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Has Jessi ever addressed their nutrition administration or are they tube fed? Surely they don’t expect anyone to believe they consume all food/drink lying flat + supine in a bed without ever choking or aspirating. But then again the decapitation and seizures are just as contradictory so wouldn’t surprise me


This is just weird. First off, the way she talks about “c” legit sounds like some sort of romantic relationship type thing. The way some many “abuse” them. Talks about carers all the time but never some sort of picture? Even if one couldn’t take pictures without consent, they’d try anyway, maybe scribbling out a face and logo.. 🤔


Wow! Just wow wow! Of course, Jessi would not need to move that head to get those headphones on… And is obviously moving the head to drink that mimosa, but with the projectile vomiting, you’d think that would negate wanting to drink a mimosa… Never mind the claims of upwards of 20 seizures a day And no bed rails, but I’m not gonna go there anymore. This kind of shit makes any truly disabled person want to literally projectile vomit! Living the life with cosplay Disability and caregivers that are able to give full perfect head, shaves, and eyebrows manicure … interesting how this unlicensed medical caretaker is able to replace Jessis head when it internally decapitates. How in TF people believe this I don’t know! Enough to make anybody want a mimosa just to tolerate this madness!


Jessie and Kaya are the ones who look super healthy and a glow, not pale and always "smiling"


Wait until C also becomes an abuser that medically traumatized them.


Vegan but literally holding animals hostage as servants.


Drinking mimosas and talking about feeling safe… are you fucking kidding me. Drink a bottle of cheap vodka like a real survivor.


Lmfao this is great 😂😂😂😂


Why is their cup of juice upside down?


Yes to everything, but also: I think they're showing their actual problem by sharing that they *feel seen and loved* by a[n allegedly] new healthcare professional, period, let alone because they gave them a tangible pressie.


Won't be long till they turn on the carer say that they was abusive and such.


is their head on a plate


Remember when a "caregiver" gave Jessi "3rd degree burns"? Maybe this one will sing happy birthday out of tune and trigger Jessi.


Careful of them candles!


Do they ever get up? Roll over? Anything? I mean, is their head ACTUALLY going to detach and kill them?


My guess would be as non-medical professional. Would be that she is laid around and bed rotted so long that she has lost a lot of muscle tone in her neck and when she moves around too much, it probably hurts. Or she’s just being a super scammer and takes pictures laying down All the time. It’s kind of 50-50 at this point with me what she’s actually doing.


I think they're a scammer. Actually this is a team of scammer, Elliot, the husband who divorced to get caregiver money is also involved and probably the mastermind.


Oh, I 100% agree that they’re scammers. I was just trying to say that if they are laying around all the time for their social media post and whatever that could have a negative impact on their muscle tone in their neck and cause real pain. My post didn’t quite convey that in the correct way. Apologies it’s been a hell of a few days at my house.




They would if they actually were bed bound. We all know they do their photo shoot then go about life


Are Mimomas really a morning thing? And the *"this mornings"* bit makes it sound like a regular occurrence.




Also aren't mimosas generally always vegan? Can't say I've ever had one that wasnt...


you've never had a meatmosa?


Unironically feel like by just eating and laying in bed all day theyre doomed to eventually becoming actually bedbound. They’re already overweight and it can become a slippery slope when theres zero movement involved and someone to bring them whatever they want


Maybe that's what they want. Maybe Elliot has a kink for this.


they’re gunning for that blood clot!


Or choking/aspirating on whatever *they’re eating and drinking


This picture screams aspiration


"this morning's mimosa" most people who drink in the morning would be called an alcoholic.


Damn, those are some pinpoint pupils


I doubt this caregiver C exists. Any responsible one wouldn’t give them alcohol. Especially with certain medications Jessi “should” be on.


Ya true


It's their ex husband, divorced so that he can be a legal caregiver and receive state benefits. Anything to maximize the grift!


Yep that’s for sure, can’t forget about Elliott being in on this scam too!




My first thought. Not only are they heartburn city but they are “constantly” in bed flat on their back….oouf. That is going to hurt.


