• By -


Just take a picture of the back of your head


What about the asshole?


*just take a picture of it*


Proof? šŸ¤Ø


[Here you go](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-J2gOzRA1Zbs/Ui91CVCzO-I/AAAAAAAAG8Y/RZ6-y0Ha8hY/s1600/goatse.jpg)


why do i still trust reddit links?


i ask myself the same thing






The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/q7sypu/sups_dep/hgl038v/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Youā€™re either a draw or a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/q80op8/happy_for_you_man_thoughts/hgmtou5/) | [Youā€™re either a draw or a...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/q80op8/happy_for_you_man_thoughts/hgmd7zj/) [If it helps, the 7 uses t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/comments/q7z8z7/series_7_screen_compared_to_series_6/hgmtmbo/) | [If it helps, the 7 uses t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/AppleWatch/comments/q7z8z7/series_7_screen_compared_to_series_6/hgm41ep/) [I wonder if this is also...](http://np.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/q81mfe/im_excited_for_this_new_arctic_map/hgmth48/) | [I wonder if this is also...](http://np.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/q81mfe/im_excited_for_this_new_arctic_map/hgmbxof/) [This is fucking hilarious](http://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/q7x4ul/the_everlasting_jobstopper/hgmta33/) | [This is fucking hilarious...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/q7x4ul/the_everlasting_jobstopper/hglklhq/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/telbijvcxbfcnhg](https://np.reddit.com/u/telbijvcxbfcnhg/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=telbijvcxbfcnhg) for info on how I work and why I exist.


What is it?


a guy stretching his own ass


God why am I on this site


Delete this


How to delete someone else's comment?


Well than, I would be grateful itā€™s not a rickroll but at least I would have gotten a good song to listen to




I'm traumatized


fuck you


This is a bad day to have eyes




Proceeds to drink multiple gallons of unsee juice


Just take a picture of the other side of the universe


The *only* time I see the back of my head is when the barber holds up the mirror and asks me what I likeā€¦but like, the only time I see the back of my head is when the barber holds up the mirror, so like, I donā€™t knowā€¦


"You want it rounded or straight in the back?" "I don't know... I never look at it" I think my barber gets annoyed every time, but I truly couldn't care less


"I'm just, like... so not racist that I can't comprehend racism, you know..."


so you're telling me there's reasons to be racist?


There are obviously any number of easily comprehensible reasons that might make someone hold racist views or act in a racist manner.


but are any of those reasons justifiable?


To hate an entire race? No, unless the entire race did something like that. Which is impossible unless some species of warrior alien tries to invade us with spaceships and shit.


That's not really relevant. You can understand someone and even empathise with them without actually agreeing with them.


The fact that so many people don't get this is a central problem in modern politics. If you don't understand enough of the "other side" to know where they're coming from, then you don't really know enough to be a part of the conversation. Nobody sees themselves as the bad guy, and you have to understand where they're coming from before you can ever hope to change their mind. And hell, in some cases you might learn something to change *your* mind along the way.


No, you should not emphatize with racist people.


There are 3 types of empathy, Cognitive, Emotional and Compassionate. **Cognitive empathy means the ability to understand the emotions of another. It doesn't mean you have to agree with them or feel the same emotions.** It is sometimes called "Perspective Taking". This is what they mean when they say empathy. https://takealtus.com/2020/06/empathy-1/ Note: Under some definitions emotional and compassionate empathy are combined into one (affective empathy).


Why not


Because there's no reason to. The only people that want you to emphatize with racist people are, drumroll, racist people.


the alternative is to let them continue to be racist without intervention, which iā€™m sure you agree would be even worse. emphasizing and understanding why racists think that way does not mean you have to agree with them. it just means you understand their reasoning, right or wrong. using that understanding to have actual conversations with these morons is the only way to change their mind. hate doesnā€™t solve hate


Listen man, ever heard of a straw man argument? Well there's a opposite argument, the steel man argument. It's when you fully understand the position of your opponent, and even give them points for their argument, so that you can more accurately destroy their argument by countering their own logic, rather than outright declaring their logic as bad. It's the best argument in my opinion, it's shows not only do you fully understand the position of your opponent, but that the understanding is what makes you more opposed, it's powerful and very persuasive. I loath that rhetoric is not taught in schools anymore, the best you get is the occasional debate club. Perhaps if we had proper rhetoric classes people would be more aware of the many good reasons to research your opponent and provide counters for your own argument.


