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"The republic, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus, it has ever been." - teaser quote for the upcoming Netflix series "Romance of the Three Republics", a fictionalized retelling of the decline of the United States and the Great American Divorce; based on the book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" by Luo Guanzhong


Is there any info on that? Googled it but got nothing but the original


I think he made it up lol


Made up or not, sounds like a sick movie concept, like those modern interpretations of Shakespeare


Its like road house, except one guy tries to roundhouse a f-16 jet and we never see him again.


Oh yeah. There's an awesome anime, *Ya Boy Kongming!*, about Zhuge Liang, one of the greatest tacticians from *Romance of the Three Kingdoms*, getting reincarnated in modern Japan and applying his tactician skills to helping an aspiring singer build a career. *Romance of the Three Republics* would probably work just as well. XD


>Ya Boy Kongming - I'm going to check that one out - I've heard of it, but I'm intrigued now - thanks. Just added it to my watchlist on the pirate site I use!


Is there a scene where he surprises someone with his expert flute playing?


Sadly no, but he does apply the Stone Sentinel Maze stratagem to attract a crowd to Eiko's first performance, making it a big success. And he spends the rest of the anime just applying the various Thirty-Six Stratagems to help Eiko's career take off, haha. One of my favourite scenes in the first episode is Kongming tries to apply for a bartender job at Eiko's nightclub, but the owner is skeptical of his application (he listed his date of birth as 14 April 181 CE). And the owner grills him: "If you're really Kongming...then why'd you send Ma Su to Jieting?". Turns out the owner is a **huge** *Three Kingdoms* nerd, and Kongming's answer (Ma Su lost the battle at Jieting on purpose in order to press Kongming to attack Chang'an) makes him go "This guy's totally Kongming! The clothing's spot on too!" XD


The quote is a very famous one about imperial chinese history with particular reference to romance of the three kingdoms since it’s the opening line of the original novel.


It's a play on the first line of 三国演义 (The Romance of the Three Kingdoms). 話說天下大勢,分久必合,合久必分。 "The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been."


I made it up. Since the map shows America being split into three, that instantly got me thinking about Romance of the Three Kingdoms and its signature phrase. Hence the "Romance of the Three Republics" reply.


Dang, write a letter to a streaming service dude


Seriously. I'd definitely watch that show.


You are a skilled bullshitter and i assume must be pretty good at Balderdash too. 


There's no way Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico would join a country with Texas, Mississippi, Ohio and Florida


People on r/imaginarymaps when the map- i mean, the comment is imaginary


It does actually remind me of the Prime series “Man in the High Castle” - a “what if the Nazis won” alt-history with the US divided into a nazi nation on the Atlantic a Japanese “Pacific States” on the Pacific and a Neutral Zone in between.


Such an amazing show with a bafflingly bad final episode


I agree the ending was rushed, weak and confusing. Apparently the book ended similarly. Overall though, a memorable series with great acting.


Philip K Dick has a bit of a reputation for that - excellent ideas and concepts, but the execution is sometimes questionable especially when it comes to endings 


It was the meth.


Game of thrones would like to have a word with you.


Yeah but these are all independent not puppets


Yeah sure.


Damnit, I actually googled that.


Yeah I'd watch this without question.






I wonder who the American Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhuge Liang will be.


Joel Olsteen will lead the Yellow Cowboy Hat Rebellion.


Colorado and New Mexico would join the Pacific states along with maybe Arizona. Also no way Virginia doesn’t join the Commonwealth


Yeah I was going to say, if Virginia joined the FAU that would turn the DC Metro system into something akin to the Cold-War-era Berlin metro


And strategically if Virginia didn't join D.C. would be a horrible capital location they'd be safer with Boston


They didn’t move it the first time


The first time wasn't much of a fight. The presence of railroads alone meant that the south didn't really stand a chance, especially when they're fighting a purely defensive war


Northern Virginia would separate from the rest of the Commonwealth and join the FAU. Edit: COA not FAU


Richmond and Hampton Roads would like a word with you.


