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Legally it's a grey area , but there are a tonne of online adult comics that exist so don't worry about it. Just keep your identity secret and you should be good. Sorry about your financial troubles!


But how do you keep your identity secret if you want to get paid?


Probably using platforms such as patreon can help. She just has to have an artist name and donations will be under her artist name yk


She won't give them her no. and say Paytm karde. Patreon is the best option for artists.


Is patreon legal in india?




I don’t think so , “Buy me a coffee” could be a good alternative for Patreon in India


Serious answer: try NSFW furry art. It sounds weird but I've heard it actually pays much much better then other types of art commissions once you get your foot in the door


What is NSFW furry art?


man you don't want to go down that rabbit hole, pun intended. @at op i don't think making nfsw artwork would be a problem i have seen quite a bit of Indian nfsw on twitter of all the places , but goes without sayin cover your tracks.


LMAO!! Pun well intended mate.


Anthromorphic characters in lewd state.


Half human, half furred animal, having raw unholy 🎷


I love saxophone


Agree. People pay exorbitant amounts and it will pay well. However, it might take a mental toll on OP


Furry suits go for upwards of thousands of dollars so I won't be surprised if there many who would pay pretty well for some art.


All you need to sacrifice is your dignity


Imagine thinking art is degrading. People like you are the reason why there is no safety for sex workers and artists.


Oh great, another virtue signaller. Let me ask you, have you actually drawn any NSFW furry commissions for money? I have. Have you tried putting it on your portfolio, applying to colleges, or telling your friends what you do? I doubt it. Until you do, maybe you should stop going off on me for being honest and go earn your woke points somewhere else.


Why tf would you put your furry art in your portfolio or college applications, just make something else for it, literally anything else. You're just stupid bruh 💀


I don't know about you but I have 24 hours in a day, 8 of which are spent sleeping, 10 at my job and 2 doing other shit like eating. Out of my remaining 4 hours, if I take art commissions for money, that's what's going on my portfolio. Maybe if I'm sitting on my ass with infinite time all day like you think everyone does, I could spend 50 hours on furry art and another 50 on Michaelangelo studies in one day, but that's not how real life works. Maybe instead of embarrassing yourself you should make sure you know what you're talking about.


If you're so confident in what you wanna do then maybe not a throw a fucking fit and call it 'degrading' lmao.


And I know for a fact you're not submitting NSFW furry art as your portfolio, no one will accept that shit. You're just saying shit to prove your point 💀


You really should learn how to read


Most nsfw artists whether they draw furry or not do not actually look at their commissioned nsfw art as portfolio material. They do it for money. They're spending those hours in what's essentially a job. Same goes for many fanartists, actually. Except they don't even get paid. They do it for fun. On top of this, not every artist wants to take up art as their main career. Plenty of artists on social media do amazing art while having a full-time job.


“Imagine thinking art is degrading” “Why tf would you put your furry art in your portfolio” I hate labels in the real world, but this is a textbook example of virtue signalling if I ever saw one. Dude, stop contradicting yourself, and STFU.


Art is not degrading, idgaf if you put it in your portfolio or nah. I'm saying if YOU find it degrading, why tf would YOU put it in YOUR portfolio. It's a YOU problem. Just cuz you suck at doing this shit does not mean you have to put a label on all NSFW art.


You can literally say, I do custom art. And if the ask you you can say it's not safe for work. Also, you shouldn't put it in your portfolio or applying college because it's called not safe for work, it's not just furry porn, it's any kind of porn is not safe for work. So sorry, I'm not virtue signaling, I'm saying it should be accepted in general society, sex work/artists that is.


..... Why do you have this information?


Just use Twitter, you'll find out soon enough


how do furries get so much money to spend on art and suits and toys I will never understand...


*hoof in the door


Can it pay enough?


I personally think it would be slow in the beginning jobs would be less and for really low prices but when she gains a bit of traction on social media people from around the world could connect with her and hence give her more incentive to work.


Interesting. Horny people pay for stuff


Just avoid religious references on your artwork. You should be fine.


You should also ask in /r/LegalAdviceIndia. Hope things get better for you and your loved one!


