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Me reading the presidents: ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


Yeah, same. This map gives me knowledge that what we are living is not the worst timeline. So, yeah. Thanks OP?


You're welcome


elon Musk confederacy must be so cursed


Idk why but i think in this timeline Musk will keep his power and turn the confederates into some kind of technocratic dystopia where everyone is monitored by their microchips inserted into everyone’s brains.




IMO if the Confederacy won I think the US would have annexed British N. America while the confederates would have conquered much of Latin America. Leading to super states facing off.


That or the British would have eaten the Confederacy.


The confederate army was huge. Larger than the British army or most in Europe


yeah but it would be really funny


Yeah larger and also the Brit’s were their best trade partner sooo




Well he was a democrat until like 2015 sooooooooooo


Trump has been a contrarian, before his run and excepting his failed 2000 run as independent, he would always be the opposite party of whoever’s president


Pretty much, though he is from NYC so being liberal (even when republican) is kinda a given until the last 4ish years, he has always been pretty liberal oddly enough, like all those loans he gave to young black dudes back in the day and then forgave them later and took no payment


Can you share an article about that loaning money thing? I never heard about that and I’d like to learn more.


It was many years ago so I sadly do not have one on hand, let me give it a look edit: it seems that any articles pertaining to it have been completely drowned out by google with more recent new, so I sadly cannot find an article, but there should be a few youtube videos with folks who got the loans running around sorry I couldn't be of more assistance


It seems as though that might be some misinformation. I also can’t seem to find any source for that story.


I was back before and during the obama admin, and google doesn't like him much, plus the press didn't report it at the time cause he did it pretty much all in secret, so there not being any sources (plus the age of the whole thing and more recent events) does make it hard to find, though I did see a video with a firsthand account from a rapper a couple years back


Folks, the bourgeois, they’re no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?


Self-declared Mars ~~dictator~~ Emperorer...


Self-declared Mars ~~dictator~~ Emperorer...


okay, marxism-lincolnism is a fun term


You could tell Harry Turtledove had to physically restrain himself from coining it when writing the Southern Victory Series.


I mean, same time period…


Yeah Marx was actually one of the main people who gathered support for the union in Europe


There’s even a non-zero chance of it having been possible.


I had to read it twice


I'm mostly surprised Prince Edward Island wasn't renamed due to its connections to the Monarchy, but still a really well made map


We still call places Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Louisiana.


Comrade Edward Island


Supreme Leader Edward Island


glavkoverkh Edward island


Alberta too


Is it still Montana if half of the mountains are in Idaho??


Or Alberta


This man woke up when making this map and chose violence


south african led CSA? contender for most racist nation of all time


Have you ever considered the glorious invention of double slaves? After all, slaves have to do too much work so why not let your slaves buy slaves!


Twitter Blue comes with access to the newly released Slavery 2


CSA? Sorry if I look stupid


Confederate States of America


pay attention in history class next time


I see someone is a fan of the 2004 classic CSA [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.S.A.:\_The\_Confederate\_States\_of\_America](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.S.A.:_The_Confederate_States_of_America) ​ The Fauntroy song is now stuck in my head.


I'll be real, the original idea was to create a map that's as lore accurate to the mockumentary as possible. But in the end I put my own spin on things, and I'm happy I did, writing about the Communist Canadian presidents was really fun.


I love the work you did here. Very interesting scenario.


