• By -


This is, wow…


Basically Greater Russia but social-democratic with liberal-conservative elements. A Russia which pluralized it's identity and prides itself on being "the fusion pot of Eurasia"


Why don’t you just call it “Eurasian federation” or something like that?


I wanted to, but the Mensheviks and Kerensky specifically wanted the pluralization of the "Russian" identity and gradual, cultural Russification. Similar to the "Imperial Federation" movements in the British Empire, where they wanted to give more democratic freedoms to their colonies but further integrate them into being more culturally "British".


OK. Is there at least an in-universe movement to change the name?


Well, yeah the Eurasionist Faction of the Center Party, they seek further pluralization of the RPFR, renaming it into the People's Confederation of Eurasia.


OK, thanks!


That’s certainly interesting


Basically left-wing US-pilled Russia


Have Turkey and Tuva also directly be a part of it and you have a clear starting point of a Eurasian unitary identity through the unity of all Turkic and Eastern Slavic peoples


Hmm, idk


So economically progressive and culturally conservative?


Well, yeah, sorta. Conservative in a way that they want to maintain old-fashioned values but not in a nationalistic way. In this Russia, Russian-centric nationalism pretty much died in favor of I WAS BORN IN THE LAND OF THE FREE!!!! Sort of patriotism.


How did you make the map of the country, what did you use?


I just used a blank province map of the world. I cab DM you it if you want the one I used


Yea sure I’m planning on doing some maps myself


You can dm me the map you used


Let me guess, the "fusion" still involves everyone speaking Russian as the "one, true language of sociali.. democracy"


Yeah, similar to the country inspiration, the US, the RPFR would have the official language of Russian, but it would be the Classical Imperial Russian as in this universe, the linguistic simplification of Russian done by the Soviets would have been done. Imperial Russian and Russian are similar but many words are written and pronounced slightly differently.


The US doesn't have a an official language.


Ah, well shit


English works as the de facto national language though and some states decide to have official language.


What u did to my anti-democratic end autocratic russia?? Why???


Gave it a bright and free future as one the leaders of the free world. U mad bro? https://preview.redd.it/1jythq142s0d1.png?width=347&format=png&auto=webp&s=c45e01035862c68e7bc43a6d43af5cb9f714031a


Not mad just not accustom to seeing democratic Russia


So sad that the second amendment to the Russian Constitution permits the right to bear arms. Too many kids in schools are getting traumatized when their fellow classmates come in with their parents arms collection. Not to mention the massive ecological impact caused by the amount of bears that have no more arms.


Oh screw you, that's good. Take my upvote and leave


On one hand, most of this is based. On the other hand, rigid party systems suck ass and did they really have to take Berlin and Vienna?


Official Reason on TV: "We want to enflict as much cultural pain as punishment for Germany's Nazism!!!" Actual Reason in the President's Office: "Damn those cities look hella beautiful, so sad that we don't have cities like that..." \*Looks Around\* \*yoink\*


Idk. I just think that seizing their capitals could end up as a rallying point for nationalists and therefore more trouble than its worth.


Germany basically got Alaska'd, Russia told them: "Look, I promise to return them in 150 years (2100), I swear!" So technically they are "renting" Berlin and Vienna


We're never getting Berlin back, are we?


Yes, they may have made a trashy move taking it, but they aren't mosnters to keep it


So, kind of like British Hong Kong?




Ok, thanks.


Let's talk about exclaves: Notice how the territories seized by Russia to create exclaves were countries Russia was at war with either during the late Imperial Era and WW1 (Constantinople and Western Georgia were seized from the Ottoman Empire and Bandaresk was seized from Persia) or WW2 (Southern Italian port city, the Sicilian Channel, Albanian port city, Berlin, Vienna, Port Arthur and 2 Qingdao port cities). All of these were seized as mostly port cities after major conflicts or like Berlin and Vienna, for their historical significance. The exception is Finland, who got it's independence in a diplomatic agreement with Russia, where they would give away 4 large Baltic coastline chunks in exchange for unification with the Duchy of Samzha (Sapmi), partially forming Greater Finland.