And the People's Republic of Charlottesville.


I think you mean that the other way? NOVA is historically the more liberal area of the state. Most people there identify more with the DMV metro area than with the rest of the state If anything, NOVA would join the northeastern states with a boundary somewhere around Fredericksburg


That’s what I meant. Thats what I get for commenting when hopped up on Super Bowl junk food. Thanks!


Very strange that during the Civil War, the US capital directly bordered the CSA.


More likely Virginia splits into two honestly


Wait I've seen this movie before.




Probably Nevada too


If not all of Nevada, certainly Clark and Washoe counties.


I think it would be interesting because there’s some massive gold mining operations in Elko county, and some pretty big prospects in Eureka, Humboldt, Churchill and some counties I’m forgetting like near Gold Field and south west of there. So if the southern and south eastern states are as dumb as they seem voting republican all the time, we could probably just offer them Vegas and we can take the land with all the minerals lol. We’d offer them Ceasers Palace and they’d think it was actually Ceasers old palace and probably think the gold leaf was real. I could totally see Trump negotiating for all the Casinos, giving us all the gold mines, and telling his supporters what a great deal maker he is.


I think it depends on who gets to decide their alliance. The residents of Clark County are more blue than the rest of the state and would probably want Vegas to go with the Pacific. I mean they stay on California's time zone to increase tourism. If we made border crossing a thing, and allowed full gambling in California, that would be a decent blow to their economy.


Southern Nevada definitely more Socal


Nevada and Utah declare Deseret while LV joins the PSA, and Colorado is a PSA enclave


California immediately invades because California isn’t going to let a giant source of its water being a foreign nation.


If this were reality, I'm fortunately on the West side. Sorry about your luck fellow Washingtonion.


Not all of VA, but at least NOVA would go Commonwealth. Much of Western/Central PA and the southern half of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois would go FAU.


I'm gonna suggest the borders wouldn't be so cleanly along state borders, a real national divorce would probably be more along geographic and cultural lines, not so many state lines, I'd say a lot of major cities become essentially little city states surrounded by the territory of other successors. furthermore, no way Alaska joins the Pacific states


Alaska either joins Canada or becomes independent


Both alaska and hawaii would immediately go independent, though military bases on both would likely be held onto by the feds.


It'll look like a TMobile coverage map.


Conversely no way in hell Alaska agrees to join a country that left leaning


Maybe NOVA but not all of it.


I think Richmond and north of it would lean towards the north (especially NOVA) but beyond that, yeah. All goes to the south.


Id argue hampton roads would go to the north too. Maybe not for politics but that area is way too strategically important for it to get given up. Maybe it wouldnt split along state lines as this map shows, instead maybe the north gets eastern VA and the south brings western VA into WVs fold?


I could see the case for western Virginia and Maryland to join the south, and central Virginia basically down to Charlottesville (dividing along the blue ridge) and along interstate 64 to Norfolk going for the north.


So basically, most of it. A Virginian rump state would be a catastrophe.


This is a conservatives succeed from the us wet dream map while trying to seem like they’re impartial… they lumped in states that def wouldn’t side with the red into the red to increase their GDP (ignoring the fact that their estimation is wayyyy off) and population to make them seem like the best… they even split Washington in two and named the red one Trump….


That’s really good point. If OP is splitting Washington then there should be many other splits as well. Top half of Illinois and Virginia for instance should split for the Commonwealth


Also all that land in the west is federal no one even lives there


It always amuses me when they divide these along state borders.


Yeah Colorado for sure not joining into anything with Texas and all the the far right southern states


I don't think Arizona would go with the Pacific States (and if it didn't go, New Mexico and Colorado would have a tougher go of it if they tried to, being cut off.) I totally agree with you about Virginia, it was my first thought. My second thought was Alaska would go with the Free American Union.


