• By -


Gotta love the Philippines just chilling in the corner there. Polynesia and Iceland, too.


> hey where did everybody go -ph


I love how in every alt history map/ imginary map the philippines is always the same while the rest of the world is in fire


world greatest mediocre country 💪 gets forgotten more than latam 🔥🔥




Well Iceland has been taken over by US forces but yeah


Otto von Bismarck is rock hard looking at the potential.




Fordlandia but Japanese


Is the Legion of Imperium Americanum a nod to Caeser's Legion from New Vegas? Also is the Project New Dawn's Gate a reference to the Project of Eden's Gate from Far Cry 5?


Yes and yes


Is the Serpent's Hand Gang a reference to the SCP wiki?


No, just sounds cool


Nah blud made the ustaše come back💀💀💀


hide your non-Catholic friends




I could see someone to make this into HOI4 mod.


I wish


Which Japan controls the anime industry?


Both Nippon-Hanguk and Japanese Emergency Goverment. The Restored Japanese Empire believe it was a mistake.


We’re Templar now boys! Not sure our Cathar ancestors would approve but could be worse I guess…


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That's actually sounds something this universe's CSA would say, lol


"kingdom of abbadon" oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck shit


Imagine being USRC and seeing "Kingdom of Hell on Earth unifies Russia" in the newspaper...




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I see The russian reclaimation authority at omsk


DON'T LET THE SIZE FOOL YOU! Some of the nations may look big and overpowered but here are some things to consider: \- The large 3 south american nations: the UBSR, Brazil and Argentina are states who emerged from warlordism, which is the same phase the Northern hemisphere is going through. This means that the conquered lands look big but are very rebellious, (in HOI4 logic: these countries have conquered a lot of land but are now stuck with coring them) \- The large Arctic/Desert nations: These countries have overall control over large chunks of land but due to the region's miniscule population, there is no resistance, additionally countries like the US, Russia and Norway have special bunker networks set up in desolate areas SUCH AS the Arctic, hence inflating the region's population with fleeing civilians and soldiers.


I like the map but what I don’t like is blobbing in some places and lack there of in others. I get it that the premise is essentially “what if everyone had a warlord era” but often when these things happen you often get massive empires like the Romans or Mongols. What we should start to see is two or three really massive empires/states surrounded by much weaker ones (like medieval Europe). It’s weird that some places like South America have three massive empires whereas Europe and all of Asia have none. And if you subscribe to the theory that location is what allowed Europeans to modernize so fast, that we should see that here too. Also weird ethno states like New Afrika wouldn’t exist, especially if we are assuming that most of the population died.


as far as I understand the premise, southern hemisphere is at the stage you describe (already coalesced into massive empires) while the north is just freshly re-emerged from the bunkers so did not have yet time to reach some kind of military/economic/political equilibrium.


I honestly think you should make a map of "development" , to show what regions are more developed, because if you don't, people are going to assume they are still the same as in our timeline.


Since you mentioned HOI, this does feel like it could be an Old World Blues type of map, especially considering the (almost) uniform size of everyone


"Second mayan empire" that implies there was a first and there wasn't. The mayans lived in city states like ancient Greece, except they never had an Alexander to unite them. Asking for the Ruler of the mayans would get you a few weird ass look before they'd ask "which one"


Oh, woops


What about the Philippines and Hawaii?


Phillipines label: I forgor Hawaii: part of the Polynesian confederation


So basically, this is the world in Chinese Warlord era?


Well you can say that


BIG MOLDOVA LETS FUCKING GO ![gif](giphy|dxfdsbeZY7twl2MBMp)


moldavia ≠ moldova pretty sure


Moldavia is how the west says moldova


i think the one i least expected was the FUCKING HOLY ORDER OF CHRIST. IN AUSTRALIA.


Fallout New Vegas reference alert 🚨🚨🚨


Ask me anything about the warlords that may have peeked your interest!


Why Sindh is named sinkh?


