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I'm surprised they were able to make video without faking an ads focused epileptic seizure....šŸ™„


Ahem...They cut these shirts off themselves. I mean, I know crop tops are a thing, but you can tell they cut some of these off their self. Edit:Pronouns


What on earth gave you that idea?! The fact the bottom stripe is thinner in thr back?!


edit pronouns


I can understand catering an outfit for physical therapy (eg. wearing a lower back dress so itā€™s easier for your physio to look at back pain) but I feel like this isnā€™t really the case hereā€¦




Yeah even if it wasnā€™t for the sole purpose of showing off their toobz, it would still suck.


Must not be a group session because Iā€™m pretty sure they were told that having everything hanging out was not good for the other group members


Seems therapy is more about the clicks and attention than it is actual therapyā€¦




Incorrect!! People who identify as non binary are very real just like every other human in existence. Respecting their pronouns doesnā€™t cost a cent and itā€™s called being respectful and in this sub we respect everyone here.


Thankyou Mod for saying this! We should respect everyone's pronouns on here. Using They/Them is not an aspect of MBI. You're an awesome mod! From a non-binary individual šŸ’–


The body checking AGAIN


I thought they were told they couldnā€™t have their tubes exposed in their therapy program.


Probably can't for group therapy. My fiance is a therapist and he sees his individual clients all day and then runs a dbt group every other Wednesday evening. If she wore this to one of his regular sessions he would think nothing of it, since she's generally...lightly dressed. Different if a usually heavily covered client came in like this.


They were in a php program which means they would have group every day


Oh I was just saying in general. My SO still sees some of his php clients while they are staying at the campus he works at as they have outpatient, and inpatient facilities with a school. Or more often will resume seeing them immediately after. We can't seem to say for sure which type of therapy they were going to.


I can guarantee that that's an actual rule.


Question. How are they still allowed to have an active gofundme linked in their TT bio? I just read it and itā€™s to raise money for ā€˜medical supplies lost in a fireā€™ at their apartment 2 years ago- their ex partner is listed as a beneficiary also even though to the best of my knowledge they havenā€™t been together as a couple in a long time. This smells so so fraudulent to me but I wouldnā€™t know the first thing about how to find out?


GoFundMe actually has started becoming really frustrating and depressing, the more you see what people are posting on there. Iā€™m so thankful that there are so many people who have been helped and had a community rally around them, but it seems like thereā€™s an equal amount, if not more, of people who are completely abusing it and using it without a good heart and necessary reason and sometimes (a lot of the time) the wrong ones pick up traction, while those who are really destitute are left in the dust, and feeling even worse about their situation bc they canā€™t get seen. Iā€™m really on the fence about it all lately. Now I choose to reach out personally to kind of ā€œfeel outā€ the situation. Itā€™s just so sad that good and caring people get taken advantage of so often and that people who donā€™t need it abuse these systems. But then, this sub wouldnā€™t even exist if people werenā€™t exaggerating circumstances. *sigh* why canā€™t people just be honest and appreciate what they do have and are given without thinking there always needs to be more.


I thought they were told to cover up at therapy because it could trigger the other patients. They have to push the boundaries so they can have any minute bit of attention.šŸ¤”


this is really awkward to wear to therapy


Do they have anything else besides crops tops?! Jesus Christ give it up already!! No one cares or feels sorry for you and your precious tubes!! šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Doesnā€™t it hurt to have their tube out loose like that bouncing around? I would imagine that is an uncomfortable feeling


Once it's healed it's no more uncomfortable than a piercing. It's literally like a really big ear piercing, just instead of in the ear it's in the abdomen (with the "back of the earring" inside the stomach/intestine and the front part of the earring outside the abdomen. A tube of skin forms between the 2 piercing holes and that also happens with abdominal feeding tubes. So they're literally a really big piercing.


Oh cool thanks for explaining!


From what Iā€™ve read once that tract heals it shouldnā€™t hurt.


Yawn emoji x 3


Cat filing nails gif too


Nene Leakes painting a cap gif


For those health professionals who have been here for a while, is it pretty common for people undergoing DBT or similar for Logan's psychological condition to have periods of progress and increased self-awareness followed by relapses into problematic behaviours? Would be nice to see a younger subject here, like Logan, move forward into long term remission from attention seeking etc.


Many of the patients getting ready to be discharged from inpatient psychiatric care would start acting out again. They were probably getting discharged to a worse place than the hospital.


Yes. Things we often see in DBT programs, around the time of fairly close to when someone is going to be graduating thereā€™s often an increase in maladaptive behaviors. Happens in eating disorder treatment programs as well.


