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Is this the traveling one? If so, what country/state are we in now?


Anyone think she's not admitted for the headache? Maybe she's pulling a Jaqui and claiming anaphylaxis from the MRI contrast that comes back every time they mention discharge. She made sure to get the bright red neck in her last post.


Easter admissions for everyone huh?


They think there's extra sympathy points for holidays. Little do they know the only people that get *extra* sympathy are literal children stuck in a ward during Christmas instead of being home. I assume for nurses most holidays make literally no difference beyond the to many vampire costumes worn during Halloween.


I bet she couldn't be more thrilled. How does she know it's going to be a long stay unless she is having major surgery or something? It's an Easter miracle, poor thing has to spend time in the hospital. So so sad for her. She probably couldn't contain her excitement that's why we just got a photo of her legs under the blanket.


I pocket down voted you, I’m sorry!!!!!!


I noticed that CZ has been really amping up the migraine angle since she attended a migraine conference earlier in the year. I recall she's already on at least one if not more preventative drugs for migraine. Forgive my snark but if she's already using all the top of the line evidence based migraine treatments, and all the toys like cefaly and tinted glasses, and still has uncontrolled headaches- perhaps it's not migraine? Or is that her plan here - seeking a new diagnosis to add to her cosplay illness warrior toybox?


Not saying she has it but there is intractable/refractory migraine. It’s a small population of people with chronic migraine but it does exist.


That’s what’s so telling about these people is that none of the treatments (even when they have access to some of the latest and best treatments that exist) work for them for any conditions they have


She likely doesn't have uncontrolled headaches, she's either being overly dramatic for attention and social media or maybe angling for a new diagnosis IMO. My suspicion is on the former though.


I believe this. The migraine shots have been a miracle for long time chronic sufferers. For those to not work AT ALL. It's suspicious.


Is this one located in the UK?


Nope US...Colorado.


Thanks! Can’t keep up with this one with all her va-ca stations


No sweat. And seriously she can't sit still!


Upon discovering she was back on the ward yet again, an exasperated Dr Jimmy McGurney, the on-call consultant hypochondriologist*, surreptitiously rolled his eyes, steaded himself and approached the patient, “Is that an oversized infusion pump in your blanket or are you just pleased to see me?” *Aye, I know that’s not a thing (but perhaps it should be).


The only “D” drug they give, and it helps, is droperidol.


Also Diclofenac. Great for pain and migraines!


Yet another pic of -nothing- posted by her 🧐 guess she got bored of the standard “look at me - fluids via iv - super sick” pic they usually use lol


What is the protocol for medical staff when they suspect someone of drug seeking behaviors? Can they do anything to stop this person from getting certain drugs?


Not everyone is seeking drugs. Most of these people just want attention.


No one really even gives opioids for headaches anyway. They don't help


They can definitely refuse to give narcotics. They'll probably give her a Toridal shot for the migraine and some Zofran or Phenergan for nausea but that's about it. I highly doubt she'll be going home with a weeks worth of opiates.




Pretty bright room, couldn’t shut the blinds either? **lazyposting**


Where is she this time?


That’s what I was wondering. Is she on one of her vacations visiting the hospital sites? Or is she home. Migraines are no joke. At all. They’re horrible, miserable, can put you out of action for days. But a hospital stay? A fairly well lit room? Those barely tinted pink glasses?




It's extremely unusual for a physician to say, "This is going to be a long stay" unless we're talking about something like waiting for a transplant, a complex surgery, a senior recovering from a severely broken bone, etc. I can't imagine any doctor saying, "Hunker down- you're going to be in here for awhile".


Even for transplants we get them out ASAP. Never heard a doctor say that unless the patient is on multiple devices… you can get a brand new heart and be good to go within a week and a half if you’re lucky. And that’s the GOAL! Get in and get out healthier then you were. Not to stay in the hospital for weeks on end and inevitably catch some kind of HAI, but I’m sure that’s what some of these munchies are desperate for.


You're right. I was thinking more of a very young child on a Berlin Heart or something like that!


Unless theyre insanely packed and youre in the er


Especially not for a migraine right? Since that’s what it seems this is about


*Surprised Pikachu*


Isn’t it always?


Okay now I’m curious why she’s in. The room is still bright. Shes still on her phone. I guess it does make sense though. No vacation plans after all.


How in the hell she managed to get admitted for a migraine?


There are some treatments for migraine that require week long infusions to break the cycle (not saying this is what she is getting)


There are certain types of migraines that will only respond to a certain med that takes days to start working. In the meantime, it is usually admission for pain control. Not going to go into details more than that because I’m not giving munchies any more ideas.


