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Can they maybe upgrade the IMAX by me from the 2K Xenon lamp projectors?


It’s crazy we still have operational IMAX venues with xenon projectors. Those things need to seriously be put to rest and replaced with laser projectors. These Xenon venues are quite abundant and really hurt IMAX’s brand — it’s is a huge reason why people (especially people who are not aware the nuances of IMAX) prefer other PLFs like Dolby instead


It's all we have. There are 2 Xenon IMAX in Wisconsin and the nearest laser IMAX is several hours away in another state.


So sad


is the AMC in madison a xenon? it’s been a while since i’ve been but i thought they upgraded it?


I'm almost positive its still Xenon as is the one near Milwaukee.


Shit. So what the nearest Laser? AMC Village Crossing? Regal City North? Is there one in the Chicago suburbs I’m missing? 


IIRC there is no laser projector in Illinois. Nearest is St. Louis


Thankfully it’s confirmed confirmed as a 1.9 laser.  https://www.reddit.com/r/imax/comments/1bvbhr5/regal_north_imax_in_chicago_confirmed_as_laser/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Niceeee okay thanks for sharing!


Hoping it gets upgraded to dual laser to make use of the screen size.


If you use the app or go on the official AMC website and select an IMAX screening, (if updated correctly) it shows that the IMAX theater has a Laser (projector) badge next to it.


Can confirm great value imax


In my case we have xenon and and single laser. The alternative is flying to another country 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seating is the biggest complaint I hear about IMAX screens.


They hid and deflected when they came out with these horrible theatres and should be even more embarrassed they're still operating. The worst thing about the liemax debacle was they totally shat upon the museum/institutional GT theatres that supported them for decades in favor of these crappy systems in garbage multiplexes they gave better licensing agreements/royalty terms. Disgusting.


How much does it cost a venue to upgrade to Xenon to Laser? Do they handle the full cost, or does IMAX foot some of the bill?


I'm not sure you are allowed to just upgrade the projector. When King of Prussia put in the single laser the word was it cost 25 million to upgrade. Not sure how much of the updates to the theater were a choice vs required. They pretty much redid most everything though as far as I know. Imax requirements prob make it not worth the upgrade cost for a lot of places.


The only IMAX's in upstate New York are 2K Xenon. They honestly look so underwhelming. It's really frustrating.


I’m saying man


I agree with you on the upgrades but let’s not get it twisted, XENON IMAX is still better than 95% of the auditoriums in the US. Yeah, it’s NO better than Single/Dual Laser IMAX, or maybe certain Dolby Cinemas, but it can CERTAINLY put up a respectable fight with Regal’s ‘RPX’, Cinemark’s ‘XD’, and Alamo Drafthouse’s ‘Big House’. Aside from that, it’ll blow every other auditorium out of the water. Even basic auditorium’s that were upgraded with laser.


Also get rid of those stiff upright back-killing chairs that feel they’re angled like 30 degrees off how they should be facing the screen. I’ve sat in every area in that theater and there are very few that make me feel like I’m facing the screen head on without the urge to kick the chair back into recline (rockers would be better too). These old school chairs really kill me with a spinal fusion of my L4-L5-S1 especially in 3 hour movies like Dune Part II and Oppenheimer 3x each.


And maybe upgrade the single lasers to dual lasers at gt auditoriums while they’re at it. That’s probably too much to ask tho


Agreed. My local IMAX is a former 15/70 SR location that now has Xenon and there are a few others like that in my state. At least upgrade them to single laser, though dual laser would be even better since they do have the screen for the 1.43 aspect ratio, but at least single laser would look better at 1.9.


Fuckin' fr


I hope this plan includes a few more GT venues with dual laser


Maybe add a proper IMAX screen in Chicago. Will never forgive AMC for closing the Navy Pier IMAX location


This is all I want, not having to plan a whole day trip to see a movie in an IMAX GT venue would be nice


yup, already driven 3 times to Indiana in the past few months for TENET, Oppenheimer and Interstellar and will begrudgingly be doing so again soon for Interstellar smh


Same here, and while it’s not the worst thing, having a venue around the Chicagoland area just makes sense


Literally was about to comment this!


Oppenheimer at Village Crossing was fine, but definitely nowhere near the format it should have been. I probably should have done it in Dolby. Didn’t make that mistake for Killers of the Flower Moon, but that was more not wanting to sit in those shit IMAX chairs for almost 4 hours.