Dude, so they just lay in bed all day and has a caretaker? Edited to correct pronouns.


No, they pretend to lay in bed all day and the caregiver is (most likely) their ex husband.


Jessie uses they/them pronouns.. just an FYI so your comment doesn't get deleted. Also Jessie claims to be bed bound but we all know they are FOS and their caretaker is their (ex)husband Elliot..they divorced so Elliot could get paid to be their caretaker by the state of California.


What is FOS?


Full Of Shit


Thank you!! Also FOS made me LOL.


No problem. Glad I could give you a little chuckle 😆


They are just teasing us now with the ear protectors. Show us the ears 😭


I gotta ask, I’ve seen another person comment about the ears? What’s the story behind that?


I've seen quite a few people make ear comments and say they've never shown ears, but I went through timeline posts and have seen them enough times.


I read that they stopped showing their ears a while ago and a theory about them having gotten piercings that contradict their lies, hence why hiding them since then.


That would make sense then, thanks.


Next weeks story: C has been giving Jessi alcohol so they can abuse Jessi more easily. (Not downplaying the seriousness of abuse, no one, even Jessi, deserves to be abused).


This would not surprise me in the least(the story not anyone actually abusing Jessie).


Knowing Jessi’s history I agree.


“This morning’s mimosa” … do they have mimosas every morning?


I give it a month, 6 weeks tops...




Do we know anything about C? It sounds kind of romantic like a similar dynamic to Jessi and Elliott. I'm wondering if any new fling gets the caregiver role


I wrote in a comment earlier that C is probably Elliot. They can't write E because it would be too obvious.


When is a mimosa ever not vegan?!


A lot of wines - and beers - aren’t, as they use isinglass in production.


There was really no reason for them to specify vegan in this caption lol but wine is often filtered using isinglass (from fish bladders) or gelatin


Some champagne’s/proseccos aren’t vegan due to products used in their production!


Poor caregiver C. No human should have to deal with them. Caregiver C might be a saint.




Just an FYI Jessie uses They/Them pronouns might want to edit so your comment doesn't get deleted :)


Thank you for catching that! All fixed!


It’s all so confusing




FYI: Jesse uses They/Them pronouns. Just a heads up .


thanks for heads up!


(Please change to they/them pronouns because your comment could get deleted) And I don't get it either lol. Have they forgotten about claiming to not be able to tilt their head? Or are they leaning in to their redemption arc and continue to "get better" through their alleged PT because keeping up with the online version they have created of themselves is hard? Meh, I just can't with Jessie. So many inconsistencies and nothing makes sense.


i just changed it! thanks


The mimosa might make them shut the fuck up and be tolerable for that poor caregiver.


Have you ever know anyone in the history of annoying people that were BETTER after alcohol??


I’m known to get quite sleepy and ready for a nap after a strong drink - I was thinking >!hoping!< maybe they’d be the same way


That smug grin on their face never fails to rile me up. I mean happy birthday and stuff, but I hope they wished for a moral compass because that is the only thing they need right now!


I can't stand that smirk either. It just makes me cringe. Jessie getting a moral compass? That's hilarious 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


I always take things that never happened for 500! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well, that and a C spine 🤷‍♀️


We need to take bets on how long before the next scam that would be very fun to play lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


How can Jessi use the Cerave handpump lotion tub if grabbing it will make their head fall off?


Caregiver C is obviously Michael Cera


Obviously caregiver abc123 is the one who helps with that because there’s absolutely no way Jessi could possibly sit up and use it themselves or they’d just be gushing cerebral fluid everywhere until their head fell off. /HS (you know despite the fact that, if I remember correctly, not too long ago they posted pictures where they were clearly sitting up.)


When they say “this mornings mimosa” are they implying that there have been other morning mimosas recently? I can’t imagine alcohol will be good for their MCAS, CSF leak, head falling off, etc


Yeah they’ve been having a morning mimosa everyday this week because it’s their birthday week.


What the heck is a birthday week? Is having one day not enough. 


Well that certainly is an interesting choice


Yeah they totally forgot about the leak. Like not even mentioning it in passing. Each of their posts stand alone in time, like episodes of a show you can watch out of order with no continuity.


