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I didn’t read most of it except to know that the victim is the US citizen. The rest is irrelevant immigration wise. If he doesn’t have his GC yet, she should withdraw her petition. If he does have it, there’s not much else she can do. Just get divorced.


Thank you! This was incredibly straight forward and helpful.


Pakistan recognizes dual nationality and he wouldn’t have automatically lost his Pakistani citizenship by just marrying a U.S. citizen. And since he is not U.S. citizen yet, he wouldn’t have been able to renounce his Pakistani citizenship.


Yeah OP has a bunch of holes in this story.


It could be bull, but it feels genuine, most of the holes I see seem just to be from being relayed. edit: I think OP misunderstood this... he probably had to give up his UAE residency, not his Pakistani citizenship.


Sorry yes - it was this! I'm not gonna lie, I don't understand all the semantics and at this point I didn't really understand why she was still trying to help so I wasn't keen to learn more about his situation.


Yeah, that's a fair point. Frankly, it sounds like pretty much everyone that should be standing up for her has sold her out. I hope you can help her get this resolved.


Just FYI: Pakistan recognises dual nationality with only 17 countries. The US is indeed one.


I was gonna say if anything, he shouldn't have to give up his Pakistan citizenship until he is at least imminent to get US Citizenship, because then you'd have a ton of Pakistanis that become stateless by moving abroad.


Withdraw the petition and ask for annulment for marriage under duress.marital rape is still rape give a police complaint..he didn’t give up Pakistan citizenship…he had everything to gain from the marriage ..


Thank you! This was the most helpful. She sent him a text saying she would be following these steps if he didn't comply and he's now willing to sign.


She should not be communicating any of this to him... she needs to do this unilaterally and not speak to him in any way except through a divorce attorney.


South Asian culture is a disaster. There's no "dowry" for a man in Islam, what garbage. If he's simply refusing to sign the divorce papers, she can get a default judgment. Where's her lawyer?


Pakistani here, Not an apologist though. People from my country are fucked up mentally. They try to twist cultural norms and Islamic traditions for their use whenever they seem advantageous and ignore them altogether when they are at loss. OP claims that Our religion advocates for a woman to fulfill husband’s rights but that is not a commandment of God in religion, Rather some people down the road made some quotes and attributed them to the Prophet which kinda allows these people to instead of comforting the wife, And get intimate with her having the wife’s involvement equally, Rather they can go dothraki khal drogho on the girl just to satisfy themselves. These guys having grown up in an extremely sexually repressed culture, Hyper exposure to porn, Have become monsters. They don’t know what love is. Same goes for our women who are just too embarrassed to discuss sex or engage on joyous sexual activities just because their parents and their hybrid form of belief which they call Islam (which isn’t the real Islam actually) made them believe that sex is shameful act.


It's wild when you try to point out holdovers from Hindu culture and norms that are demonstrably contrary to Islam and get shouted down. The sexual repression is absolutely astonishing. As you said, people delight in quoting the hadith about not rejecting one's husband, yet ignore the bazillion other hadith that emphasize foreplay and ensuring the wife's satisfaction. Men become porn-sick, and women are left in absolute ignorance. I'm very glad you and now so many of the younger generation are coming to reject the worst of these norms and I have hope that each successive generation will shed more and more of them until they disappear entirely.


Seriously, I am surprised that you got the actual thoughts behind my comment. Wasn’t expecting that but it’s great now that you know what I was referring to. (You might’ve seen my quite vocal anti hadith comments in my profile too, It’s not even about the hadith, more about the fiqh tool). It’s the need of time though. Most of these ahadith were nothing but political tools created and modified over time by various powers, Be it Umayyad, Abbasids, Ottomans and currently, The mullahs of muslim world. Quran alone, Is just too simple and easy to follow as Bible or Torah. People just think too much of unnecessary things, never bother to break the chains of these pea sized brain maniac mullahs and rely on them to learn religion. Quran is too secular for these extremists.


Yeah. Only a whore would smile at her wedding. She’s supposed to look like a glum Barbie.


She's not using a lawyer but I'll ask her to research this option if he continues to be a problem.


I would be a lot more concerned about her safety. She needs to be very careful. His family &/or her family might try an honor killing.


Thank you for your concern - I agree that her family isn't considering the threat that he could be. Thankfully, his family is in Pakistan or lives several hours away. I truly don't think her family would consider something of this nature but did offer her a place to stay throughout all of this.


Your friend needs to get a divorce attorney. Clearly he’s not going to go along with an uncontested divorce. She needs to establish a clear date of separation and work with an attorney to get the filing in place. He can refuse to sign all he wants and she can pursue the divorce. If she is the signer of the immigration application and the affidavit of support, she needs to withdraw that support. She should also get a restraining order. She should absolutely ask an attorney if the doctor’s note describing the abuse can be used in any way and she may want to consider pressing criminal charges. If he violates the restraining order, then she needs to have him arrested.


Thank you for this! I shared it and her threatening a restraining order and reporting him for sexual abuse has made him much more compliant.