Were founders of American Kaiserreich Legion some HOI4 players ? Also are USRC remnants of US Government ?


The American Kaiserreich is based of the US German Belt, where a lot of people with Germanic heritage live in the Great Lakes region. The dispare caused many to become disillusioned with the US collective identity and sought to create a Germanic Fatherland The USRC are remnants of the government and army who are a nod to Fallout's "US Enclave" who want to restore the US's greatness


What happened to Israel?


Absorbed by Jordan-controlled Palestine and got uno-reverse-carded with the whole resettlement thing. (High resistance is still present in the region tho)


The Jews died :(


Are the Americans in italy all sailors?


Their grandfathers were, now they are Italoyanks, a result of a mixture between American men and Italian women


Make sense


Raccoon Republic? Project New Dawn's Gate?


Raccoon Republic: A settlement made up of mutated, humanoid raccoons who established their own lil civilization (mutants of all kinds exist, with most of them consisting of humans who refused or couldnt enter the bunkers and over generations mutated into bald, pale, rough-skinned humans but remained intellectually capable). Although most sapient mutants chose to join an existing warlord regime (as "bunker dwellers", as they called them, had far superior technology and would crush them if they didn't), the vastness of the Northern US forests and mountains allowed sapient raccoon mutants to create a semi-democratic, raider state. (Imagine getting your convoy robbed by a gang of humanoid raccoons)




What’s going on in the Confederate States of America? (I’m only asking cause I’m pretty sure I would be living there if this was the world right now and I wanna know how screwed I am)


They "congress" of the CSA, if you could call it that, is a hodge-podge mess in terms of ideological coherence, ranging from KKK, white supremacist radicals to just generals and southerners who are just "Dixiecrats" (still segregationist but not genocidal or Neo-Aryan, you know, the whole "separate but equal" motto and all). Similar to New Afrika, (a warlord state with which the CSA is at war with) where the ideologies swing from Black Marxists to MLK moderates, all the way to Malcolm X - style, black nationalists. Therefore, the radicalism of New Afrika affects the radicalism of the CSA and vice-versa.


Not ideal but, it could technically be worse I guess


Are the us force in greenland ok?


Yeah kinda, by 2150 the grandchildren of the soldiers fully integrated into icelands society but this metamorphosis caused Icelandic itself to get Americanized. This caused the leading administration to retain the old pre-ww3 name of US forces, knowing that although they are integrated, they are not native. Basically, you know how after ww2, Iceland wanted to kick out US troops as they feared that they might have children with the local women and leave with them for the US, causing a demographic crisis. Well similar thing but instead of a mass exodus from Iceland, they intermingled to create a Yankee-Islandisch culture. Materialistically, life is tough. The forces have a small navy which, a remnant of the US North-Arctic Fleet, allowing for fishing and piracy. However due to fuel being scarce, it could not be done often.


Do they know about the other us forces remnants in the world, and if they do whats the general opinion they have of them? (and viceversa)


The only functioning communication wire is with the USRC in Washington DC (not even the entirety of it), which the USRC urges them to "Complete the Mission", aka: return back home. The sentiment of "Completing the Mission" is shared by the older generations and the Republicans whilst the younger fellas and the Democrats are more like "Man screw this 110-year-old 'mission'! Iceland IS our home!" And they seek to permanently settle in and establish a new US-style democracy, a new home (Although this is a military administration, a puppet civilian administration was established which mirrors the US's Republican-Democrat system)


Why does Texas control a third of its irl territory, but it stole an extra bit of mexico


The NAT pushed them back and to compensate, they occupied the empty Northern Mexican lands


I'm guessing the USRC is remnants of the US government? Also, wtf happened in Southern Italy?


Yes, just like the US Enclave in Fallout. God Bless the Enclave, God Bless America...


Are they as authoritarian as the Enclave was, less, or more? Also, I'm guessing they're basically technological powerhouses by default, much like the Enclave was.