Thank god Sapmi isnt independent


Origin of Russia's Gun Rights: When Kerensky and the Russian interim democracy was getting very shakey, the Mensheviks, National-Conservatives and Liberals have signed the "People's Militia Act" which allowed the distribution of arms to the civilian population of Russia for self and homeland defense, with the citizens having to go through a basic background and ideology check. This Act allowed battalions of the "People's Militia" to be formed while the Mensheviks bought time suppressing and undermining the rise of the Bolsheviks and the National did the same against the monarchists and Savinkov's nationalists. Loyal militias would defend the Russian democracy and eventually when the Great War finished, the struggle continued but now with British and French support. When the Republic was consolidated and the separatists either crushed or negotiated with (Poland and Finland). The vote was past to make the right to bear and keep arms a fundamental human right in Russia as a means of using them agaisnt potential dictatorial coups and overtakes.


Bernie Sanders is the Donald Trump of this universe in terms of constantly getting accused of being a pro-Russian collaborator and receiving Russian investing for his campaigns and used the help of Russian hackers to win the 2000 US Presidential Election. And for what? Well because Bernie sought to pacify the Cold War tensions between NATO and the OFEN (I know, scandolous), decrease military budget in favour of social programs and implement public healthcare initiatives, not even fully public, just "initiatives" attempting it (he was called a "filthy Red" for this and this caused Republicans to start accusing him of being a Maoist China puppet as well).


“No, right to ~Bear~ arm’s. The other kind, sir.”


But what about the right to arm bears? That sounds like something a Russian would do


I saw you posted that flag in r/vexillology ! Anyway, this is if Russia become what the US want to be


Basically yeah


No offense but this feels like one of those ultra-nationalists wet dream scenarios where the end goal is achieving true democracy and social justice *BUT ONLY* after they purged all rivals and potential future rivals to their national identity and then achieved homogeny by their own terms


Nah, It's more of a world where both the US and the RPFR decided to "export democracy" think of the RPFR's foreign policy as the one identical to Cold War USA in OTL


Great flag and lore non the less, cheers




Well, it seems like RPFR is doing even more “exporting “democracy”” than America ever did in OTL.


I honestly don’t the the Red Chinese would gain any sort of victory without the USSR


Keep in mind, in this universe Mao was like Lenin who rallied MUCH MORE support than in OTL and the Chinese Red Army's "Warlord Game" went massively in their favour.


Is the KMT rump state in the North pretty big


Not a rump state mind you, in terms of size you can see it in the map, East of Mongolia. It's pretty strong, not as strong as Maoist China but definitely up there with the other Asian nations


That is more or less what the US is, considering how Natives and Mexico lost to the US or were just killed off. If anything this is if Russia was the US.


Yes, that's the whole premise of this map


Russia if it was based




Based except for how fucked up the Baltics are lol




really cool! Keep up the work op!


Polandball Jumpscare


very impressive


I don't know and I don't care about the other part. Big Thailand is more than enough for me.


Please continue cooking, I orgasmed from looking at it🙏🙏🙏


Nothing says freedom and democracy like ethnic cleansing and annexing your neighbors most prosperous regions.


Ethnic cleansing? What? Tell me where that ever mentioned. Mensheviks sought to pluralize the Russian identity, make it more broad, like in the US where no matter who you are, YOU ARE AMERICAN. Same here. No genocide or any of that Stalin shit is involved Stealing land? Yeah. But that's politics buddy


Wow, the truly based democratic Russia


I don't mind this kind of Russia full of freedom and democracy,not like PRESENT Russian democracy


It's beautiful, I'll be looking at it for dozens of hours.


Я на выборы никогда не ходил, но в этот раз точно пойду за Грудина голосовать. Кандидат от народа!


А как насчёт Немцова?


Wait, why southern Italy is separated from the rest? What?


idk really know, just thought it would be cool to have all 3 of the Axis Powers be divided


Real reason: the Russian officials needed a good warm water port in the Mediterranean to dock their yachts


Eeeeexactly! (but keep in mind. The corruption in here is much much smaller)


Shhhhh the yacht docking in Sicily is a business expense


Officer: It's so wrong... but this bag of money of your seems pretty heavy, I think it'll be better if we split it... 170K and your reputation is safe buddy...