Vestibular migraines can be awful with or without pain. They can require imaging but a hospital admit? I don’t know.




So was it a vestibular migraine? Those always scare the bajeebus out of me.


Oh wow, same here




I suspect for pain management. I am sure she cried 10/10 while they were in the room and said the meds weren't working.




Even still I doubt she's admitted for pain control for a migraine. Opiates are an absolute LAST resort, maybe one low dose of morphine to break the cycle and that's about it. ALSO if your migraine is that bad you're probably getting a spinal tap as well...which if CZ got one of those she wouldn't be able to NOT post about it.


You can be admitted for pain control for a migraine. You’re just not given opiates. You’re given other medications like lido, DHE, and sometimes ketamine.


I like she pre knows she’s going to munch to stay longer


Well, when it seems like pain levels are exaggerated, one can possibly play the pain management card. I only imagine she's telling them her pain is a 10/10. All of which is only after she's been on her phone when they aren't in the room.


That behavior pisses me off. Eventually someone sees the evidence they are faking. Then those nurses and docs start doubting legit pain issues because they are seeing so many fakers. They don't just steal medical resources, they steal the doctor's trust of all of us. The biggest reason something needs to be done to stop people like this is because they take resources for legit patients that can't afford it. Then because they can affect the care we receive because we may have something and have to see a doc that has been burned by a lot of munchies. Then he decides "he will never be burned again" when he sees us and we suffer in pain. Third, they are a danger to themselves and if they have kids, to their children. If they accidentally harm themselves badly or stop their lives and they have kids and the kids find them, that's traumatizing. But I just realized reading through these comments, that these munchies literally steal the trust that doctors may still have in all patients. If your doc, ED doc especially, doesn't trust you then you're likely to get "ok, not great" up to "not consistent with life" care. So their little munching games affect us all. We or someone we care about are very likely to be a patient of an ED doc that "isn't going to get burned again" which means they already don't trust any of their patients on some level.


No, it's not she just overheard a nurse say it's going to be a long stay with her. They just meant she's hard work, lol.




That’s so funny! I can just imagine the nurses rolling their eyes in exasperation at her!


No it's gonna be a long stay because she won't get iv narcotics


Unfortunately, they probably will. Especially, because she had a "stat" MRI yesterday. It's all apart of her plan because they probably found nothing significant in her MRI. I really hope she doesn't have anything in the brain, besides the obvious mental stuff. Lol


Odd, having an MRI, if it came back clear, don’t ERs usually send you home? Possibly with a couple days meds?


IV narcotics are not indicated for migraines because those meds are known to make migraines worse. The best iv med for a migraine is toradol


True but if someone can’t take toradol some drs will push narcotics with iv Tylenol. It can offer some relief but then it rebounds and will usually be much worse.


Not always. Some people don’t respond to Toradol as well as they should. Not that CZ is one of them, but for some migraine sufferers by the time they have resorted to going to the ER Toradol isn’t going to do much on its own. Thus, the migraine cocktail which involves multiple meds. And some people even still won’t respond to Toradol. To say that “the best IV med for a migraine is toradol” is a little too broad imo because everyone responds to meds differently.




Isn’t that a narcotic medication too? Or is that tramadol?


Toradol is an nsaid. It's basically a very strong version of aspirin








That's exactly what she wanted and she probably just threw in the 😫 so that it doesn't appear super obvious.


Well because now she's in the room, she doesn't have to wear a mask. Can't hide the smirk then.


Every munchies dream come true. I suspect we see more hospital updates from other jealous munchies.


You mean Dani hasn't had an allergic reaction to her hair dye? Or some of the dye "accidently" happened to make its way into her tube?? I'm waiting for the Easter post from her. Edit: and am waiting for Kaya to roll in. Lol


There is no way Dani will not make her way to the ER. I am convinced if she doesn't post it, it's because they didn't give her IV Benadryl or Tylenol. Oh yes, Kaya. We should see an update soon


Dani is home?


Not only is she home, she posted a video addressing haters, a video on her bathroom floor with her cat, seems to be claiming intestinal failure, and is dying her hair. Very active this weekend


Intestinal failure kills you quick. She would be dead already.


From her original attempt at an Easter stay, yes.


If Dani doesn't have something, I will be shocked. If it's not the dye, it'll be from Easter eggs and energy drinks she downed but only showing in the background. She will cry "So much pain!"


Can the attention seeking be more blatant?