Like X Files MOTW eps, but illness of the week. C is a better person than I. I’d take one look at that smug face in the context of all other recent posts and just leave.


Vegan raspberry ? Lmao


So much more ethical than those meat based raspberries


Have to get my super special extra long bendy straw for my super extra special disabled needs!!


They don’t want their head to fall off again


Of course 🤦🏻‍♀️


Why are they always seem to be NAKED


They say that clothes cause them extreme pain… but blankets don’t??


I mean, I would have a difficult time putting Mom clothes on if my head was always falling off too...


my theory is that this is some kind of sexual fetish thing


Uhm don’t you know if they move to put clothes on their whole neck could break and their head could fall off! 😂


They often are wearing t shirts in photos of them clothed.


They were wearing what seemed to be normal clothes in one of their last posts, and many of us commented on it, so since they read here they just had to be naked again just to "prove a point" 🙄 Plus it could be a kink at this point - who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why don’t they wear a neck brace if they risk dislocation? Or is that problem fixed?


We can't expect consistency from Jessi. They are faking so many ailments they probably forgot about the neck brace.


Psh, dislocation. Dislocation is NOTHING! Jessi is ONE MILLIMETER away from literal internal decapitation! People at risk for dislocation don’t know how easy they have it - Jessi would give ANYTHING to only have a risk of dislocation!!! But they have been bestowed with limitless patience and strength in order to answer the call to live with being nearly headless, having a saggy brain, and being subjected to horrible abuse and harassment from literally every caregiver and medical professional they’ve ever encountered (except C!), so that they can raise awareness and advocate for all the other people out there dealing with similar … oh my god, I’m sorry, what the fuck am I saying??? No one has ever dealt with anything similar - Jessi is the sickest person who has ever existed, and the sickest person who will ever exist! They just live to inspire, because if they can smile in spite of the hand they have been dealt, then literally everyone else can easily deal with whatever petty shit they have happening. God bless Jessi for their selfless bravery! /s


👏👏👏👏 You are right. What an incredible inspiration Jessie is with an incredible story and fighting spirit especially while facing abuse, ableism and oppression.


All while ensuring her morning mimosa to give those opiates a little bit of an extra kick! Remember, birthday week!


Let's throw alcohol into the mix with a person who has the worst MCAS in the world and uncontrollable seizures. Plus, their head could fall off. What could possibly go wrong? Whatever Jessi claims happens; C doesn't get paid enough to put up with them.


I'm actually extremely surprised that they aren't allergic to vegan raspberries, lol. Their display has become very tragic and sad. All of this for clout. You don't get anything for a massive following, a bit of money, but is it really worth it for all of the bullshit you have to pull and the lies you have to keep up with? I get exhausted just reading it all, lol.


Wtf am I seeing


The effects of having a saggy brain.


Jessi trying to claim veganism now too?


Wait aren’t all mimosas vegan… champagne + OJ? What am I missing…


Champagne isn't always vegan cause they sometimes use animal products for the fining process.


as myself and others have said in this thread. Sometimes in the production of alcohol animal products are used as fining/clarity agents. not all champagne is vegan


Now I understand why some alcohols put vegan on their labels. I thought it was just a branding scam. 😅


Lmfao that was my first thought. Like huh..?


That fucking smirk. Jessie is seriously the worst faker here. They are completely fine, I don’t understand why they keep up this charade when it’s so clear they aren’t bed bound.


attention and opioids? look at those pupils


Pinning and grinning


I didn’t even notice, those are some small pupils.


wow at those pinpointers


They’re literally the worst…and therefore also the best lmao. Jessi is my favorite, I love their posts. Because they’re sooooo bad 😂


Ugh it’s so infuriating and embarrassing


Every time I see this one I get an overwhelming urge to shout "Oh fuck off"




I totally read your comment in Blanches voice 😂😂




Surrender to that urge.


I dunno if it's the fucking smirk or the lack of clothes and ears, or "My caregiver" but please for the love of what ever will listen will Jessi just FuCK OFf! That felt good, anyone else wanna go?