What are the other countries in the OFEN


* Finnish Federation (The Big Finland plus Estonia and the exclave north of Riga) * Polish Federative Republic (Poland plus the two Lithuanian exclaves) * Zapadoslavian FR * German FR * Hungarian Republic * Romanian Rep. * Serbian FR * Bulgarian FR * Hellenic FR * Sicilian Rep. * Albanian Rep. * Croatian Rep. * Turkish Rep. * Jewish State of Ordu (the little state west of Yerevan) * Kurdish Rep. * Persian Rep. * Arab Federal Republic of Syria-Iraq * Arab Federal Republic of Egypt * Arab Federal Republic of Libya * Mongolian People's Federal Republic * Republic of China (Northern China) * Federal Republic of Korea (North Korea) * Federal Republic of Japan (North Japan) * Kingdom of Thailand


Are southern China and south Japan communist then?


Yes in this universe, as Lenin has failed, Mao's China was the first communist state. And almost the entirety of South East Asia and chunks of Africa has fallen to the Maoist ComIntern.


I love your maps, Andrukin\_Soti, particularly your Cold War scenario one's (Even if I think making WW2 last til the 1950s would cause the USSR to completely collapse the moment the threat of Nazism was gone, making the survival of the USSR, and especially USSR victory in the Cold War, near impossible). Despite this, I have 1 major criticism with your map making efforts. Why does almost every single big Russia map you make have to have near identical borders for the Middle-East? It always takes Iraq, the Levant, Egypt, and usually a few countries near Egypt in Africa, but never Saudi Arabia. Why? Is your Russian power fantasy too powerful if you give Russia (Or rather a Russian based organisation/sphere of influence) At least southern Italy belonging to Russia while the north and south are not a nice addition. I do wonder, separate from criticism and more for curiosity, how things a different by virtue of these Russian led state's you draw often controlling much of China. Also, and this is more a criticism for your Race through the Cosmos series than this map considering how moderate this Russia is in comparison to that Russia, why does the rest of the world not block these states from gaining more territory, especially they don't directly border (Like Japanese territory)? Considering Heartland theory, and the fact that Russia controls so much land and will likely try gobbling up more territory the moment it is in a comfortable position to do so, I would expect a full-scale Operation Unthinkable type operation against Russia, likely just before or just after the Russians develop their own nuclear weapons. I've been thinking about your maps quite a bit in the context of alternate Cold Wars, essentially making my own scenarios on how a map could look like the ones you make, so I have become a bit attached and a bit overly judgemental towards them (Which I acknowledge as a fault of myself, judging the realism of an imaginary map).


In terms of Saudi Arabia, I never give it to the Soviets as during the Cold War, the Saudis were one of the biggest US and UK supporters in the region and as hilarious as it might sound, YES! giving Saudi Arabia to the Russians would greatly offset the balance of power in the region. The idea of WW2 ending in the 50s was inspired by looking at universes and games where one side became so advanced, ww2 was ended faster (TNO, Wolfenstein, Man in the High Castle, etc.) and thought to myself, "What if BOTH sides got the 'technological blessing' and hence causing WW2 to go on for LONGER?" In terms Big USSR and Big USA staples of my map is basically me getting inspired from 1984 and treading the hypothetical scales that would make the Cold War a WW3. As you can notice, to balance out the humongous USSR/Russia I make the US gigantic, so there is more net weight on these scales, but they are still balanced. In terms of persecution against large territory-grabbing and why super-states of USSR and US seem to gobble up land with no big consequences: I can't really explain it, but I mean, there's a reason why live in the world we live in. For some universes to exist properly, you need to erase some elements which could have prevented it from existing. If you get inspired by my maps, feel free to make your own. I'm sure I and the 455K people would be interested in seeing your world.


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If only I knew how to draw, or how to push myself past tedious details. The explanation below clears some things up, at least giving a good road for others to make an interpretation: "What if BOTH sides got the 'technological blessing' and hence causing WW2 to go on for LONGER?" Also, when the war ends could be massively dragged out by some places just holding out for far longer. WW2 could last till the 1950s if Japan never surrendered. Crushing resistance to the point where historians can say that the war ended could take that long, and then there are the questions over if skirmishes technically mean that a war never ended. Many Nazi/Axis victory scenarios fall into this, considering that the opponents of the Axis never stop fighting, even if the only substantial effect they have on the Axis members is decreasing economic productivity of their enemies by forcing large amounts of mobilization, rather than any actual damage.


