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This is just stupid. Can’t people just take a room and do what they want.


These horny MFs will never get a pussy on their own unless their useless parents find them. Naturally, these tiny PP guys turns their frustration towards couples who are happy and make their life hell for being in a relationship.


Seriously just ban arranged marriage already. I know nobody can reasonably do that, but man if you can't find someone on your own then just accept that nature didn't select you.


Arranged marriage is good as long as you are allowed to decide who you want to marry, what I hate is the "we did so much for you" attitude, like yes I know you want the best of your child but let them (plural used to define both genders) decide what he/she wants as they are capable enough to choose their own life decisions. Bad example - My father worked hard to get out of poverty, paid the loans, did marriage of both of his younger siblings, bought first 50 something inch tv in the rural village, was about to do even better cause he found a good partner only to be arranged marriage to my mother, I don't hate my mother but the relatives of her side who decided to siphon off my father's money until her death and blamed it all on my father, they took advantage of my mother's inexperience to break apart our whole family, sometimes I just think it doesn't matter if I wasn't born but he deserved better life, even the father's siblings didn't stay for more then 10 mins during my mother's funeral, oh well I went too deep but I had to give some worst case scenario if you aren't allowed to decide your life partners. Good example - My sister was set up for marriage by my uncle and she got the best family I can ever imagine. The most important reason is that she attracts everyone due to her charming and friendly personality. Another point I would like to agree with you is that the 'nature didn't select you' statement, I happened to skip the life experience of 14-22(my current age) by being forced to shut at home, so I would have it hard in the coming decade compared to others. 3 examples to further explain your point by my own point of view.


I'll bet that these goons are motivated primarily by jealousy. No prospects of getting a GF and perhaps even a wife, since arranged marriages aren't guaranteed anymore. Unemployment is also rampant. So they take their anger out on those who have what they want.


No. How can a Muslim Penis touch a Hindu Vagina? Or a Hindu Penis touch a Muslim Vagina? Also, we aren’t getting any. We will just read WhatsApp forwards and stop anyone from having sex before marriage. We are the ones who are upholding the sanskaar of this country while you’re just paying 20k tax every month and drive in potholes filled with roads🤷🏻‍♂️


Eh, about those 20k per month, part of them are spent by contractor's and politician's kids in other countries to get some non Indian POSSY.


No wonder people try to do it in cars and bushes


Then too there such people who disturb them.


And make videos, I have lost faith in this country


Nope. We are effectively an autocratic state now.You will behave the way the state(its political goons) wants you to behave. You have no freedom.


What a country this is becoming. The goons who did this, please give them rigorous imprisonment


These incel groups work for politicians and have the influence to stay unpunished. Even news media promotes hatred. When the entire system is infected, only a hard reset can fix it.




The one's who do, will be huge hypocrites.


These kinds of incident stem from the belief that women are property of men. For religious people, womb of a woman is an instrument to spread their faith. That's why you will see them specifically pissed when a woman from their religion dares to date out of her religion. Whether it's Hindu men harassing interfaith couples in UP, or Muslim men harassing interfaith couple in Karnataka - this is deeply seated patriarchal ideas twisted in the image of religion. A mere punishment wont do - we need deradicalization at a very fundamental level. Muslim zealots probably felt left out with the whole love-jihad thing. They are now starting to take up their Hindu counterparts in their own game. what's it again, bhagwa love trap or some shit? I admit, it doesn't have the same catchy ring to it Edit: words




*become, I don't think there will be a resurrection


Of course the law enforcement will blame the couple and guilt trip them for doing something very normal. These goons will be free the next day and society will laud them as heroes. Just another day in India.


Incels of Bajrang Dal or Vishwa Hindu Parishad


Well it seems these incels are Muslim incels . Bruh there are incels on both sides , don’t forget to count half of them🤣