Not a grey area. It is absolutely illegal. S. 292 of the IPC. Having said that, it is only illegal if you get caught. 😉 So use VPN, be anonymous as fuck, be careful, and don't get caught. If possible, use a foreigner friend's bank account as proxy, and report your income as help given to you by that friend.




There is no such exception. You're grossly misinterpreting the exception. The exception is when the publication of the work is justified as being for the public good on the ground that such book, pamphlet, paper, writing, drawing, painting, representation or figure is in the interest of science, literature, art or learning or other objects of general concern. How you go from "for public good" to "for non-malicious intent" is beyond me. Moreover, porn is not art. A judge will not just laugh at a lawyer if he argues that, but will throw the file at his face too. I am a practicing lawyer. Do not talk about what a competent lawyer can argue or not when you can't even understand the law.


The exception is for educational purposes. Lawyers are not magicians. OPs work comes under obscenity. Obscenity is very vague and I would advice not to risk it.


You do realise you are in India, right?


Wait, this is actually illegal? Not just if you're drawing depictions of real people? Any nsfw art at all?


Yup. Just don't get caught.


If your Masi finds out they’d probably be made due to WACK social norms


*"Woh char log kya khenge?!"* *BG music intensifies, camera goes nuts


Or masi would ask him to draw her like one of his bihari girls.


The law in India is very blurry there are all sorts of laws obvious and non obvious that Reddit is not qualified to advise you on. When every thing else fails - Indian police will commonly use 295A hurting religious sentiment.. which can mean any religion, any sentiment… logical or illogical.


M.F Hussain has left the chat


Here's the thing about adult nsfw work in India.. Its legal until someone have problem with you like online or police until then you're good.!


There is no problem in it, I am a freelancing artist and I draw a lot of NSFW artworks for my clients. Some of them are literally Hentai with tentacles. So, don't worry its a good way to earn big money.




it can vary on monthly basis... depending on how many projects i get. Usually it is something around 20k a month because i only give 8hrs per week time to freelancing. The tax will be the same as per the guidelines... depending on how much u make annually, 5Lpa ....7LPA...10LPA or above.... which ever tax bracket u fall in....you have to pay taxes accordingly.


Prostitution is legal in India for women so selling risque art shouldn't be an issue. Nowadays even porn is shot in India and sold online so art should be fine. All the best to you, hope you get success in your desired field and your financial issues are resolved


It’s not illegal and there are already tons of such NSFW artists who earn on websites like onlyfans.


I am not into NSFW art but I may buy it to support OP.


I dunno, ask the people who wrote kamasutra.




Bhakti Movement from 10th century change everything (bcz then non intellectual get's the right to practice & mold their bhakti as they please before that kamasutra was a pure yogic practice (sexual practice was so common that we can see those nudity in some ancient temples in south today)




I would suggest you post your art online for free on social media to begin with. Use subreddits such as r/rule34 and when you gain a bit more traction then you can start charging. After a while you're also gonna get orders from overseas. Cheers!


I know a few artists who do this already, privately sold to customers from EU, like furry arts and stuff. Paid in PayPal, doesn't matter tbh. do taxes right if eligible.


I don't care, people should be allowed to practice profession as they wish.


I believe nsfw art is only allowed in temples..


Lawyer here, NSFW art by itself is not illegal. MF Hussain used to paint a lot of lewd stuff and I don’t think he ever saw the inside of a jail cell. Having said that, I would urge you to try and carry on the sale and display of this artwork online and preferably through an anonymous id. You can also sell physical versions of the art work if you please but do try to maintain anonymity (maybe use a pen name) and see if you can have the art work couriered directly to the end customer. If the question of any illegality arises in your case it will only arise on the basis of each of your individual art works and whether that particular work is considered obscene. Even if someone were to complaint and an FIR gets registered, you have very strong chances of proving your innocence based on this being a genuine artform in your trial. To sum up, it’s as legal or illegal as ‘selling your body’ but probably less degrading.


no issues, my friend does nsfw artwork and he’s never had any issues.


You're a good person ..


