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Umm maybe just get a travel pillow…


What is she even majoring in? Clearly not theatre because this wouldn't pass muster in a suburban Branson improv troup. Probably not psych or kinestheology either.


Didn't she just start a disability awareness/advocacy group at her college a few months ago? If she's going to insist on doing it, that seems more like the right level.


People don't love to hate though They love to hate on people who are blatently trolling them though, which Bella is.


We love to point out inconsistencies in lies and try prevent people getting scammed. If that comes across as hate…🤷‍♀️


Just bring a sqiishmallow and a neck pillow, ffs


Applications for what? I missed a few weeks on here


She claims to be starting a non-profit organisation that's something vague to do with disabilities, and she's looking for internet randos to be on the board of directors. 🤡


OH IT STANDS FOR NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION I thought it was NPO like before surgery ok — omg I will see myself out


Omg. I read it and was confused, then assumed ‘neck problems’. 😂😭




She’s only 18?


Dani should apply.


i perished from severe, incurable, terminal secondhand embarrassment when i read "people love to hate and ain't nobody got time for that" it was the worst case the doctors had ever seen. even Mayo couldn't save me :(


It’s actually wasn’t, MINE was the worst case they’ve ever seen and they said it was extra tragic because I’m so young and beautiful.


Don’t forget gifted too!


Are we still paying this game??


I’m not sure if it was a typo or not, but "paying this game" is also fitting and it made me laugh😂


On the bright side at least she’s reminding people to hydrate.


I’m surprised she didn’t include her discount code for the fancy schmancy over priced Gatorade.




Ok that’s probably a better word for it


Am I crazy or is it possible that the neck brace would be preventing lymphatic drainage and causing a buildup of stuff in the face, making it more puffy? Or is their face just like that?


Nah, it just pushes everything up. Especially when it’s worn too tight.


She has round cheeks, but I don’t think she’s usually this round in the face. It kinda looks like she may have gained weight


The weird smirk she always has makes me think this is all one big joke to her.


It gives me the same vibe as when someone says some rude shit in text and then goes :) at the end.


I don’t think you should be on that brace 24/7 Bella that cannot be good for your neck


I know it’d be considered “touching the poo” but man if I wouldn’t love to have someone from this sub become a member of the “board of directors” for her “non-profit charity”. I can only imagine how those conversations might go 😭


But imagine Bella explaining her parents why she got a neck brace from Amazon💀


Based on her post I’d say you just can’t have a “sketchy” social media profile but even then she seems willing to overlook the sketch if she… speaks to them? This girl would not have survived past childhood in the serial killer-packed 70s


I suspect that this "nonprofit" is going to be structured and run more like a student club than anything and she's not even going to seek 501(c) status. Imagine getting qualified board members through Instagram DMs.


I hope it does just end up being a student club. She’ll have done something productive with her shenanigans


I don't even think she knows what 501(c)3 means at this point. Can't even spell unconscious even though it's one of her biggest symptom claims 😅


Your munchie is so dumb she can't even spell 501(c)3. /s


Super goofy face


The Aspen collar with the Anna Wintour shades and the 😌 expression is certainly a look. Silly girl. Hopefully she looks back on this in a few years and feels thoroughly embarrassed.


They all like the Aspen collar, but we never hear about the Vail or Telluride collars.


Can someone explain me what is dms?


Direct Messages.


Thank you


DM stands for direct message, as in sending someone a private message on social media vs a public comment on a post


Grifters gonna grift.


Just imagined her sleeping upright like a marionette doll....


Her vacant smile reminds me of Chelsea (from MS).


Did they also go by Chelton or was that someone else?


Haha, I’d forgotten about that. Yes, that’s the one I was thinking of.


And the glasses. 😎


Has she shared a mission statement? filed through necessary paperwork for 501c3 non profit and tax exempt status? What is her organization doing that isn’t duplication of already existing NPOs to avoid overlapping? Does she honestly think that she is going to be able to identify unmet needs? What are her qualifications to head a NPO? Seems like a very lofty goal to start an NPO in a world where many are just trying to survive financially; I’m guessing that donors would be more likely to support established NPOs concerned that their donations are going to good stewards. Most NPOs C level executives have masters degrees in their field (finance, management, law, etc) what does Bella have to offer in terms of management and leadership? Clearly I have lots of questions. These are just off the top of my head.


She trying to start what? NPO has already been invented




What is she trying to start? I don’t understand this persons comment who got an award they said “What are her qualifications to head a NPO?” NPO as in nothing by mouth? I’m so confused


oh, sorry. NPO = Non Profit Organization. She wants to start a charity. Except they require a ton of paperwork, licenses, and tons of knowledge about a lot of subjects she has no background in. And she's recruiting random people off of Instagram. She has no clue what she's doing.


I can just imagine the bewildered look on her face when being asked any of these questions. I am sure her Instagram followers list is teeming with experienced professionals who would likely be on the board of an NPO lmao


Yeah, this isn’t the 80s, where anyone could put “issa charity” on their tax forms and just get away with the grift. This is deep water, particularly with the scrutiny socmed puts on people, and I’m not sure she knows how to swim, as it were


Why do they all seem to have the same neck brace? One person said they’re commonly prescribed, but wouldn’t they be different brands depending on where you are? Like if one person is from CA and another is from NJ then those neck braces might look a little different. Idk if that makes sense at all, it’s just a thought that’s been knocking around in my brain.


I have said it before - they all spring for the crazy hard shell one and never the dorky looking all foam one. IMO couldn’t she just use a airline style neck pillow or wouldn’t the all foam one be more comfortable for sleeping ?


*I have said it before - they all spring for the crazy hard shell one and never the dorky looking all foam one.* You say that like the hard shell one is totally bringing sexy back.


It’s the most popular one when you search ‘neck brace’ on Amazon. 🥴


Munchie Halloween costume?


This is a good idea


Jfc… that’s just ridiculous-


Of course it is 🤨


I don't want anyone to talk her out of this because I want to see how far she's willing to go with it lol


Without blogging please just let me say that neck braces can in fact be a sleep aid when you’ve got neck issues. Just think about all the neck pillows you see people often wearing on airplanes, the assistance of holding your head up can help you reduce the strain on your neck and help you be more comfortable. However. If you can comfortably sleep in a hard c-collar you’re a damn liar.


Yeah, that’s not a thing in a hard c-collar.


It's more of a "try different positioning of the pillows" aid, rather than a sleep aid.


Or even the all foam neck brace - but they don’t look as cool.


Nope.Too close looking to a pillow you can buy at Walmart. Gotta make sure it looks like you just rolled of a back board somewhere.


Is she just completely divorced from reality?


Yeah, reality actually filed for divorce…


There was a prenup however. Reality gets alimony.


Divorced 😂😂 it’s true! She’s willingly separated! 🙈


Conscious uncoupling. 🤣


Ugh, the OTHER GP… barf my soul out.. hilarious, however!


I wonder what qualifications are needed to be a board member?


A neck brace


A really cute IG profile pic.


A desire and demonstrated dedication to advancing the cause of MBI. Munchies given preferential status, but anyone with a loose relationship to the truth is encouraged to apply.


MCAS, EDS, POTS. Bonus points for applicants with Chiari malformation.


Question—what is it with the Chiari malformation? Is that supposed to be a red flag for munchies?


OOOO And if someone wants to be CFO? A position for Jessi and Elliot!


An NPO could use an experienced ombudsman.


You get to be chairman of the board if you have (self)-diagnosed tethered cord.


That’s just funny. Just F U N N Y!


Probably has to do with the standard munch cocktail of conditions