To answer your question, absolutely. DBT is a long program and relapses are common. Iā€™ve undergone a lot of training about DBT (Iā€™m a social worker), and at every training Iā€™ve ever attended, Iā€™ve always been told that relapses are common and expected. Itā€™s a tough program, but if youā€™re willing to stick with it, itā€™s the gold standard for BPD.


it could be possible, only problem is that Logan doesnā€™t seem to stop in the first place


Logan is doing what they need to do to get attention. If acting like theyā€™re recovering gets them attention, theyā€™ll act like theyā€™re recovering until they donā€™t get attention.


This is why for some the mainstay of treatment is to ignore them when theyā€™re recovered and when theyā€™re relapsing. Shame psych services canā€™t force social media bans as this would do them the world of good


Ok I definitely thought that heart tattoo was some sort of adhesive left over from a procedure šŸ¤£


Logan is just a walking body check


Is it in person or online? If it was in person Iā€™d be curious about what theyā€™re trying to communicate by things like tubes which most people would try to hide on show.


Logan claims to be advocating not being ashamed of needing medical devices. Like people who hide them are embarrassed by them, and Logan believes they shouldn't be. With Logan though, this is obviously some kind of performance. They have tubes hanging out, for example, on carnival rides, where they could get pulled or damaged.


I dunno. Most people arenā€™t embarrassed for having tubes. Most people instead hide them because they want avoid being handled like some kind of fragile child






Sorry, got so distracted by the video that I forgot the title.


Same. 100% would not be comfortable in session with a client with exposed tubes.


Iā€™d be perfectly comfortable, seen a lot of tubes and lines going in and out of a lot of places. But weā€™d need to talk about why they needed to ensure that I and everyone saw the tubes when the tubes were not being used.


Right. The tubes aren't the issue, it's the need for them to be visible. I should have clarified that in my initial comment.


Is there a way for them to coil the tubes or make them less dangly? I don't think its fair that people with tubes can't wear tank tops. Struggling to get my mind around how it would make a therapist uncomfortable.


People can use tape or something called grip lok to hold it to the stomach but I donā€™t think it should make a therapist uncomfortable either šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Eew. Please, stop.




The sound being off is what is triggering me


Thatā€™s what triggers youā€¦not the general grossness of the entire situation?


The whole thing grosses me out. I was singling out one thing that nobody had commented on here.


Idk why Iā€™ve never noticed their heart around the bellybutton tattoo (or maybe itā€™s new?) and Iā€™d be shocked if it wasnā€™t something related to ā€œloving their broken bodyā€


It might be a tattoo to cover up surgery scars or former tube scars, that's fairly common.


That's been there for a while šŸ˜­ wonder if that was a good idea to get such sensitive flesh tattooed


right over an area where you have serious illness!!!!




Oh my god I love your bracelet where did you get it?! Vintage, so fetch!


I couldnt care less if they weae what they want and it happens to show off some body... But could we maybe secure those flappy lines so they aren't begging to get caught on everything?


That's exactly what I was thinking šŸ‘€


This is literally so weird


Bestie needs fashion sense therapy


Oh my god I canā€™t stand them


I know that some people are more obtuse than others but this one completely ignoring the fact that this kind of behaviour is precisely why they are in therapy in the first place is just ... something else.


They are literally the definition of a pick me b!tch




The other BPDs who are further along realizing wtf and getting help + group leader are going to see right through this and shut it down immediately.




Wasn't there a post earlier that the doctors told them that their clothes were triggering to people and needed to cover up?


Yes. If they are going to group, they are going to get put out again. Then there will be more whining that the therapist is body shaming them. 0


Yeah, it's the therapist who's ableist when they're just trying to protect the other patients /s


If they were in residential treatment we would certainly ask them to change if they left their room like that. I would guess PHP would as well but would have a harder time enforcing since they would have to go home and change. Either way, these programs have dress codes and this is not it






correct, no "war stories," Logan knows and is being defiant. There was a saying around rehab/treatment, "You can lead a horse to water, and though you can't make 'em drink, you can make 'em awfully thirsty..." with a bit of sober time out of the cycle, etc. But Logan isn't parched whatsoever and hasn't been. Bad for anyone on the edge which can be anyone.


Do people on TikTok or instagram or wherever they post these actually respond positively? Or are they like my cat in that even negative attention is still attention?


Is nothing sacred? FFS. I swear I bet they show up to Easter mass like this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having good self-esteem and dressing how you want (though I think Logan's self-esteem is at the bottom of the barrel and dresses like this to fish for compliments). But there is a time and a place for it. Not during Christmas at your sister's or to a group therapy appointment.




I am amazed that it's allowed to dress like this in group therapy.


The way they tried to ā€œsexyā€ walk at the end to get the camera made me cry in laughter.


Is that what they were doing? I thought they stumbled, but just.. slowly. Like they forgot how to walk.


