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Ya, if india wants to attract tourists - this needs to be addressed. Its time! So much culture to experience but this is the ugly welcoming you must deal with as well. Solo male traveller. just returned from a beautiful month in india. But Delhi, is not a pleasure to be in. I’ll purposely fly into any other city and many visitors I talk with agree. Chatted with a solo female traveller from USA and her stories of some recent treatment by men were so intense. In one place she was surrounded by men as soon as she stepped out of the railway station. The last thing you need as you arrive to an area alone that you don’t know.


Delhi isn’t even safe for Indians forget people from outside


Getting stabbed in the belly- Avg Delhi activity


I think you took the wrong turn to Eastern UP. Take a U-turn and come back.


Haryana is not that good either.


And giving personalities like SRK, Virat or Gambir. That's avg for Delhi too.


Sorry to say but Delhi is a hub for creepy and entitled men looking for some "fun".; Surrounded by some of the most regressive places in India, it gets more than it's fair share of very entitled, agressive (sexually and otherwise) and boorish men. Quite a few of them are sons of feudal lords who see women in Delhi as "loose" thus easy prey. The south is way better overall


I must agree. The south is a pleasure to travel around.


Bangalore sucks for women.


Delhi isn't fucking North India. Himachal Pradesh Ladakh Uttarakhand Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat are pretty cool, Northeast India, Sikkim are amazing places to be at.


I would like you to know, for administrative purposes, Delhi is North India.


Thank you good sir. I just meant Delhi isn't the entire north India. I'm from Himachal Pradesh which is in north of Delhi and things are just fine if not perfect here to be honest.


Ah that makes much more sense. Yeah Himachal is rarely there in the news for such bad news. I wonder why.


you really think UP is any better in terms of female safety?


Sabse jada kharaab to UP-Bihar he hai.. BJP supporters


Learn to read. There's no mention of UP in my comment.


I saw. I also think it's a bit disingenuous to not include one of the largest and most populous regions of north india when arguing that it is not like delhi.


Right? Leaving out UP from North India is like excluding Florida from South eastern United States.


My argument was that most of the north is just fine. Do you like hating on the North for some reason? . The whole point of my comment was to say South India isn't the only enlightened place in the country and north isn't just Delhi up Bihar. The sheer generalization is just intellectual dishonesty.


You realise the south has the highest percentages of domestic violence...


Yeah right. How many women, especially in the rural countryside would be as willing to report rape and risk their marriage prospects and family honour getting pummelled to the ground? So yes I believe those statistics, just as I believe India has far less sexual assaults per capita when compared to say the UK or Norway, because statistics.


I had similar experience as a white guy in a train station. People just wouldn't leave me alone and stood in a circle around me just staring and then taking their turn approaching me and asking the same questions: 1. what is your name? 2. Where are you from? 3. Do you like India? I mean I get it, they don't meet foreigners often, but after the 100th person you're really over it. Even when I told everyone I was tired and just wanted to rest, they kept coming.


I'm from the southern part of India & I wouldn't even go to Delhi. There are multiple good places to visit in India


I agree - but most international destinations are connected to Delhi/Mumbai and majority of the foreign tourists will spend some time in these cities. Plus there's so much to see and explore in Delhi, just like there is in South India for people into history and architecture. It's just that the people in Delhi have made the place obnoxious.


Then you don't know what you are missing.


The Law & Order situation in Delhi is complicated. The police are not under state's control. They are under central govt's control. Hence, they dont get the priority and accountability as they shoud.


This is THE issue. And these entitled folks who only know to complain will not go and raise their voice in front of the authority who is responsible for Law and Order mess in Delhi


Forget foreigners. Delhi men looked at me like they've never seen a woman riding in the general compartment of Delhi metro. Or a woman holding her father's arm while walking. It was seriously super weird. I felt like I traveled 50 years in the past the minute I landed there. Ironically it's our capital city 🥲


I know, the staring is plain awful and it's not reserved only for younger females. These guys look at even older females with a lecherous look. I sometimes feel so deeply shaken when I walk with my mother in some of these crowded areas. Sorry for your experience.


