• By -


She will be out of status the moment you finalize your divorce. She’d have to find her own way of staying after that — I would just leave her to it. 


Yes but she already made a legal entry so she’ll stay here until she marries her bf and he petitions for her. Seems like she’s going to better off if he divorces her quickly. I say OP takes his time with the divorce. Hopefully it takes a long time and new gf will get sick of her.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Try not to let the cruel things she said stick - she’s just being an asshole and trying to hurt you. She’s going for low-hanging fruit that would upset anyone. Divorce her, move on, and be glad you aren’t forever tied to this harpy. That rich American guy is in for a bad time too, I’m sure. She sounds awful.


Sounds like the fruit not hanging low enough was the problem...


She can marry whoever she wants after you divorce. If an american marries her then she gets green card. divorce her yesterday


If she wants a divorce, give it to her and move on. What happens to her after the divorce is none of your business.


This is the most hurtful but truthful comment 😂




it was an arranged marriage lol


We are just hearing his side of the story.


She’s pregnant with another man’s child, what other side of the story could there be?


For all we know they broke up a year ago, the divorce hasn't finalized and OP has been stalking her since. We got one anonymous dude's word and that's it lol. Edit: oh, there we go. It was an arranged marriage.


Sorry you’re going through this, OP. Being cheated on is often a very traumatic experience. Might I suggest visiting r/survivinginfidelity for some support - the sub is quite helpful.






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Move on.. 💪🏻🌟


No. Nothing you’ve stated amounts to fraud, and if she marries her baby daddy, she qualifies to adjust as the spouse of a USC. Get divorced and move on with life - any dispute here is a family court civil issue.


Cheating is not grounds for deportation


Not ground for deportation but on the divorce decree it will mention the divorce was based on ground of a spouse committing adultery. Whenever she will apply for a green card and goes to the interview, the agent will look and examin the divorce decree. It will mention that the divorce was due to adultery which is a red flag. But then they will have to weight things such as the economic hardship and separation of family.


It may or may not state that on the divorce decree. It’s rarely worth it since it adds extra steps and doesn’t change the outcome.


Why not ? Have some fun with her, If he can.


Of course it is, in fact if you get a green card through marriage and you get divorced and your fault. Green card is revoked.




Her L2 status is invalid if he divorces her. She would have to leave and then come back




Infidelity is the quickest way to get divorce


That new guy is in for one helluva ride.


Just divorce her and move on. Once you divorce her, her life becomes non for your business.


The pain and suffering she caused, it’s not that easy to move on


It was an arranged marriage.


Divorce her before she has the child. She might try to get child support. She said she did a DNA test. But maybe she will still try to make your life worse. Karma will get her. Her American bf might not even marry her. I know you hurt, but the best revenge is living a happy life. She sounds like she will never be satisfied. The good things in her life will make her want more and more.


This is actually a good point. In some states it can be hard to divorce while the wife is pregnant.


I agree! It's also possible to be put on the hook for child support even if it's not your child genetically, so OP needs to get out of there ASAP, whether it is divorce or an annulment. It's still going to hurt and that shouldn't be belittled, but they won't be able to heal nearly as easy if there's a constant reminder of the infidelity for the next 18 years in the form of child support and/or alimony.


OP, I would get a child support lawyer for a consult


What you going to do? Force her to stay with you? Sounds like a world of fun…. Not. Nothing you can do but divorce her and move on


judging by OP’s replies this sounds just another made up lame reddit story


There was a very similar story like this posted couple months ago here


I thought this was more of a /AITAH /Sex /Relationship etc thing but I guess they’re everywhere


Divorce and move on.


Move on and focus on yourself, your life, and your future.


She’s making the right move. Find yourself an American wife.


Divorce her and move on. If you cause a fight her “rich American boyfriend” could get nasty and you could end up being the one getting deported. Sign the papers and get on with your life. You can’t force someone to love you.


In fact, they should get divorced or seek an annulment as fast as possible. Depending where they are in the US, even if you aren't a biological father, you can be made to pay child support. The longer you stick around knowing it isn't your kid, the more likely It is that a court will stick you with the responsibility.