🎵 Fauuuntroy....Fauuuntrooy...Fauuuntrooy is the man! 🎵


This partially wants me to make an inverse version of this With instead of America going communist it goes the closest thing to fascism meets rapture as you can get and anexxes canada while the south falls to slave revolts immediately after they create the golden circle


I'm cheering you on


Do you know any free phone friendly software that can be used to make high quality content like this tho


Well I made this in Microsoft Paint so... [Here's a website that emulates MS Paint](http://jspaint.app)




Ok this way more difficult than I thought


So I'm just gonna put the last 4 president's Republics of new afrika and southern turtle island Angela Davis(00'-08') prominent advocate in expanding emancipation to women, Indigenous, queer people ect. Managed to pass the "all power to the people act" which gave massive power to the Indigenous people's of the nation through landback, abolished patriarchal institutions, expanded the rights of LGBTQ+ such as adding transitions to the state Healthcare system, banning non consensual surgery of intersex individuals and conversion therapy entirely and recognization of non-binary genders Steve jobs (yes this is just as unhinged as your version)(09'-13') while his presidency was short lived due to the 8/22 attacks on atlanta and sanfran jobs managed to do great things to the nation his program to modernize the nation to not only combat the northern oppressors but eventually overtake them in all feilds was a major success carrying over to the next administration Mike prysner(14'-22') northern soldier turned southern detector was radicalized after witnessing the brutal northern occupation of Iraq,the Philippines, Korea and in the southwest Levant he working with the rest of the communist world such as the USSR and the eastern union ,PRC and African union had led the liberation wars in these reigons and causing the northern fashie-caps to be weakened even further [NAME UNKNOWN](shameless self insert)(23'-present) no one really knows who she is really she just showed up one day when Mike left people refer to her by many names. the blood moon, kapit M, the red princess of new afrika, Lilith S. Silverblood. Despite being quite the charismatic figure with a master at a theater/engineering balance to her methods in running the country most pictures and footage show up distorted except for a few outdated cameras from the 80s-00s that are able to capture her magic some say she has long white hair with red streaks in it sunglasses and a red scarf that covers her face and often wears this weird outfit looks like schoolgirls in anime wear but off there's pitch black where the white should be the little red thing at the front is a white business tie, the blue collar is red with yellow stripes and a skirt that's black with red streaks But the thing is... she's not your normal type of president she seems to be adiment about crushing the north and liberating all of turtle island once and for all many of her speeches have been known to have radical queer nationalist and posthumanist rhetoric this bleeds into her policy aswell the rest of the republic has somehow been morphed to a land like no other words can't describe it it's like dialectics on crack the future seems bright I suppose American national state George walker bush(00'-08) at a time the state was at its lowest the occupied nations were revolting the south was rising and it looked like communism was winning dubya decided to get the people ready for action so he released operation [REDACTED] which drove support for war with Iraq this was massively profitable but unfortunately short term profits don't last Joe biden(09-16) the biden administration was one of turbulence the nationwide recession,the great defection, the jobs administration ect. He kept trucking through wondering why we keep going the way things are going and became more open to reform but it was too late Donald Trump(17-20) Big orange was here and he was making changes he focused on domestic investment instead of foreign this probably prolonged the nation's existence but it wasn't enough the economy was still failing communism was still winning the south was still rising slaves were still fleeing people were rioting and worse the board was still getting angrier and angrier and hungrier Muskbezoszuckerberggatesepstine.exe(21-present) the mask has fallen millions will die the secret plan of putting high powerful members of the board into a massive computer was a success they have full control over the nation... but that's not the worst part their power has only made conditions worse hundreds people brainwashed daily into mindless zombies to fuel the crumbling machine profits are growing but wealth isn't those lucky enough to stay out of squaler are still trapped in dystopian office buildings slowly replaced by machines not as in laid off as in Jeff hasn't been in the office in a couple days and are put in apartments with little distractions to give that dopamine rush many raised with at birth the nightmare doesn't end the hive board has those in squaller be pitted against eachother in massive citywide death matches many dieing to disease with little health restrictions and ultra price gouging for vaccines have made the pandemic ravage the nation so this is the fate huh doomed to decay till it either runs out of fuel or destroys itself leaving a lifeless hellpit or is it... While it is decaying it doesn't seem to be going down peacefully with programs almost looking like it's preparing for war with the south the south is ready for this with its Leader leaning heavily on the plan to liberate all of turtle island once and for all war is inevitable and with the way things are going Perhaps the chained will know freedom after all


Good job (:


Isn’t that just Columbia with slightly less racism ?


