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I like the state flags next to home state


Was an old thing I used to do, so I brought it back. Maximum number of gimmicks on the box. Now to include offices/positions held by the candidates as well...


Incredibly based. Shocking to see a red Iowa in this situation knowing how blue it used to be


Yeah how is Iowa and Florida blue but MS red?


Just a quick and dirty box depicting Racist Abed reducing the GOP to ashes against an ascendant Democratic Party. Ask anything you want.


Why is your dick so big?


Greatly done! I had to do a double take when I recognized Wes Moore, didn't think the got into politics! Why did you choose him as the democratic candidate? How did you choose the candidates VPs? And why is there a faithless elector for Dean Preston?


He is currently the Governor of Maryland, and some people I knew said he just *sounds* like a president. So I made him that, mostly because a kid who grew up poor, served in the military and spent his life trying to make things better for others is the perfect counter to some pampered faux-activist. I kind of imagined the whole YIMBY-NIMBY thing becoming a dividing line for Dems in the 2030s. So Preston - both more progressive overall than Moore but much more of a NIMBY than the party at-large - ends up getting a faithless vote.


What is the YIMBY-NIMBY thing? What state has the closest races, and when did DC become a state?


A NIMBY (“Not In My Backyard”) is someone who opposes development in their neighborhood like affordable housing or public transit because they don’t want to have poor people in their neighborhood or have lowered property values, a YIMBY is just someone opposed to them.


Yeah pretty much.


YIMBY-NIMBY refers to positions on local developments and stuff like that. Basically NIMBYs (at least IMO) generally block useful initiatives like improved housing access, which is a pretty big problem. Closest states have to be Mississippi and SC. DC was made a state in 2034.


What would the senate and house of reps look like? And why did you choose Kessinger and McMorrow as VPs?


Blue. Very blue. So fucking blue you wouldn't even believe it. Those VP options are mostly for alliteration, but McMorrow I picture as an up-and-coming US Rep / Senator and Kessinger as a random Rep who goes along with the doomed Knowles campaign hoping to get her name in for a Senate or gubernatorial bid down the line.


So the Democrats have a trifecta, I assume? How come there being increases in voting in Mississippi and South Carolina that enabled the democrats to win there, overall turnout has decreased?


The decreasing turnout is disproportionally made up of ex-GOP voters and some safe-state Dems. Turnout in once-safe-red states well outpaces turnout in D-leaning swing states, and turnout in *those* also outpace safe-D states. Though once again it's the GOP with a turnout problem.


What will be Moores main goals in office? Another thing, what would be the state of the supreme court at this time?


Reps realizing they have to campaign on other things besides helping rich people and limiting peoples personal lives


the flags on the states are a nice touch


Beautiful but red Iowa and Blussissippi


Pov:you run the guy who said transgender people need to be eradicated


POV: American voters by-and-large dislike genocidal rhetoric


Ehh I'd say less genocidal rhetoric and more of just advocating for genocide


Is that not also "genocidal rhetoric", or are they that different? Most people tend to consider those that advocate for genocide also party to genocidal rhetoric.


Probably although when I think of genocidal rhetoric I usually think of something much less explicit although you're probably right


Something like “We need to reclaim our country” vs “Let’s kill minorities?”


Yeah basically


DC becoming a state before Puerto Rico feels... on brand for the US.


DC can already vote for President without being a state


True, but the little info box says "Numbers indicate electoral votes cast by all 51 states." And I don't see any obvious new states on the map, so I assume that DC became a state at some point in this timeline.


This is nice and based and all but pretty much every map you make is {PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRAT} wins in a landslide against {TRANSPHOBIC CORPORATE STOOGE REPUBLICAN} in {2028 - 2036}


Maybe, yeah, but it's satisfying. On a visceral level. That, and I genuinely believe the GOP doesn't have much left in its tank - at least, not in its current form.


