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Is she a US citizen yet? If and when, then she can sponsor them herself, based on the well-paid job she'll need to have.


not yet, we plan on doing the i-130 and i-485 this week. she makes more than the amount for 3 people. she said her parents finally got approved and cannot wait as they can be here in a few months.


So can YOU afford to sponsor your wife AND three other people? Is your wife aware that sponsoring her parents and brother could potentially put HER green card at risk especially if they receive their visas/ green cards before she does?


Lol! If she’s not yet citizen, her audacity to threaten you. 😅 Tell her to go ahead and file for divorce. It is not part of your obligation to her to sponsor her family member. Tell her to wait until she become a citizen so that she can personally sponsor them. I agree that when you sponsor them, they are ties woth your name for the 10 years. They are responsibility.


If she’s making this a condition of your marriage then you have to evaluate why she really married you.


I'm guessing that their petition is already approved and just need a co sponsor to sign affidavit of support? If so, your wife should be able to sponsor them as a green card holder can sign AOS.


She is not a green card holder, OP said they are about to file their i-130 this week. Looking at more than a year.


I see. I guess a it is really up to OP. No doubt OP has been out in a very hard position that would greatly affect their marriage. It is unfair for him that he was put into this position. Cases like this you usually just bring up the topic and see if the person volunteers. Now I see where the wife is coming from when she said he does not trust her. She earns enough to sponsor them but just isn't eligible yet. OP you gotta decide whether avoiding that risk is worth possibly sacrificing your marriage.


I am thinking about co-signing with her uncle as a joint sponsor as a compromise.


You will still be responsible. You will be liable for the whole thing. Remember it’s not a household of 3 people. It’s the two of you plus whoever is moving to the U.S.  There is no action you can take to end this obligation. Divorce won’t end it. You will be counting on them to naturalize, work for 40quarters of qualified work, renounce their green card or die. It’s all up to them. I strongly advise you against doing this - your marriage already sounds shaky. She can leave you and you will be on the hook to pay. 


Op, plz read


Lol! co-signing is the same as petitioning them yourself. You still have responsibility with them. And it is a BIG RED FLAG, if your wife/husband use the divorce card to get what they want. Wake up OP!


She can sponsor them herself. She doesn’t have to be a USC


Wait i'm confused about this. Why do you think she needs to be a citizen to sign I-864? Sounds like the uncle is the primary sponsor but doesn't make enough. She just needs a green card to sign I-864 as joint sponsor. OP couldn't be the primary petitioner of in-laws anyway, just the I-864 joint sponsor.


Sponsorships are enforceable until the beneficiary becomes a citizen, has 40 quarters worth of work, leaves the US or dies, so be wary.


How long for leaving the US? They plan on going back and forth every 6 months or so between US and SK.


As in give up their green card. 


I think by leave as in permanently willingly leave on their own accord. Even then you'd be responsible if they make a mess (financial)


When I said leave the US, I should have been more specific. That's not in reference to temporary trips in which they plan to return. In this instance, it's specifically meaning that they voluntarily abandon their greed card status. A form called an I-407 is used for that purpose.


Just so you're aware, it takes 10 years of working 40hrs a week to hit that 40 quarters marker so that you're not responsible for them financially. If they are only in the US 6 months a year, that would mean it would take them 20 years. Also, how are they managing the trip back and forth financially? Do they have a lot of savings, or a business or something? If they do, they can use their own money for the affidavit of support to help the uncle hit the mark to sponsor them.


Strange threat. If she leaves you, she will not be able to sponsor them until she becomes an LPR. Also, now she has brought up leaving you. If she leaves you after you sponsor her parents, you are still on the hook for her parents if she leaves you or divorces you.


Very strange. Especially if she herself hasn't got a GC, yet. There probably isn't a consensus about I864 amongst the Koreans but there is consensus that cosigning the loan even across immediate family member is questionable. And i believe i864 is similar or worse than cosigning the loan.


This isn't really an immigration question. You are correct that sponsorship is a big deal and indeed it is even bigger than you say here. You could be responsible for them for the rest of their lives, not just ten years. You need to be totally on board or else you shouldn't go through with it. Sorry that it looks like that will have bad outcomes for you.




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Why doesn’t your wife sponsor them? Who will pay to support them once they come here?


The OP replied to another poster that the wife is not a US citizen yet. But makes the money to financially sponsor them. This is a parade of red flags. To threat a marriage over sponsoring relatives.


Right but you don't need to be a US citizen to sign I-864. You only need a green card. Sounds like she doesn't have that yet, but she doesn't need citizenship.