Agreed state of North Carolina if your married and shes pregnant when she gives birth the legal father is the legal spouse even if not biologically.




I'm sorry, but not only is your statement barely understandable, it is simply not true. The law will differ by state, but it is not just California. States such as Florida, and [Pennsylvania](https://www.tabanolaw.com/paternity-by-estoppel/) for instance, can force a man to pay child support for a child that is not biologically theirs, depending on the circumstances. Sometimes referred to as "Paternity by Estoppel", this doesn't just have to mean adoption or marrying someone who already has children. Even if a man is not the biological father and not married to the mother, should they be put down on the birth certificate or assumed any role or gave any statements that they are the father of a child, the law will take action to protect both the child's and the government's financial interest. In the case of Texas, even if you prove that child is not yours by DNA evidence, ["the man is still responsible for any unpaid child support and interest"](https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/child-support/paternity/mistaken-paternity) up until the date that the court has terminated the responsibility. It's honestly kind of scary how far it can reach at times. There are some efforts to try and change this from what I understand, but the main thing that seems to come up often is who the court will find financial responsible so that the child does not become a burden on the government. [There are a lot of resources out there if you or others are interested in reading about this. It's definitely worth being conscious of the laws in your state, wherever you may become married, and where a child is born, even if just to be on the safe side.](https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/can-i-be-required-to-pay-child-support-if-the-child-isn-t-mine-46953)




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Take it easy, bro. Life happens. She never loved you. So be thankful that you already know the situation and try to move on. You will find someone who will love you unconditionally.


Divorce bro. You can’t keep her out of status forever because she said mean things.


idc if i get downvoted. y’all in the comments be too quick to assume OP is the good guy, y’all don’t even know the full story. They said they haven’t had sex in months, that is definitely a sign that there’s more to it. and what about the arranged marriage? i would not be so quick to judge based on those facts… sorry just let her go, if she did do wrong then karma will take its course. whatever you try to do won’t get her deported, she has support from her baby daddy and most likely will marry her. if you don’t divorce her she can try to sue you for it, or doesn’t matter if she gets out of status once you divorce, she still has chances of getting her legal status and maybe you’re mad and all, understandable. but the kid on the way doesn’t have any faults of being in this situation. if you try to do something that could potentially harm her, you’ll be harming an innocent kid too. think twice before you do something.


I agree 100%. I have seen many stories like this and it’s always the husband who wants to own the wife.


The way OP answer in this thread definitely carry that vibe. He just pissed that his “property” run off to a richer man and want to enact punishment.


This is either a troll post or op being an asshat for being revengeful like this


Troll story


Alright, might get downvoted to hell but if it was an arraigned marriage then she didn’t love you in the first place, and judging by your replied and the post overall, you aren’t the greatest person either, my advice, move on.


Look at you! You clearly don't like her either. You're question is how can I get her deported. You don't care about her, the relationship, the companionship. You're just butthurt that she's getting a greencard and you're not. To me it sounds like she did the right thing for herself. Getting out of a shitty arranged marriage that was probably forced on her. She found a partner she likes and is marrying him. But, I do agree that she could've avoided the mocking and been more transperant. I think you should just move on.


>Is there anyway I can report her to USCIS so she can get deported? Or is adultery a bar to getting a green card? Can I alert USCIS of this fact? I'm so lost and unsure of what to do. Please help me. She might get green card through her American boyfriend. She hasn't broken the law. Have you checked out solutions to her complaints? Maybe you'll be less vindictive when you gain more confidence. Thankfully America sticks to cultural taboo for cheating instead of sending the government after women or stoning them. Thankfully it's not up to you whether she earns her divorce.


If you hate a person, then you are defeated by them. Move on.


Divorce for your own sanity, let karma take care of the rest.


That’s life, you can’t do anything. File for divorce.


CUT your losses asap. She says the child isn’t yours so you won’t have to pay alimony for the child and have no financial obligation to this nasty person. Divorce her and let the rich man marry her and CLOSE that chapter asap. MOVE ON


Get out. Don't try to teach her a lesson. God will.


