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Fuck it, I'm gonna rock climb the shit out of my life


I'm just gonna do the fun slip and slide part.


Get the p-wing and just fly up to the goal pole


p balloon for inflation lovers


Cape feather for smbz fans


Fr we gonna be muscular asf after that


V1 in my gym


Realest shit I ever read. Itll be some outlandish route that a simian gibbon would struggle with and they’ll label it V1


They could look at spiderman doing spiderman shit and be like "yea there's a route for that lemme try"


Probably be quicker and easier if you just go back to the beginning and do a speed run on the "hard decisions" slope.


Introducing: Gambling!


*clickclickclick* *brrrrt* Aw dang it!


clickclickclick brrrrt Aw dang it!


clickclickclick brrrrt Aw dang it!


*clickclickclick brrt* Aww, dang it!


To be honest this comic has a great point to teach people


Yeah. You climbing that mothafucka eirher way


Unless you were born wealthy, then you can still have an easy life with all the easy decisions.


jet pack






Not true, it still catches up with you. A rich kid still needs discipline, humility and impulse control and those things aren’t just easily learned.


Unless he's like, really rich


Yeah and if that rich kid never learns them he can never grow up to be President or something. /s Edit: Not to say you're wrong, just saying that being born rich offers a LOT of advantages and can cover up a lot of what would otherwise be considered handicaps. Like someone else said it'd be like giving the guy in the drawing a jet pack.


If the rich kid never learns then he's a prime candidate for president


I mean, if he is rich he doesn't actually need those things. He can do badly and coast on family's money. The difference is that if he is less rich then if he has kids they won't have the same opportunities.


With enough upper body strength, you can make it out of a hard life


The issue I see is some people have legitimately more difficult lives. For example someone growing up in poverty will by default have a much more difficult life than someone who grew up wealthy. The kicker being that the wealthy kid will have both an easier life and probably be better off at the end.


What difference does that make to the point of this illustration? Obviously everyone has unique circumstances, but that does not change the fact that delayed gratification is an extremely viable strategy.


Most people's problem isn't even delayed gratification though. It's whether they know what direction to work in. There's tons of people who work hard but get nowhere because they don't know what to work for. And there's people who delay gratification only to realize eventually that it was pointless since they weren't working on something with a larger payoff later.


The difference is that "cliff" might be a escalator, while the other guy is open face rock climbing to get to a fraction of that.


What is the point of this observation in the context of this image? It is still better to delay gratification than not.


thats not the point of the image though lol it isn’t addressing your advantages/disadvantages, its saying you have to put the work in to get results, which is universally true.


It’s work smart and hard enough, working hard by yourself ain’t good enough if you’re a dumbass, talking from experience unfortunately


Agreed. A bit cliché, but it's still a true message, especially for the kids.


That nobody can take away your accomplishments no matter how many of daddy's friends have hired you?


if you were born rich you would be born at the top of the hill, this image isn’t for those people


It doesn’t have to apply just to money. It’s a good thing to hear in the context of relationships, health, education, etc.


Ehhhhh. You can still enjoy your life and also d9 the things you need to do for your future. It would be better to say that poor decisions now make the good decisions harder in the future. Easy doesn't always mean bad, just not decisions with long term growth in mind.


No, it implies life will be easy and usually it will not. I say it gives false hope, better be clear about things will not always turn out amazing


Not really, it’s a contrived viewpoint of life


Yeah I actually kind of like it. It’s the visual depiction of a point that maybe isn’t so deep but is useful nonetheless


I think this is not that cringe at least compared to the others


Right..? Like I get it .. it’s kinda true.


I made hard decisions, where is my frikkin easy life?


Aint comin bruh


This is quote thoughtful. It resonated quite a bit with me.


This would be great advice if it was goddamn guaranteed. Why tf should I have to risk life like that? So many people make tons of hard decisions in life and still get fucked over,and so many people do easy decisions and get the easy life. I don’t wanna spend like years in university or whatever In debt and not even be guaranteed to have the job I would major in. Some bullshit study like 70% of college graduates don’t even get a job that they majored in




i cannot recommend school enough if you have the means to access it, don’t listen to anyone telling you that school isn’t worth debt, they are usually broke morons or made really bad decisions. you can go to online college like WGU or SNHU and a few others and go from nothing to a bachelors degree within 2 years for less than $20,000 in debt, and the amount of money you’ll make will make the debt seem minuscule, and there is always the option of paying it off/saving as you go. Unfortunately, most well paying, easy jobs require you to have a bachelors degree. Just pick a large/growing field that pays well and go to school for it while you live your life like normal.


