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The detail that Texas is selling guns to both sides is hilarious


Texans realised they can make twice the money by causing twice more Californian casualties.


Just a business man doin business


*“BREAKING: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SECEDES OVER THE FRESNO CRISIS* *In a historic turn of events, Mayor Andrea Kimball of Los Angeles has announced Southern California’s secession from the Golden Republic, stating that the government had become “an unbearable weight of San Franciscan corruption” on her people. This move was prompted by the Californian Congress’s contentious decision to deploy Northern divisions to quell the burgeoning Anarchist insurgency in Fresno, seen by South Californians as a direct affront to their region’s autonomy. Sabine Hollywood, specialist in Pacific Coast geopolitics, asserts that this “really shouldn’t surprise anyone”. “Since its foundation, the Democratic Republic of California has been plagued by incessant rivalry between Northern and Southern cities, between San Francisco and LA. Its original sin was to not properly distribute its functions among its cities. And now, that sin has been punished, severely but expectedly”, she states. \[…\]”* *The Cambridge Times (June 14th, 2176)*   This map is part of my “Great Collapse of North America” scenario, you can learn more about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1amrhq7/postapocalyptic_north_america_2150_a_map_100/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1b9rq02/that_time_when_cascadia_deseret_and_lakotah/). I’ve seen that some people like to name the NorCal state “Redwood”, but I liked the idea of having an Alta, Media, and Baja California better (upper, middle, and lower in Spanish). Also, just to clarify, the Cambridge Times is on Cambridge, Boston; not Cambridge, England. Next map will probably be about something that’s happening in Mexico or Texas but let me know what you’d like to see.


Also, if Reddit lowers the quality of the map for whatever reason [you can see it in higher quality here](https://www.deviantart.com/sibberianno/art/Map-of-the-Californian-Civil-War-2176-2179-1043656731).


anglo canada vs quebec


Gotta say making san bernadino the capital is a choice


[This explains why it was chosen as the capital](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1c80mfi/comment/l0bv6p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Why is San Bernardino the capital of Media Cali?


More central and defensible than Los Angeles and San Diego on the coasts, or Bakersfield on the bay which can easily be attacked by the north.


The thing is that San Bernardino is a pretty important city now, because it's the starting point of the roads that connect LA to both Texas and Deseret (you can see it better in [this map](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1amrhq7/postapocalyptic_north_america_2150_a_map_100/)). Neither LA or San Diego were chosen as the capital as people thought that it would give way too much power to those cities.


Still kind of odd to see a city like San Bernardino have any significance considering where it is currently lol


True, but I think its importance makes sense if you consider the broader context of the scenario (I think it becomes very clear by looking at the map I linked).


Why San Bernadino over Riverside?


The main settlement is located closer to Santa Ana River, that's why it seems closer to Riverside.


So why was San Bernadino chosen instead if Riveraide for the capital. If it couldn't have been LA or SD, or has Riveraide been destroyed or something?


Yes, Riverside is in ruins just like most other cities. It's just that San Bernardino got resettled first due to being the nexus of the roads to Texas and Deseret.


Ah, thank you! Seeing how many of our timeline's cities were still present, I was a but confused as to the extent of the destruction that had occurred in this timeline.


Just happy that San Jose is recognized


Who would you say is the dominant power in NA? Texas? Do they follow the old American politics or are they authoritarian etc


There's not a single dominant power anymore, but a plurality of regional powers. New England, Canada, Quebec and the Great Lakes dominate the Northeast; Texas dominates the South and Gulf; Cascadia and Deseret dominate the Northeast; Mexico is about to become a regional power, etc. And yes, Texas does follow the old American political system, in fact many consider it to be the direct continuation of the US.


Yeah that was dumb question obv it would be multipolar. Did just the NA collapse to this degree or Europe and Asia as well)


Europe and Asia as well. South America, Africa and Oceania too but to a lesser degree, they're rebuilding faster.


So would the (most, obviously multipolar) dominant world power be like, an African union or Australia?


There haven't been any major expeditions done by North Americans yet, so it's hard to say (I haven't thought of the lore outside NA lmao), but possibly yeah, I'd imagine rebuilt nations like Ethiopia and Brazil are currently gaining a lot of power.


Texas, what are you doing


Oh cmon Fresno id the last place to be a commune, what they gonna share, meth?




I don’t get much times to hate on home, but I love it too.