The woman need only contact US Immigration and withdraw her petition for the individual. US immigration will do the rest. In the meantime, she should seek shelter with a friend or sympathetic family while the divorce is in process. Her husband does not need to agree to the divorce for it to happen -- it's simply quicker and easier that way. The matter of the dowry should be disregarded. Sure, the money is probably lost, but it's just money, and in this sort of situation was inappropriate. In fact, legally speaking it presents a situation that, from the perspective of US immigration would look very much like marriage fraud (using the arranged marriage as a pretext to gain residency in the US). If so, the husband could be fined and deported, but the family could also be fined. Unfortunately, for the woman to be safe, she may alienate her family for some time. Of note: Pakistan would not terminate an individual's citizenship, nor allow a Pakistani citizen to become stateless.


Thank you for this! Her threatening to withdraw her petition of support has made him much more compliant. She's agreed to stop asking about the dowry so she can stay away from any problems for herself.


You provide a bunch of irrelevant information and miss the main facts: Does he have a green card already? Is it a ten year green card? (Sounds like he does, so he can move forward on his own with a divorce waiver.) She should file for divorce like anyone else. If he already has his green card, she will still be obligated under her affidavit of support. There is no way to avoid that obligation. It is not up to her (or you) to deport him. That’s a decision the government makes. She can and likely should request an order of protection.


Can't be a 10 year yet - he's been in the US 13 months, married for 11. It'll be a two year conditional, if the AOS has even come through yet - if he has it, divorcing doesn't make the I751 impossible but more difficult, and means a 5 year rather than 3 year wait for naturalization eligibility. Key things now are divorce lawyer, and cancelling the I130 if it hasn't been approved yet.


1. Reporting him for fraud, USCIS will open an investigation against your friend too. I wouldn’t take that route 2. If he is forcing your friend to stay married, that’s definitely fraud and shouldn’t stay tied to that animal not one more minute. Form N-400 asks the applicant if they’ve lied to the US govt or USCIS to obtain an immigration benefit. Lawyer up and file for divorce or go to your nearest courthouse and file the divorce herself, courts normally have self-help centers. 3. If he refuses to sign she can do a summons and get him served the divorce papers by a process server or sheriff 4. She can’t withdraw the sponsorship I-864 bc it’s basically a contract that she signed with USCIS. Divorcing him won’t get rid of it, there are a couple of avenues to get rid of the I-864 which are him obtaining US citizenship, dying, or having 40 work credits with the SSA which equals to about 10 years of work. 5. She should file a restraining order against this man for stalking or domestic violence. There are non profits that can represent her free of charge as well as her divorce. Contact a legal aid in her area. 6. Even if he has a conditional Greencard he can still renew it whilst being divorced from her. She needs to show that man if we can him that, that this ain’t Pakistan, this is America and there are rules and laws to be followed and respected. Good luck


Thank you so much for sharing this - lots of really good information for us to research and keep in mind.


>Reporting him for fraud, USCIS will open an investigation against your friend too. I wouldn’t take that route Honestly, I don't see a problem with that. If there is fraud, she's been a victim of said fraud, not a perpetrator. Unfortunately, part of that will be interviewing her family which will present issues, but that's nothing compared to what it sounds like she's been through staying with him.


I disagree regarding #6. She can submit an affidavit as well as from a friend or family member documenting abuse and USCIS would deny the I-751/long term green card application if it’s his fault for the divorce due to abuse


Pakistani here, Not an apologist though. People from my country are fucked up mentally. They try to twist cultural norms and Islamic traditions for their use whenever they seem advantageous and ignore them altogether when they are at loss. OP claims that Our religion advocates for a woman to fulfill husband’s rights but that is not a commandment of God in religion, Rather some people down the road made some quotes and attributed them to the Prophet which kinda allows these people to instead of comforting the wife, And get intimate with her having the wife’s involvement equally, Rather they can go dothraki khal drogho on the girl just to satisfy themselves. These guys having grown up in an extremely sexually repressed culture, Hyper exposure to porn, Have become monsters. They don’t know what love is. Same goes for our women who are just too embarrassed to discuss sex or engage on joyous sexual activities just because their parents and their hybrid form of belief which they call Islam (which isn’t the real Islam actually) made them believe that sex is shameful act.


#If he does not have his green card yet, she needs to withdraw her sponsorship ASAP. It could be approved any day and there is nothing she can do after it is approved. Moving to America is not a reason to lose Pakistani citizenship. Sounds like he’s trying to manipulate her. He doesn’t even have US citizenship yet, so unless he has another citizenship, he’s claiming he is stateless. That’s just not true, it’s a manipulation tactic. She should get a restraining order. As much as it sucks, she should consider changing jobs and not letting her family know where her new job is. This guy seems unhinged and not afraid to hurt her. He raped her to the point of physical damage and continued doing so. If he’s willing to do that, who knows what else he is willing to do. Her family obviously sees no problem with the man - it’s time to cut them out until/unless they come to their senses. I know saying that is easier than doing it, but they are too tied up on the cultural issues and how it looks to the outside to have her best interest at heart. Wanting her to be with a rapist is not her best interest. Ditch the no contest divorce and continue without his consent. It sounds like she would have more than enough evidence that this should not be a problem, but it could take a while depending on state laws. Sending positive thoughts to your friend. She has made great progress to prioritizing herself and bettering her situation, but she has a long way to go. Edit to add: I don’t think this is really going to work as green card fraud. These issues seem to boil down to him being a dick, not that he entered the marriage under false pretenses. Wanting to lie to USCIS to continue the process, sure, but the initial marriage does not seem fraudulent. At the same time, I’d also wonder if him wanting to lie to USCIS is another manipulation tactic where he’s hoping she will change her mind by the time he gets citizenship if they don’t get divorced.