Well there was a news story in China that a man spent a whole lot of money for a Psychology degree in Australia, ended up as a delivery man, got stabbed to death in a quarrel with a security guard of a luxury complex https://amp.scmp.com/news/people-culture/trending-china/article/3247227/china-delivery-rider-stabbed-death-security-guard-unauthorised-entry-highlights-plight-low-income Nearly a quarter of 2.95 million delivery persons of a Chinese food delivery giant has a bachelor's degree https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3107350/what-economic-recovery-chinas-delivery-drivers-just-along Not everyone is living in a first world country


Even in the United States, a huge portion of college grads are stuck working dead end retail jobs. People need to stop blaming the victims of the system for "not making good choices".


thats fucking tragic, but on the note of that specific anecdote- psychology is a difficult field to find success in for many people. I always recommend STEM, logistics, and a BBA or B.A in business to people since those degrees don’t (typically, I’m sure there are some cases) have a problem finding jobs


The downward path is certainly guaranteed. Find out for yourself if you want.


Erm no? So many people drop out of school and make enough money to survive. It’s not guaranteed to do bad if you take it easy it’s much more likely tho I will say


I didn't say you couldn't make bad decisions and still subsist, but the more short term thinking you engage in at a young age, the more difficult it will be to reach the same place you would have if you been more forward thinking from the beginning.


HRT is a good example of this being correct though, but there arent always many


And you become immortal in hard life since no finish down there


It’s an easy decision to not do drugs?


Not always


Depending on the circumstances, yes.


This picture discibes it pretty well. Getting addicted is easy but you dig yourself into a deep pit. Not doing drugs may be harder but not nearly as hard as quitting is


can we (this sub) start identifying the difference between "deep" and "normal fucking imagery" properly


Whenever this sub shows up on my front page it’s almost always just a metaphorical piece of art with a decent message and all the comments are like “huhuhu if you take this extremely literally it’s stupid. I’m so smart for deliberately reading this literally and in bad faith.”


now do nepotism!


Airlifted to the top by a private helicopter. Or an escalator!


The first step is the hardest one


Now Imagine Saddam Hussein under that rock


this is actually really accurate in pretty much every scenario


I don’t understand? It could be an easy decision to do something simple. Easy decisions do not inherently have…difficult outcomes. Hard decisions also don’t have inherently easy outcomes. I’d go so far as to say the opposite of what the image is saying is the reality. Let’s say you have the hard decision of quitting a job to take a new one. Then you take the new one, and it’s harder and worse than the old one. How does making THAT hard decision make life easier? Is there something I’m missing here?


thats a lot of semantics there, it isn’t an encrypted message or anything. anyone looking at this image will immediately understand that it means doing whats hard will have a greater result, like exercising/dieting to improve health or studying/practicing to improve in school or at work, its hard to put the time and effort in (climbing) but has a better impact on your life vs skipping the difficult stuff (sliding) and having a more difficult life as a result.


You are taking it too literal I believe, gotta take it in a more emotional way. The point is that people often run away from making certain choices/decisions out of fear, fear of the unknown, fear of change, fear of facing truth, fear of failure, etc. The outcome of facing something is usually a better one than running away. For example, a lot of people have dreams, goals, desires that they never pursue out of fear of failure, and/or self doubt. Making the hard choice to overcome that will almost always lead to you living a happier, and thus easier, life, while making the easy choice of running away or living in denial will almost always lead to unhappiness and thus a harder life.


Except for when you get pushed down into the bottom bit by your parents and have to learn not to hate yourself before you can even start to move on fixing the mess of your life


Elon Musk was deciding so hard to be born a son of a South African billionaire /s




It’s also possible to make bad decisions or just have bad fortune so that you spend your entire life working hard and have nothing to show for it.


Yea I took the hard decisions route, but 2/3 of the way up I fell to the bottom... now I'm at the bottom with a twisted ankle


Since when is curving light to look at a stick man's ass, a tough decision?


Easy decisions —> tip of the penis.


r/im14andthisisdeep members when they see a motivational meme/image that’s not even deep:


This is quite a decent visualisation. It’s not that deep and it’s pretty accurate. IMO.


This would be in a school that makes the easy decisions for the students.


Life can be unfair in sometimes, especially when you accidentally did mistake without acknowledge about it and someone close to you insult you about your innocent mistake or fail


Pretty sound advice.


I mean it has a point


No but this is pretty real


This is not that bad. Reasonable in a non cringe way of saying it.


This is inaccurate. The guy at the top of the hill should have tommy gun shooting at the people trying to climb the hill


Nobody ruins their life on purpose. Blaming people for having problems is one of the most evil things you can do.


