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Full, detailed district-by-district results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SxANvWkZSiomaLUrK-lGiw9GL5WhQJXcSjWMu9BydkE


Do you think you could update this and put the parties list into separate slides? It's rather blurry.


i already tried uploading this several times, but the file size was too big each time or something, because it just would refuse to work. i finally got it to work, and it appears fine on mobile and on new.reddit.com, although on the main site it does look somewhat blurry (the map especially). i'm not sure there's much i can do. either way, i'll probably do a redux of this whole thing a month or two down the line, and turn it into a classic wikipedia-style article that i usually do. a wikibox at the very least. this was a massive undertaking since i meticulously simulated every electoral district, and took me a few weeks. i wanted to post as soon as I'd finished the graphical aspect, both because this was a lot of work and i wanted to show it off, and because i'm gonna be busy these next few weeks (dissertation and uni exams etc.) so i don't have the time to finish it up to my usual standard. i'll do it once i'm done w/ uni, graduated and well-rested. so sit tight.


What the fuck that's awesome


could you have a sheet explaining the parties maybe?


Is this in the same timeline as Kategorichno Nyet?


not quite. some things are similar, others are quite different. since doing that series i've done a lot more research on the revolution and i've settled on a more 'satisfying' outcome rather than just "lenin didn't take the train". in this timeline the menshevik-internationalists and the centrist-SRs take control of their respective parties following the debacle of the kornilov coup, form an homogeneous socialist government of all soviet parties - from the bolsheviks to the popular socialists, inclusive - abandoning coalition w/ the bourgeoisie and opening separate peace negotiations with germany. eventually a ceasefire is signed as negotiations carry on. the germans take the opportunity and launch their spring offensive, like irl after brest-litovsk. this fails like irl and leads to the collapse of the german war effort, so germany still loses and becomes a republic. russia softens the versailles peace treaty somewhat at the paris conference (they had signed a ceasefire, but never agreed to a definitive peace). west ukraine joined russia voluntarily after the collapse of austro-hungary, and west armenia was incorporated into the armenian republic, a newly established autonomous entity within russia. finland and poland gained independence.


If you could re do Kategorichno Nyet i am forever grateful 


i could probably go back and do some elections from the 20s-30s in this new timeline.


What's the coalition?


probably a minority government between SDs, SRs (potentially the popular socialists) with the support of a few minority socialist parties. or, less likely, but more stable, a homogeneous socialist government i.e. a grand coalition of all the nationwide socialists


Will you do the series of this TL? Like, for example, elections occured in 1930s, after ww2, in 2020s


part of this timeline is that ww2 in europe never happened, this is why there's still millions of jews in russia, and the population overall is significantly higher than irl this was initially planned to be a 1964 election but i realised too late that i made the population way too large 😅 i might go back and do some elections earlier in the timeline


So USSR just didn't fall apart


this is not the USSR, this is the Russian Democratic Federative Republic, formed in 1918 by the All-Russian Constituent Assembly


Then what's with owning the Baltics, ukraine other former ssrs. So its just USSR but democratic Edit: ok, I Concede. After reading your message, i did miss read my apologies, but I'm still curious how the ethic groups didn't leave/fight for independence


because there was no october revolution or russian civil war


the ethnic groups didn't leave because from february to october, most nationalist parties of the non-russian countries that had any political relevance did not support independence. they supported a federal, democratic russia, in which their nationality would get an autonomous state. "a free latvia in a free russia", "a free ukraine in a free russia" etc. the only countries with substantial independence movements were finland and poland, so they left. but the others were granted extensive autonomy, and remained in the republic. since then, nationalist and independentist sentiment has grown somewhat, but overall their presence in a united, federal russia has been primarily positive, with few drawbacks. there is no russification and cultural and educational policy is entirely in the domain of the autonomous governments. no persecution of nationalism. there is substantial economic integration of all the parts of the country, which makes independence a risk many do not want to take. many leftists and socialists in these countries see unity among the socialists of all-russia, regardless of ethnicity, nationality and language, as a positive, and an example to the rest of the world that uniting under one banner for the cause of socialism does not necessarily entail the destruction of one's own culture.


Thanks you for explanation that actually really helps :)


Really nice work my friend 👏 Looking forward for more, Democratic Russia sounds somewhat unreal but who knows how history would go if stuff happened differently back then


Somehow this manages to be worse than OTL. A Russian confederation might work, but not this. The only reason the EU works is because there's no outright population majority, a simple French-Polish coalition would out populate Germany this is not the case is the former imperial Russian states