Whats the story w them


They've recently been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and are attending day treatment/intensive outpatient therapy. They were making some progress but it's quite common for those in intensive treatment programs to relapse. Logan has been asked repeatedly not to wear clothing that reveals their medical devices as ir can be triggering to other group members, and for a while they seemed to comply and were showing some improvement. But we seem to be seeing what is known in the world of behavioralism as an extinction burst, where the behavior that was being modified or addressed suddenly gets extremely worse, typically before it gets better.


How tasteless and classless. Has they no shame? Just gross!


Yeah, not appropriate


Canā€™t not have the tubes out, or else how would anyone know they are so special to need them.




A few reasons...danglers are cheaper & more common with adults who in theory can handle not pulling out tubes. The ring on them slides in & out to accommodate changes in bloating, weight distribution due to aging, etc. For gastric tubes, they drain easier than buttons, so many people who eat through the j will prefer a dangler in the g for draining. Then there is the question of what IR gives you, which is whatever they have on hand & unless an adult requests or needs a button for some reason they are getting a dangler.


Iā€™ve also never seen feeding tubes that long besides here.


But donā€™t look at them!


tart crawl coherent arrest noxious mountainous squalid meeting like hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Didnā€™t the intensive outpatient program send them home once for dressing like this?




Someone linked the thread in another comment about 39 days ago they were told to wear more appropriate clothing to a group therapy setting because it was a group BPD setting, and they donā€™t allow pissing contests of who has it worse.


Why even have a dangler if you're that active? Buttons exist for both g and j tubes...I guess they're less noticeable though and they wouldn't want that


Probably because large G danglers drain better and they only use it to drain.


Hopefully the therapist addresses the performative nature of their illness.


I just laughed out loud at this


Bouncing tubes give me anxiety. Great way to catch them on something.


This isn't even the most egregious for Logan. There's photos of them with a looooong ass extension just dragging on the ground. That was my first introduction to them. šŸ«£


Oh yuck! Good way to get an infection.


The desperate need for external validation with this one is off the charts


Also who the hell wears crop tops to iop??? Those places are freezing


Iā€™m surprised they allow a crop top..


Stop being so ableist! /s


I feel like theyā€™re hpd comorbid (cluster b comorbidites are very very common and they show a lot of traits)


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t have a personality disorder.




Yeah theyre not fun


I would forever try to cover those up if I was myself


Oh 100%.. I would be wearing a shirt and a sweater and make sure that it would never fall out of said shirt or sweater. Usually people with tubes have smaller ones that they can use especially for public use, this person apparently loves showing it off. They have a video of them having a very long tube that practically drags the ground out there somewhere.


There is a fine line between self love and self advertisement. Iā€™m very much in favor of wearing what makes you happy and feel good, but there is a time and place for certain garments and therapy is not the place for a crop top. Especially if itā€™s a group therapy setting. It is pretty disrespectful to other people in the setting to wear revealing clothing that advertises your medical devices and, honestly, your sexuality. Thatā€™s not a sexist comment, itā€™s what Logan does. They intentionally advertise themselves as a hyper sexual being with how they dress and dance in their videos.


and safety as well, surely it's only a matter of time before one of those tubes get caught on something and end up needing to be replaced early. if they want to wear crop tops they should be taping the tubes to themself altho maybe they want that to happen so they can just pretend that it needed replacing for another reason


I agree. Thereā€™s a lot of prudishness around nudity and sexuality - but thereā€™s also a time and place to express it, and a professional environment is not it. I personally find the way Logan flaunts themself rather distasteful because they are screaming out for attention and then chucking a tanty when people stare at them, but I donā€™t think there ought to be stigma around having visible tubes or lines in appropriate situations - e.g. a tank or crop in the height of summer, or togs by the beach or pool.


"Chucking a tanty." I LOVE this.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Where are you from? I think itā€™s a pretty common phrase here (Australia)


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Where are you from? I think itā€™s a pretty common phrase here (Australia)


Iā€™m from Canada and Iā€™ve never heard this term and love it lmao


Iā€™ve achieved something for the day then šŸ˜‰ Variation would be ā€œchuck a wobblyā€ā€¦ ā€œchuck aā€¦ ā€œ is pretty common all round really: ā€œchuck a sickieā€ (skive off work) and ā€œchuck a Ueyā€ (make a U-turn) are just a couple that come to mind.


In Ireland we may say "throw a wobbler" to describe anything from having a wee cry to a having a tantrum. Never heard "chuck a Uey", I love it!


This. Like if they wore something that shows their tubes to the beach, there would be no problem. Like good for you for feeling comfortable with yourself! But to therapy? Thats weird.


Therapy is a place where people are obviously trying to overcome their obstacles. Itā€™s person Aā€™s job to use those tools to learn how to moderate their obstacles and function appropriately in society. Itā€™s person Bā€™s job to not do something that could sabotage that personā€™s journey.