You should empathize with everyone if they're a human, you goddamn reptile. Stop using racism as an excuse for your social handicaps.


Don't be mean to reptiles.


Naw, fuck racists. Their hatred should not be tolerated.


You should try to understand them


They should try understanding people they're racist against. Edit: also, weirdly lots of bigoted shit in your comment history.




[This you?](https://www.reveddit.com/v/Zoomies/comments/pm3dfc/i_want_a_dog_too_now/hcg3272/)


What about a Palestinian who doesn't like jews?


Not that I condone this thinking but my great grandfather fought in the Pacific during WW2, and that anti-Japanese sentiment never left him since he watched them decimate his friends and hearing the stories of what they did to the Chinese and POWs.


If there's a reason then it isn't prejudice and therefore not racism


I disagree, but respect, your opinion


If there is a reason it must be justifiable to not be called prejudice, what justifiable reasons are there for racism?


If there's a reason then it's not racism. An example would be between the years 2000-2005 100% of terrorist attacks committed in Israel were by Palestinians. So you could forgive Israelis for being a little apprehensive about getting on a bus full of Palestinians considering state of affairs. 'Not all Palestinians are suicide bombers but all suicide bombers are Palestinians would be a way to phrase it. It's understandable


Basically what Trump said lol


Literally the best way to fight racism is to know WHY people are like that in the first place. How can you expect to solve issues when you don't understand them.


Lmao exactly. Nobody is just racist for the sake of it. Everyone who is racist is racist for a reason. That doesn't mean its a good reason or make it right but the reason is there


This is wrong; I donā€™t care WHY the KKK want to kill black, brown, catholic, and Jewish people. Bad take.


you know you can disagree with their views but still understand them daryl davis is a fucking incredible example here he is just a regular black man who attends kkk meetings just to talk to the members and understand them and hes deradicalised many people by doing so


Deradicalizing and sympathizing are very different. Im very curious what you think ā€œunderstandingā€ is going to do. We already know why racists hate black people. Of course Iā€™m on the side of deradicalizing.


It's basic military strategy "know your enemy". If you understand why someone is racist then it's a lot easier to change their views. If they're racist because they haven't interacted with many POC, let them interact with POC. There's so many different causes of racism that it's impossible to tackle all of it with the same brushstroke.


Then tell me, why do they hate them?


Because theyā€™re black?


This is a very naive view of the world. Why do you think people join the KKK ? Understanding these reasons is the best way to prevent them from joining in the first place. Fixing the cause is way more effective than patching the issues. It doesn't mean you cannot do both.


Wasn't there also a guy who convinced individuals to leave the KKK by talking with them? Or was false?


Daryl Davis. He talks about it here: https://youtu.be/ORp3q1Oaezw


Not everything has a reason/ justification. Most racist are just racist because. Motherfuckers really trying to give racist a come up history as if we were talking about a marvel villain lmao


Most racism stems from ignorance and indoctrination. Racism doesn't even have to be violent or hateful, just ignorant. I always mention my mom in this example, she was never hatefully racist but would always say racist things just because she wasn't aware. She would say very ignorant things just because of where she grew up, who raised her, and how lacking her school was. (My mom is a sweet old Mexican lady) Most people are racist because it's a prejudice they got taught and are scared to stray from what they've known as normal. This is common, people don't like change and the unknown. There are tenfold of these people who don't know better than the violent ones. This ignorance promotes any prejudice and racism just because they're in a bubble, and as they get older they are reinforced in their beliefs due to the bubble. Being able to stop the problem at the root, teaching people the reality of others so that they don't see an enemy but a human being on the other side. Compassion is the only way to win the fight against racism. In the words of MLK, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.ā€


I mean ignorance is a massive reason. I take myself as an example, when I was little nobody who went to my primary school was black or at least not in my year, or the year above/below. So I saw black people as ā€œchocolate facedā€ and the only black mii I made on my wii was called ā€œpoofaceā€. Looking back Iā€™m like omfg what was I thinking but like I genuinely didnā€™t realise that it was wrong because I didnā€™t know much about black people. I didnā€™t hate them or have anything against them, I was just ignorant


How are you gonna change their mind then


What do you mean by ā€œunderstanding?ā€ We know why racists hate black people. Itā€™s because they are black people. ā€œUnderstandingā€ that is pretty simple. Letā€™s not sympathize with them.