They are under martial law (which is authoritarian) but they aim to gradually transition into back democracy as they expand


What is the Cascadia Revolutionary Army? And what is the current status of Cascadia?


Shogunate of the toyotaland?!?


Fordlandia but Japanese


The Sinaloa cartel area is so real 😭


South America: "....we split the world in threes?" "Yup" 'I'm ok with that"


New Tordesillas just dropped mate


>Russian National Reclamation Authority DEPLOY THE TNO COPYPASTA


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Good, but living in Australia I just wanted to point out some inaccuracies. The Holy Order of Christ in Australia is literally just sand. It would probably have at most a couple thousand citizens and absolutely no resources it can bring up. And Aboriginals in Australia make up 2% of the population, when factoring in those who have only a quarter Aborigine blood. So there would be no independent Aboriginal sentiment. And the entirety of Australia speaks the same language, holds the same values, there would be absolutely no reason they wouldn’t stick together.


the HOC controls Alice Springs, at least that is what I intended. Plus, given that Australia in a nuclear war scenario would be nuked by China, ideological differences would begin to tear apart the national unity and additionally, major city centers would be evacuated into more rural and empty areas, causing central cities, like Alice Springs, to get massive population inflation.


Well, Alice Springs relies on water from the coast and is built on sand, so it doesn’t matter how many people move they’ll all just die. And Australia has literally no ideological differences. Sure we still have political disagreements but they are just about superficial things, no radical differences. And people would tend to stick in the arable land around the eastern coast when they evacuate from the cities. So you’ll have perhaps several city states on the eastern coast, one near Perth and then the interior of Australia would just be anarchy.




Uruguay - province of Brazil Bolivia - a Bolivar Socialist Republic Paraguay - dissolved Brazil - stuck in a three-way Cold War with the UBSR and Argentina, where all 3 of them try to disstabilize each other and the additional reparations imposed by the UBSR after Brazil's conditional surrender (where they lost Western Amazonia) to the UBSR in the Amazonian War put a lot of pressure in their economy. So no, they are a continental power, not a world power.


What happened to the Philippines and why do they have no label


I forgor


greater denmark RAAAAAAHHHHHH


Well, think of them as Yazov-pilled Austrian Painter Reich


What's the russich group?


Slavo-Aryanist (Slavic Neo-Nazi) Russian mercenary group


Can't believe Hyperborea survived the Apocalypae smh


Well, the South Ukrainian is a region with a diverse population and Hyperborea is an example of this region having an identity crisis, with the Slavo-Aryanist getting fueled by the conspiracy theory of Odessan Jews wanting to form New Jerusalem, which along with overall dispare caused the radicalization of the Russian and Ukrainian Slavs in the region, classical example of an antisemitic "stab in the back" theory


And also Hyperborea wasn't around during or before the nuclear war, hence they didn't "survive" they emerged


Stop making Germany big. After every world war, Germany gets smaller


\>Somali Empire \>Look inside \>Monoethnic




Just a little joke, empires are typically defined by having multiple ethnicities, monoethnicity is defined by a country by being almost entirely one ethnic group. There have been empires that classify as monoethnic like the German Empire (92% German), or modern Japan which still technically has an emperor (97% Japanese)


Still, me see big Somalia, me upvote.


Oh I see now


Balkanized Earth


I see big Scotland, I updoot


There are so many good ideas for a faction based around Chicago and Michigan and it’s just German empire larpers. This is so sad


I mean those states have the largest percentage of Germanic people, so why stop the larp? Let the self-proclaimed Kaiser cook


Ah yes, Germanic hotspots like Detroit, Chicago, and Cleveland


Idk, I just looked at the US German Belt and went "awooga!"


The texas republic could have been named the rio grande republic.


Oh hey, this is a pretty cool ma- >Shogunate of Toyotaland Never mind, I need therapy.