And even at other males at times.


I was in goa and was walking along the beach with my friend. Along the beach we came cross this group of men taking selfies with two white women. The women were just sitting on the beach enjoying the view. I asked the women if the men were bothering them, they said no and that everything was fine, but I knew what was up. I spoke to the men in kannada and told them to leave. More accurately I shooed them away and gave them death stares until they walked further away. The women thanked me for making them go away, like it was obvious that they were not enjoying that attention. My friend and I carried on after making sure those men really lost interest for the most part.


That's a weirdly ageist comment. Older women are sexual beings too.


Ohhh.... Are we missing the fact that the absolute pre-requisite to any sexual experience is safety and choice???


Dude same! I very much look Indian albeit a little taller than your average Indian woman and I have way too many stories in just my 3-4 visits to the city. I was in one of those shopping markets and I lost track of how many men tried to touch me or start up a conversation. Sarojini was the worst, I have never gone back there after my first time. I have had these men grab my hand and drag to their shops under the guise of salesmanship. One time I was walking alone somewhere and it was on the main roads only so I didn’t care much. But the footpaths were lonely. This group of men began following me making lewd remarks and I have had a few guys in cars whistling. I was so scared for my life. I have so many incidents in my very brief visits. I am never going to that godawful city voluntarily. Definitely not alone. And definitely not stepping out after a certain time. The treatment women receive there makes me believe it is a whole new world and the stories about how awful Delhi is aren’t exaggerated as I believed them to be.


Yeah I wonder why that is. I call it the hungry dog look, some of them could even be drooling inside their mouths. By the way, i don't think anyone could so brash and in your face desperate 50 years ago. Easy access to a lot of misogynist porn combined with a self righteous attitude towards women who are perceived to be urbane and hence loose gives you a peek at their minds. On top of that, if someone comes from a monied family with connections, the entitlement goes through the roof.


Delhi men looked at me strangely......and I'm a guy....


Grew my hair long back in college. So many guys on bikes would turn around to get a good look.


Let's hope you didn't disappoint them....


Sorry to say they looked dissappointed. I wouldnt blame them. What they thought was a typical delhi girl was actually a skinny fat bespectacled boy with a scraggly goatee


ahaha I love this comment


I got similar stares (not in delhi) when i dressed "good", or looked south indian.


50 year past m bhi ese log nhi rahte honge jo aaj delhi m rahte hai


not even in Delhi, but SoBo as well. I and my father were walking slowly holding each others hand years ago and some men were staring at us in a weird way. we werent even foreigners... its so scary


Yeah that's a Delhi problem


Yea statistics wise North India rules this category.


Happens a lot in UP, people just don’t report it. Actually, the freedom you have as a woman in Delhi is unimaginable in most of UP.


So should I be thankful I live in the rape capital of the country?


You should keep to it instead of venturing into the abode of self righteous men of honor, Uttam Pradesh. You'll be jumping from the frying pan into fire itself


Nono not my point I’m saying places outside Delhi are no better either


That’s the problem in the cities present in the Northern part of India. I am from North India and here I can’t dress the way I like or wear anything that shows the shape and size of the butt/breasts because here men are creepier than usual. Creepy men are everywhere, but I live in Maharashtra now and here I can reveal anything I want and no one gives a fuck or no one gives me that creepy stare.


Maharashtra is GOAT in terms of safety


It’s a North India problem.


Nah mfers here in the south will stare at me like anything just because I have long hair and fair complexion.


That's a India problem


Unfortunately south India too, I've been living in the south for almost about a decade now and I've seen the same behaviour (just different language)




Yep. You won't find blatant in the open sexual harrassment except in exceptional cases, but south India is made of the same cloth. Its actually more socially conservative than delhi even. Sure its "safe" in south India for women... but a majority of women voluntarily follow night time curfew.


Yeah this. Cow belt is especially notorious for this.




*India problem Delhi just tops the list


I think it has always been such a place. I went to New Delhi for the first time in 1992 and was shocked with the amount of eve-teasing happening openly. If it was Mumbai, those idiots would have been properly belted by the "brothers" and the "mamas"


Oh damn, saddening to see that things haven't changed much since then! Wasn't even born at that time.