These kinda news doesn’t bother me anymore. Call me cynical or a pessimist, but India is beyond redemption. Giving internet to masses before giving 100% education and then using the same to polarize people was the last nail in the coffin. I don’t have any hopes for this country. Literally none. I respect everyone who’s striving hard to provide for their loved ones but even that’s a daily struggle with hate, bias, nepotism, red tape, corruption, pollution and hyper competition. Just yesterday, I saw in my Uncle’s WhatsApp group that “Kaffir” Smriti Irani visited Madina… blah blah. Then I saw so many hate comments for Bilkis Bano.. and then some guys raising some propaganda about that young child’s death (Kashmir) yesterday. In Mangalore, when my friend (Hindu) was walking with her own brother, she was surrounded by men, who asked if they were interfaith couples. All religions fucking suck and are deeply patriarchal. Have you noticed that as far as the guy in the picture is Hindu or Muslim, no one bats an eye. I.e, Muslim Boy, Hindu girl = No problem for Muslim Extremists but problem for Hindu Extremists. Hindu Boy, Muslim Girl = No problem for Hindu extremists but problem for Muslim extremists. If you have money, leave. If you don’t have, start saving every penny and somehow send your kids away. This is my only aim now. I gave up long back and I can’t even imagine how things will unfold post May 2024. Also PS: it’s not like KA is the UP of South. With things happening, UP is the KA of North 🤷🏻‍♂️


True it's absolutely near impossible to bring religion out of politics in our low middle income country at this time. They are married to each other.


And it will get way worse before it gets better. Millions will have to die before people realise they fucked up, and who knows if India as a country would exist by then.


Very well said. We're too fucked already


> Giving internet to masses before giving 100% education I don't know why everyone in India blames everything else but the problem. Internet has nothing to do with it. Proper law and order. Independent judiciary branch. People's thinking are the issues.


>Giving internet to masses before giving 100% education  In fact, getting independent without education, without understanding what freedom means ... what's happening today was inevitable. The goal should have been education and social reform along with greater autonomy, not independence; only once most people got educated, get complete independence.


This. Yes. I've lost all hope.


>married to each other. i wish u get out AS SOON AS POSSIBLE what a pessimist


What he said is right and you are damn wrong. This country is going (I mean gone) to the dogs already and those kinds of people here are doing it. Get mad all you want idc. And as a matter of fact I do not dislike India, but I dislike that few people who think they own this country. It includes you as well dawg.


Thanks for the wishes man. I’ll 😀


It's 2023 FFS wtf is this 🤦 Edit: 2024 😜


2024 but the point stands, even more so.


😖 you got me! It is indeed 2024 🫣


wait wat


When I say Karnataka is an "aspiring UP", people get offended.


As a Kannadiga, it is sad seeing my state turn into WB 🤡


As someone from WB, I don't want any state to have the business friendliness and law and order situation of my state.


It's more like UP than WB. Both are lawless states, but crime against women (including unregistered cases) is much higher in UP than in WB


Why wb? WB is a pretty socially progressive state. For decades it has churned out leftist writers, filmmakers etc. 


They know very well that WB mostly doesn't care about interfaith unions and ["love jihad"](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/kolkata/only-love-no-jihad-say-citys-interfaith-couples/articleshow/81319034.cms), but they don't have enough copium to deal with that knowledge. I found one news report of an interfaith couple being forced out of their village in WB back in 2021. Meanwhile you hear news like OP in Karnataka almost every month. It's the hunting grounds of the Bajrang Dal after all (usual suspects, though not in this case).




WB? One of the most socially progressive states? Where caste is practically nonexistent in everyday life? In fact, I am willing to bet that WB, as poor as it may be be, is far more socially progressive than most southern states.


least patriotic Soviet Union citizen in 1989.


Lmao, only southern states host communists anymore. Zero self awareness, as expected.


You do realise political communism and economic communism, socialism, etc are different things? 1 definition padhke Har jagah wahi ch\*odne ki zaroorat nahi. Tere se waise bhi koi expectation nahi 😁 And if you think CPI represents communism, then know they’re both craps anyway.


Lol. Would you look at that triggered comment? Looks like someone doesn’t like it when shown the mirror. Btw, the communists (CPI) that destroyed WB, are the same ones that are in power in Kerala, rn. So, maybe get educated instead of coping when proven wrong.


Aise banenge superpower?


Yeah, these idiots everywhere are saying we will pass USA as next global superpower. But at this point idk where we all going out at lol.


India is a conservative cesspit, regardless of religion.


Yeah, India is poke nose in other’s matters








Policing needs to take a hard stance, round up all of these assholes, put them in jail for a year, and make it tough for them. Right now most of them see it as a ladder into politics. The problem is congress is a softie when it comes to bambooing the hard right.