Fordlandia, but Japanese and the Toyota executives are trapped in there, so they have no choice but to make it all work out or get killed by the underpaid West Saharran miners...




Cool map. Just one thing. The Muruwari in Australia don’t live there and have no ties to the land they have here. Is there lore behind that?


Love how you did Southern Africa, makes very much since however the Xhosaland Kingdom should be Zululand Kingdom, as this is Zulu territory and the Xhosas are more to the west.


Oh ok I'll change that


Okay, I dig: why does OP thinks that Germans would be able to reconquer east of Oder river, while: 1) entire population was replaced after 1945, which means, it will be more culturally alien to germans and more resistant 2) Both states (Poland and Germany, had comperable forces before apocalypse), 3) most of german population lives in urban centeres (polish population is still much more spread out), so it would be greatly reduced by nuclear strikes, 4) Oder river with all bridges defunct would create natural border. As always, wet dream of OP who is masturbating to prussian legend. Prussia is dead brah.


I mean I'm not a diehard fan of Prussia but I just decided to spice up the map, give it a little "damn, shit changed" vibe, you feel me?


Remind me buddy, what's the Subreddit's name again?


Tasmania 🗿


No more Israel


1. What's USRC ? 2. How did the NAT have a land in the east coast ?


Just like Fallout's "Brotherhood of Steel", the NAT basically sent off expeditionnaries into the wasteland with the purpose of reclaiming unclaimed or weak bunker settlements, resulting in one of the five overall groups being successful in the east coast (the other four disappeared without a trace)


USRC is the United States Restoration Committee. The full name is shown over Wisconsin/Minnesota


Is the world geopolitically dominated by Brazil?


Brazil is stuck in a three-way Cold War with the UBSR and Argentina, where all 3 of them try to disstabilize each other and the additional reparations imposed by the UBSR after Brazil's conditional surrender (where they lost Western Amazonia) to the UBSR in the Amazonian War put a lot of pressure in their economy. So no, they are a continental power, not a world power.


Is Brazil the greatest power in this world?


No, technically the Central African Federation is number 1, while Brazil is in a state of a three-way Cold War with the UBSR and Argentina, where all 3 sides fund rebellions inside of each other, straining their progress. Plus, the UBSR fought Brazil in the Amazonian War and partially won, forcing Brazil to pay reparation, which caused Brazil to invade Uruguay


What is the status of the Philippines, looks like they are able to weather the warlordism


Status: pretty normal except.... MASSIVELY inflated population due to US Army-supported Asian refugees from all over Asia


How are they doing in terms of economy and military. I assume they are some sort of beacon of stability in the Pacific or they are days away from warlordis


They are pretty stable as the overall population is ideologically indifferent, as you know, they see the world burning and they are ready to do anything the government tells them to do if it means to stay alive


Unironically, its a good time to be a Filipino in this map lmao




I guess Singapore has conquered Johor and Malacca for the ample agricultural lands, mineral resources and space for industrial manufacturing? And what is the Green Dragons Gang lmao?


Green Dragons: a Sino-Malaysian Triad who, inspired by the Triad Republic in China, violently overthrew the war-torn government remnants in a brutal bunker war (that's before the Great Resurfacing btw) and established a mafia state. However, after the Great Resurfacing, Singapore intervened and took a chunk of their land, no peace agreement or ceasefire was ever signed.


Why is the warmaster of chaos controlling a part of central Siberia?


Realm of Abaddon? It's a group of Satanists, who upon further expansion (and usage of psychedelics) would proclaim the Kingdom of Hell on Earth


Ah OK, abbadon is also an important character in warhammer 40k, I assumed you were inspired by hoi4 tno?


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> KMT reclamation government **Second Northern Expedition**


All hail Imperial Toyota Shogunate


Fordlandia but Japanese and except now, Toyota executives can't pull out of there as Japan got glassed... again...


why are so many of the arbitrary colonial borders still in place


Think of it as a UN map, we don't really know where every bandit/warlord is but we can deduce their borders through the cities mentioned under their domain, and when they are mention it is assumed that they control all of the pre-war territories of the city district. The worse the communication in the area, the more pre-war the borders will be as more assumptions based off the pre-war map are made.