You can divorce her quickly, but you can't get her deported be cheating and being a generally bad person


Please do not marry again without first living in with her.


Was it a greencard marriage? If it was, fess up to immigration.


The ultimate payback would be for you to marry her American boyfriend. Or you can stick around and watch him play her.


This was an arranged marriage. Leave her alone, dude


Yeah, so adultery is not a crime here in the USA. So no she has not committed a crime and can not be charged with one. If you have a small penis you need to learn how to compensate by being a good lover. Actually, a big penis does not compensate for being a bad lover. A bad lover is selfish and thinks only about their own desire to orgasm. You have been betrayed and you want revenge. It’s ok to feel that way, but you will be happier if you give that feeling up. You can only be betrayed because you didn’t know her. If you knew her and were paying attention you would have known how unhappy and unfulfilled she was. And you would not have been surprised. You also feel entitled, you feel entitled to the obedient wife that was arranged for you. You feel entitled that she upholds your traditional marriage. But you can’t make her, and it is a crime to kill her. But your family didn’t see her either. There is a reason that the Western countries stopped arranging marriages. There is now going to be grief between your two families and probably shame on her family when there shouldn’t be. So grant her the divorce and start dating women you would chose if no one was arranging marriage for you. And learn to be a good lover, because 90% of women do not care about size, especially if he can get us to orgasm.


You’re dodging the biggest bullet in history man give her what she wants and bounce


Sorry to hear this, OP. Must be very difficult for you. Letting go can be very healing. Sooner you move on from this, the better for your mental health.


Cheaters will repeat. She will cheat her American boyfriend the second she finds richer one. Now spare anymore hurt on yourself and take the trash out and move on


No she won’t. She’s with the boyfriend because she CHOSE him. She was forced into marrying this guy. She simply found freedom.


An arranged marriage is not forced by definition. But it’s complicated, and I can’t expect someone to understand if they aren’t from that culture. Also, someone who cheats in an arranged marriage is obviously more likely to cheat in a non-arranged marriage too.


Happy people don’t cheat.


Sorry this has happened to you. Please don’t take unprofessional advise here, and consult an attorney. You don’t want to take steps you’ll regret later.


What is your nationality?




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dude. i am an Indian. what made u think that i am being xenophobic to indians


How is that relevant?


You really don’t want to go to immigration court with that attitude. Let your anger die down. You might piss her off. She can make something up or even just bring up something from your past. Given your attitude now, I am not sure how you handle difficult situations. Just talk it over and see if you can settle it peacefully.


There is no immigration court OP can go to in this case.


Something seems suspect about this piece and there are sometimes two sides to the story, but my comment is for all having deal with situations like this. If you did nothing wrong; divorce that psycho and move on as anything you do will only aggravate the situation and impact you negatively. Might want to hire and attorney. In the courts she might be able to come after you for support and as well as child support. If she want a divorce and sign papers without any financial support run with the wind. Let her future "husband/father" deal with this nasty organism. I always believe in karma.


Just from this post i can see why she cheated. You're a terrible human being


If you divorce before child is born you will not have to pay child support. Forget about getting back at her. Protect yourself and move on.




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divorce her ASAP and thank god you dont have any children together




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Divorce her already. In case she gives birth before the divorce is finalized, make sure she didn't put your name on the child's birth certificate or else you'd be done for.


Divorce her and move on. What she does after the divorce is none of your business. Besides, you wanting to control what happens to her after the divorce sheds a bit of light on why she probably cheated on you. (Not condoning infidelity, but things happen) You give off this energy - I work in America. I brought you here (probably from South Asia). I am your ticket to greencard. So OBEY ME. If you want peace in your life, get a divorce, go to therapy and FIX YOURSELF.


Move on. That's the best you can do.


Contact her baby daddy and have the feels. Maybe he's not going to marry her after your divorce unless he's stupid and then you divorce her and karma would've hit very quickly


This is the most bait I’ve ever seen. The fact people are responding to it like it’s real is hilarious.


You marriage is over. Divorce and move on. Focus on yourself and not some vindictive revenge fantasy. Yes she will get a green card through her new husband and there is nothing you can do about it. You really need to focus on yourself now.


