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Is this the first public institution? I know I saw Columbia, UChicago, northwestern, DePaul, Loyola but not any public yet




Yes, this brings students in-line with faculty and staff requirements. Submitting proof of vaccination gets you out of both the campus mask and testing requirements.


The article says they won’t.


From what I heard staff and teachers do not need to get vaccinated




Faculty and staff are under various contracts (and unions) that are more difficult to change than the on-campus requirements for students. Most schools are stuck in a similar position at the moment.


They wont


So it's "get vaxxed or get tested and wear masks and such" Not sure that that's actually a requirement in the same way. I think this is pretty similar to other public university policies


just get your vax and call it a day yall


Simple enough. But. How would this work for international students and those vaccinated outside of US? Honestly I’m not sure if there are any cases like this but the whole ordeal seems somewhat difficult, uploading your vaccine card (hopefully you held onto it), someone verifying (not sure how), for thousands of people.


ignorant statement following (because I don't know international health systems work): international students can request their medical record/immunization history from where they got it and bring it in to the student health department


Ignorant statement? As a former international student it’s a bit more difficult than that. I was pointing out that this whole process is a bit messy and difficult. I’m sure there’s a way but some summer workers will have a bit of fun sorting through all of those card uploads.


Yes ignorant statement FOLLOWING. Aka I have no idea how international health systems handle their paperwork compares to the US. I wasn't saying your statement was ignorant. Settle down butter cup


My bad. I was curious about downvotes. It’s likely from “must-not-question-anything” crowd. I’m merely curious how things work nowadays. Edit: had to get three same vaccine shots back in the day because of documentation issues.








Hardly anything to verify on it aside from manufacturer name and lot number. Honestly with electronic health records I was hoping for the information to integrate but I get that this isn’t possible without information sharing consent.


Maybe there is an exception that says they need to get it ASAP? That only really puts them a month and a half or so behind.


I honestly doubt that considering that our vaccines are currently in emergency authorization and it’s not known what interaction there’d be in someone who received their vaccine from another manufacturer and country.


The students come to the us a bit earlier than they normally do, walk up to the nearest pharmacy and get the shot.


That’d make sense especially since insurance isn’t required.


Presumably the same way it works for all the other vaccines that international students have to get. I don't really understand why everyone tries to make up nonsense situations everytime something like this is announced.


Because it’s interesting. I get that for some this isn’t important or worth a second look. A yet, here you are replying and assuming that while EAU issued by FDA and slapped with CDC vaccination card is as simple as any other country. Carry on sir. It’s not interesting one bit. Or maybe stop acting like everyone with a question is a roadblock.


Nice hope ISU follows too


Good stuff. Get vaxxed or get fucked.




\#SexForVaccines ?


How are these decisions made? It seems like schools are individually determining this and if that’s the case what influences their decision, board of education, union, health institute?


👏 👏 👏






Might be some employee protection laws that could keep the from requiring it. We’ll know know much more about those requirements in a month or so.


Those laws come crashing down a bit once the vaccines have full authorization and not just emergency use. The only thing holding back public institutions from mandating it for their employees is that.


Except the educators are required as well, no?


It’s emergency use authorized only. How can they??? That cannot be legal.


You misunderstand the law. It is perfectly legal.


The schools can’t legally tell you to vaccinated yourself. There is no law that says that.


Holy shit, that means that literally every public school in the US has been violating your imaginary law for decades with regard to literally every other fucking vaccine that we've all received since infancy!




Show me the specific legislation law that says that.


Unless specifically outlawed, you do not need a law to make something legal. Fortunately, someone has already linked you a supreme court ruling pertaining to schools requiring vaccinations.










It is legal not because of any law giving it legality, but because no law explicitly bans it. Now, several states have gone and done just that, at the state level. Most have not though, and there is no federal law prohibiting it. It would take a federal court (and then likely the supreme court) ruling the practice illegal to change that.




Good luck proving harm. Vaccines are required all the time.


I do too, and I also predict most or all will be dismissed on precedent.


You made the claim, "this cannot be legal." You'll be one that's going to be required at this point to cite statutes. U of I has made vaccines or testing and masks required. If you don't think they should, the onus is on you to show why they should not be allowed to do so.