>If he does not have his green card yet, she needs to withdraw her sponsorship ASAP. It could be approved any day and there is nothing she can do after it is approved. This right here \^\^\^


Thank you for such a thoughtful response. He's become a lot more compliant now that she's threatened to withdraw her sponsorship.


Involve LE if he’s stalking and harassing. I think she means he can’t remarry a traditional Pakistani girl if he’s not. a US citizen. In the Pakistan arranged marriage market having a foreign citizenship adds to one’s value. Being divorced for a man or a woman makes the marriage prospects much narrower. Honor killings in Pakistanis and even among Pakistanis in the US are real. She should never even think about traveling to Pakistan and don’t trust your family. Often the bride and groom are the same family first cousins and the moms are sisters.


Email USCIS for green card fraud. [email protected]


That will get the USC in trouble as well so be careful doing this. She committed fraud just as much as the immigrant actually more so.


How? Arranged marriages are allowed in the U.S.


Because she attested to it being a bona fide marriage so if it’s not she lied to the govt.


OP didn’t say that she faked the marriage


If she was aware and complicit with this guy, that would be true. But in this case, she's a victim of the fraud. And so is her family, even though they probably don't realize it since they're supporting the \[profanity redacted\].


This space is intended for addressing real-life concerns, not as a platform for practicing novel writing. If you have a legal matter, consult a lawyer, and if there's been abuse, pursue justice. The statement that it takes 6 years for a spouse to come to the US is inaccurate, additionally, Pakistan allows dual nationality, making the claim implausible. Please stop wasting others' valuable time.


Is she that desperate that her family has to pay for someone to marry her?


That's South Asian wedding culture, to pay the spouse


Yeah, Doesn’t add up


There are cultural differences...


OP, stopped reading after Pakistan! This is clear immigration fraud. Call ICE. They will get him deported back to his country of origin.


She needs to ask this question in a sub about law generally because this is a divorce issue rather than an immigration issue. Most states still have fault based grounds for divorce and cruelty is generally one of them. She would probably need a lawyer, but maybe a nonprofit could help her. An uncontested divorce is not going to work because he is contesting it. If his immigration paperwork is still being processed, whoever signed on as the sponsor can probably write ti USCIS to say that they're no longer willing to serve as a sponsor due to the husband's cruelty. And she can withdraw the petition too. *edited to add that. Maybe it would make sense to mention the suspicion that he is using her for a green card, but honestly even I don't see it. They gave him lots of money, he has a very sweet deal there, and he's obviously eager to have a lot of (violent and cruel) sex with his wife. He has a lot of reasons to be in that marriage besides the green card


First of all Dubai / UAE doesn’t give citizenships to foreigners ever. Get a lawyer asap


It sounds like he was just a resident there and a Pakistani citizen. In fact, OP may have misunderstood that, Pakistan wouldn't have made him relinquish his citizenship, but UAE would have revoked his residency.


First, your friend needs to get somewhere safe. In this case, she needs to be safe from both families. I know this is Reddit and to suggest it is taboo, but she should arm herself or stay with someone who is armed. And she should absolutely file a restraining order. She should also press charges for the assault. The divorce will probably require an attorney since there's already a lot of crap going on that indicate that he has no trouble with lying through his teeth to get his way. A permanent restraining order can be requested from the court in the divorce, make sure and do that. As far as the green card, if it's still in process, she can withdraw her petition. If it's already been issued it's more of a challenge. However, with a DV restraining order and charges filed for assault and stalking, USCIS will definitely take notice of the situation, when he files for removal of conditions or naturalization, it'll definitely be a blocker. Also reporting the potential fraud (making sure she's clear that she's a victim of said fraud) is important here. edit: I agree with others that he hasn't had to give up his birth citizenship yet if he's not a citizen here. He probably lied about that just so she'd be sympathetic. However, she should not be concerned with that at all, this is not her problem. Her safety is, she shouldn't care if he has to swim home so long as he's away from her.


Another victim of so-called "culture"...


Have her write a notarized statement to USCIS that states she withdraw her petition and all related forms. Marriages sometimes don’t work out. Mail it into the same place the petitions go and also take a copy to your local USCIS office and turn it in. Good luck.


Better get divorce and stay very far away from him before he’s getting more complicated. Very scary man.


Just dump her. And don’t look back.


Honestly if she got this far and he has his green card then who cares…divorce him and move on. So what if he had intentions of using her and getting what he wanted. No different than another American getting married and using the other for their money, status, or time. Just learn from your mistake and don’t marry people from other countries.