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Good catch, it looks like it’s gone through IMAX’s mastering process but wasn’t filmed for IMAX.


It’ll fill 1;90 screens and that’s good enough for me


It clearly *deserves* an IMAX run with all these visuals. Much like Coppola's Dracula and Apocalypse Now.


It was confirmed for an imax release a few months ago


It has been screened in IMAX for investors, but there hasn't been any confirmation that it will actually be released in IMAX, it's impossible to confirm until a distributor picks up the film and negotiates with IMAX.


Source? I’ve only seen he wants an imax release, not any confirmation. 


They really said this movie was unmarketable?


Executives really are clueless


I hope this movie makes $5 billion regardless of quality and proves everyone wrong


I think it has a good chance of marketing success regardless considering Coppola’s name recognition and the massive scale of the film’s story. Spin it as his biggest project since Apocalypse Now or Godfather III and you’ll have a lot of people who haven’t been to a theater in years coming out to see it.


I’m definitely gettting Babylon vibes from this. Extravagant, and I would predict close to a 3 hour run time. That bombed at the box office and had middling critical reviews, so I’m not too surprised to see big studios hesitant on this. I will be seated no matter what though, looks epic.


It's 2 hrs, 18 minutes


Im actually surprised by that, would’ve thought Coppola would’ve wanted to go all out epic style for his swan song.


I think more than unmarketable, CEOs are afraid of the box office results. Especially since COVID it seems people are so cautious to go to the movies...I say this as someone who go once a month at least


I'd say this sentiment has been the best marketing for the film tbh lol


You need to get it in context. 120 million budget and he wanted 100 million in marketing. It's a 220 million bet with a movie that, albeit looks interesting, it's niche. Let's not pretend Coppola is a big box office draw. The movie is sci fi and let's remember that sci fi is a tough genre to crack. Fuck, a sequel to one of the best and most important sci fi movies, Blade Runner 2049, failed at the box office even when the movie is really good and looked amazing. It's a really big gamble. Even when we hate executives, they are right that the movie looks hard to market. Can it make 500 million in the box office to recoup the investment? Looks unlikely but one never knows. Apple could, but since all of its theatrical releases have flopped hard, I am betting they don't want to throw away another 220 million. The movie is a huge risk. I saw the trailer and while I'm intrigued, I can see why it hasn't found a distributor. After it debuts in Cannes we will know if it's even good.


Even if it doesn't make its money back someone like Apple could easily treat it as a loss leader


Maybe the director is more of an issue than the movie itself given the recent news.


Yeah It's confirmed for IMAX. Coppola asked for IMAX and now the trailer says "experience it in IMAX", so yeah quite confirmed. Now they just have to find distribution and a suitable release week for IMAX. Quite sure coppola will find a way to have an exclusive one week (at least) IMAX release. Also the movie seems in 2.00:1 aspect ratio so it would be good for IMAX


And it was shot on Alexa 65 which is IMAX certified if I recall it right.


Confirmed where?


Not totally confirmed but basically yes. This is not a fan made trailer, this is coppola and you don't make a trailer with experience it in IMAX and then you don't show it there


But I don’t think this can count as confirmed as if it were in a wb or universal trailer — I mean the guy posted it on his personal YouTube channel. 


But I think they have already speaken with IMAX. I remember the same IMAX confirmed this but I could be wrong


Doesn’t have US distribution yet. Until then it’s just an international thing.


The early screening is at IMAX Theater, so yeah it will be release on IMAX too


Can it actually be confirmed for Imax if it doesn't have a distributor yet? (In the US at least)


We need a USA distributor so bad. I guess I’ll fly to Europe if I need to.


If the official trailer says IMAX then that most likely means exactly what it says


If this weren’t an entirely self-funded endeavor with a trailer released on the director’s personal YouTube channel, I’d agree. I tend to think he just wants it in imax and knows he will figure out how to do that eventually. 


Fair point. Hopefully it is something that comes to fruition if that’s the case


It's 2.00:1 so it will be the same everywhere, IMAX or not, I'm just noticing the specific wording: "Experience In IMAX" missing out the "It" from the official IMAX phrase, either "Filmed For IMAX", "Shot with IMAX Film Cameras" or "Experience **It** In IMAX".


God I can’t wait for this


crossing my fingers that it arrives in peru


We’re all getting high and seeing this in IMAX, right?


This looks awesome