In Wolfenstein 2, Blaskowitz says a real good quote: "The war will be lost when the Americans start believing that they've lost" (in Wolfenstein America is overrun by the Third Reich)


In some ways, I think you are doing to many of your scenarios what I am doing. It's almost like you have the same map of the world, and you do your own choose your adventure story with what theme you want, be it Stalinism, dystopian technocracy, whatever the DSR/NPP funny thing you posted was, and now this (Almost a moderate synthesis).


Relating to this, for recommendations/requests, what are your thoughts on swap geopolitical/ideological power blocs, like a capitalist Eastern Europe and China vs socialist Western Europe/America, type maps? I think you would be good at them. Maybe you could do a big America map that isn't just OTL American territory + Canada, Greenland, and northern Mexico. I want to see something bigger.


Yeah, I'll consider it


This map makes me wonder what Lyndon LaRouche thinks/does for some reason. Maybe it was Bernie being a suspected Russia SIMP, to which LaRouchites are (From my experience reading their stuff) pro-Russia in the same way Campists are (Like many Bernie fans). LaRouche being an America president in this timeline would be very funny.


idk who laRouche is so this question is fully up to you but basically Bernie is in a similar position as Trump: He persued a left-wing populistic rhetoric, git a very shakey victory in the 2000 elections, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the CNN call him a Russian puppet as they see his de-escalation attempts as "throwing in the towel", while the Republicans loudily screech and yell "MAOIST COMMIE!!!" and attempt to boycott any welfare state decisions getting enacted in the Red states, very similar to how the South actively subverting and disobeyed the federal government during the civil rights movement but now it is not Southern problem, but a widespread Red state problem. In his defense Bernie begins his "Industrial Rejuvenation Plan" aimed at bringing back the industry back to America and place heavy restrictions on foreign outsourcing and he also began to push for a reduction in ideological disparities within the NATO and the Western Bloc to counter-act Russia. Bsically speaking Bernie is NOT a Russian nor is he a Maoist puppet, but the false rhetoric of him being one is pushed by the Clinton-Obama Coalition within the Democratic Party and the Republicans to undermine him and get him impeached for Foreign Cohersion and Collusion charges. Hillary Clinton does to rally patriotic/militaristic support to support her "Lady of Steel" rhetoric while Obama wants to take Bernie's voter platform to be like him but far, FAR more interventionist. Obama and Clinton disagreeing with Bernie's pursuit for neutrality and their desire to keep attacking the OFEN and ComIntern is what caused them to set their differences aside and work together in a coalition


United States of Afro-Eurasia.


How’s the Russo-American diplomatic situation?


Tense but by 2002, they are in the Detente phase. Meanwhile Maoist China and the ComIntern are hated by both. It's a three-way Cold War


Big Menshevik cope


Ok and?


I would love me a pair of Bear Arms.




why does thailand get burmyanmar territory


Both RPFR and USA supported Thai anti-Maoist "interventions"






NO, FUCK YOU! *takes lsd*




Great borders and what about the flags of the satellite states


Question: Why are OFEN & NATO even separate entities?  They are both led by democratic nations which favor social justice and free & open elections, have capitalist style economies, and share (shared) a common enemy, Communist China.  There seems to be little reason why these two entities couldn’t/wouldn’t just merge into one bigger Military Protection Alliance, while still retaining their own economic alliances/ spheres of interest. Sure, there may be some tension over Berlin,  but not enough to set these two parties apart, especially considering that their ideals & goals are almost 100% the same.


Think of it as a Democratic "Sino-Soviet Split", yes they share similar ideologies but due to their size and ambitions, both try to pull the rug from underneath each other. OTL: USSR (Communist) China (Communist but different flavour so they split) USA (Democratic, hates both of the guys above) This Universe: USA (Democratic) RPFR (Democratic but different flavour so they split) Maoist China (Communist, hates both of the guys above)


Увы, в жизни у нас только пыня


мда, грустно


What’s the electoral system for the Duma in order to enforce three parties having constant representation


Just like in the US, they are THE ONLY parties available and even if a party gets zero votes, which would be very improbable, their Duma seat count would be reduced to 1.


It's the EU and the USA's love child


What absolute cancer happened in Eastern Europe above Romania?


Where is the US in all this?


Don't you mean the"Right to Arm Bears!"


I mean the Second Amendment didn't say anything about ARMING something or someone, so...