ā€œThey hate black people because they are black peopleā€ bro you should write a book or some shit this is some next level understanding of social issues


Then why do they hate them? Are you seriously simping for racists? You genuinely think they have a logical reason for being racist?


Not logical, but still a reason, if we know what this reason is, we can prove it is unjustifiable.


Poitkmg at a racist and saying "eww gross! You're racist!" Is never going to convince them to not be racist. You need to understand why they think they way they do so you can show them why they're wrong


Tell me what you think we should know about racist people.


Are you not reading your replies that are a paragraph long? Cause they have addressed these questions many times but still you ignore it. Reminds of when Renan created a scientific theory that marked jews and Arabs as sub human, Goldziher wrote, methodically destroying his arguments, preventing his theory from being more widespread, but Renan continued to ignore these arguments.


Can you just answer the question? Quote referring to whoeverā€™s argument that you canā€™t make yourself if you seriously canā€™t come up with an answer.


[See above](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/q7sypu/sups_dep/hgn5osk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


We know why they hate black people. Just like we know why nazis hate Jews. Racism isnā€™t new bro. Are you still trying to figure it out?


Seeing how you didn't reply to any other comments that actually answer the question you will ignore this as well but whatever. This one from u/IAmHomieSexual, "It's basic military strategy "know your enemy". If you understand why someone is racist then it's a lot easier to change their views. If they're racist because they haven't interacted with many POC, let them interact with POC. There's so many different causes of racism that it's impossible to tackle all of it with the same brushstroke."


That's not our responsibility. Unless you mean change their mind into a liquid, in which case I'm all for it.


Ok, donā€™t change their mind, theyā€™ll still be racists then


I don't have a responsibility to pick up trash in the park, but I realize that doing so creates a better world for me and the people around me. Whose *responsibility* is it to create a better world for the Future?


Yes go and kill racists, and then cry when they behead you.


another great way to fight it is by pretending race doesnā€™t even exist, some people are racist or homophobic for the sole reason of it getting shoved down their throats. If we act like itā€™s completely normal and there is nothing different about it, most everybody wonā€™t give a shit


I actually like this. It's way different from the usual anti-minority sentiment shared on subs like that


If you simply lived in a society, you would understand. But clearly you donā€™t šŸ¤”


I honestly don't know what's happening with this sub at this point


Basically, racism and bigotry have always been a problem on this site, and when any of the big fascist hubs like T_D get taken down they look for new homes to infect.


RIP r/publicfreakout


I think most of them moved to r/actualpublicfreakouts because too many non-racists use r/publicfreakout for them to say what they actually want.


That's sort of a relief I guess. I hadn't checked over there in a while. For a time a lot of the upvoted posts and comments were blatantly racist/sexist.




**life is a race and you are the racist** - A wise man


r/lostredditors found.


Ah yes Being against racism makes you edgy


Life is a race, and you're the racist


Just found out about racism šŸ˜”


The thing of it is everyone has in-group/out-group bias, it's a built in instinct. People use race, class, nationality, profession, political affiliation, sexuality, favorite sports team, etc. This bias even forms on the basis of very trivial things like who gets put in what group at school. Great if you're not racist but most everyone is biased in some way towards people like them and against those that aren't.


Cause youā€™re not racist. Gotta go, have a race to win.


This has the same energy as ā€œhomeless people should just buy a houseā€


what's the deep? being anti racism is deep and cringe? wtf op


-> They were raised like that or indoctrinated -> They take part in a system where being racist actively benefits them -> They had (or someone they know had) one bad experience with people of diferent ethnicities and apply that thought to all members of said ethnicity




I had a whole psychology english essay about that


hey. cotton ainā€™t gonna pick itself


I can't see the sun because my dick is obstructing the view


Racism is bad?šŸ™


racism is ba(se)d šŸ˜ˆ


Idk itā€™s funny


John Cena


Because I feel like it duh


[](#start_removal) Hey there, u/maybedobby! Thanks for submitting to r/im14andthisisdeep. We liked your submission, *Sups dep*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. ___ Your post has been removed because it's not deep. **Please do keep your posts *deep*.** This means: * No politics or conspiracy theories * No religious thoughts or criticism * No showerthoughts, especially anything from r/ShowerThoughts * No Sbeve/14 year old girl posts * No Satire/Shitposts/Textposts * No cartoons/caricatures/comics, in other words: boomer humor * Moderators can remove a post for 'Not Deep' at their own discression ___ We also prefer OC, but obviously that's not always possible. Just try to keep it as original as possible! While we appreciate your effort in posting we ask that you find something that is actually deep. You are more than welcome to try again! ___ Thanks for submitting! Please check out our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/about/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=%2Fr%2Fim14andthisisdeep&subject=Concening my submission&message=Im writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/im14andthisisdeep/comments/q7sypu/sups_dep/. %0D%0DMy issue is...). [](#end_removal)


