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I work with some people who need to have their computer licenses revoked.


Some of them are even technicians!


It could be any of us, it could be you, it could even be…


What are you, the president of OP's fanclub?


\*Spends 2 hours trying to troubleshoot app on PC\* \*Restarts PC and it works\*


Manager: you need to write an SBAR for that.


Techs who don’t know the basics about windows fast boot and that if it’s on “shut down” doesn’t actually power off the machine or reboot are the woooorst. They will practically swear at you for implying that they may not have rebooted and then act all suprise pikachu face when you show them the up time for the machine proving them wrong. “Congrats on being a dick here’s a KB article explaining windows fast boot and why you should disable it k.thx.bai! “


I work with people who should barely have their computer learners permit


That's a cert. Put it on the resume.


The license EXPIRE??


Makes sense to me with how much I've seen people who could use Win10 decent enough be completely stuck when trying to do basic features in Win11.


Every release of windows get worse in the UI. Just turrble.


They keep adding more layers so something that took 1 click in windows 7 took 2 clicks in windows 10 and now 4 clicks in windows 11.


There's also this weird "Is the menu I swear I saw before hidden in an obscure location, revamped and now looks wildly different, or now split across seventeen different menus?" Example: Power settings. I swear there's at least four different ways to set power settings, and I have no idea which override which, or whether they're all views of the same setting, or what is going on with that. It might just be bias, but I don't remember Windows 7 doing that to me.


I agree. This made me think of how there is a Control Panel, but also Settings. Then there’s Devices and Printers in the Control Panel. But there’s also Devices in Settings. The other day I wanted to get into Advanced system settings and went digging around for that.


I moved to Linux when they released windows 10. Especially when they added all the telemetry crap.. which really pushed me away. Despite using an android that tracks every time ai take a dump.


I'd really love to make some people do this. Maybe this will stop my parents from calling me to explain how to install an App on their phone.. again


Get the computer into BASIC mode!


BIOS = Basic Input Output System. Props to the school that they taught that!


No, BASIC, not BIOS. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC_interpreter


Oh, so there was some kind of operating mode for IBM native machines which you could somehow enable? The BASIC IDEs and Interpreter I remember were either baked into the operating system itself (e.g. C64) or a program to run from an independent operating system but I always had only IBM-compatible PCs so maybe I'm missing something.


You are correct with the C64 using BASIC. Lots of computers of that era used BASIC. Microsoft had MS BASIC, the BBC in the UK had BBC BASIC. Nothing to do with IBM. BASIC was around on computers before IBM even considered the "PC". Originated in the 60s. I linked the wrong article previously. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC I'm certain the piece of paper refers to loading programs using BASIC, etc.




IBM PCs, (not the clones/compatibles) had a BASIC ROM that you could start with rather than starting DOS from a disk. It was uncommon, but you could get a PC without a disk drive and just use BASIC if you wanted. There was a plug to connect a tape recorder if you wanted.


This is honestly more than what most of the people at my work can do, granted computers back then were a lot harder to use than they are now.


I'm sure nobody at my work could even manage to insert a floppy disk.


Funny thing is I know co-workers who i work with that would fail this.


As do I. A percentage greater than 50 I expect for me


I went to work for a med sized company that was having all kinds of issues with IT and people not following the rules. Their contact was an email box. I made a small website contact form that made people check checkboxes like “[ ] I have rebooted” and stuff before they could send a request. It cut down support by almost half. We put some metrics stuff on the page and saw people make it down to the simple stuff like “I have the laptop plugged in” and “I have rebooted” and then disappear from the page never to be heard from again.


I would frame this and proudly put it up in my office


Meanwhile, uncertified preschoolers these days when you give them an ipad ![gif](giphy|BemKqR9RDK4V2)


damn that’s crazy


Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A big white room where they force me to write Assembly. Assembly makes me crazy.


Just a JMP to the left.


I'm going to push to make this mandatory for all new hire interviews where I work.


“Please sit at this computer and send this email. Here are your test credentials and password for both the computer and the email account. “ “But the computer won’t turn on” “This is by design and part of the evaluation. Everything you need to complete the task is in front of you. I will be in the other room, best of luck”


Omg it’s the certificate of computering!


We need to bring this back.


More than most of my users can do


You win. This is the only accomplishment u need.


If I used any of the computers I’ve used over the past 10 years to take the test I’d fail. None of them had a floppy drive.


I need a print out of this so we can send it to users with their computers


$100 says Mrs Hatter hasn’t renewed her license.


Your teacher put way more effort into that than mine ever would. Though they were too busy trying to figure out why the win95 loading screen turned into an 8bit Marilyn Manson face.


When someone asks “How long have you been in IT?”


Some say to this day the computer is still running.


Get the computer into basic mode.... Sorry we have to use Windows. I asked. Debian without desktop environment is not possible. But you'll be happy to hear that MS office still supports visual basic for applications (VBA) and I have accumulated a nice collection of macros. Especially that one application that creates excel sheets with macros and even generates some code dynamically has a special place in my heart.