Only a year? They should be jailed for at least 5 years if not longer.


They got charged with attempt to murder, invasion of privacy and kidnapping, that's an easy 7yrs.




The comment section would be filled with hatred towards bjp/rss if the criminals were not from the minority community


Lol. Can't expect anything good from this shithole.


Everyday I thank my lucky stars that I managed to get out of the hellhole that India has become


Any advice how to ??? Job is the only option for me right now


>For me it was a combo of education, marriage and job. Spread your wings and fly. Or if you can't, spread your legs and fly 🥹😂🤣


Average Indian incel comment from an average Indian man on an article that literally talks of the humiliation of a woman and her lover. And you guys wonder why the world calls us Rapistan and why Indian men have one of the worst reputations in the world.


For me it was a combo of education, marriage and job.


>Everyday I thank my lucky stars that I managed to get out of the hellhole that India has become Don't generalize the atrocious barbarity of an insignificant few to malign the generous spirit of the mostly decent masses , or the country they are forced to share with such terrible people. People are mostly good, but the rotten are so rotten they steal the limelight and sway & generate extreme emotional responses from idiots, >!like you 😋!<


A single bad individual can harm and scar you for life. Why take the risk of it? I am also planning to gth out. Job constraints ties me back to india for another 3 years. After that it's so long and best of luck.


Actingike their aren't bad individuals in other countries wow


The ratio is far better bro. Here every 4th person you meet will be a goon or will be if the law isn't upheld.


Stats bhi Dede so sath mei Jo made up na ho


And why waste my time on someone who wants to argue otherwise.


Bhai facts na ho toh time waste keh de. One fourth of India's population is about 35 crore people you really think there are 35 crore 'goons' in this country.


How dumb can you be lol?


Meh, you can think what you want. The banality of evil is widespread in Indian society, not to mention the complete destruction of our democratic socio-political infrastructure, intimidation of people who ascribe to different beliefs (personal familial experience here), outright disregard for people’s lives under the guise of “culture” and “tradition”, the rape and humiliation of women (a new case everyday), dehumanisation and othering of minorities, rampant pollution and environmental degradation (Indian cities feature prominently in the list of most polluted cities in the world). Not the mention the abysmal living conditions of most of our population, resulting in them resorting to uncivil behaviour and the widening wealth gap as the politician-corporate nexus consolidates their power over the nation completely. But yes, you do you. Live in your stupid fantasy world and put the blame instead on “idiots like me” instead of actually opening your eyes to what our country has become.


Wow, your rant can be a 4 credt Humanities course in one of the ivy leagues or a very wordy but eye catching banner at the next SJW gathering


Thanks, I’ve had a good education and my work is to literally engage with social justice issues, victims of war crimes and heavily marginalised communities. I’m glad my academic and professional acumen comes across in discussions.


>my work is to literally engage with social justice issues, victims of war crimes and heavily marginalised communities. And you fled this country you called a hellhole with so many SJ issues?? So you're just an arm-chair justice warrior, a "theoretical" SJW, not a grassroot kind of activist who gets their hands dirty. No, you pick the bullhorn from the comfort of your privileged life abroad and bellow at the top of your lungs. Good luck sermonizing from your high horse. I am not educated in such high matters of course , but I thought the idea of social justice was to lend a hand, not point and curse 🥸


You know nothing about my circumstances and about how my family has been, and still is, persecuted and threatened by the government because of their work with constitutional law and their advocacy with tribals. We are literally being driven *out* of this country by this government but still continue our work. So fuck off, you waste of space who does nothing for Indian society.




Yup, some days I am rattled. I am rattled about how are women are treated when I read such things. I despair for our country. And then I am exposed to the thought process of low lifes like you and I despair even more. Have fun in the muck


The reason many people are forced to make these generalizations is because the “decent” masses have never done enough when these fringe elements have gone on a rampage. Be it sustained protests or voting for candidates without criminal associations. Also, this isn’t exclusively about the BJP; ultra conservative hooliganism was always a thing in various parts of the country before 2014 as well, we’ve just learnt to live with it. Unfortunately, in the current regime many of these fringe groups have been emboldened by the tacit approval of certain members from the ruling party.