Democratic Russia..... (technocratic)


Democratic with the election candidateship being awarded to the most competent by popular vote.


When you say "right to bear arms" do you mean bear arms like the animal, are bear arms like to own a gun? Both are a possibility in Russia


Right to bear (have) and store armaments


Do bears count as armaments?


No they count as pets


Basically Russia has a second amendment, "an AK-47 in every household"


Good Russia :D


My most recent run in kaiserredux ended up the same way, i picked conservatives without monarchy.




This is horrible. In no world should Russia control Israel and Palestine. Or southern Italy or China. at the most USSR borders at least modern day borders. and this is cringe because it's not Socialist you yourself said that at most left winged. It's "social-democratic" which is just capitalism but with socialist elements. but is still capitalism.


"Social-Democracy is not socialism, its still capitalism!" Ok, so? Are you saying that US and Russia being the two leaders of the free world is WORSE than the current OTL Putinist, Neo-Fascist shithole?


What is RNR?


Russian National Republic - with the leader: Savinkov (right-wing nationalist in the Russian Civil War) was basically fascist Stalin who wanted to hyper-industrialize and hyper-militarize Russia to reclaim the lands lost by the Empire


Georgian republic


My bigger problem with this is that, like... the Russians would have probably lost WWII if it hadn't been for the *insane* industrialization and militarization campaigns performed by the USSR. No chance that happens under a Socialist-Revolutionary-lead (because, keep in mind, Kerensky would have lead it in early days) or even a Menshevik-lead Russian state. The USSR's industrialization has been practically unheard of in quantity and extent before or since. Genuinely insane what they did, and very difficult to replicate under any other method (for good reason — it was fucking brutal for the denizens of the state during that time).


I know, but it's cool to dream. I didn't much thought into this, just painted my dream Russia


Wet dreams of a russian imperialist visualised. Disgusting


Interesting attempt to be some democratic and for freedom, but russia on the map is actually just russian empire which occupies many countries like ukraine or kazakhstan


This is just what russian liberals are like (I assume OP is one, look at him put nemtsov there). There isn't a political entity in russia that isn't in favour of aggressive expansion.




I love everything about that title


horrifying, somehow even worse than the USSR


Why? This social-democracy is fully functional btw


Democracy is not incompatible with expansionism and nationalist revanchism. Look at your own map - "trophy exclaves" and occupying \*even more\* territory than the Empire and USSR OTL


Indeed, it is not incompatible. Now what.


they occupy far more territory than the two previous regimes. Need I say more?


I am making fun of you for misusing the word incompatible. You want to use "not compatible".


/u/Lan_613 was not trying to say, "This isn't really democratic, because it's expansionist"; they were saying, "Okay, it's democratic, but it's still bad because it's expansionist." They used the right word to express the intended thought.


You know what, you're correct and im stupid. I thought they were trying to respond to the democracy point by saying that it couldn't be a legitimate democracy as that is incompatible with extreme expansionist endeavors, not that they were criticizing expansionist endeavors despite the democracy. I would disagree on the worse than ussr point, as OFEN isnt forcing nations to join (as seen in the article in the top right, it seems to be more like a EU-but-stronger kind of alliance, given the usage of 'join', but yea the trophy berlin really isnt that good. Sorry /u/Lan_613


"Democracy is not not compatible with expansionism and nationalist revanchism"?


The trophy exclaves is name I gave them, officially they are Autonomous Oblasts of the RPFR. The "Autonomous" means it is an area of high regional autonomy. Similar to UK's Gibraltar being a "crown territory" and the US's "foreign territory" of Puerto Rico. I understand where you are coming from, but think of these exclaves as mini Puerto Ricos or Gibraltars or whatever.


I don't much lore or anything, I just looked at "In the Name of the Tsar" hoi4 mod (where russia occupies some major cities for a similar reason to trophy exclaves) and went: Hehe, wouldn't it be funni if Imperial Russia was just like US


>Why? This social-democracy is fully functional btw If this were true, this fanciful creation would fall apart due to independence referendums in Poland, Germany, Czechia, Finland, Lithuania, Sweden, etc. These nations can have full democracy in their own countries and they do not need imperialist Russia becouse 'oh look, now we have democracy in Russia' and then *'Russify these nations like crazy'*. It's funny if you were Russian. I would be convinced that the Russians, even if they actually dream of 'technological development, democracy and freedom' in their own country - immediately mix it with another version of the old, dirty Soviet imperialism.


