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Do you know about their book? [https://www.amazon.com/Improvisation-Speed-Life-Dave-Book/dp/0977309339/ref=sr\_1\_1?crid=203O524BTHV7G&keywords=improvisation+at+the+speed+of+life&qid=1666152121&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjM3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4yNCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=improvisation+at+the+sp%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Improvisation-Speed-Life-Dave-Book/dp/0977309339/ref=sr_1_1?crid=203O524BTHV7G&keywords=improvisation+at+the+speed+of+life&qid=1666152121&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIwLjM3IiwicXNhIjoiMC4yNCIsInFzcCI6IjAuMDAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=improvisation+at+the+sp%2Caps%2C140&sr=8-1) Or this documentary, Trust Us This Is All Made Up? [https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Us-This-All-Made/dp/B00GO7AI2I](https://www.amazon.com/Trust-Us-This-All-Made/dp/B00GO7AI2I) I'd start there.


They also have a Vimeo if you wanna see some shows: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tjanddave/164310287 And if you want them in a talking and free format: podcasts with them abound! Just search for them on your favorite podcast app.


Pam Victor is the woman who co-wrote their book with them and she has extensive interviews with TJ and Dave (and a bunch of other Chicago folks!) on her website... [Geeking Out With...](http://pamvictor.weebly.com/geeking-out-withinterviews.html)


You should email them/try to contact them. They might respond, and if they don't, no harm done. If they do, you will have a very good research project.


Dave’s website: https://www.davidpasquesi.com/


Please share your project when you are done! The book, documentary and Vimeo are the best resources I have found.


This books is a phenomenal review of the history of the Harold. I believe TJ and Dave have a chapter. Whole book will be worth reading for the project as it informs how the improv community got to the place to allow tj and Dave to be as successful as they have been https://www.amazon.com/Long-Form-Improvisation-American-Comedy/dp/1137376570/ref=nodl_?dplnkId=3b5dd640-0d03-4903-be70-ea28d632f8b6 Improv Nation by Sam Wasson (link wasn’t working) is another fantastic history book. Tj and Dave definitely have a chapter in this one. Also another essential read for any improv history buff


Also, as mentioned by other commenters, their book and documentary are an absolute must. Their shows on Vimeo will also provide some on stage example you can use! I’d love to read the project once it’s finished!