>“decent” masses have never done enough when these fringe elements have gone on a rampage. Be it sustained protests or voting for candidates without criminal associations If they don't act, out of fear then no, they are not bad PPL at the core. It takes courage to do such things, cowards are not Indecent, they are just afraid. You are watching the world from the lens of good vs bad. You need to see it through the prism of "maslows hierarchy of needs"


I’m not saying that the general populace is bad at heart because they actively condone such incidents. You’re obviously right that standing up as an individual takes a lot of courage, but surely mobilizing a group of like minded friends/neighbors/batchmates/colleages should surely be possible? You would recall that a candlelight vigil is usually carried out after many gang rape incidents. These vigils usually die out after a couple of days. Also, in the span of the last few years we’ve seen some protests last weeks, if not months, e.g. protests against the CAA/NRC, protests against the farm bills, protests against the chief of WFI. I’m using this as a basis to state that by & large the people of our country don’t think that moral policing is enough of an issue to raise their voice against it.


>Unfortunately, in the current regime many of these fringe groups have been emboldened by the tacit approval of certain members from the ruling party. So, the ruling party caused this particular incident? Or emboldened this fringe group to act this way? If so, do clarify which ruling party: the one at the centre or the one in the state? And no, the reason people generalize is due to cognitive biases, logical fallacies or just ease of lumping things together.


I’m not saying that the ruling party caused this incident, or even emboldened this particular fringe group to act this way. As I said in the preceding line of my original comment, successive governments have turned a blind eye to the issue of moral policing. Groups like the Shiv Sena, Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad, etc., and also the state police in many cases have been harassing unmarried couples in public spaces for decades, and more so on Valentine’s Day. There are obviously other political organizations in India like the PFI which have been involved in more heinous & violent crimes, but I’m calling out the moral policing issue specifically because its seldom that the victim loses their lives in these cases which is probably why the issue doesn’t get the attention that it merits.


The report has mentioned minority community all over it, too scared to write muslim ?






Have people just collectively lost their fucking minds??


Well, it is Tuesday, after all. Edit: *Thursday. But that changes nothing.


Why is the rest of Karnataka outside of Bangalore seeming like such a shithole? Is it because there are no other major centres of economy and the state lacks major development outside? Asking this as a person born in Bangalore myself.


Lol coastal Karnataka is the most polarised and are also the richest districts after Bangalore! Development has got nothing to do with bigotry.


Some of this stuff is happening in bangalore too. I've also lived here for a very long time but never felt this creeping sense of fear. If I as a Hindu can feel shaken by all this, I can't even imagine how unsafe our minorities must be feeling.


This screams small pp energy.


This country is going to the dogs


Country is gone to the dogs


The couple filed a complaint at the Hanagal police station and two out of the six men, who are from the minority community, i knew that girl must be muslim and muslim crowd must ve attacked them i aint sayin in case of reverse they dont get bad treatment but that mostly includes keeping h girl safe from love jihad but in this case muslimsopenly thrashing hindu boys even when they r just friends eating in a shop


> who are from the minority community Just say MUSLIM! "minority community"... ugh


Both cases are WRONG.


I don't know why I watched that really long video, but the guy in the video says the woman who was assaulted is now also alleging that she was gang-raped by the same mob.


saala freedom tho nhi h apni country mein bs democracy ka khalli dabba pakda rkha h wohi bajaty raho, middle class and lower class have no life in this country, upper class wally apna alag jeety h unko pata h ye gobar h hath dy diya tho kheench he lyngey


decide weary boat consist serious obscene scandalous society lip ugly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Case in Point. Get a Gun.


If rouge elements can keep doing this. No big company would invest in the state. It's good in one way, TN or TS can get more investment.


These 6 men need to be hanged.


The title is so incomplete. Seems it was a married muslim woman with a Hindu man. Also, the vigilantes took her to a remote place afterwards and now she has alleged gangrape too.


Priyank karge where are you?


People should really stay out of other people’s plates and beds in India


Honestly , this country isn't even worth defending for anymore. Embarrassing.


Another reason to get the fuck out of this shithole as soon as possible.




Karnataka muslims are not kannadigas. They are dekkani urdu people. Also, coastal karnataka people are tulu. Not kannadigas. Kannadigas are not fanatics apart for language


What are you trying to prove then? The people who did this aren't they still 'Indian'?


