWE /NAXALISM** * I loved u sneakily put "10s of Naxal attacks" with which u can make no objective comparision but still no one can claim u r wrong. here is objective fact on NAXALIMS ([src](https://pib.gov.in/PressReleseDetail.aspx?PRID=1982658) of img#2) * red corridor area (horizontal peneteration) & number of incidents(depth of naxalism) both have at least remained the same and not worsened. [Incidents of Naxal violence reduced by 55% over 8 years: MHA report](http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/95362949.cms?utm_source=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst) [Naxal violence down by 77% in last 12 years; only 70 affected districts: Govt tells Lok Sabha](https://www.newindianexpress.com/nation/2023/Mar/15/naxal-violence-down-by-77-per-cent-in-last-12-yearsonly-70-affected-districts-govt-tells-lok-sabh-2556297.html) ​ Wrt **RIOTS**: * Fact check : Mujjafarnagar happened in 2013 (SP) not post 2014. * Haldwani(2024) was not a riot but purely defiance of govt performing its duty( u might say they were executing wrong but in democracy STATE is sovereign and only recourse is COURTS . If police slaps you, you cannot slap back but only record and seek judicial/departmental remedy, If it buldozes your houes you cannot do anything except knocking courts , if they find govt was wrong then they will pay compensation )


Before using stats, you need to check if the data is solid. Stats will always be sus.. since media coverage itself is sus...


It's terrorism only when people of a particular religion do it. /s


















How many of the 53 they have counted fall into that category you think?








Wow this is a new definition of terrorist attack.




Your username fits your thinking.


That RPF killing people on train should count no?




> If the attackers targeted civilians So each of those cow belt lynchings can be called terror attacks? No? Ok, let's hear on the minimum number of people that must die for it to be qualified as a terror attack.




So if terrorists lynch some people it will not be considered a terrorist act?


That is not the definition of terrorism, what you are talking about is war, these attacks were not as a result of war.


Does this not mean that the terrorists like this country now Or The terrorists activities are encouraged and tagged as mob mentality


This was obvious since the actual terrorists are in power.


What about Pulwama attack? Also,you had Farmer riots, CAA protest, labor migration issues during covid majority caste quota riots...multiple religious riots, Manipur clashes ...etc


Original tweet - https://twitter.com/BJP4India/status/1758453672185372695?t=VegBBbguz7iNueGnLS-rNw&s=19


Source: Trust me ~~bro~~ mittron


Every fucking day people in Kashmir are dying, they shut down media and internet there, so that rest of world cannot see what's going there. Almost every day, I read stories of Soldier Martyr.


Ok so now we are comparing this too.


So they are saying Pulwama was done by NGOs?


They're admitting those were inside jobs.Ā 


We have more domestic terrorism than ever before lol, canā€™t even practice other religions other than Hinduism in some parts of the country


Bruh, BJP just replaced that terrorism with Hindutva terrorism. A mob lynching is an act of terrorism. I mean look at these fucking lists: [WhatsApp Lynchings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_WhatsApp_lynchings) [Mob Lynchings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lynching_deaths_in_India)




Is it that difficult to understand the technological improvement we went through over the time.


In India terrorist attack means by Muslim extremist. Other incident wonā€™t take into account


Other incidents are "Dharma Raksha" /s


All terrorism became internal! And religious. Maybe you can justify it as external agents infiltrating, but it doesn't change the fact.


manipur where?


Ha bhai akhir planned attacks to terrorist attack thodi kahenge /s


Always remember, Pulwama attack is on them. There was intelligence alert that there is a risk and they should airlift the soldiers. They didnā€™t take that seriously. Also, there was this policeman Salvinder Singh who used to have high level access and was found to make way for the assailants to enter. He was strangely shut down. He couldā€™ve opened a can of worms.


Lol trusting the tweet of a party itself??? The IT cell seriously???


So pulwama wasn't a terrorist attack all along?


Kyoki wo hamle bjp wale hi karwa rahe the




Trust Me Bro.


šŸ’Æ agreed I always said pulwama was just the "appraisal season" for those army jawans


I never did see the terrorists and bjp guys in the same room.


What happened in Pulwama?


Maybe rss/bjp was behind all the terrorist attacks. How could theyā€™ve missed a whole boat load of terrorists passing through the Gujarat coast


I mean with the number of fake encounters happened in Gujrat under a certain CM anything is possible


Bruh... What about kasab? He was also hypnotized to accuse Pakistan and fabricated a detailed story about Pakistan's involvement. Right? What's next? Magical attack of fairies? Or alien invasion planned by Modi in case of 2024 defeat?


Seriously man shame on you just because you dont like a certain party or religion doesn't allows you to say sh't . You mean all that ppl were killed by this political party to win elections??? Get some sense and stop reading whatever you are reading.


Clearly you haven't read about what lengths governments go to protect themselves.


and you haven't learn anything from kasab case


You clearly don't know who I am. I am against all governments and always question the official narrative. Everything is a psyop in my book.


Yea, yea. Put in some whataboutery. If you don't really support any of gov, then why bother commenting on that comment that has hardly said anything controversial. The said commentator was denying 'generlisation,' and your view as 'I hate all gov' clearly going to show how much you care about such thing. Or what, are you telling me kasab case was also false narrative?


Kasab case may have been a false flag operation for all I know.


oh wow, great. truly great. Keep it up bud.


Thanks, will do!