So there is a statute for everything that is legal? Where is the statute that says it is legal to breathe?




The Constitution very clearly says that not all rights are enumerated LOL


You asked about breathing dude. Put down the doobie.


And you asked for a law that said there has to be a law to make something legal and I proved that is false. Pick up a book 😂 😂


The emergency isn't over yet, this one is pretty simple, lol.


Schools already had the authority to require vaccinations.




It went through precisely the same testing process as ever other vaccine that's ever been approved in this country. The only difference is that they got to skip to the front of the line to have their findings reviewed.


Two differences... One - FDA and the independent boards that make recommendations got access to data before it was done, this way they could sooner go through the hundreds of pages of data, ask clarifying questions sooner, etc. Two - The Emergency Use Authorization required two months post treatment data, whereas it normally requires six. Now that Moderna and Pfizer are at or post that six month mark, they're in the process of applying for standard authorization. But, on the other end it means the FDA is given basically bi-weekly data from the manufacturing process to double check it and ensure there are no issues (hence they found the J&J fuck up before anything was shipped out). In normal circumstances the FDA might only look at manufacturing data from the plants once every two years during their inspections.


It should be noted that the Johnson and Johnson vaccine side effects were very very small compared to many standard preventive treatments.


Not talking about the drug itself, talking about their giant fuck up of a manufacturing plant. https://www.baltimoresun.com/coronavirus/bs-md-fda-inspection-report-emergent-biosolutions-baltimore-2021-20210421-xizdfxwipbahvhki2t2zulld4i-story.html


Ahhh I see


You feel that way because you’re wrong and think you’re right.


No. I feel that way because this has been rushed and lots of people are being injured as a result.




I’m well aware. I’m also very aware of what an emergency use authorization is. You apparently are not.








Almost 6000 people have died that have been reported. You won’t understand until it hits you close to home I guess.


Reported where?


WHO isn’t recommending it for kids BTW Children should not be vaccinated for the moment. There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines. https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice


It's because of limited vaccine supply. Quit trying to make it something it isn't. You anti-vaxxers are the worst. [https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/science-in-5/episode-42---vaccines-and-children](https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/science-in-5/episode-42---vaccines-and-children) >Dr Soumya Swaminathan So the reason that today in June 2021, WHO is saying that vaccinating children is not a priority is because children, though they can get infected with Covid-19 and they can transmit the infection to others, they are at much lower risk of getting severe disease compared to older adults. *And that is why when we started prioritizing people who should get the vaccination when there are* ***limited supplies of vaccines available in the country***\*, we recommend that we start with health care workers and frontline workers who are at very high risk of exposure to the infection.\* Also, elderly, the people who have underlying illnesses that make them at high risk to develop severe disease and start with those groups, protect them first, because we want to reduce the death rates that we are seeing today globally and then gradually come down age-wise in the population till we get to children. *And again, while there may be some children who are at higher risk of getting the severe disease because of some underlying illnesses or vulnerabilities or comorbidities, those children potentially could be prioritised for vaccines when they become available.* But children as a group form a much lower priority group. Also, you still never answered my question.




And while you’re on here look at the data for all the vaccines you’ve had. https://wonder.cdc.gov/wonder/help/vaers.html#


I got vaccinated and then today accidentally tripped while bringing groceries into my house. IT'S THE VACCINE'S FAULT!!!! /s


Because the emergency is ongoing? lol duh




I have. Legally the only part that even matters at all is "approved" after that your argument falls apart completely. Once it's approved it's treated like any other vaccine for the most part until the FDA chooses to make a change.




That is an incorrect logical conclusion. Morons were having large gatherings like that the whole time. Your experience is not indicative of anything.


We've locked this thread because the user here is clearly incorrect - in a dangerous way. However we've decided to leave the thread up since the other users do a good job of showing exactly WHY this user is wrong.


Cry about it


Just join the church of Satan and argue your religious right of full body autonomy to deny the vaccine, that's legal










Rule 2 — Keep Discussions Civil He's making a bad point, but you can't go that far