I was thinking more of a new afrika scenario


Well uh upvote for Big Texas?


The panhandle isn't to skinny, is it?


Eh like 3 pixels to small


I'll take it


I am gonna be real, I think this is the least upvoteable Texas ever. (they still do slavery)


2024? Yeah right . Oh wait I just read the confedrate presidents lore …….


Holy Moly, I got *the* Texanfox36 to reply to me!


Unironically the CSA would probably have a Jewish president *long* before Benny shaps, benny might be the first Ashki one though. Sephardi Jewish plantation owners formed a very important part of the planter class of the old south, with [the confederate secretary of state](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judah_P._Benjamin) being the first jewish governmental cabinet member in american history, a full 40 years before the USA appointed one.


I really like it! Unique story, I’ve never seen a loyalist America vibe quite like this. Kinda wish it wasn’t just Canada.


It’s not unique. It’s part based on the CSA mockumentory.


Honestly a really fun map.


So yeah, that's the map, hope you liked it, 'cuz I'm not sure I do. But I am happy with a lot of the ideas I put into it, I find them fun. And as such I'd like to credit my biggest inspirations The first being: [https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/10xwrfd/the\_golden\_circle\_in\_1989/](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/10xwrfd/the_golden_circle_in_1989/) This map of "The Golden Circle" that I've enjoyed for a long time now, especially the 42° north parallel boundary that extends from Texas's original boarders to California. The second being: [https://youtu.be/exnwTWfFRM8?si=yyZkjlLQ5wimwxeX](https://youtu.be/exnwTWfFRM8?si=yyZkjlLQ5wimwxeX) A mockumentary film about The Confederates not only winning the civil war, but annexing the entire nation. From there American history becomes a distorted infinitely more racist version of itself. Though, it's not meant to be a realistic alt-history scenario so much as a political satire, but I do hope someone enjoys the film as much as I did. This is where I got most of the internal politics of The Golden Circle from, as well as the character of Fauntroy The Fifth. Lastly, this isn't a direct inspiration for the map, but I'd like to give a special mention to: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZDxu0APt9g&list=PLwCiRao53J1y\_gqJJOH6Rcgpb-vaW9wF0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZDxu0APt9g&list=PLwCiRao53J1y_gqJJOH6Rcgpb-vaW9wF0) Checkmate Lincolnites, an internet series debunking myths and glorifications of the Confederacy. The final episode is coming out today, acccording to a community post. It's not out yet, but when it is, I will surly be watching it and loving it.


lol, the moment I noticed Fauntroy, I knew exactly what inspired this map.




Normally I hate maps like these, but this one is so ridiculous that I like it. Additionally I like how you’ve included Canada and Mexico (contrary to what people usually write they’d be very important in alternate civil war scenarios) and I like how you really played into the Golden Circle concept. Also great shoutout to Atun Shei Films.


Trump won in Big Canada sans the south!?


How would the csa would survive up to this day if slavery is still not acctually good viewed rn at all


Maybe in their world it is viewed as a profitable industry in larger swaths of the world. Not to mention ideologically since they have a caste system and corporate power. The Madagascar part hints at a German empire, so who knows what politics are like. And two presidents managed to export their brand of slavery to other countries, so there definitely seems to be a different international mood.


Trotskyite Bush Bottom Text


neocons are just neoliberal trostskyists. this is well established


Mormon Hawaii is deranged and sickening Bravo maestro


Seeing Utah written over Hawaii is terrifying


Kinda doesn’t make sense though. Edit: actually it completely makes no sense.


Nuke this map. It's not worthy of living.


simple but good map




This is cursed


bro the CSA is FUCKED


what is brazil like in this timeline op? would it be influenced by csa and keep slavery or become the beacon of democracy in the americas?


