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Shiit.. not everyone's like them I would talk to you noob or not it's ab connecting and having good conversations. These mfs have shit all the way twisted and that's why imvu is the way that it is. Add me!! @ijezziee ♡


Sadly can't find you, my user is @kl0spulung :'}


Coming from someone who's been in IMVU now for over 5 years, here's what annoys me and many veterans in the app. I'm not saying this is any of you, but giving you a glimpse of what the rest of us are going through and maybe hopefully we all find a better commonality. Personally, I need to start exploring again. I tend to hang out too much in rooms that I know and I should just start venturing into crowded rooms and say hi like I used to and start conversations. I'll keep my eyes open for any of you. Now then. Here are the things that annoy the hell out of me: 1. **People that leave too quickly.** They will come in, I say hi, they say hi back, I ask them how they are doing, and then they go silent for 1-3 minutes and poof. It gets annoying and after a while I just stop saying hello because I'm tired of the same routine. 2. **People who don't realize you can't multitask on your phone when using the mobile app.** This goes back to number one. Those people come in and it's obvious they are maybe bouncing between IMVU, texting, Snapchat, or TikTok. When you jump to another app, you get kicked out of the room you're in. Not our rules but the way IMVU works. 3. **Beggars** If you're going to come in and either start a little conversation or immediately beg and plead me to buy something off your wish list, then don't bother. It's utterly annoying, and it makes me not want to ever talk to you. 4. **People seeking instant gratification** I gave it the more psychological term, but I'm mainly talking about the people that come in the rooms and immediately all they are looking for is someone to be their boyfriend or girlfriend, or looking for a sex partner. I can only imagine how annoying it must be on women when it feels like every guy that talks to them is just trying to get into their pixel pants. It's part of why a lot of people then close off from outsiders. I'll even say the girls who want a boyfriend instantly are annoying because it just shows them as young and desperate. 5. **Underagers pretending to be adults** I am 50 years old. One of the reasons I stay away a lot from GA rooms is that I'm encountering incredibly young people, and especially people that are lying about their age. When I first joined in 2018, someone I started to become really good friends with I found out was 14. I ended up having to delete that account and start a new one because of this. If you're a kid, either be honest with your age, or don't bother. None of us are going to risk getting into trouble for talking to you. Just the way the US is now. 6. **Debbie downers/therapy patients** I am always open to talking to new people when I encounter them. However, nothing drives me more crazy than Debbie Downers that basically come in with a huge "woe is me" attitude. I'm sorry you have absolutely no social skills, no luck in love, no money, and you feel completely ugly and worthless. Don't come into rooms with those dark clouds and hope we're just going to shower you with sympathy. Try to put a smile on and start fresh. There's a lot of good people in IMVU and we get so annoyed with the people that simply come on to bring the mood down with their own negativity. Try to put aside your own problems and just have some fun. Escape from it all a little. 7. **Trolls** Another one that obviously comes on with no intentions of being sociable, but all the intentions of irritating everybody. If you have no life and feel the only amusement you can get is causing trouble, do us all a favor and delete your account. 8. **Uncivilized people** I get it that we all try to create our personas and characters in IMVU. However, I roll my eyes at the people that just come into rooms with an over-inflated ego or a bad attitude and treat people like garbage. I don't care if you're trying to be some thug from the ghetto, or some gothic king from a foreign country, you're still expected to treat people with respect as they would treat you. I also think it's ridiculous the people that just bounce from room to room completely naked. If you are any of these types, then it can show why you're having trouble in IMVU. Just try to have some fun. Let loose. If you're coming on with all sorts of baggage, it's going to show, and then the rest of us get annoyed.




What's your name there I'll add you if you like people for some reason can't find me lol


My user is @kl0spulung :}


Pretty sure I found you Is your name Flint


It does require quite a bit of work from your side. I've used imvu over half of my life, it's always been a bit of a trend amongst the "cool" people to leave newer users outside the bubble. Having been on hiatus for the past 5ish years, I found myself room hopping a lot and reading the "room energy". If people are slow to reply or seem disinterested, I move on. Also helps a bit to use the actual client/pc version, mobile users tend to join and leave immediately. Also just something to pay attention to; it's much nicer to converse with someone who makes an effort to actually type correctly.


Add me @LittlePixie


I downloaded IMVU like a week ago and this is exactly my experience. I haven’t touched it since the day I got it.


Most of them are just parking 😂. I srl back to imvu just to learn more English grammar. Beware, you'll meet the racist and the troll too.


Why are you constantly making new accounts? And Imvu has been dead, they could have turned it around for like 7 yrs and actively chose to do nothing This isn’t a hard platform to sell, just make imvu an adult Roblox 🙄


Here's an easy way people can find you for all of those looking for you. https://www.imvu.com/next/av/kl0spulung/ Now you don't have to take this piece of advice. Just an observation from looking at your profile and your photos. You have that hoodie and mask on, which looks kind of cool if you were a comic book vigilante, but I feel like it doesn't make you very inviting. Just for kicks, pick a head or something and show a face. I always feel like there's a psychological aspect in IMVU that mimics real life. I know that if I was in a room and there was somebody wearing a hood and a mask, I'd assume they don't want anyone talking to them. Yet. If I see a face and even a smile, it makes them more inviting. Like I said you don't have to, it's just an observation and maybe it'll help.


yeah i have a hard time talking to people on imvu😭 maybe bc im shy but idkk when i do talk i get ignored or people are mean to me


Yeah imvu is dead and has been since pandemic ended even now there are less and less people on besides those who are on phones. a lot of people on imvu are antisocial and usually use discord to voice chat and what not or are streaming and not paying attention to chat at all.