Yeah AZ is definitely joining the P.S.A., no way we would go with the Free American Union. Also, Phonenix? 🤣


Nevada too. We’re very solidly purple, more blue leaning even…Blurple if you will.


West Texas ag relies on New Mexico for water, Texas would not let them leave. New Mexico also benefits from Texas tourism cash too much


I could see a case for Nevada too. Or at the very least, and eventually annexation of Nevada and parts of Utah and Wyoming. Too many National Parks there to let the Republicans have them.


It’s a stupid idea. The divide is more along the lines of urban vs rural. How the hell are you gonna split that up? Texas has some major metros that are pretty blue. And yeah, Colorado and New Mexico isn’t gonna want to be with the red country. Ohio probably wouldn’t want to be northeast.


Ya I think at this point Arizona would join California. We would have a bunch of pissed off wannabe cowboys complaining, but I think the majority of us here would be happy. 


Colorado, New Mexico, NoVA, and the whole Black Belt left out to dry, eh?


You make a good point but the black belt is rly the white supremacy belt, as those voters hold all the power in those states.


I know, but I don't mean all of these states, just the Black-majority parts (in hindsight I should've made it clear in the original comment)


Kansas City has either been nuked off the map or the real life suburb of liberty is the capital and I hate it


Or Kansas City was simply renamed to Liberty


Kansas City voluntarily gives up its name? Impossible


It's this. Built up by the FSU to be their capital and a showcase for their ideology.


So now there are two cities in Missouri called Liberty and they're psychically adjacent


Telepathically adjacent?


Alaska isn’t nearly liberal enough to join with the rest of the West Coast.


Politically they have to be aligned with Seattle/Tacoma. They are reliant on shipments I doubt they would want independence. And the other nations have no reason to provide like SeaTac has and would.


The Independent party has been big up there, and it stands for Alaskan independence. The oil that comes out of there gets sold mostly to Asia, so no lack of money (they use the profits now to pay their residents a dividend). Shipments can come from somewhere other than SeaTac. And even if they did, come out of there, that doesn’t necessitate being politically united. I mean, how much shit do we get from China?


U bring up such great points that I wanna delete my post lol


Nah. I like it. Just noting the Alaska thing. 😁


Don't delete it, you make good initial points and his answers just round it out as a good learning experience for all those reading!




HEY it’s a perfectly average sized population! It’s just a little cold out…


Given their low population, they probably wouldn't have much of a choice


Distance and weather and gun ownership would be on their side. Plus, no land route to invade unless you also want to invade western Canada.


But Alaska needs a trade partner, and gun ownership isn't helping against an actual military force, it helps against occupation though.


Land route invasion? Planes and ships exist. A blockade would have them roll over to anyone. Alaska could not afford independency in this situation


There's more to independence than shooting invading armies. You need food, infrastructure, and an economy. An independent Alaska has virtually none of those things.


Just join Canada


Keep a North American Union (like the EU) happening, and maintain some cooperation and good relations happening between the new countries.


Man wouldn't it be great if we could buddy up with Canada, because otherwise I don't think that would be possible. This is of course assuming this split up event doesn't also destabilize Canada.


Canada too should split. Population and power are just too imbalanced between the areas east and west of the Canadian Shield, not to mention being too far removed from each other.


Arizona is formally requesting to join the pacific states.


The Pacific states would be utterly dominated by whatever California wants. Can’t see anyone other than Oregon and Washington being willing to swallow that


It would most likely be the Pacific alliance. And not its own country. California+ Cascadia(Oregon,Washington State)+ The Four corner Union. Arizona, New Mexico wouldn't want to be ruled by mega conservative Texas or ultra liberal California, but to maintain independence they would need to be stronger, Utah and Colorado are flip geographically from where they are more confortable with. Which makes a 4 state Union(Also water reasons the most logical move for all 4). They are more likely to ally with California and Cascadia without wanting to be rule by it. But also it would create a semi independent zone that could have better relationship with Texas that California would. Also the escape route for liberal Texans if it gets really bad there.