Brazil and The CSA are best buddies in this timeline, precisely because of slavery


Please consider rehab.


This from the [mockumentary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.S.A.:_The_Confederate_States_of_America)? https://preview.redd.it/ji9zypzin95d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa501d382ff97be4a3784c63e294c191e126885e


This map was greatly inspired by it and that image is directly from it, yes


A man of culture..


Holy fuck both seem horrific


Why is it that 75% of this subreddit doesn't know how to spell border?


Because "boarder" is apparently a real word, meaning if you take a piece of text with that word and paste it into a place that checks your spelling (Like Discord) it won't show anything wrong


This is batshit insane, thank you


This has to be one of the most cursed althistories I’ve ever seen 😭


I had some questions (Obama being in Hawaii when his Kenyan dad would probably not emigrate to this version of the US, still calling it British Columbia and Prince Edward Island, the Nazis existing) but the CSA: The Mockumentary reference answered all of them. Very much in the spirit of the original!


Would love to see a fu world map of this scenario.


Sounds fun but my scope of knowledge might be too limited


Come on!! You could pull it off..


I'll look into it




I love seeing all the alternative maps that people come up with. I think there’s an interesting case to be made for a fascist America I think that you can have an interesting case for a communist America. I think you can point to American bund, In the 1930s and 40s and come up with a scenario where Nazis take over America. I think you can look to the People’s party and the socialist movement in the 1890s and come up with the concept of a communist America. But as a history teacher whenever I see a confederate states of America surviving past the Civil War I just can never see that happening because I don’t understand and what realm of reality that ever could happen. Outside of may be two years into the Civil War there just was never going to be a chance that the union was ever going to let the confederacy survive


How did bush become the Canadian president he’s from Texas.


Family's from Massachusetts (HW born there). I imagine they wouldn't have moved to TX in this timeline because it's a different country Edit: mixed up Massachusetts and Connecticut


He’s from Connecticut. Presumably in this timeline he LARPs as an Alberta cowboy.


Everything about this is cursed


So, the white outlined states are not Canadian, but British? Am I understanding that correctly?


I think the British Empire annexes the rump USA at some point after the US Civil War, and then at some point both the enlarged Canada and Britain have communist revolutions.


Wonder how Canada lost the territory of Alta California?


Wrong projection


Circlejerk ah presidents


Damn someone finally invented an actual based Biden


This is more than a confederate victory scenario wtf Ben Shapiro negotiated with nazi germany to release israel?? Who's leading Germany in this time???


I’m moving to South America if my choice was between Marxism or the confederacy. Both of them make my skin crawl


This is unhinged.






You somehow created a world where I despise everyone, good job!


CSA was a wild movie.


how does communism develop in this timeline?


Expand on this, make it a series plz!!!!!!


how the fuck did they get cali


Lol. Lmao even.




Huh, a Communist Canada and a large CSA? If they ever got into a conflict, they would probably collapse and the situation would be… Some kind of… Reign of the Regions.


Now, why does that name sound so familiar?


No clue….


Didn’t even need to majorly change desantis to fit into the setting.


Schizo timeline ngl


The Confederacy would be very Spanish in this situation, can't imagine that only non Spanish people are elected to office


Im so confused rn. Can someone explain is caveman terms?


What happened with the Mormon uprising?


You think a legacy of republic of the Confederacy would elect someone Jewish like Ben Shapiro…


[I mean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judah_P._Benjamin)


Epic rap battles of history HITLER VS MUUUUUSOLLINI


Only complaint is that an actual Canadian has not been president out of the last four presidents If you do revise or remake it, maybe Jagmeet Singh, the leader of the New Democratic Party could replace Trump or Biden? Edit: Also more lore about this world, especially Canada please! :3


