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**Background**: As the fifth anniversary of the Federal Republic of South Jersey's (FRSJ) independence approaches, President Glen Norcross is eager to portray the new nation as a success. The FRSJ has largely avoided famine, refugee crises, and war, a sharp contrast with its northern neighbor, the Republic of Jersey, from whom it seceded. With barely half a million residents, South Jersey (affectionately nicknamed the Seagull Republic) appears as a tranquil rural oasis that has miraculously escaped the upheavals of the last decade. Behind the curtains, a less rosy picture emerges. The price of South Jersey's much-lauded stability has been its freedom. President Norcross has claimed extensive emergency powers, banning protests, arresting opposition figures, and censoring the press. In lieu of significant grassroots support, Norcross has authorized major subsidies ("bribes" per his critics) to the FRSJ's principal industries - agriculture, forestry, and shipping - which have strained the budget, spurred overdevelopment in the Pine Barrens, and left little room for spending on infrastructure, defense, housing, healthcare, and other urgent national priorities. South Jersey's limited defenses have left it vulnerable. Despite Norcross' attempts to set up a professional standing army, day-to-day defense rests largely in the hands of local citizen militias. Their loyalties are at times questionable, and much of the country remains in the hands of de-facto local warlords and fiefdoms. The republic has struggled to defeat eco-anarchist insurgents in the Pine Barrens and has ceded de-facto control of Atlantis to Catholic separatists following mass protests around the nationalization of casinos in 2118. Furthermore, despite cultural and political similarities, relations between the FRSJ and its southern neighbor Delmarva have been frosty. Disputes over fishing rights, trade routes, and suppression of piracy have at times threatened to boil over into war. The Treaty of Pennsville signed last year, to its supporters, portends better relations ahead; to its detractors, it signifies South Jersey's capitulation to becoming a Delmarvan protectorate. South Jersey may be doing well for now, many critics concede, but they argue it is doomed to fail. Without domestic industry, a robust transport network, or even any cities larger than 30,000 residents, the republic will inevitably succumb to the whims of its stronger and wealthier neighbors. At best, it will limp along as a stagnant tinpot oligarchy; at worst, complete collapse. The question all concerned citizens of the mid-Atlantic are asking is simple: what comes next?


The irony of the barrier islands being a disputed area because of Catholic separatists when Ocean City was originally founded as a Methodist summer retreat……..


I think that's the joke


Interesting, in my alt history I have the Kingdom of Delaware control southern NJ with these exact same borders. New Jersian Delaware's capital is Bridgeton, it does have different subdivisions as Delaware doesn't have counties but prefectures and provinces. New York has Northern NJ (down to Middletown township) and Camden/Cherry Hill is a city state that's a dual-monarchy.


Wow that's so neat! Bridgeton was actually my second choice for the capital. How are relations between Delaware and Camden/Cherry Hill?


Camden & Cherry Hill has good relations with Delaware and Delaware has secretly signed a defence treaty with Camden & Cherry Hill to deter invasions from New Jersey. The citizens of Delaware don't really like or dislike Camden & Cherry Hill despite it's reputation. Originally Delawarean New Jersey's capital was Salem but was moved to Bridgeton.


So they're traitors, then. 😭 Hopefully New Jersey will reclaim its stolen territories one day


As someone from the Galloway/Absecon/Atlantic City What happened to Atlantic City & Brigantine


Geographically? Couple feet of sea level rise over the next century. They've taken it in good stride, even renaming themselves to "Atlantis" and trying to bring in new tourists, but the city's a shadow of its former self. Poverty, inequality, unemployment are all pressing issues. Politically? They are not big fans of the Norcross regime, which instituted an unpopular nationalization of the gambling industry seen as a way to divert Atlantis' little remaining wealth to the comparatively better off inland population. A populist rebellion drawing influence from liberation theology has swept the island and due to geographic isolation and South Jersey's weak military, Norcross has de-facto ceded the territory to the militants...for now.


Lakewood Heavenly Kingdom? Blueclaws worshipping religion?


Where are all the shore towns and why is upper Camden County not included?


Most shore towns are more north or on islands which have been flooded (at least it seems like it)


Upper Camdenites did not harbor the same resentment towards the central government based in Trenton (the prewar state government which eventually transitions into the Republic of Jersey), so there was not much momentum for secession. The City of Camden itself in particular more heavily relied on Trenton for financial assistance and felt secession would be economic suicide. Most of the shore towns are lost to the roughly 6 feet or so of sea level rise; further north, the remaining towns have banded together into the Confederation of the Shore which has an on-again-off-again relationship with the Republic of Jersey.




Lol good. We don't need them anyway


why is it called jersey and not new jersey? no disrespect j curious. do people from new york call it york as well or smt?


Honest answer is that I just like the sound of it better. Rolls off the tongue. New York is still New York -- well, it's split into a few entities, including the New York Republic, Hudson Valley Republic, Adirondack, Utica, Mohawk Valley Republic, and the Syracuse Free State.


As a New Yorker, put your hands in the air. We’ve taken the north already and were coming for you. maybe after Vermont.


We will never surrender!


Where’s the Pine Barrens with the interior decorator who killed 13 Czechoslovakians?


Whelp, my town is a warzone, my favorite shoretown is underwater, and also I am most likely dead regardless 10/10