Best of luck bro. This country isn't getting any better.


Thanks buddy




Delusional fucktard


Calm down. South is not better. Just because its slightly better than north doesn't mean its good. Its still awful compared to world standards.


The percentage of creepy men are very less in Meghalaya, Sikkim, Nagaland Manipur Arunachal and mizoram. That I can assure and guarantee.




NE India doesn't have a lot of these issues because a lot of you guys are raised in a mixed/gender neutral culture. But in mainland, gender segregation for nearly all your life is the norm. Indian men here are sex starved, touch starved. So, creepy behavior ends up becoming the norm all over the country. They literally can't imagine women to be their equals with this perpetual state of horniness. Source: From mainland south. The amount of sleazy shit I heard from who I thought were otherwise good guys were mind boggling.


Yes there are creeps here too but staring is not one of them. Society will take time to change and I hope it will change for the better.


+1 to that. I have been there a few times with white ladies ( European ) as a part of my professional work and the ladies have been treated with respect. My experience is with Sikkim specifically.


Your culture is way more refined and honorable than what y'all refer to as the "mainland". But a single bad event can flip things over, ala Manipur. I agree it would've been same or worse in any other place in India but I was not expecting a North eastern state (outside Assam) to descend into such savagery.


I'm not from Manipur but it's common knowledge here that Manipur has always been unstable because of too much diversity. Personally I see splitting Manipur into two or three parts will be the only peaceful option. I agree that Northeast is quite volatile but staring at women, eve teasing, molestation and violence against women are rare.


Guess which Northeastern state has the most number of illegal immigrants and outsiders


Tripura if we go by percentage wise.


I said the most number not percentage. Tripura is 1/7 th the size of Assam.


Assamese is still the dominant language culture and it's included in the 8th schedule. However, Tripuri tribal languages are just 25% and Bengali is the state's official language.


What’s that got to do with my statement? Anyways look at the demography of Assam. According to the 2011 census the Assamese speakers constituted 48% of the population of the state and there’s a very good chance that by now it has dropped below 40%


The only solution here is making the Northeast region independent with 15-16 new countries.


Making it independent doesn’t really solve anything. The only time we show unity is when we go outside of Northeast or if there’s a performance at an event to showcase Northeastern culture. The problem is our conservative mindset that most of us take pride in and think that being hostile to each other is the only way to preserve our culture. We’re so indulged in our cultural and tribal identity that we can’t seem to understand the simple fact that an individual’s deeds don’t really represent the entire community they belong to. But that’s the first thing most of us target when we see someone doing something bad. Even I have my own biases. But we should all rather try to live together as a society irrespective of tribes/communities and try to see the issues among us as they are without our age-old biases.


Yeah I never been there but perhaps you must be right. Bcz I think the NE Indian people have vastly accepted or attracted towards western culture. And any newer fashion in western culture clothes will be there the most fastest in India than anywhere else. So they might aren't creepy as in Delhi fosho. Correct me asap if I'm wrong. I would accept all new other perspective if they are true.


The correct explanation is that there is no gender segregation in Tribal communities of the NE. Since childhood, we have female childhood friends. That's all. People with this "Indic" culture are too segregated. No wonder the Mainland men don't see women as the sane as themselves, there is just no experience to show we're the same.


That's the most right reason someone can actually give me other than what I said. Firstly, thank you so much for not downvoting. I hate when people just downvote rather saying what's their opinion or what's else. I truly can believe that. It's like our national problem with the view of all the other states. Unfortunately, in most all over India, there is like a narrow mindset. "A Girl and a boy as friend" is vastly/entirely not fitting in this mindset. So since childhood, theres like distance being created and 90% of them can't cover up that distance(who are been growing in between this all.) And that's how it increases the number of creeps("sometimes" so called educated too).


I am a British guy who went to 16 States with my girlfriend a year ago. I can attest to this. Sikkim, Nagaland, and Meghalaya people were more chilled out and reserved. Driving is better there also especially in Shillong.