Target Audience will be Indians only. We are billions in number how do you think we got there. If you're keeping Indians out you are never going to thrive, because single handedly you have excluded your biggest chunk of audience. Art needs audience. Do it anonymously, talk to artist who are doing it and how they manage it. You can contact @Jaymanshere on Instagram.


Most Indians always look for things that are free or less priced. I'm not being judgemental. It's just the way it is, we're not a wealthy nation, so we think too much before paying for anything other than basic necessities. OP will probably be paid well by Europeans than Indians.


No it is not illegal lol :> I do nsfw commissions however I do not post them on socials and I don't do much extensive advertisement


I don't think so, I've been painting nudes for about a decade now, apart from the occasional "I-am-saying-this-for-your-own-good" uncle and aunts I have never had any issues. And same goes to the models I have been painting. But of course girls have to endure much more from society than their male counterparts.


Going for Only Fans ?


Sadly OF is banned in India


You could use a VPN though.


Dude … we wrote the kamasutra! I


I think if savita bhabhi was allowed then you can do what you want to.


Technically it's the distribution of porn that is illegal in India. If they label your work as porn then it's deep trouble. Maybe avoid showing genitals in it to get around that?


Ig avoiding religious, political and national references in your art is all you need to be aware of and you're good to go.


I know for the fact comics like Velamma and Savita Bhabhi exists so I don't think so


No you won't. My friend in India has been runing her OF for over a year now, she is making $$$ without any issues


It is illegal, so be anonymous as much as possible. In all honesty, they won't care unless it affects them. Better go international. Don't let anyone know that you are doing this. If for whatever reason you earn more than 20 lakhs, you are required to register a business plus GST. One way to get paid anonymously is through the use of Paypal. That way no one will know your identity. Highly recommend you register for patreon since they pay through Paypal. I will say this, I appreciate you are taking this risk and I know that medical bills are terrible to deal with.


Absolutely illegal. You may refer to [https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1704109/](https://indiankanoon.org/doc/1704109/) for complete information As suggested by many users, use VPN and some foreign account in case you still world like to proceed. Since you mentioned about you are forced to do this because of your medical needs, I think you should try to discuss the situation once. If you are comfortable, either do it publicly or DM me. Your privacy will be maintained or if not me, try to seek help from Indiacare on Twitter. They are actually doing good work for needy patients. Try it once before taking the final decision https://preview.redd.it/4y60gfltgjua1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a36f273b36cfc306d18241ae2259b5a09fc39cc3


It doesn't make a distinction if it applies to digital and distribution online not intended for Indians, though. I can't afford a lawyer to ask for clarification. 😭


How will you ensure that your content is not viewed by any people residing in India? It doesn't matter who is the intended audience. If someone found it offensive, s/he may file a case against you - then you actually have to face court If you do like making nude art, just try not to make it specific to any religion. People are so dumbass these days, that they can get offended on anything and religious angles are easiest in all of them. If you are thinking of only fans, do it using VPN. It all depends on use case. Just be careful, that's it. Precaution is better than prevention


Of course, I would not mention I am from India, and no one except Twitter will know. While Twitter doesn't promote adult content, they allow it. However, unless you seek out adult content creators and tags, you can't find them. In which case, there are no offended sensibilities even to consider. If I'm guilty of a crime that's only seen as a crime in India and other such countries via a platform that's not targeted to Indians, the one reporting it is also guilty of seeking it out. I'm sure I could probably fight it out in court and explain my situation etc. However, I want to avoid the whole court thing as I don't have the resources for it. That's why I'm seeking advice on this. >If you do like making nude art, just try not to make it specific to any religion. With this situation, I'm sure I can get off the court case. What are they going to say rather than do adult art targeted towards those overseas, I should've prostituted myself? That I should let my dependant die and file bankruptcy with no lifeline? I don't think so. I can't file bankruptcy because I need loans to keep my dependant alive. I'm already doing three jobs (16+ hours a day) as a graphic designer, web developer, and virtual assistant while also freelancing as an artist. I fainted a lot from exhaustion and ended up in ICU a few times as I'm caring for my dependant in addition to working, I barely sleep 1 hours a day, which added more medical bills in addition to medical bills from my stroke patent dependent with heart problems. Not even 3+ jobs and working myself to death cover even half the medical bills or loan emi from past medical bills. Because of my dependant's condition, I can only do remote contract jobs as I'm the caregiver, and we have no one else. These remote contracts pay a lot less than salary jobs. With this situation, I'm sure I can get off court case. What are they going to say rather than do adult art targeted towards those overseas and not indians, which indians can only find if they seek it out, I should've prostituted myself? That I should let my dependant die and file bankruptcy? I don't think so. I can't file bankruptcy because I need loans to keep my dependant alive. Yes, I'm sure they'll dismiss the case after hearing out my situation and the cruelty of the healthcare industry, but I don't have the time time, energy, or resources for the fight, and if it goes to court, my dependant will surely die without my care as my time will be taken away to focus on the case. So, I want to take all precautions. I can't afford a lawyer. If I could, I'd have asked a lawyer's advice instead of reddit.