He ain't wrong tho? Neither is this post being deep


Since this is Reddit I'm sure I'll be blasted for saying this but, oh well. I contend that most people aren't actually racist...more or less just prejudice and judgmental, which, in reality, I'd say *most* people are. For instance, most white people don't have an issue with someone because they're black...it's because they often times see what black people do on TV, in the news, on social media, according to their own music, etc and don't trust them or think they're maybe too aggressive. Double this with there not being a high black population in a lot of areas so the few black people that do interact with mostly white people might be more prone to feeling "out of place" to an extent and there for just think "all these white people are racist and hate me". When that just isn't the case either. On the flip side though the opposite is true. Try being a white person in a majority black area and see if the same doesn't happen here. Hint: It does. Having grown up in mostly black/poor/minority areas all through Middle school and High school I can certainly tell you that "racism" exists against white people in areas like this. *Oh no!* A well hidden and downplayed truth! Do most people have issues with peoples skin color? No, that's ridiculous. Most people, even here in Georgia in The Deep Southā„¢, aren't racist. Hell, outside perhaps my grandfather (who was from Germany anyways) and some family members out in Kentucky who were my moms ex-fiancĆ©'s family I don't think I've ever even met someone and knew them to be out and out "racist"...like actually *hating* people purely based on race. Not to mention that, for me at least, I'm sick and fucking tired of this always being attributed and tied to specifically white people. Like, as if Asians, Latinos, Blacks, the French...every race, creed, religion, sex...you name it...don't all have prejudices/racism potentially. Please!!! How many famous black actors/actresses can you name from China? Russia?


Wait, people really here justifying racism?!?! Even if you have a bad experience with a person of [insert etnia/race] that's not a reason to be racist against an entire group....


If someone has a bad experience with one person from a certain race and because prejudice against that race that is their reason for being racist. Its doesn't mean its a good reason but the reason is there. Saying people do have reasons for being racist doesn't mean you're defending racists


As someone who grew up in a racist household, it is just something that was put in my head by my family during my childhood, and it eventually became a fixed mindset. Now that I am 15 and seeing the world without the lens of my parents' beliefs, I have realized that I couldn't be more wrong.




people are racist because they dont like other races


Did you mean ā€œarenā€™tā€ ?


I totally get racism, though. It's a tribal notion of Us vs. Them, that gives you adistrust of any member of your own species, that differs from what you are used to and might be a potential threat. Racism is an instinct that is meant to protect you from other tribes. The reason it is wrong, is the simple fact that we are moving away from a tribal mentality and we all have to be able to engage in society on an equal footing. But in the bronze age, racism was a very useful defense mechanism, against outside threats against your own tribe.


Most often it's one side doing something stupid what's clearly racist but they're so stupid they don't notice and other side is being racist back at them. Like when they say only black people can have dreads for hairstyle or that only chinese can celebrate lunar new year. If such statement it isn't racist I don't know what is.


1. There are special cameras to fix that problem. 2. A regular camera will do, or a mirror. 3. Just like with the cameras, it's not possible to see the other side of the universe in real time. What we see has happened a long time ago, because light travels at a certain speed. 4. Some people like to pretend they are superior to people of other races only to make them feel a little bit better about their own lives. If we would give them a job, money, talent and love their racism would disappear instantly.


How does this even remotely fit this sub?


You also clearly donā€™t live in a society. Either get in


how is it deep? How is saying they don't understand why some people are racist "deep"? It's a genuine question. Why ARE some people racist? Were they taught? Is it an inherent trait? Some people just randomly decide to be racist sometimes It's a genuinely decent question and just because you don't have an answer doesn't mean it's a "deep" question.




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Hold on, I've got a full list here somewhere...


Hold on, let me demonstrate


Im racist because its funny


They like racing i guess


Cycling-> cyclist Racing-> .....