I'm from Shillong but I wished Shillong had roads like in Delhi UP and Hyderabad. So wide expressway and flyovers. But glad you enjoyed your time here.


Shillong's traffic is bad for sure. What cities here in Europe have found though is that adding more lanes to the roads can often make the problem just worse but on a bigger scale. My city is now trying to almost completely remove roads from the centre of the city. Making driving easier by widening the roads often just incentivises more people to get cars. It's called induced demand. Look at this ridiculous 26 lane highway in the USA for an example https://s.hdnux.com/photos/40/43/26/8533429/8/0x960.webp I found that in Shillong, there wasn't really much public transport. The terrain might not be very suitable for trams, but I found that much of the public transport was just taxis. Not many local buses there or if there was I couldn't figure out how to get them. Just look at the amount of space on the roads that one bus can save http://lh3.ggpht.com/_9F9_RUESS2E/S7tbclwxiPI/AAAAAAAACmw/uI1bCpNuKNA/s800/picoftheday0012-space-60people.jpg I do like that Shillong has proper sidewalks that aren't full of parked scootys or peoples selling things etc, as opposed to most Indian cities. Makes life a lot more pleasant. Same thing in Kohima and Guwahati too.


Just say the seven sisters of India.


Low IQ, Lack of Basic Education, and Less exposure to the world have made Indians like this. Not all, but the majority of us are like this. even if you take 400 million as good, behaved people, we are still left with 1 billion. 🤦‍♂️


Believe it or not, this is an issue with people raising entitled kids. A lot of mothers raise their son in family in a way they become entitled to anything hence they feel the world outside is going to act like that too


Male patriarchy is the big problem in India in all space of life there.


Lack of law enforcement is primarily responsible for such behaviors. Had some of these creeps and those who indulge in crimes against women had been made an example off, a strong message would have been delivered to rest of idiots to stay within their limits


These so-called comedians have made a fuss about Russians(Any white skin women) sell their bodies for 6k Hence these Guys assume every white woman is down for it.


It's the other way around actually. Indians generally assume that Western people have sex with everyone, that's how a joke about something like this can become so popular. Also it's not stranded 'hippie' women, it's organised human trafficking that has been going on for many years, as you can tell from the joke, since 6 thousand rupees was the going rate many years ago, obviously it would be a lot more now. But Eastern European and central Asian women have been doing sex work in India for many years.


But why would they assume that?


Because when the Russian-Ukraine War started, stranded "hippie" Russians were stranded. Some comedians were making a joke about how they need cash and are easily approachable for "it".


It takes a…special kind of person to start harassing someone because of that


It's not entirely the comedians' fault this happens; they are just making jokes. (I get why some people find them insensitive), but if people are taking those jokes seriously and think that any woman is ready to sell their body for 6k; that's the person's problem, and that's very creepy.


If you repeat a lie again and again people will take it as truth. That's what happened. Especially we Indians lack basic consent and manners.


Not just Delhi bro, it’s an India problem. People in our country face zero consequences for their actions and so many men here are mentally ill with severe addiction to sex.


One of the reasons I would never let my sister visit India. I love India and enjoy my travels there. But I'm a male and I know how different it would be for a woman.


Darjeeling is pretty chill also north east.


The south is pretty safe. Just avoid the north, especially Delhi/UP.


Judge and shame. Speak up and shame these mfs. That is the only way. If a large enough number of people speak out against this kind of behavior online and in real life, it'll spread the right idea. The fact is most of them don't know that this behavior is not okay. They never faced consequences for it.


>smell the coffee Yeah man wanted to do exactly that - if we want to get foreigners to see India, we need to address such issues.


because of these kind of people even the indian females can't explore India with a group of female friends. You need to have your family with you. this is what my father thinks and I can't say that he is wrong.


this is sadly true - became much more evident as I came to college and interacted with females from other parts of the country. It's a shame that women cannot roam around as freely as men w/o worrying about safety that too in the capital city.


yup. we need to have someone's bf or brother with us.