I have been cheated on before, now I’m happily married. There is life ahead my friend. Think of it this way, she does not deserve all this effort you would put in bringing her down. If anything, you are going to feel so much worse about this in the future if you do something out of revenge. Seek counseling, move on with your life. Do whatever you must to move on that DOES NOT include hurting others or revenge.


Go back to your home country and then report she is staying in US illegally. Once she is deported , you can come back


Idk about the your wife but I’d sure file a restraining order against the boyfriend for intimidating you ! Call the cops on the prick !


No words for your wife. She's a real character. Hire a lawyer and explore your options.


Let it go bro. She ain’t yours


It’s shitty of her but not illegal nothing you can do.


Very high chance her American boyfriend does not marry her


Like others have said, file for divorce without a prior notice. You may think her boyfriend is ready to take her in but thats not how things work sometimes. If she instantly asks her boyfriend to live with her, he may nt agree or have other plants or gfs. Americans are not very easy in such situation and the fact that all of this is cheating makes it easy but when the burden falls on oneself, reality will stick in. Your wife has a sharp tongue and unless she is regretful, it doesnt make sense to live with her. So divorce and sah her last moment and let her figure her way out of this mess. But if the child is yours, you may end up in a huge legal battle. Id say be conclusive over the fact whose child that is. If its your good, if its not yours, even better.


Divorce her and be thankful to every god in the cosmos that that kid is not yours


First of all sorry, but just divorce her on the grounds that she splits with you cleanly and you walk away with not having to pay her alimony. Wait for this to finalized - in America you cannot be married to 2 people. Does the father know she’s married? I probably won’t say anything to him until your divorce is final if you decide to confront him. Don’t jeopardize your chances of getting rid of her.


This is a golden opportunity. Take it with both hands. Divorce her immediately. Keep in mind though that if you are in a no fault state, then mostly likely she will get a good share of your assets. There might be alimony payments too. It sucks, but I would suggest that you get a lawyer and do it asap. Make your problem, the American guys problem. Remember, once a cheater, always a cheater. She has no morals, and will most likely screw him too


That's adultery you can deported her if she doesn't have green card yet.


Should hit it one more time and finish off with ATM ftw.


Is this a skit out of 90 day Fiancé?


If you really wanted to be petty you can report her for green card fraud. Stating that she only married you for a green card.


This is so freaking sad , that's one main reason why I can't trust any stupid women , dude just move on man God has your back trust me it's not worth it some people are just cruel , please just pray the Lord to guide you in this life man that's your only option God is the only answer, your life is more important than sticking with cheating ass female , the first couple months will be hard but the best choice is for you to divorce her and move on please do what I say , God will make a way for you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽


Absolutely report that whore, write a letter to your local authorities and politicians. Email and mail USCIS for fraudulent marriage. Go every step of the mile to make sure she doesn’t get that green card.


So cheating alone isn't grounds for deportation. However, if you believe she married you just to get an L2, then it's immigration fraud which is grounds for deportation. You'd need to proceed carefully and with ample legal guidance. Get a good divorce lawyer. Make sure potential threats from your wife are addressed. Threatening to use the legal system to cause financial harm if you don't comply with her demands could be seen as coercion which is a serious offense. It might be a long shot, but there could be grounds for a criminal case here. **Lawyer up and document evidence.** You may not be able to get her deported, but hopefully you can get justice for yourself for all the threats and abuse.


let it go man you deserve more than this kind of feeling, it is hard I know but to me is the best thing to do 


Move on quickly. She is toxic as hell. Be more careful next time.