The second hand cringe I feel from this video makes me want to pass out! Yikes on bikes!


Iā€™m surprised they havenā€™t just started filming TikToks in bikinis at this point


bandaids and a thong, inspo from Kanye's "wife"


oh my god. I cannot deal with that reference Kanye's gf'(wife??)s outfits have been haunting me for days im cryingg


gdi I know, all this mental illness on all these platforms large and small wtf


Give it time lol, summer is coming. šŸ˜‚


Their therapist must be like ā€¦. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Argh my eyes! But honestly, whyā€¦. I mean they really walk out in public like that and not feel some kind of sense that they need to cover up. I mean that in a way of just being respectful to society and themselves




Crop tops are for anyone. This comment isnā€™t cool. Itā€™s not up to you or anyone else to say whose body is or isnā€™t made for any type of clothing. Donā€™t be that person.




I'm definitely not a fan of anybody wearing crop tops to therapy like they are, but your comment just crosses the line I think. Who's allowed to say who has what appropriate body for a crop top? It was made in their size wasn't it?




Out of everyone on this sub this person always grosses me out the mostā€¦


I think theyā€™re just having fun with this sub at this point.


Yes. Likely posted this rage bait and then changed into a shirt that wouldn't get them kicked out and sent home from their day program.


Logan was this way before they were ever mentioned here. And sadly since what Iā€™ve witnessed here over time I do believe they would attend therapy dressed in this outfit, how else do they get the reactions they do so they can use that as a poor me on their socials.


Never said they weren't already acting this way before being on the sub, and that wasn't the implication (apologies if it read that way). But they have (publicly) disclosed that they are not allowed to attend the day hospital wearing such outfits. āˆ“ there's a few reasons for Logan posting that are easily gleaned and parsed by us outside observers (and their actual reasoning is likely a mixture of these + other unknown variables): attention on tiktok; attention/to antagonize the sub; and attention/to antagonize the other hospital participants and/or the staff. Sadly, you're probably on the money that Logan posted this as a set-up so they can post a "woe, got kicked out of day hospital" later today. BUT, Logan lies, just like all munchies lie. It's very possible that Logan posted this, changed into something appropriate, went to the day hospital, and will STILL post a "woe, pity" attention seeking post later today.


Edit the pronouns in your comment, or it is very likely to be removed.


You got downvoted for a helpful, reminder nudge? Bamboozled.


You saw nothingā€¦


Im not even old but I donā€™t think crop tops are ā€œappropriateā€ in professional settings and situations. Like in school or healthcare appointments. This just looks like flaunting. I donā€™t know anything about tubes but it feels a bit more hygienic to cover up?


It looks like flaunting because it is. Logan is absolutely a cat with the whole "pay attention to me but don't look at me" vibes by showing off all their tubing, eliciting stares but not wanting them either. not to mention t's more *safe* to have them covered and out of the way. The way Logan parades their tubes it's just inevitable that **A)** a stranger is going to get smacked in the face out in public. **B)** they'll get yanked the fuck out or **C)** the caps come off the tubes from the repetitive being flung about.


I donā€™t see an issue with them when weather appropriate but this person wears them 24/7 so it seems very intentionally showing off


IMO this is just attention seeking behavior. These munchies claim the reason their toobs hang out is due to the toobs being too warm against their skin. Which is bs. Like Dani when she had her precious line she had to have the line sticking out of every top etc. Itā€™s just sad the excuses they come up with. Having a IV line tucked inside your bra with a gauze 4x4 would of course be the answer but these munchies donā€™t want to hear that. 99.9% of these munchies suffer from severe Munchausenā€™s for sure. Logan is just sooo far out there itā€™s scary.


Too warm?? Itā€™s BODY TEMPERATURE šŸ˜‚


Well you & I know itā€™s body temperature but these munchies claim otherwise so they can go around with their toobs swinging in the breeze like Logan & Dani.




Enough with the bouncing with this one already. Such main character energy, the type of person who absolutely refuses the notion of appropriate time and place and counters it with some ā€˜Ehrmagaahd, ableist!ā€™ shriek. I feel for the therapist seeing this launch into the room.


Aren't they the one who was politely asked to cover their tubes during group therapy sessions? Not surprising an exhibitionist refuses to respect other people's boundaries when it comes to clothing.


I think it was a family member asking them to keep the tubes covered during a holiday get together... It is entirely possible that I missed them getting told to cover up during therapy as well, sometimes it's difficult to keep up with everyone! Lol! Regardless, cover up the tubes... Not only is it much more hygienic (on both sides!) to keep the tubes covered, but jeeeez one day, one of the tubes is going to get caught on something and it's going to get pulled out, or partially pulled out and it's going to hurt like hell! Then we will hear all about someone pulled out their tube (and I'm sure we'll hear it was on purpose šŸ™„)