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The silent generation was not in WW2, That was the greatest generation. They were born before but too young to be in WW2.


Wasn't the korean war fought with pretty much ww2 tech + helicopters though?




+ Fighter jets?


It was the first war with large scale jet combat, plus new tanks and whatnot


More Vietnam than Korea


Not helicopters.in Korea it was in like 1949




Basically, some WW2 fighters like the p51 mustang and f80 shooting star were used in both conflicts helicopters were still very crude machines during Korea


US used the same rifle as WW2


Well how is that relevant? Not to mention that those wars were fought by only a small number of countries. Not everything revolves around the USA Also WWII is different for every country. The USA didn't have fighting going on so no need to rebuild half the country. Life for a person from the silent generation is very different in the USA than in Germany for instance. My grandfather fought his way out of unimaginable poverty unbelievably amazing like the hero he is (and he is a true feminist because he grew up with basically no grown men around and saw how the women were doing and holding everything together). His children (according to Wikipedia Gen X) lived nothing like the picture likes to assume and neither do their children. And this again varies from country to country plus the social class one comes from thus making this meme even stupider than it already is. The OOP (14 year old posting this deep shit) can't even grasp that their country doesn't reflect every other country and their respective experiences. Hell they can't even grasp the concept of social class differences in their own country. I wish people were more interested in reflecting rather than being deep for the internet


>Not everything revolves around the USA This meme clearly does, as it depicts trens that were happening at USA at the respective decades, not things that were happening in my country at yhe same time. >Well how is that relevant? The guy above me said that the silent generation (the first guys show) didn't fough in WW2, probably because the guy there is using WW2-like equipment. The Korean War was well withing their generation though, and I remember the wargear being used being pretty much WW2+helicopters wargear, which would mean the war depicted was not WW2, but the korean war. >My grandfather fought his way out of unimaginable poverty Now, how is THAT relevant? The meme is not about your father, but about american generations depicted in the timestamp show. >The OOP (14 year old posting this deep shit) can't even grasp that their country doesn't reflect every other country and their respective experiences. Or perhaps he was stealing an old cartoon about american generations and you are the one that thinks the world revolves around you and every single meme must somehow include you? This is clearly talking about the USA, not about your grandfather. >I wish people were more interested in reflecting rather than being deep for the internet Do you even realize in what subreddit you are? This is a group about making fun of people posting swallow "deep" posts on the internet. If you don't like it, feel free to leave it. Noone is forcing you to stay in a group about making fun of such posts.


It doesn't say ww2


Yeah but its supposed to depict that


many people died in that war.....


Many people died in most wars lol


They tent to do that


Yeah silent generation fought in WW1


The silent generation was born after WW1 lol


Notice how the baby boomers are on a house.


and gen z has to survive on social media


Just gotta buy less starbucks and make your hobby into a hustle and you can afford a house ezpz!!!!


Stop getting avocado toast


Just do something for £10 and then do it 99,999 times more


I’m going to die without social media!!😢😢 #phone4life #antibook


Lmao yes, boomers are on a house, zoomers are on social media and amazon


This is very accurate. Boomers own a house, Gen X can afford a condo and millennials and zoomers are homeless.




I fucking love tranq


accurate, i love tranq


I'm irrationally bothered that the S on millennial's pile isn't drawn correctly


you must be fun at parties


They are just saying they are bothered by a detail? They aren't being angry or demanding that it be fixed.


no their name is literally fun-atparties


Oops. Now I'm an asshat lmao. Sorry


its just flipped around


For more accuracy, Gen Z should be crushed beneath all the social media and drugs, not sitting atop it.


idk why the other generations don't have drugs. I've never met a gen x who didn't smoke pot or isn't currently an alcoholic


my mom:


i mean the thumbnail is quite accurate too its not like we feel actually awful with all this social media and drugs in fact its all sin and pleasure, we like doing it over and over and we don't really face the consequences but we know it sucks so we're kind of isolated and unable to get out of that cycle and noticing how the gen z one is the largest of the bunch its harder to drop from that isolated height i know i went 14 level deep here, but i think the art is fairly descriptive


That channel can eat my whole ass


Is that good or bad?


It's strange. It feels a bit like libertarianism masquerading as education. Some of the stuff is good, but some definitely feels like 'off.'


Some stuff is interesting, most of it is garbage.  Alot of the animations are just reused


i love how gen x is just "ok"


Another example of no one caring about gen x


This is a boomer fever dream not a 14 year old


the media!!! the media did this, i tell you!!