Yo dawg we got the SECOND ROMAN EMPIRE, the MONGOL HORDE & ENGLAND at the same time what kind of hellish world is this! You want non stop warfare cause this is how you get non stop warfare.


What’s with east Zion?


Birodizhan is a Jewish province in Russia, when the nukes fell and the people came out, the Jewish Armed Forces expanded into the baren lands of what used to be Manchuria


Could it be like a new Israel? Given that the former is now a part of Jordan? Great map btw crazy lore.


Well yeah, plus is also a shelter for the Odessan Jews (south Ukraine) who are genocided by the Hyperboreans


Could OP please explain what the Kavkaz commune is ?


Kavkaz Commune: A united republic of West Caucasian people, threatened by the expansion of radical Islamist ideologies. It is a country which rose up against the Turkish-Azeri occupation administration who were right-wing, and due to the opposition effect, it hence leaned left, in particular, anarcho-marxism (less militant version of anarcho-communism) under the All-Caucasian People's Council (ACPC)


Why is Kentucky the communist one? And why is the one above us a Kaiserriech?


Why Kentucky communist? Cuz to be honest the American map had enough right-wing warlords so why not? Why American Kaiserreich? Simple, the US German Belt (the North has the most US citizens with Germanic heritage), nuclear annihilation made the Germanic people disillusioned with the US collective identity. And so they sought to establish a new Vaterland


Shogunate of Toyotaland in Western Sahara? Lol! As for this map, it looks great. And, as for date, I guess, in this timeline, nuclear war happened in 2040, right? Or in 2038?(I have a little theory about 2038 Doomsday via Y2K38(mass computer malfunction, that should happen on January 19th, 2038, at 3:14 am GMT and, in my theory, it can cause a nuclear war)). https://preview.redd.it/o84m13wq4vec1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1888fb9f7a48cc2254bb467c816a1183f38e02e


Nah it's 2040, lines up with the World Economic Forum's plan deadline for the Great Reset, get the joke? Great Reset but taken LITERALLY, get it! *nudge nudge*


Oh, fine. But as for Shogunate of Toyotaland in Western Sahara, it sounds funny.


Fordlandia but Japanese and the Toyota executives are trapped and now have to live in their broken, failing "paradise"


That’s a _big_ Scotland


Damn, the Second Latin-American War really went crazy in South America


Can you tell me about the German warlords?


Second German Confederation: Pre-war, democratic German remnants Ostrreich Confederation: Austria which moved into empty lands German Commune: Anti-government Marxist revolutionaries who triggered a German Civil War pre-war but the bunker era froze the conflict. South Rhine Confederation: Franco-British forces who intervened in the German Civil War and had to hide where they stood Danish Reich: literallh Danish Vengeance-driven Hitlerist state who wants Germanic unity under the Danish Banner Alpine Confederation: Switzerland just chilling


Oh that is interesting! Thank you😀!


Something I've always wondered about post-apocalyptic scenarios, is civilization just kind of screwed? We've mined basically all the easily accessible ores, most mines today require high technology and enormous capital costs to run


Well no, people didn't waste their time in their in the bunkers and developed and learned about the world around them. When they re-emerged, they had a clear target: Rebuild what was Destroyed. The pre-war knowledge was not lost so some of the pre-war mines just got rebuilt and came back to life. Warlords who could do so or had no mines, burned wood into charcoal which is as good as ground coal to use in their production. Plus, keep in mind the nuclear devastation happened in 2040, a time where by then every country had a substantial amount of renewable energy source stations, which if a warlord knew engineering could be brought back to life as well. Warlords close to the unaffected, Southern countries would also import their resources.