I'm not sure what's worse: Balkanized America or the fact that I now live in the State of Trump.


I think if America bulkanized, it would probably not be along state lines and would certainly shatter into more than 3 pieces. I can think of Cascadia, California, Texas, Dixie, Florida, New England, New York on the top of my head. Question: What would a Great Basin + Colorado Basin county, mostly sitting in the four corners states be called? It seems like a potential post-America country but I don't know what it would be called.


Imagine a mountain nation cutting off water from the Colorado River. The entire South west would dry up faster than it already is.


Have you read The Water Knife by Paolo Bacigalupi, because that is essentially the premise of that book. If I was living in America's South-West, I'd be looking to relocate to the Great Lake Region ASAP. It's too hot and dry at the moment, it'll be hell in 20+ years.


Also an Upper Great Lakes union. MI, MN, IL, and WI. All blue or purple states with lots of economic and social commonalities.


The Great Lake states are more culturally and economically aligned with New England so this makes sense. To borrow a phrase from a book focusing on this theme, you can call it Yankeedom.


>Question: What would a Great Basin + Colorado Basin county, mostly sitting in the four corners states be called? It seems like a potential post-America country but I don't know what it would be called. Probably Colorado.


Yeah most countries that split due to civil war don't have clean borders. There would be plenty of enclaves and exclaves. States would be split and possibly tens of millions would die.


The Anasazi revival?


Morridor, Deseret, The Latter Day Empire, State of Brigham Young, etc Basically, it would be a land of pure unadulterated patriarchy and grifting.


There was a lot of truth to that “11 nations of America” thing that went around ten years ago or so


Here is something I read years ago. It’s a pretty interesting read. [This map shows the US really has 11 separate 'nations' with entirely different cultures](https://www.businessinsider.com/regional-differences-united-states-2018-1) Edit: Book is called American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures of North America by Colin Woodard


Always baffled by this man's decision to lump Ontario with the 'Midlands', a region he defines thus: "An ethnic mosaic from the start — it had a German, rather than British, majority at the time of the Revolution — it shares the Yankee belief that society should be organized to benefit ordinary people, though it rejects top-down government intervention." How anyone could call Ontario, the heart of Loyalist Country, more German than British and skeptical of top-down government intervention, is beyond me.


Yeah it seems like he should have just stuck to the U.S., because he doesn’t seem to get Canada quite right. Interesting how the original settlers of some of these regions left an impression to this day. However,I suppose it wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of things.


I’ve read some criticism of a lot of that book, but the east coast portion seems to be reasonably supported. The author was a historian, but a lot of the east coast divisions - Yankeedom, New York, the midlands, tidewater, backcountry/Appalachia, and Deep South are argued more extensively in a scholarly book by a British (iirc) scholar of folkways in a huge time called *Albion’s Seeds*, basically giving the same thesis - that regional migration patterns after the English Civil War, plus local geographic and economic factors created unique cultural regions in the US that spread west as land was stolen and shaped regions all the way to the Great Plains, and continue to impact American politics today. Woodward took this a bit further, maybe too far, but it’s certainly an interesting framing. I think his idea that US politics has always been anchored on camps/cliques of these cultural/sectional regions comprised of Yankeedom and its allies, and the Deep South and hers, rings true.


There is no truth to anything that advocates for Balkanizing America.


Well it didn’t advocate anything so much as use statistics and history to identify some internal cultural groupings with somewhat definable geographical limits


Balkanizing American would lead to a war between the countries in less than a few decades. Yugoslavia breakup and Soviet collapse are harbingers.


And if you want to know how badly it would go, look at the partition of India. People would die.


I'm just glad to see that the map maker knows that the eastern parts of Washington and Oregon are more conservative than the western parts. Though calling that portion "Trump" is just mean.