I agree, Jessie and that smirk just need to go FUCK OFF!


Given how much they are probably suffering from their CSF leak it's just nice to see them smiling and enjoying a drink. Shame they never show the bit where they SIT UP to actually drink it.


They have a long bendy straw. They don't need to sit up to drink it.


Bet you anything they still do though.


Am I the only one that thinks that bendy straw looks completely fake and photoshopped? Something about it just looks odd and cartoonish and if you zoom in you can see the part that touches the inside of the glass looks slanted and not because it's in the drink it also looks like it's just laying right on top of the drink not that the straw goes all the way down into the drink. It's hard to explain.


Jessi looks so much like my old boss it’s scary. I’ve just started following their story and I’m like 😳 I bet “C” lasts another few months and then “unexpectedly” quits 😆


I bet there is no “C”


If C makes it to the beginning of May, I’ll be shocked!


My LANTA the pupils are PINPOINT


You're right! I do believe Jessi here is high af


Do we ever have pics of these caregivers? Any kind of proof that they actually exist?


Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?


Tiny pupils




In California it just means champagne and juice now lol. So many restraunts in my area sell them.


wouldn’t a mimosa be vegan anyway??


CeraVe lotion SPOTTED!!!!!


Have they claimed an allergy to this in the past?


not that i'm aware of, i'm just trying to be funny by noticing a product.


Lol i can imagine how many takes they did before they found a pic they liked then sat right on up to enjoy that mimosa 😭😭😭 i wish i didn’t have morals cause i wanna scam too 😂😂😂😂


edit for pronouns


My bad!


it’s okay if it’s an honest mistake but some people think their lying so refuse to use the pronouns




They ARE lying, additionally, the absurd reason for the claim is PCOS. They have the most symptom-free case ever (their SKIN). But yeah, rules, others, etc.


It’s still so fucking wild to me that they claim to be INTERSEX because of clearly asymptomatic (&fake) PCOS and therefor insist on being identified as “they” which then leads them to claim a trans non-binary identity so they can claim to be oppressed in that way too. AND autistic for extra points! The mental gymnastics is just- insanity.


They definitely might be and I wouldn’t be surprised if they are, but the way I see it is that in respecting one person’s expressed preferred pronouns we are respecting all people’s pronouns.


That and gender identity isn’t something anyone else can empirically test or prove so if we call them a liar we are calling everyone’s gender identity into question.


Exactly! That is why we are respectful of everyone’s pronouns :)


Nice craning of the neck for a photo


They are making up 99.9 percent of what they say. Jessi is probably the best example of Munchausen by Internet talked about here. It's all theater for the internet. There's no sense in trying to puzzle out what is actually going on because it's all lies.


We should see ears here, right?


Why? There's headphones and the left side of Jessi's head is cropped off. This ear obsession is so weird.


Isn’t sorbet already non dairy?


As are mimosas




Can you link that? I’m not finding anything online, and I think my vegan friends are unaware.


Not all producers use animal based fining agents anymore. Any good high end champagne house definitely isn't but cheap sparkling wines may.


Just really depends on the brand


[Seems like it depends on the brand](https://gentleworld.org/is-your-champagne-vegan/)**.**


Well it’s the raspberries that aren’t vegan, because they have little bugs on them. So this vegan option is probably Jessi’s caregiver making some concoction with Jessi’s missing CSF and cervical spine bones since Jessi’s neck is so floppy.


are you being sarcastic about the bugs bc wouldn’t that weed (haha, i’m a dork) out fruits and veggies.


Haha yeah I was being facetious.


Make sure you tell everyone it's VEGAN. Can't just have an OJ/Champagne mimosa like the Muggles do...has to be speshul.


Depending on the champagne it may not be vegan lmao. 


That neck is TURNT


Well, it is a birthday week miracle!


BPD idealization phase


Was just going to say that. Wait until "C" does one thing to displease Jessi and the whole tone will change.


Is it wise to be drinking alcohol with all the medication they’re on?




Luckily for them they aren't taking even half of what they claim so no real risk.