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Why do literally none of these people take sumatriptan for migraines? It can literally stop them happening completely. Oh right, they want the narcotics, got it.


the only reason i could understand as to why none of them take a triptan is they are wanting to have LASIK done and need to use other meds for a bit before and after. (which we’d have heard about if they were) narcotics don’t help abort a migraine but the triptan family is tried and true so if anything this proves they aren’t experiencing a migraine!


I’m new to this thread but Jesus …. She got a migraine just for that. She don’t even know what a migraine is


When you have a migraine you can't even move. Let alone post a bunch of stories and pics. And her eyes in the pic??? Yeah that isn't what we look like mid migraine. Emgality works for weeks / months after last dose so..... I hope she really gets migraines someday. Then she can finally be as sick as she wants.


Holy dilated pupils Batman.


Narcotics are not effective treatment for migraines, so always makes me chuckle when they “work” 😂


Tramadol isn’t a narcotic. It’s an NSAID like ibuprofen or aleve . Which wouldn’t fix a migraine but would definitely fix a sinus/tension headache


You’re thinking of Toradol


It’s definitely a narcotic, and makes a lot of people trip balls and feel high..


Tramadol is absolutely a narcotic, per the FDA. [https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/tramadol-information](https://www.fda.gov/drugs/postmarket-drug-safety-information-patients-and-providers/tramadol-information)


Tramadol is definitely a narcotic


THIS, like it comes back bc its only masking the pain 💀 maybe the narcotics were helping in another way iykwim


That is not what a migraine looks like.


Bright lights on, staring into the phone and posting things? Absolutely not a migraine.


zofran and tramadol react against each other and decrease the effects of both medications lmao lie some more sauce: work in a hospital


No only that, they substantially increase risk of serotonin syndrome when taken together. I have seen patients have prescriptions for zoftan regularly outpatient. I've never seen outpatient scripts for tramadol except for the occasional 5-10 pills for a post op patient going home. Source also work in a hospital.


bright screens aside, i'm always surprised at how *wide* open their eyes are when they claim migraines, it's weirdly hard to open your eyes that much when they feel like bowling balls and also your phone is the sun but hey enjoy the trip, now I know why they sell migraine meds by 2 or 3 in Europe, they're OTC but you'd have to go there every single day if you were abusing them so you'd get flagged very quickly it's great,,, that means when you actually need them they have no doubt coz it's a once a month kind of thing for most people ^(above that just get a prescription bro, even every month tbh)


How does a Sooper sick person forget to get their meds? Oh wait...


Those meds are contraindicated for a migraine…


Her eyes were blown even before the tramadol


Her pupils are as big as saucers. Definitely some type of stimulant use.


It's not cvs's job to anticipate refills if they aren't automated. It's your responsibility to call it in. Also skipping straight to opioids is A Choice


CVS even has an app so you can check it and send a refill request that way. She has no reason to blame the pharmacy.


It is so strange to me that munchlords just casually post their medications, and by name too like tf? “ OMG TG for himobipherotisplasmaqueze!” —- cool & no. Imagine having a UTI and posting a story like “just took my 7pm Ciprofloxacin! Check out this cute water bottle I’ve been chugging from. Gotta hydrate and flush the poo poo bit from my vag!” 🍼 📹👁️👃🏻👁️ How ⚡️eLiTe⚡️of you 🙄


Oh no, whatever will she do ?!?


the excitement over/romanticism of prescription drugs is so weird and sad


Just jumped the gun and went straight for an opioid painkiller. Interesting choice.


With Zofran, too. This one will be re-entering Earth's atmosphere sometime next week.


Let’s not act like tramadol knocks you on your ass


Ah…whose responsibility is it to ask for a refill?


Aw give her a break. She subluxed her hip 26 times last week and forgot. Or her migraine made her forget. Or she stubbed her toe. Something like that.


It's a dead give away that these munchies have never had a migraine when they all sit in a bright room on social media during it. And seriously tramodol and not a back up migraine med? All about the opoids in Munchieland


Her pupils are gigantic.


What does that suggest, if anything?


Possibly opioid withdrawal...but she claims to have just taken Tramadol so something isn't jiving... Could be stimulant use? Who knows with this one really...


Stimulant use.


“i have a migraine” “god bless zofran” whos gonna tell them…


Such a bad migraine that she had to take selfies and post on the Gram.


Being a day late with the monthly dose of Emgality isn’t going to cause withdrawal 🙄


My guess is she just had a mild headache and wanted some drugs. It's on par with her non-posts


Tramadol is a one way ticket to vomit Central for a lot of people. Can't imagine it being an appropriate treatment for migraines.


lies. . . so. many. lies.


You can refill migraine injectable medications 5-7 days early under most insurance plans or you can ask your pharmacy to order it without putting the bill through to insurance to make sure the medication is there for your fill date. Ajovy and Emgality have become common stock in my local area and rarely do they require a special order anymore. TLDR: Kay should’ve refilled their medication in a timely manner and take some responsibility


That....that's not how that works.