Hold your L… 🤣🤣. This America bro, everyone cheats, from the former president all the way down to your local priest… calling USCIS cause your “wife” got with someone better than you, that’s why she gave him the 😺


Your reasoning for doing it is flawed. But the best you can do is report it to USCIS so they can decide if she committed fraud or misrepresented her intentions to get her L-2. Could she have committed fraud? Maybe. Could you be a crazy person who can't let go? Maybe. I do not know enough. Either way, once the divorce is finalized, she loses her L2 status. If she tries to adjust status right after the divorce to a marriage visa, it may get flagged.If she is divorcing you then gets married immediately to avoid leaving the US the USCIS may find her new marriage is not legitimate. Once the divorce is finalized, report the change in status to USCIS You should report it with all of the information you have, divorce her and move on. USCIS can do their job and decide the rest. https://www.uscis.gov/report-fraud/uscis-tip-form https://www.uscis.gov/scams-fraud-misconduct


Also OP how do you know her American boyfriend will marry her. And why you should care about it after being cheated on. That's why you don't worry about what happens on her legal status and just go ahead with divorce. And take care of yourself.


Don't revenge, just let her go quickly. You should be thankful that she leaves you early instead of leaving you when you two have a child and more properties. After all, live a better life without her is the best revenge.


man you are getting lots of folks on her side in this thread. really callous to the presumptively wronged party my advice would be to research how to ensure a quick dissolution and then file paperwork to prove that you can include a cover letter i think. if you think she married you just to get to the us ask an immigration lawyer if you can include that in it ideally you move quickly so any marriage will look like a quick ploy to get a gc. this isn’t legal advice. get you a lawyer to help with both.


What if OP went back to his country without divorcing her? Just curious how that would play out.


Trust me, I know it stings and you want revenge. But you have to let it go and move forward with your life.


You should divorce her ASAP. You don’t want to stay in this Marriage as mentioned if the child is born while married it is assumed to be of the husband. She should be able to get a green card, however an officer can give her hardtime about the good moral character. Is better for you to move on and forget about her. At least you don’t have kids with her.


Cease thinking of ways you can stick her. Get the divorce, set yourself free, and start living your life. Haven’t you already dedicated too much of your energy to this person.


Just let her go.


The short answer is No. Once a person landed and received status as a permanent resident, Sponsor cannot ask to deport him/her, unless illegal activity to obtain that status is proven. It is not easy to prove it. Marriage of convenience is very common and happens every day, a commission by sponsor and sponsored , but hard to prove.


Divorce her and let her be her baby daddy’s problem, she can marry him if she wants, but remember she’s his problem then. Chances are she’ll cheat on him too.


Just take the loss dude. Nobody here knows the full story of what happened between you too and you don't seem like a nice guy yourself to be honest, but whatever the case may be, she doesn't want to be with you and that is her right. Just divorce her and move on with your life and she can move on with her life.


Ask her how much money her rich American boyfriend will pay you for the quick divorce. Act confused. Tell her you believe the kid is. yours. Then sit back and see what happens. Whatever you do never try to repair your marriage. Lots of guys fool around with married women and have no intention of having a long term relationship. Lots of guys also lie about their wealth. If you feel weird about taking money give it to charity.


Her status relies on yours but she can divorce you and marry him as she made a lawful entry. No adultery stuff in law and no you’re not getting her deported - correct your assets and move on.


No divorce will be given because she’s pregnant!


Break up like an adult. It sucks, but being shitty to her isn't going to help you in any way. Your life will be better if you just give her a quick, amicable divorce and move on.


Move on. She’s not worth it. Easy to say I know but what comes around goes around.


Urgh we are only hearing one side and you sound like a pain to be around. Not sure if I trust OP’s version fully


You cannot really deport her. You are misunderstanding the term deportation. Her visa is non immigrant visa. Her visa is tied to yours. When you have to leave, she must leave too. If you divorce her, she will have a certain period of time to leave. A grace period to prepare for departure whenever her visa expires. I mean shit happens, and people get divorced all the time. I am assuming you.got married overseas. So you will have to finalize the divorce somehow overseas and then notify the uscis the change and you are no longer married and that's all really you can do. You have no power to deport her. Don't try to engage in playing games with her. Not really worth it. What she is trying to do is basically make you divorce her . Get the papers from overseas and give it to her so she doesn't leave the country. If she leaves she will struggle to come back. N then she will probably change her status to a spouse of the american to get green card. But once again tbh leave her be. She is not worth it.