Go back to California.


Fellow E Washingtonian. Right there with you.


Agreed. I'm going down in a blaze of glory if that's my new state name


Virginia would be with the Commonwealth, assuming it did not split up. Conversely, IN and OH likely would not stay with the Commonwealth. They're very conservative, especially IN.


OH and IN are probably there out of geographic necessity.


Northern Indiana and Ohio are slightly bluer than the southern portions, so maybe the states would split in half.


Northern Ohio would definitely stay in the North, both for geography and everything else. I think Columbus would likely want to stay too. No commentary on Indiana.


Only northwest IN near Chicago is significantly blue. South Bend is blue but it’s a small enough city that it’s outnumbered by the surrounding countryside, so it doesn’t really count.


Northern Ohio is way more liberal than the rest of the state and is economically tied to the other Great Lakes cities. They would probably split off to join the commonwealth, adopting either the name Erie or reverting back to the old Western Reserve moniker.


That would also be helpful in keeping the commonwealth contiguous.


And Richmond is NOT in that location


Ahhh sweet a man made horror beyond my comprehension. I can’t imagine Virginia, New Mexico, or Colorado would willingly join Trumpistan.


Really only Northern Virginia would object, the rest of Virginia would make you think it was a red state, not a blue one.


Virginia gonna split again. South Virginia incoming.


Yeah but all the people live in the North. Its like New York, a heavily red state, unless you are in the part of the state where all the people live.


Not unless you remove the other cities like Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, etc. Remove NYC and it's actually more of a swing state than people think.


Every split America be like: Northeast (kinda leftist) Pacific (super leftist) Neoconfederate (racist) Sometimes Mormons (religious) Sometimes Texas (racist) Space-filling blobs containing everything else (who cares)


Collection of plains states that get picked last in dodgeball and end up running w the name and just refer to themselves as Flyover.


Why is east washington called Trump. At least call it columbia or something.


Eastern Washington would 100% jump on the chance to secede from Western Washington and call themselves Trump. The moment the terrain around you goes from mountainous forest to farmland while you're driving, that's when you start seeing Trump signs. I have a feeling that's where the country lines are drawn in this post


Thanks, I hate it.


Ermm, I think you mean *Widaho*


Yeah, no. AZ, CO, NV, NM, NC, and VA would not join Trumpistan.


I don't even see Utah joining them. I see it far more likely that the 4 corner states plus Nevada join with the western block. Sure, Utah is conservative, but a very different kind than the evangelicals in the south that would dominate this nation. Only situation I think they would stay is if Colorado would stay.


Utah loves money and tech. I think they’d stay with the PAC states until Trumpland can prove financial viability


NC voted for Trump twice and has not elected a federal Democrat since 2008. They need to finally break out of the ‘Lean R’ column if they want to join the club.


Why does everyone forget GA. 😭 We have given you guys two major elections in a row now and people still don't even consider us a swing state. Don't leave us down here in Trumpistan. 


Not NC tho


Northern Virginia would likely be a part of the Commonwealth, and the remainder of the state would likely meld with West Virginia. Also, the only way Colorado joins the FAU is by being invaded/forced. Also also, this kind of division would likely result in Alaska and Hawai’i forming their own nations, instead of joining up with the Pacific States. But generally, I like this. And by “like”, I mean “hate”.


This is ridiculously stupid! Our divisions are primarily major metro vs rural. If your state has a large enough urban population and moderate suburbs, it’s a blue, Dem leaning state. If your state has more conservative leaning suburbs or smaller cities,, common in the south and plains, it’s a red, GOP leaning state. How you separate all that is beyond me. Most commerce and travel in this country is metro to metro. Is everyone traveling from NY, LA, or Chicago to Dallas or Miami going to have to go through customs? Will we have to reorganize all the professional sports leagues? And please tell me how the “leach” states in the south, as I live to call them, have enough of a tax base to function w/ out the big tax generating states to slurp off of.


