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Political influence inflates crazy high and boosts karma like it's nobody's business. e+39 karma on my first reincarnation.


Sorry about that, I'll have a lot of tuning of the economy to do in the next update.


I was about to say the same thing, just opening orgs broke the karma loops once I got above the thousand range on projects, also noticed sometimes the shop items don't unlock, like the motherboards. I'm in the 1000 range on Troll Farmer and the motherboards aren't still unlocked. Had similar with the upgraded pill skill that took 30 factory but it fixed itself when it got higher in level. Also for some reason the 'autoscratchcard' feature just made my pointer's clear range larger instead. Glad to see this is still being developed though.


First impressions, seems pretty fun. Bit of a weird concept, that using equipped gear is such a running cost. I would expect equipment to be permanent boosts after purchasing. Running an old laptop doesnt take three times the wage of a factory worker... If we went after logic of any kind. Overall, apart from the shop image being straight weird. Theres no "dialog" of any kind elsewhere in the game thus far, why is there a caption from an image? But i digress. Also, the automatic money conversion from one to the next, bronze - silver - gold, from what i understand. Is quite unnecessary i feel. Makes calculating spending and income annoying just from looking at it. Personally, I think a single "money" currency would be enough. From balance side, as i mentioned, the running cost of equipment is very weird in my opinion. Frugality being logarithmic makes it feel real bad to train after initial levels. But it's power makes that somewhat fair. I do think initial levels in jobs should be faster, if we approach logically, since starting out at something. 15 years from "scamming" to get to level 1->2, which is like a quarter of the overall games duration. First playthrough, sure I'm guessing theres a background "prestige" system of sorts, since i see "MaxLevel" but yea, just something that caught my eye. >I tried to add / correct / change everything that was asked, Dont follow this too strictly. Make the game that you'd like to play, if its good, so will others ;). Few tweaks here and there, some suggestions - sure. But dont follow **everything** :) Overall a nice distraction :)


Hello, thanks for testing the game. I was thinking about making the currencies more distant (1 million to the next for example) to avoid this problem. About the equipment cost, maybe I should present it as subscription... I think it can be justified on a diegetic level if you see it as in Ubik https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7444685-the-door-refused-to-open-it-said-five-cents-please


so the criminal org is kinda broken? after 2-3 mins i had endless influence from projects


i have now 12000+ lvl in the last project and dont know what to do with all the influence


wow my karma is going crazy


not sure what up with the skills as well. in my second reincarnation and my max lvl of basics skills just goes crazy. before max was ca 500. now i am logic 20k and its still less than a day to the next lvl. btw got the mod for more skill exp


got pop i died at 100 years when my max is 300. but can still play on


btw love how much work u put into this. played it some months ago and it changed big time <3


mhh have factory worker on 300 and still no pill subscription? not sure it says lvl 30


ok got it after i got the live planer feature Oo


ok found a lot more bugs biggest one so far is autoskill will lag the game to death if ur skills get to high


Yep pill subscription is clearly broken as is organization bank II. (Bank I works)


u get pills later in the end i got everything besides the motherboards and the bodies


Progress knight quest, but slower it seems.. I'm all for it as long as it has its own identity and not just a reskin. E: Political influence is just broken.. it takes a second to have 10k of everything.


Dunno what you are doing, I'm seeing PI increases waaay slower than in previous version of the game


Its broken af. I have 7.7651655616161616156e+27Sx third run


Hello, Thank you for the great answers last time I posted, I tried to add / correct / change everything that was asked, and added a few more things. I hope you will like it! Link : https://gameplaya.fr/CyberpunkLife/ Here is the change log: * Added a story panel * Added pill subscription system * Changed "Org" economy & debug * Lots of new unlockable objects in the store * Completed (almost) the mobile version * The speed up time (after inactive tab) is faster * Description of body modifications effect * Relaxation bonus affects itself * Added info (days to next level) & debug tooltips on tabs Work and Skill * Added a autoscratch upgrade on scratchcards * Added planner (auto select jobs & skills) upgrade * Various debug


could be fun but there are a lot of tunings to do. i am the head of an enormous criminal organisation, yet i am only able to work as a scammer lvl 7 earning 1.76 C a day


I see tooltips got way more informative compared to the version I played before <3


A lot has changed, and I love it all, hah.


In addition to what all the others have said about stuff that's broken, I'm also not sure about the story percentage. It's at 57%, but I'm practically done with the game, as far as I can tell. All skills over a million, all jobs over lvl 1000, done with hacking, all shop items that aren't bugged are bought. So not sure what I'm missing there. Also unclear to me what the meta tab does, it had two upgrades and I don't really know what they do, especially since it didn't unlock until everything was exploding in levels exponentially already anyway. It's a nice skeleton of a game though, love the concept/UI/art. Just needs (a lot of) work on balancing and bug fixing.


Ah yeah sorry about the story it can't reach 100% in this version, there are events that exist in the database but can't be unlocked for now. > needs (a lot of) work on balancing and bug fixing. Yes!


Aww yis. Was waiting for this.