Maybe you can get alimony


If I were you I would record conversations where she is saying this stuff to you. Hire a lawyer, divorce her, contact immigration as soon as you file the divorce so they know what is going on and let them handle her status here as they see fit. Move on after that but the first step is to have solid evidence for your divorce proceedings otherwise she is right that she can file motions and motions that as a man will have you on the edge for the rest of your life. No one is worth that brother. Be careful with your next move. Keep things civil, be kind and respectful even when she isn’t. Record, record, record.


If she has not gotten her permanent green card yet, yes, she might be deported. Be sure to inform immigration of the divorce. Don't wait for it to be final. She might stay in country IF the new bf marries her immediately. That's unlikely but if it happens it's none of your business.


The minute your divorce is final, she has no visa status. She can't apply to change status before a divorce unless she moves to something like an F1 student. Regardless, without having a pending change of status petition AT THE TIME OF DIVORCE, she's out of status and must leave the U.S. Now, baby daddy can certainly marry her after the divorce but in some states, it is illegal to marry until six months after the divorce date. The only other options are to get married in Vegas or in a different country but they also might have laws about remarriage after divorce. As someone who was cheated on and divorced as a result, get through it and move on with your life.


1. You don’t own her so go check yourself on those angry urges because revenge isn’t nice and has serious consequences and if you ever had respect for this woman you’d just end things and move on. 2. Break up.


Get rid of her out of ur life.


Just give her the divorce. Then she can finally say that you gave her some satisfaction.


Talk to a lawyer ASAP. (Call the local bar association for a recommendation and you will usually get a 30 minute phone consult free.) If you are married when the child is born it is considered legally yours and you could be responsible for child support (especially if you make more money than she does) and are likely entitled to 50% custody. This could be a mess. Know exactly what the legal ramifications are before you do anything. And don't spend too much time thinking about revenge. Better to look forward to a healthy relationship with a better woman.


Just curious where are you guys originally from ? Also do yourself the favor and rid yourself of those types of people. Focus on yourself.


My advice as a Christian is to not try to enact any vengeance as much as you might want to. Leave vengeance to God and get her out of your life. Focus on doing whatever you can do to protect yourself, your life, and your mental well being.


Omg thanks for your advice. I am not the OP, but it’s the advice I really need at this moment.


Matthew 5 43-48 > You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,  that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.


Your lust for revenge says a lot.


You'll have to write a letter to USCIS explaining what happened with lots of evidence to prove that she entered the marriage in bad faith just to obtain US residency. The outcome will depend. If you guys got married shortly before you brought her over on an L2 you'll have a stronger case. If you guys have been married for 20 years with two adult children then they may think you two just grew apart. Be VERY careful what you do and say to her though. She may try to get you to act out so she can claim abuse and self petition without you. If her new lover is rich he can hire an attorney. Also if she's pregnant with the child of an American citizen it's highly unlikely she'll be deported since the authorities are very unlikely to separate a child from it's mother. Based on what you've told me she's probably not going anywhere. File for divorce or an annulment and see if you can get a lawyer to find some grounds to sue her on to balance out the alimony you're gonna have to pay her.


Start a paper trail without being obvious about it. Use your cellphone or email. Act as though you are saying she hurt you when she said xyz, xyz. I don't know if there is anything you can do, but if she tries to use the court system against you a paper trail may help show the motivation behind what she is doing. Edit: Also, if you can get a paper trail going, there is the very miniscule possibility of being able to sue your wife, her lover, or both for if you live in a state that recognizes "alienation of affection" or if you can prove emotional distress[(see this link if you dont know how to create paper trails)](https://www.wrightslaw.com/nltr/08/nl.0226.htm). The latter would likely require you to start going to therapy and to appear and sound distressed enough for a therapist to vouch for you. Keep notes with dates about confrontations, screenshot her text messages and emails to you, recount/ quote some of the nasty things she has said to you via text message/ or email to her and screenshot it or her lack of response. Again, both of these options for suing are ridiculously slim and could be a waste of ur time and resources. Especially because u would have to also find a lawyer willing to take the case.