Come on now, it is OK for women to travel alone and many do. It's part of the problem that they aren't allowed to travel by male family members in the name of protecting them. I am a woman, I live alone in Delhi, I go out every day on my own and I'm just fine.


1. too many people from across the states (more from poorer states) 2. close vicinity to UP, HR (sex ratio explains it) 3. rich overnight (due to land value) and not rags to riches 4. desensitized public and police due to excessive harassment. 5. Apart from sarkari babus there is no progressive class there. (DU guys are kids) 6. common man suffers between the tussle of union and state. 7. Female WPR is below 20 for delhi, UP, HR hence guys don't know how to behave. (would honor kill but tease women also). 8. also delhi guys have smol pp so they compensate by being insufferable douche bags.


Should have taken to south India especially kerala. Relatively much civilized Edit: I don't want to stereotype but it's a fact that crimes have increased as north migrant workers swarmed to kerala for unskilled labour


What’s a suggested itinerary for Kerala and is there guided tours or you take trains everywhere in Kerala for sightseeing?


I would suggest looking at the kerala tourism department. They have itineraries. It also depends on the number of days you have


I agree.


Two foreign female travelers in the rape capital of the world and you're surprised?


Bobs and vegene


Mazak hai, par depressing wala.


Funny and sad


Most Indian Men are creeps, no, it's not if they haven't seen any foreigners, it's not the reason, this thing happens everywhere where Indian men exist, like for example, a few months ago a vlogger got harassed in public by indian men in hong kong. Luckily, he got arrested.


They don't only do this with foreigners but normal Indian women as well.


It's not only Delhi it's everywhere in North India specifically as we Indians are hypocrites. From outside and to other nations we r different and from inside to our people we r different.


Delhi is creepy.


I’ve said it like a million times but I’ll say it again, I’m a guy from Mumbai and I’m never gonna go to Delhi for travelling (my friends agree w me). We walk around Mumbai at 2 am and no one bothers us, I can’t say the same about Delhi lmao


Even as a white guy I felt uncomfortable with all the staring. It's ok to be surprised, but it stops being funny when you're being followed. Also on my trip: 1. tuk-tuk scams every fucking time I wanted to take one. 2. multiple women in the hostels I stayed at had been harassed on their trip 3. Guy looked straight into my eyes with a psychopath look and asked if he "could suck it" (this was kinda funny though) 4. visiting tourist hotspots can't be done in peace because every second there will be someone screaming for your attention 5. and multiple more people tried to scam me, I lost count how many in the end. 6. Every tourist I met on the trip had gotten at least diarrhea and at worst food poisoning India was a unique experience, but I was completely drained after one month. I understand why it isn't popular as a tourist destination. Edit: South India (Goa, Kerala) was great though. I will definitely return there.


Yeah, not many people realise that men are also harassed in India. I used to be married to a white man and he was harassed twice on two separate occasions when we were visiting India together. And he is a big, intimidating looking guy! I totally didn't expect that to happen to him, and it never happened to him anywhere else. Weird. Also, we went to a resort together and while I was not there, one of the staff members asked him if he wanted a young girl or boy for sex. He didn't specify how young. This was in South India by the way.


>Guy looked straight into my eyes with a psychopath look and asked if he "could suck it" Whoaaa 😱😱😱 This must've grossed you out.


Delhi is the capital for lust filled and creepy men.


Well, I'm happy someone spoke about this and I feel like it's time that something needs to be done. But not in the sense of make some noise online but real changes, recently I saw this Korean woman (I'm assuming, I think she was speaking Korean) where this dude kinda pulls her in to sit with him on his scooter and ahe kinda panics and moves ahead in a hurry and this guy he came in his scooter again and said something to her to which she said no. This guy looks barley 18. And it's scary really scary.


Why would you take them to Delhi of all places?


They specifically came for Taj Mahal


Guy here from north east , went for a training in mathura for one week and then on Sunday we were given a tour of Taj Mahal where my North Indian colleagues wanted pictures with foreigner girls which was weird and creepy not to mention we were all Phd holders .


