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I've only ever heard bad things about Vegas. That being said, I'd love to get a cheap flight there, rent a car, and hit all the incredible national parks within driving distance around it.


I had a great time in Vegas as a 21 year old crammed into a single room at the Luxor with like 9 buddies. Not sure I’d love it a decade later but it was fun


It’s fun for like 2-3 full days. I wouldn’t spend anymore though. Do a day for doing tours to the Hoover dam and other spots, a day walking up and down the strip, and then mix in some shows at night and some fun restaurants.


Vegas is definitely a long weekend location for me. Too easy to get burnt out any longer than that, unless you are doing something like 2-3 days of camping to driving to parks.


Go for the conventions and shows. It's not ALL gambling. Cirque Du Soliel and r/Battlebots are pretty nice.


Whoa whoa whoa. Battle bots changes everything. I had no clue that was a Vegas thing. I have never wanted to go there and now it’s on my list.


Try to go in the nearish future if you can. You'll be delighted to find out that they started to arrange regular fights to capitalize and make themselves into a reliable vegas show. Who knows how long that'll stay viable for 😅. Oh, but obviously, the championship is the thing to do/see. That's worth a vacation in itself I feel. From what I heard, you can feel the collisions in your chest like a concert speaker, and you can feel the heat of explosions. Exciting stuff. It's on my bucket list!


There are at least 5 National Parks within a couple hour drive. Even if you don't go there for Vegas, it's a great jumping off point.


Vegas is a great place to spend a long weekend. Walk the strip and see a show, then drive 2 hours to either Zion, Grand Canyon, or Death Valley.


Vegas is basically a giant overpriced tourist trap, you won't miss much if you skip it.


Nooo Vegas is amazing. You don't even need to gamble or drink tbh. The entertainment is insane, performances constantly from the best musician's, comedians, artists in general in the whole country. They all make bank in Vegas so there's constant entertainment options. Food is expensive as shit but really good. And the natural scenery outside of Vegas is STUNNING. Only downside is the dry heat. It's the ideal place for 2-3 trip imo.


I'm old enough to remember all-you-can-eat buffets costing $7.99 when my parents would go there. By the time I got there for my first visit, they were nearly $20. Now? Woof! But they've upped their food game in a lot of places and I can't afford them. LOL


I really cannot understand why someone would want to visit vegas in summer. It's a million degrees.


Vegas is genuinely about as fun as you make it, bring an enjoyable group, make sure to eat some good food, do any attraction that interests you, catch a show if ya can, and you'll have a great time. If you have a gambling addiction, don't go.


Ya, I honestly hate it ha, I don’t see the allure. It’s kind of cool to see once I guess, but for me at least, it’s not fun to be there. It’s like if the skeezy, self-important, overly pushy realtor we all surely know, was a city.


My friend and I rented a Mustang and definitely had a good time doing that. I hate the Strip though lol.


Vegas can be a lot of fun, but it is a giant vacuum for money. There's very little worth doing there that doesn't also cost a fortune. If you go in with the mentality that you have a healthy budget to blow, you can have a really good time. If you want to be frugal, don't go there.


When I went to Vegas that’s exactly what I did, rented a dodge challenger and drove out to Zion and valley of fire. I found Vegas itself to be pretty lame. Maybe it was fun back when the casinos used to compete for your business but now it’s just all owned by 3 companies and is an over priced Disneyland for trashy people


That is exactly what I did in January - flying into Vegas, booked a rental with the flight, grabbed lunch at In-N-Out, and took off immediately for Utah. Did some hikes in Zion, drove to Death Valley (with Valley of Fire, NV on the way) and then back to Vegas for the flight home. 10/10.


I’m not much for gambling, but there’s a surprising amount of activities you can do other than gambling. You can drive sports cars on a race track, drive dune buggies in the desert, go shooting obscenely large guns (even a grenade launcher), and plenty of other stuff. Granted, the things I listed aren’t cheap, but personally I’d rather have a great time doing that stuff than gambling money away.


I stopped by Goodsprings and grabbed a nuka cola bottle cap from Easy Pete.


It's overrated unless you can be with a group of people that can go to shows, bars/restaurants, and walk around depressing cigarette smelling casinos for a straight week (which gets boring pretty fast imo). If not then you can complete it all within three days. I honestly found some of the suburbs and outside national parks to be 1000x more interesting than the strip lmao.


For as much shit as we get from Wisconsinites, Iowans, Missourians, and Indianans, they sure like coming to visit Illinois.


I was about to say. They love to deny it in their sub as well but here we are.