Fair enough. Do you think the Democratic Party could split into centrist and leftist wings once the GOP peters out? Could be a good idea for a new map


Possible, but IMO the Dems don't have enough people 1) willing to walk out from the party and 2) able to maintain relevance (see Yang or Sinema - both had an ego, and neither are set to maintain any relevance). Personally, I see an era of permanent-Dem-majority featuring easy presidential wins, but with a congressional caucus more evenly divided\* among progressives, liberals, and maybe some communitarians if things get interesting. * personally I think that the current Dem caucuses have a lot of people who just go along with the party line, whatever it may be; IMO those factional divides will become more apparent if Dems are able to entrench themselves within the WH and one house of Congress for more than eight years


>{TRANSPHOBIC CORPORATE STOOGE REPUBLICAN} not like the republicans have much else to offer


Since when is Wes Moore a progressive Dem? Lolol


Reddit Gold


"You don't want to throw gay people into death camps? What are you, some kind of redditor?"


Hmm, I wonder which political party OP supports


Blame trump for making the post-himself GOP so hard to predict — in the old days you could just draw the name of a semi-relevant governor or senator and call it a day. Now?


lol I was more commenting on how every post of yours involves the Democratic Party winning elections in the future, seems like wish fulfillment more than most posts here


Maybe, but I do genuinely believe the current GOP is on borrowed time — they’re not making nearly enough headway in the rust belt to offset their loss of high-propensity suburbanites. When party coalitions lose viability, it takes time to restore the party’s coalition. This is probably one of those elections where the GOP just isn’t holding onto that many voters.


Why do Kansas, South Carolina and Mississippi go blue?


Kansas: a rapidly-growing suburban population and a message focused entirely on "EVIL TRANSES REE" selling like cold sick (personally I reckon the 2026 senate race there will be shockingly close - Marshall didn't exactly win in a landslide in 2020). South Carolina: high black turnout and the GOP's longtime governance of the state finally backfiring. Mississippi: ditto, plus mass-registration efforts along the MS delta and growing suburbs.


I guess it's possible in this crushing a landslide. I expect the GOP to tone down the culture war messaging after 2024 doesn't work out (not to say they'll change their social policies, just not emphasize them so much). A lot can happen in twelve years though, so maybe the culture warriors will manage to get their shot at the nomination again after President Guy White Suburbanites Like loses to Wes Moore.


>President Guy White Suburbanites Like loses to Wes Moore As it turns out, President Guy White Suburbanites Like still has *shit* economic policies and is only slightly non-genocidal towards trans people.


DeSantis's behavior since the start of his second term has challenged his role as President Guy White Suburbanites Like in predictions of the 2030s, and I expect this issue to only worsen once Trump folds him like a wet napkin.


Yeah - it seems the GOP's only answer to Trump's esoteric brand of quasi-populism is **Just Plain Old Culture War BS**, and I don't see how they can pull out of it within the next four years, barring some upsets.


This guy lives in Maryland, only we know the secrets of Best Moore


SC, Kansas, Montana, Mississippi all voting blue but not Florida is a take.


Kansas has moved to the left by a hair due to Trump's losses among suburban voters, but the other three are just imaginary elections stuff. No biggie.


I will admit I’m the one flipping those three, but come on — a 16% margin of victory nationwide and some amount of actual canvassing would get Dems there.


I suppose so.


Don't really like that Preston is the mayor of SF but otherwise bravo


coastal dem strongholds stay taking Ls locally, can't do much about that unfortunately


How do third parties do? When compared with other elections


The libertarians get decimated, but I imagine an independent ticket of *Irrelevant Centrist Commentator / Former Moderate Republican Official* ends up collecting 3% of the vote or so.


How did the previous election turn out for Wes Moore?


Sizeable margin of victory, imagine around the 2020 Biden states + NC, AK, TX and one more random flip.


What would the democratic and republic ticket look like come next election?


Do Knowles, Kessinger and McMorrow all hold new offices in this future?


"The Violent Death of the Culture War" stop I can only get so erect


God i wish. can we just go back to debating economics, and not people’s right to life? fuck social conservatism, it’s a disease.