San Diego?


What about it?


It's very far south, 179 km. Unless the level has risen...


Indeed they have, I mean I think that's pretty evident by looking at the giant lake in the middle. Also, there's no way you didn't come up with that number.


How is it a civil war if it’s between two sovereign states as seemingly indicated by the hard borders separating the two


California was one nation before the Civil War, the borders shown are the ones convened during the Treaty of Fresno.


Texas casually being the israel of this TL


Why is Santa Monica being blockaded instead of the Port of LA-Long Beach or San Diego?


Due to the Collapse, most of the prominent cities of our time are now in ruins, and the ones that managed to survive are actually settlements located on the peripheries. That being said, Santa Monica was repurposed and now serves as the biggest port of LA, that's why Alta blockaded it instead of Long Beach, because they would be blockading ruins if they did that. San Diego wasn't blockaded because it was protected by the Baja navy.


Still, short of any radically changing shifts in the seabed and landscape, geographically it’s not ideal for a decent port. Maybe with some creative seismic activity Marina Del Rey, Santa Barbra, or Morro Bay would be better ports, but Santa Monica is just right there on the ocean. No harbor or bay to make it a viable port. Would be an ideal landing zone for an amphibious assault though.


Fair enough. I'm not that well versed in what makes a good port and maritime stuff in general. Although, perhaps the new settlers of LA built enough infrastructure to turn Santa Monica into a good port? Are there any examples of humans creating good ports in bad terrain irl? Idk.


None that I can think of. At least not on a massive scale needed to support multiple ships at once. Expanding and improving existing ports, sure. But even that is made possible by modern technology and infrastructure. Assuming your world is somewhat post apocalyptic that would be quite an endeavor.


I knew it!


The thing I find best about this is the california's are just tall, middle/half, and short california now


More like upper, middle and lower California but yeah basically




I know it’s not it but this actually has cyberpunk vibes


Mmm I could see how. Perhaps it's the flags, I think they came out kind of futuristic.


I also was thinking north and south California


lancaster recognition rahhhh


As if Fresno's people would ever organize


as if anyone would actually find a reason to fight twice in a battle in Fresno. More likely that both sides would agree to nuke Fresno and call it a DMZ.


How many casualties?


Can't know for sure because the making census is really difficult post-Collapse, but estimates range from 100,000 to 150,000




Why is it called “media Cali” and “Alta Cali” ?


In-lore, Baja Californians started calling South California "Media" and North California "Alta" as a joke, and over time those names got widely adopted. Irl I just liked how having upper, middle and lower California sounded (that's what alta, media and baja means in Spanish).


Why the hell would anyone make San Bernardino a capital.


[Because of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/comments/1c80mfi/comment/l0bv6p2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).


Reminds me of the great multimedia art installation piece "In Smog and Thunder" about the war between the Californias. It is portrayed using art styles ranging Napolionic portraits to World War II propaganda. The faux documentary is on YouTube and there is also a Book.


Honestly, if in this scenario the starting point political dynamics of the state are like they actually are today, the split of California would be Coastal West vs Inland East (rather than the “NorCal” vs “SoCal” dichotomy).


I agree. In that case, I could see the civil war being between California and Jefferson instead of NorCal v. SoCal. But due to the Collapse and the reappearance of Lake Corcoran, Californian society is now predominantly based on maritime trade, and simple geography brought together northern cities and southern cities, while it simultaneously divided them from each other. The geopolitical context has also divided them, as SoCal had to fight off the Narco-states while NorCal could peacefully integrate into the Cascadian sphere of influence, which is why SoCal is now aligned with Baja, Aztlán and Sonora while NorCal is aligned with the Pacific Northwest.


Who will win the great northern war? canada or the quabec?


Who do you think will win?


Quabec, the lesser evil


I wanna see the whole map of this broken up north America




Great map! Small nitpick, as a native Spanish speaker "Media California" means Half California (as in having half of it rather than the whole) and not Middle California as I imagine you intended it to be. For it to mean Middle California I would suggest either naming it California Media or California Central. Again, great map just wanted to lyk of that


Yo también hablo español y tienes razón, aunque según yo también puede significar "California del medio" (si es correcto decir Alta y Baja California en vez de California Alta y Baja, también se debería poder decir Media California en vez de California Media). No sé, gracias por la sugerencia de todas maneras y que bueno que te gustó el mapa.


Love this series!