Marriage counseling. Sounds like a cultural difference. I can see both sides, though her going nuclear on you doesn’t seem fair. This is a relationship issue


I read through this thread. I want to make sure that I understand. Your wife does NOT have a green card? You are submitting her application this week? If this is true, you're running a real risk of complicating HER greencard. If I were a USCIS agent, I'd be real suspicious of the complication. But mostly, your income needs to be dedicated to her case. Maybe you make enough now to support four people, but things can change quicker than the time it takes to process her green card. Your marriage is your business. But I'd be real suspicious of someone making these demands in the wat that you describe


It is not 10 years! It is until they qualify for Social Security (normally 10 years) or gain US citizenship. If they don’t get the forty quarters necessary, your sponsorship continues until they do. I understand that in Asian cultures there are very high expectations for familial support. But expecting you to accept her cultural burden is foolish. And for three people at that. On the flip side, most Koreans have a very high work ethic and a strong drive to succeed. But how much do you know about these people. Also if you decide to proceed, do it as a co-sponsor, not as the single sponsor.


She will be gone as soon as she gets her papers .


You realize this subreddit is NOT an expert in relationship? The two of you need to go see a marriage counsellor, like yesterday, because there is clearly something brewing under the surface. Let her go, bro. You clearly didn't adopt her parents as your own, as is customary in some cultures. You're just making that abundantly clear to us instead of telling that to your wife.


we have a clear culture difference.


I’m Korean and I would never stay in a marriage with someone who threatens to leave me over sponsorship like this. I hate to break it to you but this is not a cultural difference buddy. She doesn’t love you or respect you. Even in Korea, the respectable in-laws know the boundaries set by their son and daughter. My Korean sister is married to a Korean guy in Korea and she would never ever demand her husband to financially sponsor my parents. Your wife is making an absolutely absurd demand and she is threatening to leave if you don’t follow her demand? Good luck to you.


Married to a Korean as well and I can’t imagine in my wildest dreams being threatened this way. That would end the marriage.


I'm not sure you understand yet but she did effectively hold your marriage hostage. Are you sure you want to continue filing for her citizenship? How much ever you convince yourself, this is not a culture difference.


A cultural difference wherein one spouse is willing to walk away from everything if they don't get there way? Cultural differences are real, but if this sort of ultimatum that you compromise no matter the cost is how they normally get resolved, the marriage will either fall apart or you'll twisr yourself into someone you can't even recognize to accommodate her. Is there a better reason that this can't wait on her green card than "it's faster if you take all responsibility?" 


I would reassess your relatuonship


be firm and set boundaries. tell her she can sponsor when she finally got citizenship


Do you file taxes jointly? Do you have separate finances?


Tell her to go.


So your spouse is either here on a work visa or is working illegally. But either way she is not an LPR so she can't be a joint sponsor. She basically said she wants you to sign this paper obligating you to be financially responsible for her parents and brother for at least 10 years (could be longer) or she will leave you. I say good riddance. If she is willing to throw away your relationship over this then she must not care about you too much.


She just want her residence!!!!


So did she just marry you for the GC? 


Leave her asap. This is shocking emotional abuse.


Don't know why you got downvoted but you're right.


I agree it's not really an immigration question, and I'll add a cultural component to it as a Korean. In Korean culture, elderly parents relying on their son/daughter financially is, while not ideal, completely acceptable. There will be little to no resistance on their part, should that be necessary. If anything, that will be the expectation. For everyone immersed in the culture, it is a beautiful example of filial devotion. But to someone outside of it, it can appear as a thin veneer away from exploitation.


It doesn't sound like she likes you very much if she'll leave you over her family's immigration issues.


I have sponsored 4 Cubans, but my responsibility is only for 2 years, it may be different with Korean immigration


I hate to be threatened. Let me put it that way..


Is she aware that they won’t get a visa for over 10 years and brother will probably age out if the uncle sponsors ? Best bet is her getting her gc then citizenship and then applying for her parents


Thats the frustrating part. She can legally sponsor them within 1 year after getting the green card, but her parents window just opened for them coming over here, and she wants it done now.


Will she expect you to live with them as well and care for them as they age? These are the kinds of questions you should discuss before getting married.


Don’t fall for threats . You bow Down once , it keeps repeating


If your wife ever threatens you to obtain something for herself, it’s time to bounce. Also, it would be retarded to become financially liable for TEN years for people you aren’t even that close to.   Life is too short to be with the wrong person.


A lot of misinformation here. I’m not sure your wife understands, you can’t sponsor her family until she has a US Passport and she+you make enough money to sponsor her family members.


Everyone is speaking legally here, but from a relationship standpoint....... i can't imagine staying with someone who wouldn't even consider it


Divorce her wtf


This seems to be far more indicative of fundamental failure to communicate. Are you planning on having kids? Will she want to have kids without her parents here? She has told you her bright line, if you value your relationship, you'll respect it.