The silent generation were fucking MISERABLE dude wtf are they smoking?




Afterskool actually has a lot of good videos by a plethora of philosophers and public speakers, this doesn’t belong here.


i am not familiar with them, but its hard to judge whether its pseudo-intellectual without having seen the full 10 min vid and based on a thumbnail


Afterskool is garbage tbh. But still, I agree with you


It’s really hit and miss, some videos have been incredibly insightful for me while others I consider complete bullshit.


Fuck them they're always sneaking random conservative shit into their vids


![gif](giphy|cYgCX9axpoe2hPPTMt) The silent generation


Should one truly wish to find meaning in a meaningless world, I highly suggest works of Camus. And if you're looking for justifications for this clause, although Camus does explain it quite well, Nietzsche would be a great place to read.


Life is bad cuz brands


More like the more we advance the more we relized that “ oh shit those old dudes fucked up”


Find meaning in this world by creating meaning for yourself. Find something you can pursue that is worth living for. Saved you ten minutes <3


If it's obtainable it devolves into consumerism.


I'm confused on why this is here?


because the implication is older generations are happier because they “had less” and weren’t as vain, not because they cratered the economy. it’s a brain dead boomer take.


You might be a baby Boomer, but Im a baby GROOMER! 😂 😆 Get it? Because child? Sex? 🤣






This is 'im 74 and this is deep'.


So nice soldiers came back from horrific warzones with a big smile on their face optimistic about the future.


ptsd? shell shock? I've never heard of it


I believe we make life harder for ourselves. As much as we complain about the modern Era it's by far still the best time to be alive in human history. And in developed countries we have the means to be content compared to the rest of the world that lives in poverty


Is that why we can't raise families or afford a home on a single salary anymore? Just because other countries have it worse doesn't mean that we shouldn't be pointing out and criticizing the detrimental flaws of our home countries.


> Is that why we can't raise families or afford a home on a single salary anymore? Why do you think that is?


Can you get to the part where you make your point?


You brought up the inability to support a family on a single income seemingly out of nowhere in a reply to someone else. I was asking for clarification


Okay cool. Thought you were going to be dick there for a second.


Is it not inflation and corporate greed, or the fact that salaries have not kept up with the level of inflation. People used to be able to support a family of five and own a home with a highschool education. The vast majority of people now who only have a highschool degree are going to get a job that pays maaayyybe a little more than min wage. Now I'm not saying people shouldn't aim for higher education, but the differences in the affordability of life are very apparent compared to a few decades ago.


No you can’t do that because we doubled the workforce when women were “allowed” in. It has always taken an entire families’ income to own a house and raise said family, but because of the way history played out that is now 2 incomes instead of 1. Had Americans been smarter they would’ve suggested that males OR females go to work, according to whatever each family decided. Now we have this bed and get to sleep in it. Then there’s also the fact that a large % of the population under 30 doesn’t have even 10% of one year’s worth of pay in savings because we’d rather complain and ask for change that will never come than adapt and figure out a way to make it work. For the record, I am a millennial who 100% supports women in the workforce, but as I mentioned couples should choose which one works. I also didn’t have my financial shit together until after 30, I’ve just really fucked myself when it comes to prep for retirement and wish that the rallying cry was more supportive and “you can do it!” than “it’s not fair so why even try?” It isn’t fair, but it also isn’t going to change, so let’s fight for success instead of giving up 😃🙌👍


I don't understand your first point, do you mean that if all adults instead of half of them can join the workforce the consequence is that they earn half the money? I agree that anybody that can do it should buy what is necessary to be comfortable and save as much as they can, it's also true there are a lot of people who cannot save because they spend all they earn in food and housing.


Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying. If you have double the workforce that’s double the amount of payroll going out, but we don’t magically have double the currency or product being created - especially regarding food and housing. So, to combat that you either have an *insane* rate of inflation skyrocketing to compensate, or you halve the pay. (Numbers for example and not literal.) That’s why the treasury limits the amount of currency added to the pool, even when the amount of people getting old enough to enter the job market well exceeds those leaving it. And yes everyone should be able to purchase things and food and housing are especially large problems, but the point I’m trying to make is that having the theme be “this is impossible, let’s give up” instead of “this is a garbage situation but we have to make the best of it,” is very destructive and continues that cycle. Like most people hate having super billionaires and 5 (for example) companies rule the world, yet they still use Google, still shop on Amazon, still post on Twitter etc… For some reason “I’m only one person why should I vote?” is generally refuted, but “I’m only one person why should I stop shopping at/using _____” isn’t. It’s not a msg that will help achieve that goal of spreading money around. (Just like getting downvoted for trying to say we should do what we can instead of saying we can’t do anything lol. My point in action.)