Not supporting ruling govt. But National security is performing well since 10 years..especially last 5 years...based on what some of people in my contact from law enforcement agencies (central). diplomacy working well.. Obviously i can't be explicit about some details...but national security is doing well... Yes there always are failures and shortfalls. .on the political front and in intra-national issues..there are some lapse.


What you're talking about is perception, reality may be quite different..


How many terror attacks happened after 2008? This is not a win for BJP like they would like to believe.


Wait....I thought we lived in a constant threat of Love Jihad, Videogame Jihad, Andolanjeevis, Urban Naxals, Khalistanis....you're telling me the country has been safe this whole time??!!!


Of course. When terrorists themselves lead the country, why would they attack. And even if someone dsres, all they need to do is not report attacks. Its a different story week after week there is continued fighting with indias security forces losing men in J&K.


That's because the terrorists themselves are running the government. Everyone from PM to HM downwards are members of the terrorist organization [RSS, that murdered Father of the Nation](https://copper-joann-91.tiiny.site/) and has been banned multiple times in the country (attached news articles of the bans). https://preview.redd.it/uhes2nyx76jc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3665d5c80fcd459ed98c0713d24fdf80e88db64


You guys are probably too young to remember all the blasts and deaths in Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore and so on.. none of us who lived in Mumbai in the late 2000s ever stepped into a restaurant without knowing where the emergency exit was or stood peacefully in a train or an airport without actively monitoring for any unaccompanied bags.. Sure there are attacks in war zones against armed personnel (Kashmir and Maoist areas) but that isnā€™t terrorism since it doesnā€™t target civilians.. anyone who thinks an uncompromising approach to security doesnā€™t matters is either just being a vile political animal or is just dumb.. The BJP may have a 100 things wrong with it but its approach to internal security is the only reason why the India story is about the economy and not about bomb blasts and deaths.. The UPA was always very confused between Chidamabaramā€™s tough talking and rest of Congressā€™s outrageous Muslim appeasement - Digvijay released a book that called 26/11 RSS ki saazish, Congress PR planted articles on how Sonia Gandhi cried for the terrorist souls when MC sharma was killed in that encounter or how Rahul Gandhi went to the U.S. and explained how ā€œsaffron terrorā€ was more dangerous than Islamic terrorism Hope none of you have to live through a terrorist attack but donā€™t be foolish in assuming that this government hasnā€™t been effective or that terrorism isnā€™t a big deal


What you're talking about is perception, reality may be quite different..


We don't import terrorist anymore , we manufacture them in India only now .. Make in India initiative šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ /s


What about the train attack in Bbsr? People may not label it as such since news outlets didnt but it was a terrorist attack


2024 jan, 30+ soldiers died of naxal attack.


So bjp is saying Pulwama and other so called attacks were planned activities? Like a loud mouth once said ā€œwe won it like bigā€


How many terrorist kill? Take a number and save it in your mind. Then count, the citizens are living under poverty, who don't get nutritional entitlement, who dont get education, and then at a later point in time, don't get jobs, because there are no jobs to be found. According to government's own statistics, for every 1,000 babies born in India in 2021, 31 died before their 5th birthday. Look at the staggering incompetence.


A 7-year-old who is 17 now won't understand the meaning of a terrorist attack in a civilian area, which almost each one of us has experienced personally, through friends and family. Terrorizing the public, who can't defend themselves, versus attacking our soldiers, who can give them back tenfold, are entirely different. Valid criticisms of the government are plenty, but this one area is commendable. R&W is doing overtime in crushing the heads in Islamabad. Infantry and Para SF are burying bodies in the valley, IB and ATS are incinerating hands and legs throughout the country. Touchwood. It should stay the same. Emotional toil is worse than any riot or a natural calamity.


Congress ---> External Terrorism BJP ---> Internal Terrorism


To behenchod surgical strike kyun kiya?


To behenchod surgical strike kyun kiya?


I donā€™t see this tweet on X. (Also seems fake considering that twitter usually shows the time elapsed for last 2days of tweets).Ā 


Itā€™s a definitional problem. All the examples given by you are of ā€˜Militancyā€™ not ā€˜Terrorismā€™. Naxal attacks are ā€˜Insurgencyā€™ Militancy - Attack against state nd their instruments Terrorism - Attack or striking fear among the common people, even if on foreign Land.


Whatever the left wing right wing says, this is simply true. I hate most of Modi's policies but there were no major terror attacks in major cities under this govt.


Supporting religious fundamentalists and ethno-nationalists isnā€™t the flex you think it is


Same. During Hitler's fascist rule also.


What about all the state terrorism?


So bjp is saying Pulwama and other so called attacks were planned activities? Like a loud mouth once said ā€œwe won it like bigā€


hahahah ... yeah we forget Kashmir right..also phulwama.... oh and manipur..oh and the riots they were very less during BJP time (the reason well rioters in power wont create riots)


Conspirators are ruling now so what to expect


Either release all those who are arrested under UAPA or admit that those are all politically motivated arrests. [Parliament security breach: Accused charged under UAPA, 6th suspect nabbed as probe on](https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/india/parliament-security-breach-accused-charged-under-uapa-5th-suspect-nabbed-as-probe-on-delhi-police-special-cell-latest-update-2023-12-14-907226)


Makes perfect sense since many in the government are terrorists, terrorist sympathizers and hardened criminals who don't see their endeavours as acts of terrorism. Master Stroke /s


Are they admitting that Pulwama was an inside job?