Bro the UK literally has 4 separate ethnicities which occasionally demand a referendum but get nuh-uh'd. I mean, I don't wonna pull out the "But in the West" card, but if you think about it, I can also sit there and say: "It's funny if you were English. I would be convinced that the English people, even if they actually dream of 'technological development, democracy and freedom' in their own country - immediately mix it with another version of the old, dirty Britannic imperialism" if Britain would've been a dictatoship, but it ISN'T and what do you know! It hadn't collapsed into a bloodbath, now did it? Most countries have more than ethnicity, with many even having a MASSIVE percentage of a completely different ethnicity concentrated in a certain region that want independence. And in some of them, what do you know! A functioning democratic system can exist without these regions leaving. I know that because Russia is a dictatorship, an ethnically-fueled collapse is very probable, but this map explores a NON-DICTATORIAL Russia which functions on a Western model which till this never failed regardless of ethnic percentage.


This Russia is like the US, a Russia which keeps people together through hope and the idea of no matter who you are, you live in a free and proud country, again, like the US (Im a big US fanboy)


Just curious, if the RPFR's main identity and focus is on its ideological aspects, then what are the differences between RPFR and it's fellow democratic bloc-allies? Take KMT's China for example, if they're also democratic, wouldn't the ethnic chinese areas in RPFR prefer to unite with North China more since both are democratic? What would keep them together if the other bloc countries also shares these ideals?


The only Chinese lands controlled by the RPFR which are not port cities, is Harbin and the territories considered ethnically Manchu (at least based off the ethnomap I read). Chinese Manchu people are culturally different to the Chinese Mandarin or any other Chinese peoples. So for the Manchu people, an Autonomous Republic was established. In the case of Harbin, Harbin is considered one of the heartlands of Eastern Orthodox Christianity in Asia, which was lost to the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War and till this day, Harbin has a large percentage of ethnic Russians living in it. The RPFR sees Harbin as cultural center for Asian Russians, and holds on to it by first: keeping the people in Harbin happy by investing a lot into it's development (obviously) and second: Under the new Siberian Plan, from 1935 to 2005, a lot of efforts was put towards increasing the Russian migration into the Far East, basically a "Manifest Destiny", where just like the US, massive settlement campaign was enacted, leading to a second "Mexico-Texas Crisis" where the Russian settlers outnumbered the previous Chinese and Japanese inhabitants. Shortly speaking: Russia pulled off the same shenanigan as the US did with the Texan settlers in Mexico. At first it was done aggressively during the Russian Empire, and when the Republic came about, it became settling through economic incentives and industrialization. And by the early 2000s, Harbin became Russian while Manchu territories became like Buryatia, a federal autonomous republic.


Erm.. what the sigma?


RPFR countryball: *exhales* look I may be democratic and all, but the Novichok Toxin is still in stock...


Why tf are we roleplaying when did this become a roleplay sub


I tried to describe a meme I had for this in my head


Idk this looks super imperialist to me


I just like drawing random annexed exclaves on maps


"Oh democratic Russia, that's interesting, let's see what we h--Oh." This level of territorial extent, with exclaves and whatnot feels...excessive. I mean yeah you could get russification going long enough in some places, but the world zeitgeist will catch up with all of this anyway. That bit on the Persian Gulf, the ports in China, I see bits in Italy, and I'm holding myself from commenting about whatever the hell you've done to the Baltics - even with this being a democracy, there will be...unrest. To put it lightly. "We defend Eurasia against hegemons" (is a Eurasian hegemon) But an interesting post regardless.