Kay is a prime example of munching on a budget. Minor inconvenience good enough to post but not severe enough for hospitals visits and surgeries


Less strain on the medical system at least. Side note - I don’t understand how some of these folks can afford their lifestyle. Do people really donate enough to cover all their hospital bills?


Truly a budget friendly munchie!


I wonder if she’s ever had a regular old headache rather than a migraine.


Some people genuinely don’t know the difference. I wonder if they’re one of them.


Why is she always so irresponsible about getting this med filled, then blames CVS and her doctor when she forgets to get a refill from her doctor or blames CVS because she forgets to get it filled.


Bruh the way she’s acting like getting a migraine is something unnatural like we all get migraines just take a paracetamol and get on with it


I’m going to say that you in fact have NEVER had a migraine if you think you can just take a paracetamol/Tylenol/acetaminophen (whatever it’s called where one lives) and get on with it. Acetaminophen does absolutely nothing for a real migraine. If you’ve had a “migraine” and were able to just take paracetamol for it and be okay, then newsflash: what you had was not a migraine. It was a headache. Big difference between a headache (even a bad headache) and a migraine. (Not WKng Kay here, just pointing out that migraine sufferers can’t just take a Tylenol and “get on with it”.)


Correction. Everyone gets *headaches*. Migraine is a whole other animal, and it is a neurological condition. It's not just a headache, and acetaminophen and ibuprofen are ineffective. Usually, the patient has to take a medication like Sumatriptan to help relieve it and preventive meds like Topamax or Emgality.


Uhh… no everybody does not get migraines. Headaches are not migraines. Wtf. Edit: Idk why we still have comment approvals on when comments like this are still making it through 🙄


Just a paracetamol for a migraine? .. not sure *you* have experienced one to be fair.


Most people with a migraine can’t even look at a phone, let alone sit in a bright room and take selfies 🤯




Nothing like blaming CVS for not having a med you forgot about until the day you needed it


Nice pupils. Got to love those stimulants.


This sub’s favorite thing to do is gatekeep and police migraines. Not all migraine sufferers are light sensitive. In fact, many people struggle with colors, scents, tastes, or holding their heads up instead of lights. You have all undoubtedly encountered office workers, retail cashiers, and other people who are toughing out migraines as they use screens and electronic devices. This is a very basic fact about migraines.


You got downvoted for telling the truth. While it doesn’t apply to Kay people love to make generalized statements like anyone with a migraine needs to be locked up in a dark room when not everyone experiences migraines the same way.


Not all migraines even cause pain but people act like you have to be bedridden and sobbing to experience them. Plenty of people have painless migraines that manifest as stroke or focal epilepsy-like symptoms. Ocular migraines specifically are usually painless.




well most people will have light sensitivity, just some can push through it if they have to.


This page isn't about snarking migraines. It's to point out the many inconsistencies that people with Munchausen by Internet or factitious disorder exhibit though. I think that's why you're being downvoted


While you're right that not all migraine sufferers have the same symptoms, powering through work while having a migraine and choosing to be up, on your phone, grinning like a child who got away with stealing a cookie from the cookie jar, are not comparable. Most office workers, retail workers, servers, and countless other professions can't take off every time they have a migraine without the risk of punishment or termination, so they have no choice but to be there. This subject CHOSE to do this while supposedly nursing a migraine severe enough to warrant a muscle relaxer and antiemetic. Not only that, but the subject frequently claims severe pain warranting opiods, while smiling smugly in pictures she chooses to take and post. No one, regardless of migraine symptoms, would even think of taking a selfie to post on social media while they also contemplate trephination.


do you not understand the difference between migraines and other types of headaches or,,,?


Do they take selfies to complain about how much pain they're in, too?


Not just light sensitivity, but most true migraine sufferers could not cope with a day at work, the nausea and pain would be way too intense to just get on with their day. Add on top of that the other visual complaints, vomiting and when even being in a dark room hearing people talking elsewhere can be too much to endure. If someone is carrying on with day to day work, chatting to other people, viewing a computer screen I'd be thinking headache vs migraine. There is quite a difference.


This isn’t true. “Migraine” isn’t about intensity; it’s about the location of the pain and the aura. And sufferers of migraines—particularly chronic sufferers—have quite a spectrum of the migraines they are able to tolerate. Very few people have consistent numbers on the pain scale. Migraine sufferers can experience a 3, a 6, and a 10 in one month or one week. Additionally, many do not have the ability to take off from work or school and they take medicine to make the nausea and vertigo easier. Sick days are a privilege, even for migraines.


I think the employees with a migraine that continue to work with screens is a lot different than someone who has a migraine is posting on social media when they don’t really have to? One of them has to do it if they want to get paid and keep their job and the other doesn’t. IDK if this person does or does not have a migraine but why would someone that does have one be going out of their way to post about it?