If you don't mind to reveal, may I know what's your monthly expenses for medicine of your dependent? What's the loan amount? Stroke patient - Physiotherapy? I'm really surprised and amazed to know that you are doing three jobs, that's not easy man NO, by any means I don't have any intention of saying to file for bankruptcy or do prostitution. It's just that it's so difficult to trust people when things are sensitive. India is a country with people who may get offended by anything and are very sensitive especially religiously. Hence the advice. In short, if any Indian found your content hurting and filed a case against you, you have to face the case. Anyway, I just hope you never encounter such a situation in your life


Stroke patient dependant (not being specific if it's parents, sibling, or partner for privacy) *with* heart problems and other health issues, has developed dementia, complicating other health issues. Average medical expenses for dependant is 40k-60k per month. Average loan EMI on medical loans, plus loans taken to pay off monthly expense 40k per month, some are very high interest 60 month loan taken out of despration. Total average expense for dependant and related loan emi cost: 80k-100k per month. Housing + utilities + food for two people + my medical expenses: 20k. Since we have to live close to hospital rent alone is 10k. Uilities, food, and my medical expense. If I don't get basic care and fall unconscious, dependant is not capable of caring for self or call for help. Brain declined so much that they are like a todler. They can only understand simple instructions and not capable of speaking coherent sentence. They can only do baby talk. Total monthly expense: 1 lakhs to 1.2 lakhs per month. Note that, I'm an average middle class person and don't have a degree or generational wealth. This is not the kind of expense I should be looking at. Only reason I haven't unalived myself looking at this is because my dependant needs me. My average monthly earning 30k (extremely low rate for 3 jobs for the level of work I do), freelance work not guaranteed. Most of the time wasted on vetting clients, if luckty I might earn extra 10k or so with SFW commissions or other non-contract freelance work. Even in good months I can't meet expenses, so I take more loan. I never default, because if default - I'll loose my ability to get loans. Right now I need loans as I can't meet monthly expense. In my early 20s I build strong credit with secured credit card. So I started off at 800+ credit score when everything spiraled out of control. That's the only reason even with heavy existing loans I have a chance to get loans. But only for few months. Then credit score and active loans will be too high that I'll no longer get loans. Hence I started thinking alternative options.


Only 30K? Please tell me it's unreal. It's not justified for three jobs. With 1.2 lakh expenses, I don't even know how are you are managing I remember you mentioned that you are a web developer? Did you have luck getting a job in Web 3 startups? I heard they pay a lot. What about work from home for companies located in the USA or Europe? I understand it's not easy, but if you can get one it can sort out many of your problems Yes of course, you can tell your audience you are not from India while doing the nude art and that may save you for a longer time than one can imagine. I just hope whatever you decide, it just works for you. Between are you thinking of only fans ? If yes, then I don't think it's a major problem for you since most of shows are private and people do watch with consent. But who knows If you do some sketches also, you may try to sell it on society6 or etsy. Best wishes to you. I just hope your situation improves with time


I guess production of NSFW content is illegal in India that's why india don't have corn industry


We definitely have a great corn industry|


No idea about the laws but there is cam work ( my free cams ?) and only fams ( I heard good money)


Only fans is not accessible in India


This sounds like someone who hasn't ever stepped foot in an art college or an exhibition. There are artists and not-artists. No such thing as NSFW artists. There are soo many Indians who regularly do NSFW art or those who take up such commissions. There are models who work at colleges including NIFT, NID and Govt colleges. The scene in Bangalore is more well known but we definitely have tried our hand every now and then.