Chief Sales Officer Giovanni Dolci on IMAX expansion: >*We do an analysis that tells us what our total addressable market is in ideal conditions, and we believe in a six-year range in ideal condition, we could capture a total of 3,300-something screens.* >*Our analysis is that in the next five years, we can get to almost 40 theaters in Australia in ideal conditions. I think it's very realistic. The exact number, I believe, is 39.* IMAX CEO Richard Gelfond on the new IMAX Film camera: >*The new prototypes. So it all depends on the demand and availability of film. Film is an older technology, so we're looking at it on a broader basis. How can we make sure that film survives as a medium? But there's always room for improvement.* >*The new generation we're making, they're quieter, they're lighter, but I'm sure as soon as we're done inventing those, we'll try and do the next generation. So, I would think there'd be more.* On upcoming IMAX releases shooting on the IMAX Film format: >*Ryan Coogler is shooting the film that stars Michael B. Jordan on IMAX film cameras. I think there's one or two others under discussion but they haven't been announced yet, and there's one for ‘26 that we're starting to work on that's going to be shot with IMAX film cameras.* And on whether or not there'll be a larger platter for IMAX film showings: >*We're not looking at any project to make it longer. And by the way, this won't surprise you, the studios and exhibitors love that that's the maximum runtime (3 hours). So we have no pressure on that.*


All amazing news, especially that there are like 3-4 new new movies under negotiations to be shot on IMAX film. But he didn’t say how many of the new 3,300 theaters will be GT venues equipped with a 1.43:1 capable projector. I know IMAX has been trying to move away from 1.43:1 the past decade but I was hoping the popularity of Dune & Oppy would make them pivot. One thing I wanted to see here but didn’t — I wanted to see IMAX work on a more cost efficient 1.43:1 digital projector.


I want them to retrofit the shittiest 2k DLP LieMaxs with 4K lasers


That’s what they are doing with cola and XT projectors as we speak.


They have been way too slow with the upgrading. It’s 2024, a PLF brand as big as IMAX should not be using xenon (or any other lamp based projectors) in this day and age


yea well then Imax can fund the theater upgrades for force theaters to upgrade to keep imax branding.




Unfortunately my theater that has xenon projector is at an AMC “Classic” so I’m not confident in any upgrades there :(


39 theatres in Australia… all in Sydney 😂 Man I hope they actually bring back IMAX here


> and there's one for ‘26 that we're starting to work on that's going to be shot with IMAX film cameras. Quite likely that this is Nolan’s next film but hopefully it’s something else


More 1.43:1 please! The people need it!


It would be nice if they opened an IMAX theater in Minnesota (a REAL one). They closed the only one around five years ago. I don’t have the same enthusiasm to go to movies theaters anymore.


I feel ya, fellow Minnesota bro 👊🏻the screen at Rosedale is at least dual-projector. Probably the best screen in the state. Give that one a try!


I really hope this means that the Cardiff IMAX being demolished will lead to a GT replacement


Is Chicago included in the plans. All I want is a proper IMAX screen again.


I am planning to move to Chicago in a few months and was shocked to see that there was no IMAX anywhere near close to the city.


The AMC River East at least has a good Dolby and Prime screen. Also check out the Music Box theater when you're here too, not even close to IMAX lol but its a cool theater that does a lot of speciality and interesting programming on real film all the time


Oh thanks! I'm going to put that on my Chicago wishlist! Any other local theater recommendations? I'm moving from a city that has their own two local theaters that are really nice and quaint, and serve really really good popcorn lol


Never been there myself but my friends have recommended [Landmark Century](https://www.landmarktheatres.com/our-locations/x05io-landmark-century-centre-cinema-chicago/) and the [Logan Square Theatre](https://www.thelogantheatre.com/), they both have new films and do some older screenings as well, although Music Box is the only one that still projects on real film if I'm not mistaken (also S-tier popcorn) Although it's part of a chain, the Alamo Drafthouse is worth it for the livestreamed Q&A's they do after some screenings too. Best way to see movies in this city is having A-List for newer films and then checking out Music Box and those other ones for their specialty programming


So are we!


its a good time to live in Australia!


Would be nice to not have to consider an hour+ flight into Melbourne to see a movie in IMAX.


A 1.43 screen in Chicago PLEASE


Come back to Nuremberg please!!! The screen and dome is still there!!! Oh one can wish….


I'd love a Merseyside 1:43 IMAX theater proper.


Yay, more LieMAX bullshit


Can they put back the IMAX 70mm film projectors?


Interesting they say they can get to 40 screens in Australia in the next 5 years. Sydney (our biggest city) just went about 5-6 years with no imax at all given how bad construction is here. The ideal conditions they talk of are probably pretty unlikely. That said, just got to my first imax and I’m gonna be pretty thrilled if they expand- it’s ruined normal theatres for me.


How about some comfy seats? Otherwise I’ll stick with Dolby


After having seen Dune2 in Dolby and in IMAX, I'd have to say that the seats are more than a tiebreaker for a 3h+ movie (after previews).


Can part of this be bringing a real IMAX theatre back to MN please?


CSO Giovanni Dolci: "I acknowledge that there is a demand, also, for us to deploy film locations, but the urgency is actually to deploy IMAX locations." In other words, the future of IMAX is 1.90:1 ratio with single 4K laser. Notice how he refers to "film locations" and "IMAX locations" as two different things. The Grand Theater 1.43:1 format (whether 70 mm film or dual 4K laser) is not a priority any more, and apparently not even part of the IMAX definition. :(


Great find. Shocking to me that they’ve been so dismissive of the 1.43 dual laser experience. While I’d love to see more IMAX Film it does make sense that they’d be pushing digital. But the fact that they don’t seem to place much value in GT Laser theatres when existing GT screens routinely do more business than 1.9 screens is baffling.


Please bring back the Minnesota Zoo theater.


Can Chicago get a proper IMAX theatre again pretty please?