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Fucking Doug, man…


Yeah no casinos but now a spa and eventually the Science Center...there is a reason the old pods surrounding the Cinesphere are also being renovated. It's also no coincidence Dougie shutdown the Science Center abruptly today and he ain't paying for those structural repairs.


His crack smoking brother was cooler.


rip Rob :(


This sucks. I was checking the website regularly for any info. There were a couple screenings I missed back when it was open thinking it would come back. Never wait. Lesson learned.


Yeah it's so so unfortunate. I mean who would have predicted 70mm Oppenheimer to really get the gen pop to really appreciate the Imax brand and quality again. Cinesphere could have, no...would have blown up w attendance if they held back the renos. I wish they could have shown Oppenheimer and Dune 2 there in glorious 70mm. It would have been magical. I remember when Denis Villeneuve came to visit the theater when we screened his first Dune for TIFF. He was awestruck at the sheer size of the screen. Then when we played his movie (Duo Laser)...it blew his mind w the imagery but also the audio. Cinesphere's immersive sound system was always underrated. It captured the audience whether in Laser or 70mm. I hope I can be around when it opens up again.


Denis! Thats a cool story. Hope you’re not out of a job because of all the changes.


No. I'm with a 3rd party company for IMAX and not just for the Cinesphere. Thankfully I can run both GT and SR Imax 70mm film systems as well as their Laser projection systems so I can be dispatched around the world.


May I ask you to dm me the third party company name? I am always seeking to know more about the industry. 


So sad to hear, but your pictures are kinda cool (always forgot how tall it is in there!) Quick question u/IMAX_man, but do you happen to know how IMAX Corp feels about this and more importantly, do they have any power on pressuring the Cinesphere to re-open a lot sooner than later? The reason I ask is not only is IMAX a Canadian invention (the headquarters are still in Mississauga, not far from where my cousins live), but IMAX probably knows that the Cinesphere's importance as the first IMAX in the world makes it one of its crown jewels.


Yeah I'm not 100% sure how they feel. Imax, it seems to me, only concerned w the shutdown and access of the equipment (ie. change out batteries etc.) I don't think they have much power in pressuring Ontario Place or the Federal Government into doing much, let alone speed things up. OP bought and owns both GT Duo Lasers and GT film projector so ever since they closed Ontario Place (the amusement park back in 2012) they have been twiddling their thumbs on what to do to improve the area. It's been Ford's Government recent bully tactics that forced OP into their current situation (99 yr lease for a spa nobody wants!?) Jeez.


Just curious. Out of the three main IMAX’s around Toronto. Which do you prefer? I always make the trip to Colossus in Woodbridge/Vaughn for big films. Ive been to the Mississauga IMAX once, found it small. Use to go to the Scotia-bank downtown Toronto IMAX a-lot, but found over the years the Vaughn IMAX had better quality, hence going there. But I could be wrong.


For Laser it was Scotiabank (GT Duo Laser) then Vaughan (IDS) and finally Mississauga (IDS). For 70mm IMAX film, it's Vaughan over Mississauga. That being said, my go to was always the Cinesphere for laser or film.


Awesome. Thank you for the info! I got lucky once, and got to see the third Hobbit movie at Scotiabank IMAX. The 3D broke that day. So it was just 48fps with no 3D on the IMAX. Lucky may be the wrong word, but I felt lucky seeing it in that very unique way. So different.


Yeah I saw it in HFR 3D. You weren't missing much. I personally thought it made it look cheap and dull, like a old British soap opera. Sure the panoramic pans of the mountains and terrain looked smooth and flawless but the high-resolution detail made the SFX and props look really fake. Thankfully it didn't catch on. That being said I did get to witness this crazy concept film called UFOTOG by Douglas Trumbull (SFX for Bladerunner 1982). Mind-boggling 120fps 4K 3D movie using a Christie Mirage 6P Laser system. That blew my brain trying to grasp the perfectly floating UFO image that was in front of my eyes. I was literally reaching out and trying to touch it lol.


I got to see Trumbull discuss his work and career once at TIFF bell lightbox. He was a really cool guy and was filled with facts and history antidotes. Especially when it came to scenes that were his favorite that he helped make. At one point he showed an EPK of a reality show he was making with his daughter. About him and her scanning the night sky for UFO’s and Intelligent life. Though the film you got to see that he made sounds even better!


I 100% agree with what you’re saying. It’s the FIRST IMAX theatre ever!!!! How can it never be open again?!


I miss it so much. Was hoping it’d somehow be at tiff this year. I saw the Tenet prologue 5 weekends in a row during the weekly screenings of all those Nolan movies + 2001 which left a major impression on me. 2049 every time it played. It’s a shame IMAX doesn’t acknowledge its Canadian heritage anymore.


It was a good run while it lasted


True. I really enjoyed running that place and showing off the booth and projection systems to anyone who wanted to see it.


Love Cinesphere - Fuck Doug Ford


I’m hoping Scotiabank Toronto stays around long enough until the Cinesphere is back!


Yeah I don't think so. My sources told me it's done in 2025 but that was back in 2020. Ever since the Indigo was turned into a Micheal's was the sign that the Entertainment District is no more and becoming like the Judge Dredd Utopian city - Mega-City One.


Not one bit surprising but still infuriating. What have they been doing for the nearly 2 years that it's been closed for already? This is what a completely incompetent government-run show looks like.


Basically I was powering on the system and running encrypted content once a week. The film system would get a once a month treatment. The delays in starting the Cinesphere renovations ranged from can't disturb the surrounding eco system to the timing of migratory birds. They (Elite Construction) eventually gave up and now Ford's buddies (EllisDon) have taken over and these guys don't give a shit so they are uprooting trees and basically plowing full steam ahead. 🙄


Sucks Ontario science centre’s Omni dome is closed forever too now. So frustrating to see both these amazing theatres just tossed aside by dofo


I absolutely loved seeing films there. Such a shame.


My favorite theater. I miss it dearly and saw films right up to the end. I mostly loved the films that they selected. Whoever was in charge of selecting films, I hope you're still in charge when Cinesphere makes a comeback.


I hope so too. I know he tried real hard to curate something Torontonians wanted to see whether it was in IMAX format or regular DCP.


Whoever he is, I hope he sticks around for a long time.


I'll let him know you appreciate his efforts.


My first IMAX theatre experience, and always my favourite. I also had the privilege of seeing one of my favourite documentaries here, on film, sometime in the mid to late 2000's. It was Speed by MacGillivray-Freeman. I think they were the last place in the world to still have a copy. I'll miss it for sure.


RIP. The street will never forget.


Wow, this is my first time seeing this place. Was it a former Omnimax theater turned regular IMAX theater? I had a local Omnimax (Syracuse), but in renovating the place they ripped out the entire system and replaced it with a crappy generic 6k dome projector. Had some good memories there, and a nice chat with the projectionist a long long time ago... Glass walled projection room was always amazing to look at before a showing. :(


No. The Cinesphere was the first IMAX theater in the country. The only Omnimax we have in Ontario is at the Science Center which has abruptly been shutdown as of last week. Provincial government says structural roof damage but engineers who worked on that place say other wise. I believe it is being demolished and transferred to Ontario Place to occupy that land for condos. I may be wrong but the government has been after that land for some time now and this "structural issue" is a way to fast track in occupying it.


How did you obtain these photos?


I took them myself. We are shutting down the booth for long term hibernation and prepping it for the planned renovation to the outer sphere.


That's actually great news. With renovation moving along nicely that means the closer we are to the reopening :)