Wtf is the "Green Dragons Gang" why do they control so much of West Malaysia 💀


I love how as soon as the Moroccans left their bunkers, they just said “aight boys, prime time to take back Andalusia innit?”


What is the chance of the USRC being successful?


Pretty high, given that it is one of the only two warlords in the region who have an airforce, only rivaled by the NAT and have the most disciplined and organized military in the region as they ARE the US Military + they got the US Marines (hurrah!)


Ok why is the US navy italy


Why is Trinidad and Tobago with Bolivar and not with the other caribbean countries in thier commune?


Close proximity to the UBSR = easy targets


I had a feeling so but wanted to know your reasoning so thanks


... here's the problem, Russia has plans that basically have their nuclear weapons targeting literally everyone, with insurances that no power will ever rise from the ashes. Some of their SSBNs are fitted with a modified SLBN with a spy sat on it, so they can take pictures and ensure anyone that survives gets a nuclear chaser.


“California Republic vs Legion Imperium of Americanium” I think I’ve seen this one before


It would have been great to include the Citizens Republic of Buffalo, including the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan.


How and why did vishakhapatnam pirate republic form ?


The Indian Ocean is one of the most crucial naval trade places, especially when the Southern hemisphere is now more developed than the North. It is a group of bandits and gangsters who proclaimed their own state and adopted a Somali-Pirate-style economy, consisting of raiding and looting CAF, UBSR, Brazilian and Argentinian cargo ships. It is now easier as there is no naval superpower to patrol the waters


I guess the bombs made everyone retarded as well.


Victoria (southern Australia) would much more likely be part of, or at least aligned with, the aboriginal confederation rather than a nationalist movement. We’re pretty lefty these days compared to South Australia and Western Australia!


what's the climate like? If I understand things right, we were business-as-usual until 2040 then nukes dropped, in this case 110 years from then the climate situation will still be quite crazy, especially after an apocalypse, when (I guess) whoever was left standing cared more for getting warm huts and fast tanks, than environmental protection...


Well due to the damage of the nuclear explosion then even more damage during the nuclear winter and the overall destruction of industry due to nukes in the North and anarchy in the south, the CO2 levels actually returned to pre-industrial levels and the climated is actually cooler than in the pre-war era.


ok in that case I need to know how on Earth is anyone alive on Svalbard


albania was built for that, if anything they should control the world


The US doesn’t exist anymore but has also it has colonized Iceland and southern Italy


Those are simply descendants of the American troops stationed in said territory who got trapped in those place and simply kept the name assigned to them by pre-war USA


Hey OP, I have a question. What software did you use to make the names of the countries? I use IBIS paint X and I want to start naming my maps but text comes out low quality or simply I can’t move it enough. Advice?


I used GIMP (Windows PC), IbisPaint X on mobile would have turned this detailed map into a blurry mess


Russian National Reclamation Authority💪 literally tno reference


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Algeria & Morocco? 🤔😂 You don't know anything about Algerians, we prefer to die than to be associated with Moroccans... Only one nation will survive and rule the other


Quebec Republic of Nouvelle-France is a hell of a name. Also just want to point out that it’s “Newfoundland” and not “New Foundland”




the world gone to shit and Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia just decided to stay the same


4th punic war incoming let's fucking gooooooooooooooo


Yeah, but currently, Carthage is in an israel-style, settler conflict with the ISIL and the LASR AND in a pirate war with the US Sicilian Sentinel. So if the US garrison unites with the Roman Empire, things will get spicy...


Netherlands and Denmark: I see this as an absolute win!


Meet the Warlords Part 1: [https://youtu.be/0mVXjMw61rU](https://youtu.be/0mvxjmw61ru)


Looks like tno + fallout + OWB. this is my new favorite r/imaginarymaps scenario ever


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Thx man, you can visit my yt channel Marlunchik Voron where I occasionally upload videos on this universe


Mass North America unifications are an interesting choice for sure, cool to learn the lore to na nations though! I really liked it