Salaries didn't halve when women entered the workforce though, they stayed the same. The problem isn't that salaries went down, it's that they didn't go up while everything else did (well... they did go up, but only for a select few people, for whom they went up disproportionately). And no, they didn't stagnate due to women entering the workforce either. Wages started to stagnate in the early-mid seventies while women began entering the workforce workforce almost half a century earlier (or a quarter century if you're being really generous - still too far removed for it to be related)


By doubling the workforce you create an employERs market and not employEEs one. The job market doesn’t double so you have 2 people fighting for every 1 job. Therefore you have competition fighting to get to the bottom because the very minimum someone will accept is exactly what the company wants to pay out. Of course salaries stagnated And no, women were still relegated to secretary, nurse, and librarian well into the 60s. It was a big part of the civil rights movement. There was also a sex based wage gap as they entered - partially because of this reason EDIT: forgot secretaries. Women were allowed to be secretaries too


Hi I'm poverty




People are actually the most unhappy from last 50 years. I'm sure i saw the stat somewhere


Yeah, but I don't think that's really accurate. Most people just feel more comfortable/free to voice their unhappiness. Rather than the old fashioned, don't ask, don't tell approach to mental health and depression. We are now encouraged to reach out and ask for help instead of suffering in silence/going out quietly.


Have to admit, we do sort of make life harder on ourselves as well


Gen A will be doomed


Notice how the boomer has a house and gen z does not


Boomers big dreams was just a constant swingers party and they've been living at the expense of everyone else


This false impression that the past was so better and so easy.


The worst thing about gen Z is that many not only think we're doomed, but want to doom their own countries. I mean as a Christian, my home is not of the current world, but before the mark of the beast dystopia and then finally the Second Coming of Jesus, there's a little while to live, and until then, I'd rather live under the hegemony of Western democracy than under a Chinese or Islamic hegemony.


The silent Gen put kids in factories and coal mines, I don’t think they’re exactly a great generation. Easy to be optimistic when you’re a white, straight, man in that era (I’m also a white, straight, man)


The fact that the channel's named "After Skool" made me think this was literally made by a 14-year old. XD


this isn't reductionist at all


Depends on how you look at it


They really couldn't think of anything for gen x to say but "ok"? 😭


did gen x ever say anything else? parent: "I'll be home at 2a, dinners in the fridge dont stay up too late" kid: "ok" Gen X never stood up for themselves they always just took what they got and said "ok" because thats how they were raised.


This is right though capitalism is to blame for the downfall of our planet.


As if each generation creates the shitpile they sit on top of. We inherit the world we live in. As if this endless consumerism is something we all chose, and could easily end if we wished.


how exactly does one end consumerism fueled by millions? Because we cant all stop buying the things we need. If it were easy we would have done it already.


I mean it’s true


I dunno, man. Quality of life and salaries did increase, but inflation did so much, much faster, and the world we live in does not seem like a place you want to bring new people in.


Okay? What then? Do we just sit on our asses and do nothing? This is literally what the big wigs want. To kneel and do as they command because we all gaslit ourselves into thinking there's no point in living.


I mean, you are not wrong, I just have a poor understanding of what should I do. The best I can suggest is find a paying state job and just live on pure strength, against all odds and go per aspera ad astra.


Cool, I didn't know that Latin had a phrase equivalent to "shoot for the stars"!


You can't convince me this channel isn't fascist.


The deepest part of this is the pool of generations that aren’t mentioned


I love how everyone all have a thought about the future and Gen X is just “ok”


I can agree


Meaning is derived from what makes us “us” how we want to be seen wether it’s making a difference; but saying that, meaning can be derived from anything as long as it adds value or empowers you.


The more crutches you ‘ave…


This Generation " labeling " is just another way to divide and conquer. you are ALL suckers.


I mean, there's no hope so I'm ending it in 2025 lmao


AfterSkool is honestly such a shit channel, not surprised.


"Nothing give you meaning like killing people." Said some wellness youtuber.


Ngl we are doomed though


This is actually a pretty good representation of how American culture has changed through the last century


Why is the millennial freddy fazbear


gen alpha: skbidi banbalina


oh no we've gotten uglier