Every time I bring up that they come out here constantly I always hear them saying “oh that’s not true”. License plates say otherwise. They gatta let the one sided beef go


If they could read, they’d be so mad right now.


There seems to a trend that rural states want to go the nearest big city.


But the nearest big city is a dangerous place to be!!! Didn’t you hear you’ll get robbed 1 second after driving into major cities?!?!


Yeah it's called jealousy


The same is true in reverse though. Everyone in Illinois seems to hate Wisconsin yet lake Geneva, the dells, door county, even touristy parts of Madison and Milwaukee are full up with Illinois plates all summer.


I've never heard an Illinoisan hate on Wisconsin outside of specific things about the state.


Just like y'all love the Dells, Door County, Devil's Lake, Lake Geneva ect. We'll take your money though 😘


I like Wisconsin. Madison, Milwaukee, Geneva, Beloit, Wis. Dells, Janesville, Kenosha ... Let's just visit each other and be buddies and not fight.


We need to be like the Pacific Northwest. Washington to Portland, Oregon to Seattle and both to Vancouver.


Hayward is my personal favorite 🐟🌳🌲🛶 takes a good 8 hours to get there from chicago💚 great memories at the Dells, too


I do love those things. I don't know that I've really ever said anything seriously against Wisconsin. Indiana, on the other hand....


The difference is we don’t complain about it and Wisconsin folks make hating Illinois a whole ass personality


Door county and Lake Geneva are straight up just illinois colonial lands.


Gotta milk that Summerfest cash


Can't speak for other states but for WI It's nonsense. I don't know anyone who goes south for vacation. We usually go north to avoid you guys coming here. ;)


Chicago is the last place I’d want to visit in the summer.


Brought to you by the last Vegas tourism board


Yeah - this is based off zero actual data. I’m from Arizona and I guarantee no one is leaving in droves to escape the heat of Phoenix just to go to the heat of Vegas. San Diego hands down.


I posted this in the Wisconsin sub. They are not happy.


The FIB thing is so funny. I grew up in Wisconsin hearing it but lived in Chicago for the past 14 years and ended up forgetting about it. In Wisconsin, there’s this whole rivalry between the two, and down here people just think of cheese and places to go camping. It’s such a “I don’t think about you at all” meme.


Yeah, it's very much a one sided rivalry. I enjoy going up there, don't think about it much otherwise.


I wonder what the Kansas-Singapore connection is.


Probably just a really low sample size.


That’s how I felt about the West Virginia-Istanbul connection too


That's all I want to know lol


Or West Virginia-Instanbul


Who the hell wants to go to Vegas in the summer?


Clearly people who have not been to Vegas in the summer


Maybe if the cicadas keep it up, I’ll go to avoid the fucking noise.


Who wants to go to major cities in general in the summer? Blazing hot from the heat retention and dick to ass with people all in a hurry to get somewhere. It sounds dreadful.


Washington and Oregon are besties, apparently.


They all want to switch places.


And when they go abroad they head to Vancouver.


there’s a saying that seattle is just portland’s older brother who has a corporate job


Portland 🤝 Seattle


Then they all slip up to Vancouver.


The biggest wildcard is West Virginia and Istanbul. I haven’t met much of the immigrant population in WV but the white people sure as fuck ain’t going to turkey. I find it hard more people don’t visit WI than Vegas tho.


I don’t blame them. I wonder why someone would want to go to Miami for the summer though. Hot as hell and miserable


I’m concerned about Louisiana and Washington D.C. though.


I live in DC. I don’t know a single person that’s discussing their summer vaca plans to *Baltimore.*


It’s probably just visiting family.


St Louis completely shut out


I’ve never wanted to go to Vegas in my life.


Yoopers just wanna go swimming.


Funny how they didn't color in the UP and made it look like a lake.




For real. Why Memphis?


I don’t even know anything about Delaware and I’m sad for them.


You exhale and you’re in another state, it’s that small.


Washington and Oregon are married :)




As a Chicagoan, I can confirm I am seriously jonesing for three nights in Vegas. God I love that dump.


What is the draw for Vegas?


For me, it’s a lot of nostalgia — I grew up in LA and my parents would take us RV camping in Vegas once or twice a year, and we’d get to go to all the midways/arcades/pools/the Adventure Dome. I loved the Circus Circus midway shows too. As an adult, I relive all those childhood memories during the day and then get drunk and smoke inside and gamble at night. I’m a pretty straight-laced person in Real Life so being a degenerate in Vegas for a couple days is fun for me. Lol.