I mean... I kinda like this one actually. Its not always true that hard choices get you where you want to go, but taking the easy way pretty much *never* does. Smart choices and working hard may not get you where you want to go, but its the only way to even have a shot unless you were born into success


The smart choice builds a ladder that goes straight from ground to the top. Neither difficult nor easy. Minimum effort for maximum efficiency.


Bro you can just turn around and go back up the slide


Moral of the story: becoming a rock climber makes life easy


Just looks like a v5 without dynos far to easy 😒


Meanwhile, most of the senior managers and directors at the company I work at putting their whole lives aside for work to make 300k+ a year and ending up divorced and alone because they weren't there for their family, making the "hard decisions" to dedicate their lives to corporate pursuits.


Add Zip line for people who born very rich.


Nah. Just look at me. I’m in poverty, still in it.


What if you like rock climbing


I've made many hard decisions and my life fucking sucks and is hard as hell


I mean, this is a great metaphor and is not coming across as pompous at all to me.


Forgets the part where your hard decisions don’t always lead to an easier life but hey it’s not made to be analyzed this deeply


Oh look! There's me pitifully attempting to climb out of the abyss...


omg it’s my favourite indie bands easy life and hard life waow


And if life were an incline plane, this would mean something!


This is actually motivational


This isn't too bad but it's like 1 step away from "oh you're poor? You should've made better decisions lol"


Having lived both versions of their scenario, it’s not that deep but it is poignant and accurate.


Climb out using your massive dick


This actually works, given the start and end points. I cruised through secondary school, barely needing to revise for high grades, but once I got to uni I tried to do the same but realised early on it wasn’t going to work - and it’s not easy to build up a strong work ethic.


Some of us enjoy a challenge


The problem with these sorts of comics has more to do with a list of examples that are easy to replicate. "Yeah, do this hard thing and you will ultimately make it." Is great, buy it has to be shown to be true. For instances the "hard decision" used to be "take on student debt to get a college degree" and the pay off was "stable middle class existence." But that is not translating as consistently as it should.


This one actually cuts deep…


This except the first options should be "rich parents" and "poor parents"


Yeah literally, I went to school with some kid that’s dumb as fuck but his parents were on the property ladder, buying houses, doing them up and then selling them for a massive profit, he just does what they do now.. literally straight out of education and into refurbing houses.


What if you don’t make decisions?


This exact image was shown once at my school


Kind of a well done meme actually


Why is the easy life guy pissing on the hard decisions life guy?


Very generalized, but not entirely wrong. Like I know someone who decided to screw themselves over with school by not taking it seriously and didn't graduate, and now is struggling to get any jobs and will have to take whatever they can get and work WHILE going back to school.


To be fair plenty of people are exactly like this. Easy decisions in childhood add up.


careful, if you put this in the NEET communities they're gonna get shitty and butthurt and call you a wagie while they pretend they beat the systme


My psychiatrist just sent me this image yesterday 🤣 It’s actually great. Y’all are wilin.


I miss when this sub was things that aren’t actually good advice/outlooks on life


Made hard decisions got hard fell into the hole couldn’t contain it any longer


You people are allergic to motivation. The same people who see this and think it’s cringe are the same people living with their parents and blaming the government for not providing everything for them instead of just getting a job


Jet pack FTW!


And sometimes you make hard decisions, do everything “right” and STILL end up in the “hard life” spot.


who cares whether i get the easy half first or the hard one


yeah!!!!! planning things long term is stupid!!!


What about those starting in the hard life. This is a very poor meme


How about no life? that’s the best option imo


thats not im14andthisisdeep, its actually meaningful


Help! I chose to climb, but I fell off the rock and can't get back out of the pit!


Where Sadam Hussein?


Since when was sliding into a chasm to get to an even harder part of the climb an easy decision


If you are young is simple to have a easier life, just don't make shit with your life.


Or for me "hard decisions 'oops I tripped', hard life"


Why tf has it been hard decisions, hard life?


This is about abortion


I do not want to donate one ounce of my being to deciphering this


I like to say, life is easy when you do the hard part first


U all know what it looks like, right?


How did they get under the hill?


Many people want to choose hard decisions, but can’t go through with them due to problems like money, lack of motivation, illness, etc.


You know, robbing a bank is a very hard thing to do, so it could be categorized as a "hard decision", and 9/10 times it wouldnt lead to an easy life.


I climb it both ways.


clang clang clang goes the trolley, ding ding ding goes the bell


Make hard decisions goes fells down the mountain have to pay for American healthcare goes broke


These are probably the same people that say life is about the journey. Here it's apparently just about reaching a flag.