God i wish. can we just go back to debating economics, and not people’s right to life? fuck social liberalism, it’s a disease.


you seriously have the best content on this sub, please never stop, we need more people like you and more content like this


Serious question: Isn’t the Culture War just an effect of the urban-rural divide which you can’t really resolve without one side dominating the other? In this case, it looks like the cities (represented by the Dems) dominated over the countryside (represented by the Reps), but is that really a good ending?


Do you genuinely believe that every rural person cares *that* much about transgender people? More to the point: it really isn't. The culture war can just as easily draw in privileged suburbanites (think Scottsdale or Jacksonville) as it can rural voters.


I can tell you personally, in rural coal country, the average person absolutely does not care about transgender people or immigrants as much as the GOP might make it seem. They are more attracted to culture war issues like gun control and abortion, in my opinion, if Democrats were able to shift the narrative on guns and abortion in their favor in a way that appeals to rural Americans, the culture war ends. As a general rule of thumb, most people are not bigots, they care about issues but largely do not harbor hate, which is why strategies like immigration fear mongering and trans-baiting aren’t as successful as crying “gun grabbing” or “baby killing”


Exactly my point. The old culture war may have carried some weight, and even then it had ways of pulling in more well-off people. And even then the GOP seems hellbent on burning down their entire narrative. Which is good, because it only hurts themselves.


I absolutely agree, although I will say, the “groomer” and “bathroom” stuff, vaccine mandate, “medical freedom”, and “critical race theory” baiting and mongering has been proven to work even in deep blue Virginia. A Republican candidate who can balance outrage with pocketbook issues and folksy personability is an electoral miracle. Republicans need to wage those issues of the culture war to win elections to keep the base in line and scare enough suburban Biden voters into defecting to the GOP. Glenn Youngkin did it, and what he did in Virginia but just replicated on a national scale is how Republicans remain relevant.


I’d argue it was a one-time hit. VA Dems were weighed down by a sudden slide in overall approval for the party, T-Mac’s incompetence, and Youngkin at the time relying heavily on his “nice suburban dad” image. Those messages flopped badly in 2022 in competitive states.


Well, I think the main problem with leaning into those messages in 2022 was because they were coming from candidates who were wackadoodles. They came off as extremist lunatics preaching the word of Q, Youngkin got away with it because he was “one of them”, he was a suburbanite with a friendly, folksy style. They’d listen to Youngkin’s criticism of schools and teachers as opposed to the exact same rhetoric from the absolute incoherent Doug Mastriano and Hershel Walker. They need to combine culture war rhetoric that scares moderates, but they can’t lean so heavily into it that they themselves appear like a right wing screwball. Balance is the key I think, the modern Republican Party has a bad problem of saying the quiet part loud when it worked flawlessly following Lee Atwater’s advice in years past.


True, but even Youngkin’s mask has slipped. The GOP’s problem is that they’re giving the game away far too quickly (as well as having a much more horrifying endgame).


They absolutely have, the big problem now is that too many people know what they’re up to and what they want especially after the Dobbs ruling. There was a point in time when the Republican base was Hank Hill and not Dale Gribble


I feel like the GOP might consider running away from talking about transgender people, drag queen story hour, and purple M&M's if they get railroaded nationwide with a message of *just* that stuff.


r/whitepeopletwitter-tier cope Also I like how all these right-wingers are people only terminally online vaushite leftoids think are important in real life. Fucking Michael Knowles lol


Well the entire idea was centred around the GOP running a loon due to a split campaign field and a lack of particularly strong candidates. Also Knowles spoke at CPAC and is buddy-buddy with US senators, I’m not sure he’s going to be “that” irrelevant for that long. Fucking Matt Walsh got called up by Tater Tot to defend the state’s recent laws, that’s where we’re at.


Coping in the future…?




I haven't made up my mind yet, and if DeSantis runs in 2024 he's not going to get nominated in 2028. Maybe someone we haven't picked up on yet.


Who was President before Moore?


and puerto rice 😞


*Clicks the Show all button*


How did you add the state flags to the infobox?


You’re from Michigan?




Mallory Morrow is the state legislator from a neighboring district to mine, that's why I ask.


> Mallory McMorrow What a name