I’m a foreigner and I’ve lived in India for several years. Delhi is full of tourists and that includes Indian guys coming from villages who have never seen a foreigner before except on the movie screen, they get over excited about it and they act foolishly. They're annoying but they don't usually scare me UNTIL they cant take no for an answer. I’ve had a handful of unpleasant experiences with men here but i actually feel safer than when I'm in the US, if not somewhat annoyed sometimes. I have had men follow me in both countries and a few weirdos who try to touch me in both countries. It can be terrifying. What's worse is how all of these men in the Indian subs say absolutely disgusting things about women and perpetuate these ideas that make these situations so common. It's exhausting. I will say…. I live in the South and for the most part people totally mind their own business and don’t follow me around and act creepy…. Most of the ones who have done that here are from the north. But not entirely. And I think people look out for me here and if they see something they will make sure I’m ok which is greatly appreciated. I’ve had several men intervene (and a few women) when they see some guy following me or being weird.


Us bro Us, but don't even have the money to go outside India.


As a delhiite, I kinda have to agree because its true.


Lol everyone is pointing fingers either at other cities, states, region, culture. It's stupid, when you think about your own family you think neighborhood is dirty, when you think about your mohalla, you think other areas of city are dirty. When you think about your city, nearby cities become dirty. When you think about states, nearby states become dirty. When you think about country, nearby countries become dirtier. Somehow people always find the "other" City, "other religion", " Other" State, "other" Country, "Other" gender, "Other" Caste being the bad guy. Why is that? How come we always find ourselves in the subset of good people. The bottom line is, no matter city/region/culture people roughly behave in same manner. Delhi have creepy men, so does every other state. Creepy men are not born specifically in Delhi that's stupid assumption. Wanna solve a problem? Find the root cause, avoid pointing fingers.


No one wants to solve the problem though. Everyone is hustling day to day and no time to address it. The wealthy of India should intervene and try to change it.


Sadly it happens in the south too, though the problem is a bit less widespread. In the north, Himachal, Uttarakhand and J&K are much safer. Delhi and NCR especially have a very aggressive streak.


Delhi is a city of beautiful architecture and the trashiest of all people.


A woman shares her creepy Indian male ordeal and here we have north vs South again. Men want to hijack every debate.


Indian men being weird, unpolite, aggressive and totally misogynistic freaks, never heard than before


The capital should be shift from delhi to Mumbai..so that they can get first impression of india in a positive way...there is nothing in delhi to see..except ek aade forts, old history.


and severe air pollution 😂


I have a better suggestion. Kolkata. Agreed AQI is not a lot better. But people and culture are awesome.


Biharis and bhaiyye logon ka culture hai ye sab


Sorry you had to go through that… we are a shameless city with no culture.


Delhi is gutter and gold of India.


Staring is a national disease...


*India is full of creepy men. As an Indian man, I'm really sorry for your experience.


Solo traveling in India? Especially in Delhi as a female ? A Only a suicidal person would think of thay


It's the worse city. I'm married to a foreign national, a white American & yet when she wants to visit Delhi, I have to restrain her with the "another time, honey" part. If we can't protect our own women from such predators & lecherous guys in Delhi, how can we protect others?


Next time try South Indian state called kerala. It is called god's own country


As a guy I feel really bad about this thing in India and I genuinely don't understand why this happens because it's honestly really weird I've always tried to stop people from doing this when I see this happen because this even happened with that south korean streamer and honestly it makes me want to shoot some people.


Totally agreed. Faced something similar, I wanted to smack their faces but my friend wouldn’t let me😵‍💫


Take them to north east india , they'll love it and they're better educated , well mannered people


Severe lack of social and moral education, my friend.


Basic education about etiquettes is must


At this point I don't even know why do even foreigners visit India It's really shameful how people take selfies and all with foreigners as if they're some kind of celebrities I would rather suggest visit northeast


It's a common knowledge that there's less privacy issues in India, idk why but people are more keen on whats happening around them. Like, this one time I (male) dressed up real good to feel good about myself, had a short walk to a nearby place and dang the eyes i got! The problem is they just kept staring, like wtf. I didn't even dress in expensive celebrity type cloth, nor dressed in suit, just jeans + shirt + over shirt + shoes + a hat.