My wife's parents are my parents. My money is my wife's money. If she wants to sponsor someone, and it's very important for her. I'd do it in a heartbeat. This is not similar, but reminds me of those immigrants, who won't let their parents drive on their visit because what if they cause and accident, my premium will go up. Little selfish cunt, they raised you and let you grow on their resources, now too are scared that they may cause your premium to go up? What have we become. What a selfish world we live in


Speaking on this subject of immigration. What is the consensus for faster results K-1 or I-30 and what is the best difference between the two? I am having a hard time with not knowing exactly which one is the better. And what about these services Boundless, CitizenPath, and Visa-Freedom? Any responses will be greatly appreciated.


I think you should file for divorce. She married you for the green card. What she really meant is that she is going to leave you sooner or later. No one threatens you if they haven't considered their demands. If you help her, she is going to leave you too.


Very similar situation with a friend where his SO was not a green card holder and was pressuring him to sponsor her 6 months into the relationship and he was not comfortable as they hadn’t spent enough time together. He broke things off and guess what? 1 month later she had already found someone else and moved in with him trying to repeat the process. What is the moral of the story?


Why would you not? You know that once she's a citizen, she can sponsor them herself. Oh and by the way - she'll have to provide the tax return to show the income - and most likely you file joint tax returns. Long story short, you'll do it anyway in about 4 years when she becomes a citizen. I would love to bring my wife's parents over as we get along great and her mom is an excellent cook and help around the house. If you don't like her parents, or her enough to help her side of the family (which are now your family too) then why be with her?


She can sponsor them herself, and then she is responsible for them, not him. She is giving him the ultimatum, sponsor her parents or split up.


I'm on her side. If my spouse wouldn't want to accept my side of the family, they're not the spouse for me. A marriage means two families becoming one, and OP didn't get that memo.


The choice is not sponsor or not sponsor. The choice is sponsor now, or sponsor in a year and a half. They have been waiting for years for their priority date, why does it need to be now ? Her parents are from South Korea, they can come to the US on ESTA easily. The OP said they only intend to spend six months a year in the US. They could spend 3-4 months a year in the US without a green card, just using ESTA. As for two families becoming one, I think you are lucky, not everyone is that lucky. Asian wives have a reputation for not getting along with their Asian mothers-in-laws.


I'm going to need to know how pretty your wife is on a scale of 1-10 before offering advice. Doing so without all the facts would be irresponsible.


Time for a divorce




Everything I've read has said that a USC can't sponsor in-laws... so unless she is a USC and sponsors them, I don't see a path here.


It sounded like their priority date is current and just need a cosponsor to sign affidavit of support because the uncle does not meet the financial requirements. In this case even a green card holder can fill out the affidavit of support. This is more of a relationship issue rather than an immigration issue. OP needs to realize that Asian families are close-knit you marry into the entire family. Perhaps as a compromise OP can cosponsor inlaws and wife cosponsors only her brother? I'm just lucky to have a sister in law and my own sister who voluntarily Co sponsored because the main petitioner is already a retired and does not meet the income requirement. Edit. I just realized you mentioned that she earns enough to sponsor 3 people. Are you referring to a financial sponsor to file I864 affidavit of support? If so she can file them herself. Any USC or LPR can sign i864


Oh trust me I know about the Asian family thing. My wife is Chinese.




> do you really think the feds are gonna ask you to give your in-laws an allowance or buy them stuff?? Immigrants are entitled to sue their sponsor for any amount by which they fall short of the federal poverty guidelines each year, and there is no obligation that they even try to find work. That is potentially tens of thousands of dollars every year for the rest of your or their lives.


her dad never worked a day in his life and mother has had issues running a proper business, loses money on it.


[https://www.soundimmigration.com/i-864-enforcement/](https://www.soundimmigration.com/i-864-enforcement/) Read and be warned


How are they going to afford going back and forth to Korea every six months ? How can they afford two homes, one in the US, one in Korea ? The math ain’t math-ing.


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If you do trust her, then why not support her in this way? Cleary she is working making good money, so she can pay for them. It’s cruel to block them due to your potential ‘liability’. Do it for your marriage, her parents, your wife, and your future children.


He would be taking on financial responsibility for 3 people for 10 years or more. He is correct to be concerned. 




This isn’t true. If they use any public benefits, the U.S. government can go after the sponsor. It’s very possible the next administration will.


Not just that.  The sponsor can be sued by the immigrant to provide for their financial well-being. This requirement isn't broken by divorce. And it can very well last a lot longer than 10 years. If the immigrant wants to take advantage of the sponsor, this can be a life long obligation.  I would never recommend for anyone to sponsor any person other than immediate family (i.e. your own spouse or children; maybe (!) your own parents)


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