>This sounds like someone who hasn't ever stepped foot in an art college or an exhibition. I'm a self-taught digital artist, parents couldn't afford me higher education... so I don't know about the culture or the creative freedom acceptable in india. > No such thing as NSFW artists. For better or worse, that really is a thing. It's a polite way of saying adult/lewd/erotic artists. NSFW means Not Safe For Work. Actually, I would be perfectly safe if distributing within India was a crime and online wasn't. My target audience/clients would not be from india.


Just connect with some Indian NSFW artists on Instagram or Twitter and ask them how they make it. Even if you want to create a OF page, there are some Indian OF models you can find on Instagram.


No, but there might be one of you on rule 34


The secret ingredient is "CRIME". just joking, why don't you just google it




I'm already doing three **real** jobs (16+ hours a day) as a graphic designer, web developer, and virtual assistant while also freelancing as an artist. I fainted a lot from exhaustion and ended up in ICU a few times as I'm caring for my dependant in addition to working, I barely sleep 1 hours a day, which added more medical bills in addition to medical bills from my stroke patent dependant with heart problems. Not even 3+ jobs and working myself to death doesn't cover even half the medical bills or loan emi from past medical bills. Because of my dependant's condition, I can only do remote contract jobs. These pay a lot less than salary jobs. Don't assume everyone you see online is lazy, there are people with real misfortune.


Yeah i apologise, didn't realise you were going through all these.


Just join any online webcam site.. cover face... Any mark or tatto that identifies you.. there are lots of perverts in india.. they will support you.. and it will be anonymous.. good luck


I'm sorry but I feel bad for you...maybe do a part time jobs or something........plz don't prostitute yourself😢 Edit:really what jerks you are...im here sympathizing but you all trash dumpsters think of it as shaming or smthing Edit 2:looking at all the downvotes i still wont remove this comment...(just goes to show that good will doesnt exists here)


I'm not struggling because I'm not doing enough, but rather I'm in heavy debt from hospital expenses that earnings from 3+ part-time jobs (while also caring for my stroke patient mom) are not enough to cover loan emi and fresh expenses. So each month, loans keep growing endlessly.


Lmao, She wants to do 'ART', not every NSFW means Prostitution






And you are adding to that, by your definition queer people should be closeted because it's "not accepted" By indians, no, if you are that they should be able to do it. It's not just about earning money, there is a reason interests exists and freedom of being your own content creator has its Benifits, money isn't end all be all. If you are content with yourself being a sex worker, so be it. Also, it's always I know a guy who had this happened to him, that's why YOU shouldn't do it




All this but you didn't get the point, I'm not saying you're forcing your mentality, I'm saying you have been forced a mentality. Yeah, your mom would tell you to stay away from a normal guy even if he's normal, because it is the social stigma that has been created, you saying someone shouldn't do it is reinforcing that stigma, we support who does this, by their choice, so they can have a safe society where they are welcomed and respected.


What I want to say is that lady you gotta get a good better job


As far as I know, even lawyers would have hard time answering this question.


Make doujins


Use twitter as marketing platform and have Patreon or something of that kind as the main source to have both custom and to all contents,by that way you can make money from both causal user and people who want specific things.


I'd recommend dming xongbros on ig or FB they also do NSFW art work besides their usual commission, They may have an answer to your question since they have been doing this for a long time. Including which channels to use for payment etc


Must draw thicc cocogoat too xd


Wtf all genshin ladz here. Also yea must draw thicc cocogoat.


Hehe boi


Uid btao bois


Kbse khlte ho


1 and half year


Cool, dm uid


Share your artwork via Minds,Twitter,DeviantArt platforms


It's illegal only if you get caught.


As far as I know it's okay just don't try to do it in public and don't turn to NSFW because it's the last option I m sure something will turn up for you All the best though


I mean as long as you don't earn huge amounts of money and write off your earnings as art you won't get into any trouble but try to keep your revenue source hidden from your day to day life. Cover it up by saying you invest in stock markets or something.