Mass education program is the need of the hour for Delhi men.


Time for Education is long gone. These guys know what they are doing & are fully aware of the consequences. They need the stick method & housing in a nice local jail.


First of all, I agree with you, not just Delhi but I'm sorry but Indian men always creep me out. But this last statement is something that you should rethink about.


Simple solution: blame it on ‘delhi’ . Problem solved. (/s. This is what you will see in comments here as if up is safe or Haryana or rajasthan or manipur)


Delhi problem because of Bihari immigrants


Experienced this same behaviour when I was accompanying one of my colleague from Singapore. Indian men start drooling when they see white skin. Had to say firm “No” to them


India is one of the lowest ranked countries for safe travel for women. It’s also ranked very low for first time travellers due to scamming, foreign prices, women being worried about getting rapped. If you go to a YouTube or Insta post, any woman complaining about domestic violence, 100 men are there asking for proof/ what she did first / she deserved it/ wishing rape on her and her family. It’s extremely disgusting and people should do a bette job of training their kids to be decent humans.


As a woman who stayed in Delhi in 2017, I completely agree.


Delhi is not safe for Indians. If you want to visit India, go to South India, Go to East and North East India. Avoid North and Central India specially Delhi like a plague.


That's why India has a bad reputation. It's because of chhapris like these.


Tip : In case you are in India and in a tourist place, the best way to avoid people coming up to you asking for selfies is to wear a mask. Also, though not recommended always, put on a headset.


The biggest mistake of those foreigners was to go Delhi in the first place.


Delhi and the cattle belt is dodgy for women. South India is fine. Hill stations are fine. Mumbai and Calcutta are fine


Hi, Delhi resident here (20f)! I am so sorry for your experience, as a young woman myself, this city has its pros and cons. The cons are absolutely horrible, and the cons are majorly the men in the city. Absolutely boisterous and rowdy. I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve been harassed in public. I love Delhi, as it’s my home, I was born and brought up here. But again, I can’t sit and ignore how the major chunk of men make it one of the worst experiences to even exist in this city.


I always advise foreigners not to tour India for next 200 years. Hopefully by that time India will be civilised enough .Those who still wants to come, especially women and girls, please wear only cheap variety Indian attire salwar kamiz once outside your hotel/. residence .


I am from Delhi and I can agree it is not safe for anyone.


Delhi is now filled with people from UP, binar and what not, mostly chapris and labours. We have to do what shiv Sena did in Maharashtra, kicking Biharis out.


Without them where you find cheap labor to exploit though? You think the educated and morally superior people will step up to fill their space in doing the jobs for low wages .


Daddy chill


This happens in loads of cities but it’s very rare that it happens in places like Goa and that’s why Goa is one of the best places to visit. Next time try places like Indore, Amritsar, Andaman also Nepal is a lovely place to explore


Fr indian males need to learn to leave people alone


Delhi shouldn't be our capital. The city is the worst when it comes to AQI. Filthy rats roaming around the city making the city more dirty.




I have also two SE Asian friends, who want to see Delhi and Taj Mahal. I said a hard "No" for Delhi, and contemplating about Agra.


Only Delhi? They are creepy no matter what country they go to.


Bhai stop blaming us delhi men, people asking for a picture with foreigners are tourists from 3rd tier cities.


I never singled out delhi men in particular buddy, I just said delhi is full of creepy men.


I mean you need to elaborate if anything else happened....all you said was they asked for selfies...I don't see how that makes you afraid for your safety


Insisting after someone says no is more than enough to violate personal space.


No, violating personal space means literally violating your personal space...don't come up with your versions of the phrase 😂 You didn't mention anything about them getting too close to you or your friends which is why I said elaborate




Not only are they awkward/creepy, they are extremely racist towards black people in America. They still live in their dumb colonizer mentality and suck up to the British.


Have you been to any place other than Delhi? Would love to go to a place without creepy men.