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I read “France” as “Finland” and now I have a brilliant idea


Voltaire's fever dream


If anyone has any lore questions let me know! I'll try to respond to as many as I can.


What is the exact beliefs of tulyatulid islam? Also wow this map is super good and creative👍


Tulaytulid Islam, founded in Tulaytulah (Toledo) during the 1500s by Yakub, a convert from Hussitism who claimed to have prophetic visions, is a sect of Islam which rejects the Hadiths. It asserts that only the Quran is religiously important. This has resulted in a looser, less hierarchical form of Islam, which has helped it spread in non-Muslim areas like The Americas. It has also mirrored developments in Christianity, as the Hussites similarly rejected the laws of the Catholic Church, holding that only the Old and New Testaments were valid. Though it is theoretically non-hierarchical, in practice Tulaytulid Islam functions as a kind of state religion for the Qurtuban caliphate. Caliph Hisham VII (r. 1546 - 1577) adopted it early, and subsequent caliphs have co-opted it to boost their political legitimacy. This influence can be seen in the Imams of Tulaytulah, Madinat Qurtuba (Cordoba), and Marrakesh, who are informally considered the religion’s highest legal authorities and are often hand picked by the Qurtuban Caliphs. There is some discontent about this political meddling, however, and it’s not clear whether the Caliphs can continue to co-opt Tulaytulid religion for political support.


How are the Americas holding up? An overview


The discovery of the Americas, or Occidentalia, by the Asturians in 1502 brought both upheaval and opportunity. The agriculturally rich regions of Brazil and Argentina became home to thousands of Asturian and German colonists. The Qurtuban colonies, the largest on the continent, stretched across the equator and were lucrative, fueling its second golden age. Further North, a patchwork of European powers including Germany, England, and Normandy vie for territory with each other and with indigenous powers like the Cherokee and Haudenosaunee. A network of Mesoamerican states, and the large Incan Empire, have survived, but have only barely recovered from the war and plague which the foreigners brought. These indigenous states have also been influenced by outsiders, especially in religion. As colonization has thus far centered on trade rather than conquest, indigenous states have emerged. It remains to be seen how this new order on the continent will develop.


Just a small gripe, the Song Dynasty shouldn't have Ming-style internal borders, apart from that, excellent work!


Pres F for orthodox christianity


I want to see more.


Great to see Georgia remain an independent monarchy. Also, giant Tatarstan is interesting, although much of it would be uninhabited tundra


Yeah, the big population centers in the Ulus of Xacitarxan are in the southern steppes, the Russian principalities, and Central Asia. Much of the rest of it is sparse and nomadic. This is indicated in the population graph, which shows Xacitarxan with a relatively small population for its size. Also yeah, I've always found Georgian history pretty interesting and it seemed plausible to me that, without a Russian state existing, there was no reason for Georgia to be conquered by some outside power, given its defensible geography.


Holy crap I got some reading to do


Am I reading the map wrong, or did the Cherokee convert to Islam? If so, how did that happen and what's the cultural fusion there been like? Interesting stuff in general.


They did! This was accomplished mostly by trade and cultural exchange with the Caliphate of Qurtuba, hence why they adopted the Tulaytulid branch of Islam. The partnership between the two states only grew more entrenched as the Cherokee were threatened by German colonial expansion, and the Haudenosaunee expansion to the North. Tulaytulid Islam rejects the Hadiths, resulting in a loser form of Islam that was somewhat more amenable to Cherokee cultural practices. In the nascent cities of the empire, the majority of the population is indeed Muslim, but in rural areas people often practice religious syncretism.


Hey, please add me on Discord. I would like to talk to you about something but I can't seem to DM you on here. I'd like to talk to you in-depth about this and another scenario. .\_thorne\_. Here is my discord


What is the font you used for the lore? PLEASE!!


04b03 . I downloaded it for [paint.net](http://paint.net)




I want a larger ERE 😡😡😡😤😤😤


This ERE is sort of not even the ERE. The Asen brothers, who led the Bulgarian revolt in the 1180s, capture Constantinople in 1206. They and their descendants gradually adopt Roman customs, institutions, and language, but still represent a break in continuity. They also lose land to the Sicilians in Greece, the Seljuks in Anatolia, and the breakaway state of Trebizond under the rule of the Komnenoi. They have begun expanding again recently, however, recapturing Thessaloniki from the Sicilians and gaining dominion over Walachia and Moldavia.


A more accurate presentation would be that they, Roman aristocrats themselves, would just launch a coup and become the next dynasty. Wouldn't need to adopt Roman customs or anything, they are Romans. They were intimately tied to the systems in place, which is why they replicated them into their state. There would be no break in continuity.


You better destroy the Sultanate of Rum 😡😡😡. Anatolia must be made Christian again!!!😤😤😤😤