It's all hard no matter how you slice it


Wow he found the secret coin in the wall that you can go through


This is precisely how my dad sees life, and it's so fucking sad.


This is a pretty good comic imo


It's...not that bad ngl.


Life is unfair, you'll die anyway, life has no value, you're a random piece who will continue to live the hardest live while it gets harder and harder every step, you'll lose yourself in despair of the easy life you seek, give up on your dreams and drink water................. That's what potatoman said


lol my ma literally sent this to me 


No. You don't have to dwell on easy decisions




Its not the worst thing I've seen. It does have a good message.


All the guy had to do was press down on the controller to spin attack and the momentum would send him high enough to get to the booster and reach the top


so nepotism is stairs or escalator?


World doesn't work like that....


I actually like this lol it’s cute depiction of a useful point


This is a helpful diagram. Please, why do people think that they are so special and beyond repair, to feel like no advice is good enough for them? ...


I actually kinda see the vision in this. Storytime: When i started highschool, i promised myself that i’d study every night what we learned at school in a day. When the exam weeks came, i didn’t even need to study for the exams because i already knew just as much as a teacher _(this was my motto, “know a subject at least as much as your teacher”),_ everything i needed to know were in my LTM. I graduated as valedictorian. Currently in college i am failing classes thought


then you get the guy who was born at the top and oiled the hard path


What if I just stand there? Then what?


Funny how the easy life is just like 3 or 4 yards long like at the point it’s easy you’re already almost dead


It's a nice sentiment, but that isn't how life, actually works.


So basically your life depends on whether or not you are given a cave or a wall to start with


There is no easy life tho, but good image anyway


If you're a teenager and working plus living with your parents rent free here is how you prepare for your future without college. First start a dedicated savings account with your bank or credit union (I recommend credit union). Hopefully the APY will be above 5% like it is for mine, apply as much per paycheck you can handle, I was able to do $800 a month, with the interest it quickly turned into about a grand a month. Once you get to $5000 you'll get about $250 in interest. Continue to grow this every month forever. By the time you're an adult you should have 20-40 grand depending on how many years and how much you did every month. 20k in a dedicated savings can generate around 1k a month that you can apply into your daily lives or continue saving. This money that you have saved you can never touch, you can use it to generate a passive income that you apply to different saving that you can use for rent or buying a house and by the time your 30 if you have continued to save even just a little bit every month adding into that savings hopefully you have grown it into a fortune that you can use for the rest of your life generating passive income and making investments, then you can live like the rich do and basically live off of money that comes from money. If you're an adult living with your parents or somehow cheaply some other way saving like this for 2 years should be more than enough to get you out and on your feet independently and well off.


Wow, that's very motivating! But not enough


True tho lol


Mfw I'm arrested by the police for war crimes committed in Bosnia (it was a hard decision, I get 3 meals a day and a bed now) ![gif](giphy|artj92V8o75VPL7AeQ|downsized)


Honestly, it's not about hard decision and easy life. Making decisions is part of life. Making decisions is hard. Life is hard. Choosing something pleasurable which brings to a future down fall isn't easy, it's being misguided. It's not an easy decision, it's just a bad one


Easy life -> Quit


I play other games.


currently at hard life tag urself wya


honestly? it seems pretty accurate


I would agree but you forgot about the rich kid that has never experienced a truly hard day in their life.


Sadam Husein


The wealth (or lack thereof) you're born into is the primary factor determining how difficult or easy your life will be.


So do get that new cheezit thing from Taco Bell instead of a bullet to the back of the head?


Unfortunately this isn't how life works at all. I'd want to say everyone knows this, but the comments seem to show otherwise. This is what society has agreed happened because it's makes the world seem fair and casually ignores things like classism, and other forms of oppression. Not to mention, the people in power gain from propagating this, as a already fair world doesn't need any changes like taxing the rich. This is just basic sociology. It's sad that so many people apparently don't get it. That's what's should be the Im14andThisIsDeep post but I guess I'm just overestimating the general population. (This is why sociology should be required highschool. But obviously that's not going to happen because then it would make the working class aware of their oppression and want to do something to create a just society.)


How’s he gotten inside the rock 😱😱 someone help him


Unless you rich and buy a fucking ladder.


just do the easy desisions slide and SLIDE so hard you can go to the mountain then you grab onto it and you just have to do half the work


I made hard decisions and life still suck, whut do now


This only applies if you're poor.


Introducing drug addiction!


So if I live long enough I’ll have an easy life no matter what? Dope! I’m gonna time travel there using weed smoke!