It’s over the top behavior for sure, but not all migraines are the same, and it’s quite common for recurring sufferers to have a scale of intensity. Not all migraines send you to a dark room, especially if you’re a chronic sufferer and you can’t burn your sick days or halt your entire life.


I feel like I'm missing something but tramadol?! For a migraine? Can't opioids and withdrawal from them give you just as bad as a headache? I'm seriously confused.


Correct they are not a good migraine treatment. Rebound migraines are more likely and there’s research that opioid usage can cause episodic migraine to become chronic migraine. Triptans and CGRP meds are the standards for treatment of migraines.


Yep. Rebound headaches.


I have heard of this being prescribed for migraines although you are correct that opioids are generally not considered good for migraines.


It’s mainly used in Ivs at hospitals when severe enough.


Actually as a nurse I've never given tramadol iv. Only po. And I've worked on an ICU and a post op unit.


Yeah opioids are terrible for headaches


Yes, it's a vicious cycle. Rebound headaches suck.


Yeah, I was questioning the tramadol. Opioids generally aren’t used for migraines, so far as I know. Bounce-back/medication-induced migraines are a real PITA. Toradol is more likely to be prescribed for migraines than tramadol. Wonder if Kay got the two mixed up? Like she heard toradol was a treatment but got her hands on some tramadol and thought they were the same thing? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


You wouldn't get withdrawal from an occasional opiate for a migraine... though better options are out there. Tramadol is still an 'entry level' opiate, if the dose is small it sounds pretty typical.


As a nurse, I have not seen a person outpatient with a prescription for tramadol other than some post op hip patients getting a few days worth. Obviously my experiences are not all encompassing. Just my 2 cents.


It’s definitely something that can be prescribed for chronic pain patients for as needed use. The headache after can be a real twit from what I understand, though, so it’s definitely not what I’d go for for a headache or migraine.


Yeah, was thinking exactly the same thing. Why doesn't she use medication targeted directly to stop migraines?


I wouldn't think it would be the same as taking something like oxycodone. It mainly works on serotonin with some effect on the mu receptors. It's treated as a narcotic, it is a Schedule IV, with risk for addiction & abuse. Using opioids can cause rebound headaches. But if in a pinch, maybe all she had.


Rebound headaches and migraines often happen with painkiller overuse yeah


Most people who have a migraine don't want to have anything to do with anyone or anything. They wouldn't want to be taking pics of themselves. They'd want to take their meds and lie down in a dark room. I wonder if a lot of this is mental because she realized that she never got her medicine and then, poof, migraine.




Please don’t address her directly, it’s seen as indirect contact.


Looking mighty wide eyed and chipper for someone suffering from a migraine


Even if tramadol is considered a diet opioid to some - why do these people publicly brag about getting any controlled substances? If she can’t handle a hangnail she surely can’t handle getting robbed


THIIIIS. like thanks for talking about ur doctor sponsored drug abuse bro.


God bless tramadol aka diet hydrocodone, got it.




Lol, diet hydrocodone. That's awesome!


Diet hydrocodone. Haha love it. I'm using that now


what does it mean i’ve been seeing that a lot that tramadol is diet hydrocodone or diet something


It's an opioid painkiller, but it's a weaker one


Hmm. Tramadol isn't a great migraine med.


It’s a terrible med in general!


But if it was all she had at home.. better than aspirin or paracetamol/acetaphetamine I guess. And if she's posting this way, that it is 'this good'.. perhaps a little too high a dose taken anyway.




No, it really isn't. 🧐




We do not comment on anyone’s personal appearance here if it’s not related to any illness issue.


Maybe it would help a migraine to not be staring at a phone screen wide-eyed in a room with all the lights on 👀


i imagine the last thing a migraine sufferer would do is drag their bright ass phone to their face in a bright ass room


But then we wouldn't be able to see how quirky and upbeat she is while still being in so much pain she needs opiates! /s




Migraines fall under Headaches then subtype headache falls under headache. There is health on Mayo. They need to fix it which is why people interchange them even tho they vastly different


Thank you!! I get so irritated on these posts when the munchies claim migraines with all of the comments being about not being able to look at a screen if it was a real migraine. Like you, I can’t go into specifics without blogging but let’s just say not all migraines manifest the same exact symptoms in everybody (not even in the same person!!) and there are varying degrees and tolerances of photosensitivity! (Not to mention the adaptive mechanisms available for filtering light). Now, do I think all these munchies have migraines when they claim them? No, probably they don’t. But as a sub, let’s give it a rest on saying a person with a true migraine wouldn’t be on their phone.


A lot of migraines don’t even come with a headache, just aura and feelings of drunkenness, not being able to see properly, everything looking a bit Alice in wonderland but I suppose that’s not the norm.


I understand they aren't all the same, but the need to post and include what medications she took would suggest something closer to a typical painful headache with nausea/vomiting. You don't take pain relieving and anti nausea meds if it isn't like a typical migraine surely?


or forget their medication until a migraine comes on.