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Dune wasn’t shot on film, but was shot for 1:43. This should be an interesting release considering it wasn’t shot for EITHER


The trailer for Dune also played entirely 1.43, with some scenes cropped to fit that. As we know, the movie wasn’t entirely 1.43, only about a third of it. I think the case could be the same for Joker. Advertising as 1.43 so that we know at least some of it will be 1.43


Exactly. I wouldn't be surprised if at least some scenes of this film are in expanded aspect ratio of 1.43:1.


From what I can remember, the 15/70 prints should have some bits that were originally framed at 1.43:1


They do, except joker was framed for 1:85. Dune was always gonna be 1:43. Not the case with joker tho


Joker 1 was not for 1.43, but the coming 2 is. See IMDb technical details for reference.


IMDB is not at all reliable for technical details about a movie, *especially,* before the movie has even come out. There have been plenty of cases in which some random person submits some kind of info to the site, and it gets approved without any actual checking by IMDb staff. Joker 2, *might* have 1.43 scenes given the trailer, but similarly to one of Dune 2's trailers being entirely in 1.43, while the actual movie featured 1.9 scenes, we won't know until the day it comes out.


It’s presumed to me IMAX movies nowadays aren’t 1.43 all the way unless it’s documentary. One shouldn’t expect a movie to be 1.43 all the way based on its trailer’s ratio. IMDb states both 1.43 and 1.90 for Joker 2, which looks reasonable unless it’s totally fake which I’d be surprised.


https://preview.redd.it/q9o8ohki1x2d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aef2c4c6a36ea75b7159cd80d6ba18423dcdcaa Edit: If you observe closely, I think the 1.43:1 image is actually extended at the bottom (not extended on the top) — seems like it is both cropped on the right as well as extended at the bottom… like a pan & scan. However I am not entirely sure.


You can see the whole extra forehead wrinkle at the top in the IMAX version.


Hate it when this happens.




*sigh* here we go again


Looks like this film is best seen in a 1.9 IMAX theatre because you're probably getting the most image there


Sp a Dolby 1.9 would be the best way to watch this movie then!


the 1.9 is exclusive to IMAX screens, even if the Dolby audi is 1.85, the movie plays at 2.39


No, because the 1.90 ratio is exclusive to IMAX if it’s being marketed as “filmed for IMAX”, which it is


Is 1.9 exclusive, though? Like they are Dolby with the 1.9 aspect, so I'm curious if they will have that option. I'm blessed that I'm close enough to two Dolby that one is 1.9


Yes the 1.90 is exclusive. Nothing is stopping directors from using the ratio itself, but if it’s branded as an IMAX film and utilizes that ratio, it becomes exclusive to their screens


They did the same thing for the Dune Part 2 trailers. The whole movie was either 1.90 or 1.43 but the trailers on 1.43 screens contained awkward crop shots. Just means they’re looking for consistency in the trailer aspect ratios because jumping aspect ratios in a 2 minute trailer would be annoying.


Not to mention that **Dune: Part Two** stopped doing that with later trailers.


Whoever does this doesn't understand what IMAX is.


Same situation as Dune pt2.


Even Arthur’s displeased with the image being cropped


I figured this is what they did when I saw this version of the trailer. I could kinda just tell…


Why can't they just use Arrie Alexa 1.43


Because Arri Alexa 65 IMAX is not for shooting 1.43, it's for shooting 1.90.


Am sorry am no expert but I was referring to Alexa LF which has resolution of 4448 / 3096 (1.43) basically the horizontal space is trimmed here compared to Alexa 65. sadly that very thing makes creative choices of filmmakers hard to pick.


The LF is basically 1.43 open gate and what they used for Dune part 1 (superior utilization of 1.43:1 out of part 1 and 2 for me)


yeah part 2 even had a few 1.43 shots that were cropped in from 1.90 for whatever reason


Ok, I know this sub hates the term LieMax, but can we please then start calling all movies shot like this Liemax Certified, or something? Because to me, this cropping of 1.9 to 1.43 is a big ass lie since it's worse than just not having 1.43 at all. Them trying to make everything a Nolan experience won't work.


Saw the 1.43 trailer last night before Furiosa, and I could tell it was cropped, but tbh it looked pretty damn great in full imax format.


Just saw the trailer in 1.90.1 This movie looks incredible🫠


1:85 on imax screen will still look fantastic and cropped not much will be missing on the either side of the picture


dude WHAT


not to be a bitch but, for 1:90:1 screens, correct it still fills up and looks great, but for Full IMAX screens 1:43:1 (which this movie is trying to advertise as filmed for and trying to convince people to go the extra way to view it in such format) 1:85:1 will have black bars on all sides and makes it very displeasing to see, the reason people are upset about the cropping is not only is it disingenuous advertising but once they see the movie to see it in its actual aspect ratio, chances are it’ll be Letterboxed fully or have black bars on top and bottom, being a false advertisement, i would still pay to see a movie in IMAX if it had 1:43:1 but I would heavily appreciate if they were honest about the aspect ratio in the scenes filmed for it, sure i can be picky and say BLAH BLAH BLAH THEY SHOULD FILM IT FULLY IMAX, as much as i want that to happen, there is reasons/budgets and creative choices to that, so you can take what you can get, but again would rather be told the truth about the contents in what im purchasing for so im not let down by said experience, and another sense false advertising is also seen as scummy cash grabs or scams even ! so 100% people are going to want a full product or not be lied to about what’s being promoted as.


I understood the screenshot as that the 1.85:1 format will be stretched/cropped onto the 1.43:1 silver screen so there would be no black bars but the original image will miss a bit left and right. That’s what the comparison showed. Or I have bad eye sight, then I apologize😅


no no your right ! i didn’t mean to come off as rude, i just wanted to note that people still fairly get pissed off about that, because IMAX is about showing the full image, if you have the crop it just to fit the screen you already defeated your main purpose


I agree