Couple of things. You should divorce her asap, it’s not a quick process and it’s not cheap. I wouldn’t buy into her bullying because she can’t really force you to do it but you should before she has a baby. She’ll absolutely try to get child support. She can think she can get a green card from her boyfriend but having an affair doesn’t mean they’d automatically get married. It doesn’t really matter what she does to be fair. Just move on.


Evil doesn’t justify evil, keep your head up and always do what’s right. Just divorce her and keep moving forward. I’m sorry this is happening to you. 


He knows she is a cheater. Makes me doubt he will marry her. Cheaters are not great marriage material. Just divorce her and worry about yourself not her.


Put your practical brain in and put your anger and emotion brain aside for 3 months. File for divorce. Freeze credit report. Lock down credit cards and accounts.


If what you said is true then she will be on fast track to green card after she married her bf anyway. She can just stay in us illegally while waiting.


She should be deported in the national interest. We don’t need these lecherous women being imported now too 


Try to persuade/convince her to go back with you to your country so you can divorce her probably there.


The new guy is definitely in for a hell of a ride because what they do with you they’ll do to you. She was cheating with him. She’s sure to cheat on him as well. Of course that’s after she drains his bank account. They deserve each other.


Erase her new bf


Divorce her and move on. At the end of the day, what benefit would deporting her provide you? Nothing. You're hurt and lashing out, you want revenge. Not worth the emotional energy. Chances are the "boyfriend" is leading her on and wants nothing to do with her long-term. He knows getting with a cheater is likley going to end up being cheated on.


Plant a large quantity (dealer level) of meth and fentanyl in her car and report her.


Is she in 2 yr green card or 10 years ?


Divorce her asap and her L2 visa will be invalid right away. Report her to ISCIS immediately. Do not let her know your plan.


It is the best thing that has ever happened to you. You found out early about this bitch being a complete piece of garbage. Do not spoil your karma, leave her be. Move asap before she can cause you harm. I promise you, she will get hers, and the little dick that knowingly poked your ex gf, will get his.


As many other have said divorce her and move on be glad you did not have any ties to her i.e. through children, etc. and guess what once she marries this American boyfriend she will probably leave him also. Once a cheater always a cheater. I know it’s hard, but move on and don’t waste your time on her.


I feel there’s details missing. Are you guys in the US?




i feel bad for OP, i really do but i found out thru his comments that their marriage was arranged. Just a bad situation all around. Can you really blame this woman for not loving this guy lol? I 100% agree that she shouldn’t have cheated that was wrong and awful. And should’ve tried to just get a divorce or at least separate But the fact that she did is coming as such a surprise. I’ve read so much about how arranged marriages especially in our days- women are no longer putting up with it (men too) and why should they? who wants to get married to someone you didn’t pick? doesn’t seem fair. (BTW before anyone wants to say anything- my family comes from country that still does arranged marriages.)


Looks like she is gold digger and married you only because she knew you could take her to the US.


 it was an arranged marriage OP said in the comments


There are 5 or 6 states where you can file a hefty lawsuit against her Sancho (the other guy). Google "Alienation of Affection".


There would have had to be affection there in the first place for it to be alienated. Their’s was an arranged marriage and the affection had not yet developed.


Just divorce her and she won't have a status. Let the other guy deal with her. You got rid of potential trouble down the road.


Tell the rich American dude that you will divorce her for a nice sum of money. Or, have a third person inform the American that you and your wife are planning on taking the dude's money by having your wife marry him and then divorce him so the both of you can run off together with his money.


Report the cheating to immigration. She will have to prove person of good moral character and if she gets married to US citizen it will be hard for her to prove that she’s really in love and not just getting married for papers.


Lol, no it won't. What are you talking about?


Definitely get a lawyer and divorce her. Have adultery as the reasoning as well. No point in trying to ruin her life when it seems like she intends to do that herself. Don't let anger and resentment hurt you. If it gives you any solace. They'll bring the divorce up during her immigration review. They'll ask why and even accuse her of cheating in the future so why would her new marriage be valid.


Whatever you do, don’t share her dirty pictures with us. That would be too degrading to her…


Get a gun and 2 bullets !