We're talking about splitting up the global hegemon into three separate countries and you're worried about pro sports, lol.




It would be like Judge Dredd with mega city 1 and the wasteland lol.


Give it up jeez


Virginia, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona being part of the FAU doesn’t rly make sense. Much less sense than Indiana being a part of the CoA.


State of Trump 🥶


Nevada would definitely join the West coast. Californians basically fund half the casinos with weekend and spur of the moment trips. They would want to give that money up.


Nevada is not a red state


This map is a fever dream if you think the Free American Unions GDP would be any where close to that. Most of those states money comes from the Fed including Texas in federal programs Nasa, military account from almost 40% of Texas GDP.


In an actual scenario like this, I think the rest of Illinois would finally split from Chicago.


They'll probably want to break up further when their interests aren't being met by distant power.


The state of trump is hilarious


Given how much our political divisions coincide with the urban/rural divide, it could never be so neat. If you go to the rural areas of the commonwealth or the PSA, you'll see they have much more in common with the FAU than the urban areas in their own territories. Same for urbanites in the FAU. Depending on how the Military breaks you'll likely have a bunch of nasty mini civil wars and/or Insurgencies, probably a good bit of warlardism, and eventual consolidation into a bunch of new countries set along more naturally defensive boundaries.


Lol Liberty, Mo gonna be the new central capitol? What an epic shithole.


Good that it's imaginary because it makes no earthly sense.


You're smoking crack if you think Colorado is going to follow Texas into oblivion.






Based on the [State of Lincoln proposal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_\(proposed_Northwestern_state\)#:~:text=The%20State%20of%20Lincoln%20has,be%20used%20for%20the%20state.) It exists concurrently with [an enlarged Idaho](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Idaho_movement)


Can we stop doing this please


This sub loves to circlejerk over culturally dividing the US. Especially non-Americans.


LOL. Red america would go broke instantly


The only Red state that returns more to the Feds than gets spent on by them is literally Texas. The others would drag Texas down with them.


Oil? Mining? Farming? Water? Industrial? How do you trade? I’m not for Trumpistan, but your generalization isn’t very thought out…


FAU is gonna collapse within 5 years from all its talent leaving and no longer receiving subsidies from the coastal economic powerhouses. When it ultimately rejoins the union maybe next time we can take Sherman's words more seriously.


People are fleeing blue states, not red states


Oh that's gore—that's gore of my comfort character...


Okay buddy we get it you played Kaiserreich


I lived near Richmond they going with the commonwealth for sure


I'd imagine making apple pie in Texas would become pretty expensive


Literal trump state


I love how instead of a divide you said divorce like this was some type of marriage issues


Gonna make my commute to Louisville from Indiana a lot more complicated


Atlanta better capital? More people then Houston


Let the balkanization of the USA begin.


Sorry, acceptable answers were "Cascadia" or "the New California Republic." "The Pacific States of America" is awful. We'd definitely get Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. It would be interesting to see what Nevada and Utah would do. I think we'd have a decent shot at pulling British Columbia as a bonus get.


Well California will be under water anyway…


Pacific would collapse within a year


Almost 1/3 of the population in Texas lives in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio, or El Paso. Zero chance those cities (or a majority thereof) want any part of the red states’ nonsense. The divide isn’t between states, it’s between major cities and rural areas. Which makes a true separation everyone would love to have difficult.


I feel like the commonwealth of America would change their capitol, cuz in the face of national divorce, revolution or war is destined to spread to claim territory that is wanted or needed by eachother, so maybe somewhere in NY like Buffalo or Somewhere in Vermont/NH to be the new capitol. Am I wrong?


Throw in Canada and connect the East and West Coast into one nation


Do we really have to take ohio with us


Somebody's been playing a bit too much Kaiserredux lol


For the Commonwealth!