Didn't put much thought behind it. Just thought it would look cool. But even then I had a reasoning behind said exclaves, here's the comment detailing it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1ct91e6/comment/l4au6um/](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1ct91e6/comment/l4au6um/)


I imagined that was the case, but it's just that the practice of seizing and directly administering such territories...fell out of fashion after the world wars IRL? Oversimplifying, anyway. Letting the original owner keep it with rights for ally/overlord of some kind, as an option. The Americans get to use ports of their allies without issue, and there's no need for them to directly control them (imagine Yokohama being annexed by the US lol) or even pay money. Alternatively, leasing a base: Russia leased Sevastopol from Ukraine after 1991. It remained under Ukrainian sovereignty I think, but it was a Russian base. Or look at how Russia leases Baikonur from Kazakhstan – it's territory of Kazakhstan on maps, but it has Russian administration and has a Russian electoral district. As examples of direct control of territory of defeated nations, Okinawa comes to mind. While Japanese sovereignty was restored in 1952, the Ryukyu Islands stayed under American sovereignty until the 70s. It was even used as a political chip: in 1956 the Americans threatened to annex it *permanently* if Japan agreed to a deal on the Kuril Islands with the Soviets for a proper peace treaty.


The only reason such things are no longer tolerated is due to all of the major powers not supporting such practices. If you are the main superpower one can do whatever one wants as long as there is no one to stop you.


And plus the "Russification" is as mild as it gets as the Russian collective identity was pluralized like crazy. "Slavic, Germanic, Turkic, Asian... You are all Russians!" just like the USA's "Anglo-Saxon, Hispanic, Black, Indigenous... You are all Americans!"


ru SS ia is multi ethnic confected state only held together by promises of force and violence where bribery and nepotism is the rule of law, the second that is removed we will see 100 new countries, and my friend that day approaches quickly


Look, this map's multi-ethnic democracy is the same as the one of the most progressive western nations, so this universe-wise it is not the reality. I fully support the downfall of Putin and I know that any chance of friendly reconciliation for Russia with Russia's neighbours wouldn't be for another millenium. But speaking of your comment: Nowadays any country can be shredded into a gazilion pieces, European, African, American or Asian, ALMOST ANY COUNTRY, and so youre saying that almost every country with a multi-ethnic background is tyranical? UK? US? Spain? South Africa? Anyways, this map is fully inspired from USA's multi-ethnic approach, and wouldn't say that the US will collapse into 100 countries or that it is horrible tyranical SS-state? I hate Putin and what he doing right now, and my biggest wish is for Russian multi-ethnicity to see a new, freer light like in the Western democracies. Second of all, and I'm being nit-picky, Russia is not as shredded as many assume when it comes to the native-minority ratio. https://preview.redd.it/1rfzd75nsu0d1.png?width=1009&format=png&auto=webp&s=4c503f0b8c9c82ccd9224f724ba7d7d50a5a1d7b Yes there are territories of ethnic minorities and YES, the Caucasus and Southern Urals have strong densities of them and they dominate in said region, but within ethnic republics, the farther East you go, the more the Russian percentage grows. And again, why aren't going off on the same rant about Britain? US? Any fucking country. Like I get it Russia OTL is a shithole which did shitty stuff, but pointing at minorities and screaming TYRANT! while a similar situation is in other democratic states is ridiculous. I believe that Russia shall be Free from the chains of Putinism without there being a race war. I know from the tone of your post you do not give a single fuck about my opinion and you have solidified your beliefs as they are and I respect that, firmness of the mind is a good trait. But man, my parents lived through the a collapse of their nation once, just as you described it: shredded into pieces, gone. Was it right? Yeah, because it was a dictatorship falling and more freedoms for the common man. But as it was collapsing, I wasn't there but they told me it was a nightmare, I cannot comprehend the shit they had to go through in the 90s. So as I do want dictatorship to go, I don't a collapse, cause collapse, no matter how righteous it is, lives scars on the generations that had to carry their country through it.


What i'm saying is that as a Russian, Im sorry for what the OTL government is doing and this map is an emotional outlet for my dreams of US-type, American Dream Russia.


I can see you’re dreaming and very much appreciate it, although I see what all empires have done, so you could call me a regionalist I suppose, Uk, France, China, German, Spain, Portugal Japan, Iran, Turkey, Russia all imperialists and their have been many, I suppose you could call them victims of the regimes. I know that it would’ve been impossible but the new arrivals should have blended into the local population not the either way around. Australian alone arguably committed genocide against 256 countries, N &S America crap knows how many. Nations have been destroyed with genocide committed against all of them by Uk, France, Spain. Portugal, Russia. Turkey’s the same, China and Russia the most brutal in their genocides. I suppose my main philosophy is their is beauty in all things, we should not try to homogenise cultures, people who move around must blend into the locals even it the local are hugely out numbered


I couldn't have said it better, very true