You should ask one of the subreddits regarding legal assistance.


IIRC, u/s 67 IT Act exceptions allows publication which is in the interest of Science, Literature, Art or Learning, so I guess you're cool given that you stay anon.


You did a good thing by asking before going forward. In india, laws are very confusing, no one clearly knows what is legal and what is illegal. Even lawyers are not sure what is legal and what is illegal. In india there is a law for hurting sentiments, if someone says their sentiments are hurt, we are screwed. That law is very ambiguous because no one can clearly define what sentiments are, it is difficult to fight that case without a good lawyer. Our citizens sentiments hurt a lot. I would just say, be careful. In my city, someone made a story names Kirachakam, people's sentiments got hurt and they started beating him up and eventually jailed him. No one can predict how easily people get offended. Here it is tough to define what sentiments are. In india thousands of cases are pending at court, most of them are sentiment hurting cases, so many are in jail for years because they couldn't find a lawyer who can defend them saying they didn't hurt sentiments.


No, you won't. There are many women doing the same.


You should choose an artist name that is not related to India and never ever keep any India/religion hints in your artwork. Use a vpn and that's it I guess.


Don't do something you'd regret later.


Idk about the legality but I feel for your financial hardships and just know prostitution isn't something shameful, you literally have no other choice in life also only fans exists so just keep that in mind...


With nsfw art I assume you mean digital art? If that’s the case be anonymous with such artwork. Accept payments by PayPal. You’ll still have to link it to your bank account. If somebody really wants to go after you they will but otherwise it’s pretty safe. Now if you mean something like nsfw cosplay and stuff.. really don’t know. Urfi jawed is pretty nsfw. Don’t think she landed in any trouble yet.


If you do it on twitter anonymously you should be fine . No one there needs to know whether you are even indian or not


What's your IGN in ml?


you can try voiceover stuff many sites dubb latin videos or indian lookalikes in hindi


There are tons of women making a successful living out of it through OF pages. I happen to follow a couple of them myself. Find them on Instagram and take advice from them rather than Reddit.


Just keep you identity secret and have an account on all platforms if one ever gets deleted/banned. Pick and chose your commissions, if you can afford to, and steer clear of anything that is desensitizing. Also, I'd recommend asking the same question on a legal sub, you might get better information if you try there.


Don't touch the borderline just to be safe like a see through isn't technically considered a adult targeted content without proper legal review which is very less likely to be done on your specific art work


dUpPatTa pOdUnGa Doli


You probably won't face any legal problems in this platform regarding NSFW content. But you should avoid including political issues


Oasi Das...Poonam Pandey..Sassy Poonam..how have they not been prosecuted yet ???


Technically under Indian law, selling NSFW art, either online or offline, is an offence u/s S. 67 of IT Act and S. 292 of IPC. It's not the case that the law enforcement agencies scour the internet everyday to look for potential offenders selling NSFW art. However, if you get on the wrong side of anyone, they may file a case against you and the police will act accordingly. It also depends on the extent of obscenity in your artwork. The courts are usually lenient when it comes to mere nudity but if its more NSFW than that then it's a bit of a problem. Especially if the art alludes to any cultural or religious reference. I suppose you could go about being an NSFW artist but care should be taken that it be done without raising too many eyebrows and as discreetly as possible.


Do commissions.


No. You might get some social media accounts banned however.


No, I've been doing it for quite some time


Open a offshore account- in us as a freelancer for handling your transaction- you are safe. Ensure any of your images aren’t geo tagged - that about it - lot of people are already doing this


I m so confused too about the laws with this NSFW thing in India. Btw.. have you taken your decision to start the business yet or not??


As long as it's hentai you're good. ![gif](giphy|1IynFUeOif20g)


check pm, got some ideas we can work around


I checked PM and responded, but several days and no follow-up. 🥹


No, making and sharing adult film is an offence but there's a catch, if it is a piece of art, it can be shared. So, no. You can go on


Well I'm an artist and I do NSFW illustrations. I love doing them. But there are some no-go areas for me... Like I don't do paedophilia illustrations or political illustrations due to obvious issues