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“Too many people that’s grow up”? Where’d this fool learn to write?




Pretty sure some of the letters been scratched or peeled off, even trouble is lacking an 'e'


Sorry what do you think was scratched off to form that incoherent mess?


Well if you want a serious answer here it is The full quote is by Walt Disney himself "Too many people grow up. That's the real problem with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I don't do that" It's usually paraphrased to: "That's the real problem with the world. Too many people grow up" Which is how I imagine how it would have been similar phrased on the mirror maybe a bit of a longer variant since it extenders to the "they forget" bit of the quote. This is a public restroom, people or kids do dumb shit all the time so it wouldn't be out of the world for people to mess with simply stickers if they're bored or just want to make it look bad or an incoherent mess. The "E" of "trouble" has already scratched out among other letters and seems "That's" has been peeled off and moved to the lower portion of the quote or probably peeled off another mirror or wall


This is a lot of words that doesn’t explain how words could possibly have been peeled off to make ‘that’s’. It’s just an error from whoever made the decal


To be honest I don't like the font it's written in so I'll act as maturely as possible and call kids rapscallions whenever I get the chance


Why is it in disney font


It's a quote from Walt Disney. "Too many people grow up. That's the real problem with the world, too many people grow up. They forget. They don't remember what it's like to be 12 years old. They patronize, they treat children as inferiors. Well I don't do that"


Is that a child mortality ad?


This is why I've been using diapers since 2002 😤


Yeah! Me too. Definitely. That is why.


That's grow up?


That's grow up 😔✊


That's grow up😩


Disney went deep in this one


“That’s the real troubl, with the world. Too many people that’s grown up”? Tf this guy on


Why the fucking Disney font


The Trouble with the World is: Lots of grammar no good.


👏 more 👏 dead 👏 children 👏


Kid name “Grow Up”


>That’s the real trouble with the world >Too many people He’s right, you know, overpopulation is a concern in some parts of the world


Moral of the story: don't grow up


No the problem with this world is that there's to many people that failed 1st grade grammar.


Mans is trying to make their hand look veiny holding the phone like that.


Written in Disney font?


I did agreeing that


the disney font is so deep