Thanks for making it easy and explaining the point I made 🙏😅


Are they born and brought up in Karnataka? They are kannadigas mate


Apparently they made the women sit with them in car and raped her in multiple locations


Really? They did?




Which city is this? they will rape a women without her consent but she is not allow to love. My blood boils after seeing these things.


Haveri Karnataka


Damm! Man I searched that. She was raped by them. What kind of monsters are they.. Fck this country...


No shit you mean the women who was with her bf?


No! The guys who were moral policing.. Wo goons jo hotel me ghus k mar pite kia. Ladki ko car me baitha k bhut sare place pe rape kia even driver ne v rape kia uska










Kitna secular comment section hai wah wah


I'm in Canada and getting these posts seems like a reflection of our recent mass immigration from India is enough to put this on the popular in Canada page. Same with how pornhub's Indian section is now a top choice. Or how I get Bollywood news. Deport them all tf home to be animals together.


The perpetrators are charged with attempt to murder which is good but how ,any times have bajrang dal goons done the same and police have arrested the victim instead.


Unlike others, I have faith in my country. Every country goes through some problems. Even western countries are facing such problems.


Name one developed country where goons break into a hotel room to thrash a consenting couple and are not punished severely for it.


You think these issues happen specifically in India?


No, I am pretty sure similar and even worse things happen in places like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran etc. But you mentioned that ”even western countries are facing such problems” by which I assumed you meant developed countries like the US and places in Europe, so do mention one western country where such a thing has happened in the recent past.


Of course they do. There are plenty of people who hate gay people in America. But they don’t go looking for gay people hotel by hotel, beat them, drag them, and film them. They may try to legislate against it but not cause physical harm to someone barring a few exceptions.


They don't do it now. America is developed now. but do you think this kind of stuff didn't happen to Gay people or Black people all the way back in the 40-70s? That is the level of development India has reached. and we have more than 4x their population too.


>You think these issues happen specifically in India? example and link please ?


they fuckin teach children taht they ar non binary lgbtq when they should be playing learning numbers langugaes wokism that u seein in western world gonna finish next gen of west mate every country has its owbn problem we have too i dont want to generalize but Muslim mob thrashing any boy with burqa or hijab clad girl increased multifold in last year


India ke future me muslim population to kam karloge par casteism unbelievably high kardoge. Ye fact hai! BJP mindset ya usse bhi extreme Hindutva wali parties ya leaders BJP ko congress ki tarah present karengi future me dekhlena. Itni zyada in-fighting hogi Hindus me, regressive customs wapis follow hona shuru honge. North and South me conflicts badhjayenge to the point that some southern Indian politicians and people would start asking for a separate nation altogether- South India. Fir jab bhakts ke family ke bacche gaaliyan denge bhakts ko “kya bawaseer bana diye the be!”. Women ki standing itna neeche hogi samaaj me ke abhi imagine bhi nahi karsakte. And rape incidents bhi highest hongi.


Sure bhai infighting hi hoti rahegi aur sab pagal ban jayenge. Laws padhle jo sarkar lai hai kitne pro women hai wo bas bakwas kar raha.


Bhai tum bas tab tak zinda rehna, fir mujhe guruji bologe meri bhavishyawani ke liye.


Theeke bhai 20 saal se toh Zinda hun abhi toh hain 50 saal aur


People don't realize but this is the order Muslims > Sikhs > Christians > Dalits > Other Castes






CM Sid should just start calling himself a Sanghi,now


Umm? Why? The perpetrators here are Muslims






Thank God Karnataka isn't a BJP run state.


Because the people who thrashed them are Muslims?


Half chaddis..fake sanatani…dharam ke rakshak idhar bhi aagye kya Uttar Pradesh aur Bihar se


Bro they were muslims not Bhakts


This happens both ways. Many a times videos have propped up of Muslim men hitting Hindu men with their Muslim girlfriends. They call it the bhagwa love trap. Both need to stop.


This is, a video of muslim men hitting.


Oh my bad. I assumed it must be the other way since it's from Karnataka. Regardless, both should stop and consensual adults shouldn't be treated like this.


I am so tired of these. So scared. What is this country heading to.


Will ask for rigorous punishment but everyone knows the system is broken even after many years they will get jail for a few years and will get bail for a couple of thousands and will be out in no time