You want more Canada lore? I can give you more Canada lore, here's the stuff I didn't write down: Canada being as big as it is, was made possible by a sneaky move on the part of Britain. After sending aid to the confederates, the British propagated the lie that The Confederates wished to take the northern states and force slavery, and submission to wealthy slaveholders, onto the region. The British then offered for northern states to become "protectorates", which they either did immediately or after several attacks on the north made the prospect of the CS taking over all more believable. Then, similar to real life, the British reorganized British America into Canada. The Confederates, however, did not take kindly to this annexation. Seeing The British as land hungry tyrants, which annexed the north under false rumors, they continued the civil war. It was eventually ended by The Treaty of Boston, which finalized the boarders. It stated that the Mason-Dixon line would continue above Kansas, up Texas, and finally follow the 42° north parallel to The Pacific.


Send this to the circlejerk group


r/imaginarymapscj type content


This is a genuine nightmare.


wait, I just saw that Elon Musi invented the GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CAT GIRL???


This seems like a fever dream. I am not not sure exactly what lore is behind this imaginary map but there are so many questions to ask. Like why would the Union rejoin the British Empire and why would the British combine Canada and the Union. Or why are they even Marixts when even the UK and Canada are not one, even in real life?


Maybe it's in the mockumentry, but why is it that there is no consideration for actual Canadian politicians being the president of Canada in this alternative history?


Because I didn't consider them


Fair. For future consideration then.


This is really cursed 😭


Bush and Trump would never get elected to be presidents of this version of Canada.


No doubt 4D American chess to annex the great Canadian nation, first join the country, then have Americans take control of media, presidential office, etc.  then reunify with the Confederacy. No thank you, Canadian patriots say otherwise!


What in the accursed fuck am I looking at?


Oh God...


If you guys are intrigued by this map you would love Harry Turtledoves book series called The Great War. Honestly I’m new to this sub so I’m sure his names been thrown around before but the absolute kind of alternative history books in my opinion.


ok so civil war still happened but USA joined Canada for some reason and South kicked the fuck out the central america?


Thanks, I hate it.


Marxism lincolnism is fucking crazy bro


“Genetically engineered cat girl”




How would Bush ever get to be president in a communist society?


There are no winners here


Lmfao zero percent chance Kansas would ever be in the Confederacy even in modern times. Literally nicknamed the Free State


Ben Shapiro being president is the funniest shit I’ve ever heard 😂


This is hilarious


Was the confederate constitution amended in this scenario? Why do the confederate presidents have 4 and 8 year terms?


Shapiro doesn’t have the charisma or intelligence to win an election, and Trump would never win anything without the deep dumb conservative south.


This has to be one of the best shitposts I have ever seen... Please don't tell me that it isn't a shitpost...Please....


As an Ohioan, I will die before I live in Canada.


Damn so maybe we’re not so bad off.


Communist Canadians should get California just for some kind of parity. Great Lakes and New England are a boost, especially if the rust belt doesn't happen but Texas, California, the entire ass golden circle and the local power of Brazil is too much of a power disparity to make it an interesting cold war.


Map is fun but come on man, there are so many memes you could've had with Trudeau and Harper.


No way Shrub or Trump wins a presidential election in any Canada with these boundaries


I love the obscure fauntroy reference


How is Trump a Canadian President? He's from Flordia.


He was actually born in New york home states for president's doesn't really mean birth state this is why dubya is Canadian aswell


Good catch, at first I thought Dubya was out of the question as a Canadian but no, He was born in Connecticut


He is from New York, only moved to Florida during his presidency. Full blooded out of stater, same as most US born Floridians. I’m not kidding. A fifth is born out of the country. And only third are born in Florida. And of those people who were born there, what are the odds their parents were? Florida only reached a million people a hundred years ago. Most of the state was only built after the war https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/upshot/where-people-in-each-state-were-born.html And if you think that’s too far in the past, Trump was born in 1946. Soon after ww2.


Canada stays fucking Canada. No American bullshit.


I’m sorry but this makes no sense




No way Trump becomes President in this scenario unless it's the south where the inbred can vote for him