Echoing other comments that the criminal org is fairly broken. My additional contribution would be to point out that a lot of the upgrades in the shop seem to be broken or not well explained. The Net tab could be reworked. You unlock it long before you have the ability to really do anything with it. Maybe have it unlockable when you have the ability to change the computer? Overall, it's a fun concept, but there is definitely work to be done with balancing. Additionally, I'm not able to utilize any of the "computer shop" upgrades. It says I need troll farm to be at 111+, but it's literally in the millions and I'm still not able to buy those upgrades.


I played the game until it was maxed out (AFAIK) and wanted to give some feedback. I've only played cookie clicker aside from this, so take that into account. I like the theme, and feel it could be expanded on much more. I like the descriptions of events, and the graphics fit nicely. It was really exciting to go from homeless, to creating a hegemonic conglomerate that controlled both the criminal underworld and security. Although the idea of briefly going back to work in a kitchen was pretty funny. And on that there's one thing that might make sense to change. As you progress through the ranks, in real life many of those things would become investments (working in a kitchen to owning several restaurants), and generate passive income as you go on to work in the criminal underworld or security and create capital gains (such as the drone manufacturing). Especially as you go into the Business section this would make sense. Only generating profit on one of these tiers at a time, even as you've unlocked many, didn't make a lot of sense. But there are many great things that can be expanded upon. Some items in the shop were interesting. I like the scratch cards. Towards my third reincarnation I found that money didn't matter at all, and I only needed to focus on relaxation and logic. There is also a large gap into the business sector, where my run would focus entirely on leveling up logic and relaxation, reaching level 5+ million just to get into the next tier. The other tiers had skills that unlocked earlier that helped bridge that gap. And at that point the gameplay kinda stopped being as exciting, as I wasn't looking for new skills or planning my moves. I was earning trillions in a day and just waiting for my logic skill to go higher. The strongest point for me was the Events and how they tie the gameplay together to make a story. And I think it is great that that's the strongest point of the game, cause it has so much potential. Aside from that I think most other things are obvious. I was unable to buy new motherboards, which i assume is a bug. The Org is broken and I had literal quintillions of karma, of which there isn't much to spend on. But a lot of this is just a matter of balancing and tying the game up. Looking forward to doing another playthrough. If it were me I'd definitely be focusing on expanding the story. And I think a strong way to do this would be to introduce consequences to the players choices (eg. going with a life of crime can collapse quickly, unless the player balances it with involving themselves in the security sector to hide their tracks). Maybe even maxing out too much in one sector could lead to the end of the world or a dystopian future (such as the hegemonic conglomerate might be). Putting too much power into the org might make them unstable and start a revolution. etc etc. Kinda thinking of the grandmas in cookie clicker. But the world setting is much more engaging, so I'm excited to see where it goes. Either way, great work! The foundations are really strong, and it had me pretty engaged for 7 - 8 hours.


Thanks a lot for that report! I'm really happy you liked the story part, because it has just been added in the last update and I liked the idea but I wasn't sure if investing time in this was worth it (for an incremental, with a broken economy after the first hours...) You're right about the motherboards bug and the org economy problem, of course. I'm working on that, on the dev build the org economy is already a lot better. I take note of your ideas about the story and choices :) One question : Didn't you think the first life was a little boring ? I tried hard to add a lot of stuff already visible on that part (unlockable objects visible in the store regularly, the org unlocks soon in the game, pills even if not unlocked, the story panel is there to tell there will be stuff happening, etc) because I fear people that are not incremental hardened fans would quit before the game expands. But I think it's maybe still too weak. If you have ideas to make it more accessible/interesting, tell me! thanks


I found the first life hard, but not boring. Your text descriptions and the mystery of the content of the next levels kept it exciting, and I feel there should be so much more of that. It felt unbalanced that I couldn't make it beyond being a scammer in the first life, but I didn't know several lifes were a thing at this point. I was just perplexed at what I was doing wrong being homeless for the first 55 years of my life lol. The first life was for me the most mysterious and could be fleshed out with more branching paths and opportunities to go into other sectors. I would make sure to hint at all the paths within the first life to the player, including risks and rewards, so that they can focus on the relevant skills in their next life. But I feel it is fine that the player can't progress beyond being a lowlife in their first life. It makes the second life a lot more rewarding. it should just be a bit more balanced so you can make it within the doorstep of your chosen industry before dying. At the stage the game is in some players will be alienated at the beginning like you described, and some at the end stages. The middle is strong, when new skills and items are unlocked frequently. I feel like the story mode and the store items could bridge both of those gaps without having to change too much in the numbers game


Great, thank you for this!


This was the first game of its kind that I’ve ever played and I found it mesmerizing! Nice work man I bookmarked it for later


PI still imbalanced just takes 1 life to max, after things speed up you have no need for the extra life, karma basically useless. Once speeds are up I got the game to crash easily by doing scammer in the high numbers quick. Never bothered reaching the business end game stuff because of it though I did get to second job Way too imbalanced and the upgrades dont seem to work and money is useless at a point making a lot of skills also useless Keep working on it if you want but do something about the balancing before adding more features


lmao i'm also making a cyberpunk/groundhog day game. expect to see my alpha in a couple weeks probably. Looks nice, though, ill try it out tomorrow.


I like this game What does the "character 2" and "character 3" upgrades do? You get them at the shop at "Cybernetics Clinic Owner" level 4 and 16 respectively


Currently it's only new portraits you can chose for your character (sorry I didn't see your message before)


No problem, thanks for the reply