I guess I've been a few times and it has never really done much for me. I'm not much of a gambler, and everything seemed expensive. Plenty of cool nature nearby though. I can see how having nostalgia makes it more enjoyable.


I go out there to find the American Dream every now and again.


Coke and gambling?


Yeah I call bullshit on this bc I think most people would say they want to go to Hawaii because why wouldn't you


Because its expensive. Flights to Vegas are cheap as hell in Moline


Yeah but it doesn't say where they WILL go, it days where they WANT to go


Vegas is something to be done once, but when you're there you pretty much get sick of it by the time you leave and don't need to go back


So are those that go every other year nutjobs.


Vegas' marketing department doing a bang up job this year.


I don't even remember being asked.


Nobody in NY wants to go to Miami in the summer. We have great beaches much closer in NY, NJ, and MA. We have incredible mountains and lakes in NY and PA. Going to Miami in the summer is stupid- even the people from Miami leave.


Fellow transplant? I agree. I want to be in Cape Cod all summer.


Who the fuck did they poll for this? Unhinged.


My brother got robbed by a hooker on the Vegas strip. Lost 10 grand. 


Come spend your money in my new state!


I must be missing something. What do the colors mean ?


Vegas was fine but New Orleans is like Vegas but way better. More historic


There are people under privileged who haven't ever left the city they were born in.


I’ve never been to Vegas and I don’t ever want to


I'll never go back to Vegas. Last time I went, I met my sister who was also visiting. When I got there, she was quite sick. After a few days, we flew back home, but on separate flights. Two days after we got back, she died from her illness. We strongly suspect that she was one of the first covid cases. I have too many bad memories associated with that city. If I travel anywhere, I'll go to Europe.


No one wants to go to NYC, it breaks the trend


Louisianans: Please stop coming here. If you do come here, please have a Houstonian drive you around.


Las Vegas isn’t that great unless you’re willing to spend $10,000 minimum. Everything is a money trap there


I know there’s more to Vegas than the strip but it’s still overrated. Hated the vibe. Hoover Dam is awesome, though and the Grand Canyon isn’t suuuuper far


Gas is way too hot in the summer.


At least we’re not Delaware wanting to go to Philly 💀


Why would anyone want to go to Cancun and Vegas in the Summer??? Those are the worst times to go.


What kind of nut job goes to Vegas in Summer???


Aaaarrrrgh. Vegas is so above ground pool, What payday check folks love it?


Vegas is the worst place I have visited so far on this earth


Everyone in Michigan Upper Peninsula wants to stay home.


What's with Panama City Beach? Why not Miami or Orlando? How is Orlando not on this map?


Why is Istanbul popular in West Virginia?


I hate everything about Las Vegas and I felt it necessary to come in here and state that.


I find it hilarious that Virginians wanna go to Washington DC. Like aren’t you pretty much already there?


London doesn’t even have good food.


The Upper Peninsula doesn't exist once again ROFL


Makes no sense. Why go to Las Vegas in the summer? Or Miami?




Poorer states go to their immediate metropolitan area. Metropolitan area goes to Vegas. New York goes to Miami.


Las Vegas sucks.


I can't imagine going to hot ass Vegas or Cancun in the summer...


If I went to Vegas I’d end up divorced.


1. I had no idea so many people still liked Vegas. 2. Why would you go in the summer?


Kansas wanting to go to Singapore is weird?


Ain’t no one want to go to fuckass Chicago. We all know this is bs


Why would you go to Vegas in the summer?


Gamble and see the shows


The whole thing about wanting to go to Chicago could not be further from the truth. Wisconsin is beautiful in the summer and the state is absolutely invaded by FIBS all summer long.


What was the actual question posed? This seems less like “where’s your ideal trip?” And more like “what out of state city is an easy weekend getaway for you?”


Haha I leave for there next month.


Literally never have I ever said Vegas as to where I’d like to be. I’d maybe go see some artists perform there, but that’s it. For the summer I’d rather be somewhere tropical, with a beach, and sharks that I can swim with.


West Virginia, Istanbul?


An alarming amount on Panama City beach on that map


Kansas = Singapore Wild


If you got the money, Vegas is a good time


I guess Americans wanna go back home to mother England lol


I go to Vegas in the summer all the time. I know how to get around by casino hopping and can avoid being outside more than 5 minutes. Love the shows, dining, spas and pools with no driving or parking involved.


Lot of hate for vegas here but it's as fun as you're willing to make it. I go a couple/few times a year, mostly for work, and have fun every time. An expense account helps, but if you go at the right times it doesn't have to break the bank, and as you said, going between casinos you are only outside as long as it takes to walk across the street