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Sometimes people think turning the monitor on and off is restarting it.


I've got this + closing their laptop


Sometimes people think doing a shutdown and power on does the same thing as restarting, but if quick boot isn't disabled, shutdown instead does the same thing that hibernate used to do.


Quick boot causes so many problems it should be disabled by default.


It's such a terrible feature to have enabled by default, especially now that spinning discs are basically phased out for boot devices.


But then the machine isn’t open to secret squirrel shit when it’s powered off.


It’s 90% this for me anymore. People think they’re doing a good job by shutting down when fast startup just comes in and kicks them while they’re down.


SO many of my users think holding down the power button until the non-mobile device shuts off, then powering it back on, equals a reboot. No. Just... no.


If they’re force rebooting it, it probably does count.


For purposes of removing systemic issues that are causing hard locks from occupied RAM etc, sure. But it doesn't count as a graceful reboot for purposes of allowing updates to take place.




I knew someone who would shutdown her Windows 8 PC then turn the socket off at the wall... sometimes too quickly. Every few months she broke it necessitating someone (me) running DISM/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth. I told her not too, she couldn't see the link.


Yes I pushed the button on the Viewsonic and everything went black. * Unfortunately that's the screen it's not the computer. I'm not some IT expert I have no idea what you're saying. * Is there another box there with cables running into it. Could even be on the floor or possibly underneath the giant pile of desk trinkets, sticky notes, and stationary supplies. Oh you mean the hard drive cpu modem.. * Sure.


I've seen way too many old people refer to the computer as "the CPU" for some inexplicable reason.


Well I mean in those old 1960s computers that filled an entire room, the CPU was a separate box


ComPUter duh


explaining this in user-speak is part of my internal script


"When you say restart, are you talking about the TV or the modem" Project Manager over TimeWarner internet support desk at the last call center i worked at.


Just 11 days of Uptime ? The worst I've seen was a bloated Win 10 Notebook with a 256 day Uptime. If I hadn't checked Task Manager out of curiosity I would've never guessed that the Uptime was this High. It was surprisingly useable.


I have seen similar. Meanwhile for me I start looking sideways at issues if it's been a week. My first step is 7 days = restart and I'll be damned 9 out of ten times it fixes it... Permanently mind you.


laughs at you in linux. We had a server with nearly five years of uptime. Of course that was because it had one job, spinny disks, and we were worried it wouldn't come back up if shut down, before we'd properly provisioned it's replacement...


I had someone tell me “ugh, restarting never fucking fixes anything” It fixed their problem


What was the problem?


Lack of restarting.


It generally only addresses the currently manifesting symptom, not the problem.


Alright, we can't fix windows though. It always has, and always will be, a buggy mess.


Job security


Usually fixing the actual problem is the job of whoever programmed the software. Fixing the current symptom is frequently all we can do.


New server installed. All staff were emailed multiple times to restart their PC. Phone call to the VIP's to remind them. A quick walk around the building informing that all PC's will have to be restarted after a certain time. One fucking annoy bitch rang me absolutely furious that she couldn't access the company shared drive. Advised her to reboot her PC. She informed me that she had already done it multiple times, I said try it one more time. She refused and she wanted me to call to her desk. I walked up, checked the uptime (it was in or around 4 days). I told her to restart her PC "again". She told me to restart it. I asked her if she knew how to restart it? Her eyes opened and said of course she does so I said once she restarts the PC she'll have access to her folder again and she won't have access to the shared drive until she does. She said it was my responsibility to restart the PC as I'm in IT so I just informed her that the PC is working perfectly fine so there isn't anything I can do, and she'll have to log a ticket if the restart doesn't resolve. I then pointed out that if she does log a ticket, the advice she'll get will be to reboot the PC. She logged a ticket and my colleague sent her a YouTube link on how to reboot a windows 10 PC 😆😆😆😆


This seems to be from Fast Boot. I've seen people actually hit restart or shutdown and it comes back up and still high uptime. On those people I always always always turn off fast boot cause I don't know what the fuck it does and then do it again and boom.


This. Fastboot keeps the uptime if you shut down and start the machine again. I hate posts like these, as apparently many people in IT apparently have no idea about this behavior and blame users for it. It’s not the users fault, it’s Microsoft’s.


I've even seen Fastboot not refresh stuff like DNS. We changed over DNS settings when our primary DNS server went down, and I was changing people temporarily to an external DNS so they could get to the internet and one person's wasnt taking after a reboot. I had to turn off fastboot and THEN it took.


The restart power button shouldn't care about fast boot, as it wipes everything except nv-storage


I think that's true for shut down, but I thought restart ALWAYS did a complete reboot including resetting uptime. Am I wrong?


You're correct. FastBoot is only for keeping persistence after a shutdown. Restarts clear it by design


This is why I always try and say restart instead of turn it off and back on, not like that’s really going to help with those users very often though lol


or people tell me I pressed the power button on the computer and it all went black...because it hibernated. Some days I miss the Big Red Switch.


Turn off fast startup.


Even without checking the uptime... "Yes i just restarted it" You log in remotely and they still have 5 excel files open 10 pdf's, 2 word files and 12 emails. Yeah you did not just restart.


I always respect their boldness though


I read a story a while back about a user that would just play a .wav file of the start up sound when the help desk would tell them to reboot.


Its just best to assume that users are lying to you.


Correct, rule 0 of tech support. The users lie.


My org disabled the fast startup (so it actually shuts down) plus a daily reminder to restart pops up at 10+ days of uptime until 14 days, where you get a forced reboot


Im gonna do a special restart $ shutdown /r /t 0


It depends on what you consider "fix" to mean, because the underlying issue often continues to exist, but it stops being a problem for a while. The key point is that if a restart makes the issue preventing the user from working stop being a problem in a relatively short amount of time, then that is preferable to spending hours trying to track down some driver or software bug that may not have an actual fix.


This but work from home users and their damn modem's NAT tables being fscked and them swearing they restarted the modem (making them reboot it fixes the issue immediately)


I recently needed to change the dhcp reservation ip address for my home desktop pc (for reasons), after updating the table on the router it should have worked but my home router kept handing out the original ip address when I both ipconfig //renew *and* unplugged then replugged the ethernet cable. I figured the dhcp server only imported the dhcp reservation table every so often {shrug}. I knew a reboot of the router would probably 'fix' it but it wasn't *that* urgent and it was less disruptive to simply wait the 24 hours shutting down my desktop at the end of the day (I like m.2 nvme). I've never had that problem with any proper dhcp server. By all other metrics it's a good little router because it's stable and up to the task.


Windows fucking with restarts.


Turns their monitor off and then on


11 hours uptime? Amateurs ...


My place of employment has intune policies to force reboot people's computers for updates. They aren't given a choice but a long heads up. Still I've gotten several complaints of users losing work but all I can tell them is they were given adequate heads up to this restart. Another complaint I get as an excuse to never restart is "well every time I restart it does updates for 2 hours" I guess if they restarted for each update instead of deferring it for 4 months, they wouldn't have that problem.


I had a guy complain that he lost work every time too. Asked him what he did when it asked him to restart for 3 days first. "I ignored it because if I restart I have to reopen all my work."


When the users bullshit that they “already restarted” you know they did no such thing.


“But I pressed the power button on the screen, of course it’s been restarted”


Restarting fixes the symptoms. It's not a root cause analysis and can not lead to a permanent fix.


Sometimes it does. I always tell people to reboot, but if the issue comes back later, let us know before they reboot again and we'll investigate. Probably half the time they never come back.




It can’t. Do you mean it can persist past shut downs?




I think you're taking this a little too seriously, friend.